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We've seen it all!


Occasional Pre-Show
As pro wrestling fans we have seen every gimmick/persona in the book. We have seen unique gimmicks like The Undertaker, Doink The Clown, The Honkey Tonk Man, Goldust, The Million Dollar Man, The Boogeyman and so forth. We have seen Cena, Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Orton, Stone Cold, The Rock, Jericho. You name the gimmick whether it be a pompous and arrogant heel, or an over exuberant baby face we have seen it all. My question is as follows:

If you had to create a brand new character for a wrestling show, what possible new gimmick could you devise?

I'll start it off... For starters my character would definitely be heel. His whole persona would be based off using other superstars move sets. Now hear me out. Clearly if this were to be done he would have to be a damn good ring worker. Not someone to large, for the sake of using move sets of more agile superstars, but large enough where he could perform moves like the AA or other strongman moves. So about cm punks or the miz size. Now imagine how much heat this would garner! Imagine said character is facing Orton and is using moves like the scoop slam and the elevated ddt. The announcers could talk about the psychological advantage it gives him over his opponents. Or Facing someone like evan bourne using the Enzuigiri or using the air bourne as his finisher, or del rio and using the cross armbreaker. Every single match he would garner more and more heat and could gloat about how he's better at other superstars own moves then they are. I think it's an interesting concept. I'm not saying it could be done but would definitely intrigue me. But anyways your thoughts/ideas?
I think if I could come up with a whole new gimmick, I think I would make a charcter who wouldn't fall into the Heel/Face persona. He would straight up be honest in the ring and on the mic. Did what he had to do and gave an honest reason why. He'd probably be a light heavyweight and just came out and did what he wanted when he wanted.
As pro wrestling fans we have seen every gimmick/persona in the book. We have seen unique gimmicks like The Undertaker, Doink The Clown, The Honkey Tonk Man, Goldust, The Million Dollar Man, The Boogeyman and so forth. We have seen Cena, Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Orton, Stone Cold, The Rock, Jericho. You name the gimmick whether it be a pompous and arrogant heel, or an over exuberant baby face we have seen it all. My question is as follows:

If you had to create a brand new character for a wrestling show, what possible new gimmick could you devise?

I'll start it off... For starters my character would definitely be heel. His whole persona would be based off using other superstars move sets. Now hear me out. Clearly if this were to be done he would have to be a damn good ring worker. Not someone to large, for the sake of using move sets of more agile superstars, but large enough where he could perform moves like the AA or other strongman moves. So about cm punks or the miz size. Now imagine how much heat this would garner! Imagine said character is facing Orton and is using moves like the scoop slam and the elevated ddt. The announcers could talk about the psychological advantage it gives him over his opponents. Or Facing someone like evan bourne using the Enzuigiri or using the air bourne as his finisher, or del rio and using the cross armbreaker. Every single match he would garner more and more heat and could gloat about how he's better at other superstars own moves then they are. I think it's an interesting concept. I'm not saying it could be done but would definitely intrigue me. But anyways your thoughts/ideas?

That's kinda weird, I've thought of that before too. How a wrestler who used other wrestler's finishers would be really interesting. I'd think he'd be the "intelligent loner" type. Doesn't really want to associate with other wrestlers or be a part of some lame group. Just goes out and gets it done on his own. Undoubtedly this would 'cause a lot of wrestlers to dislike him (as part of his evolution on the show, not like in the locker room of course), but all the heat just causes him to get better and would make it more believable that he could kick out of more punishment since he's had to go through more than most wrestlers. . .go against more odds to win matches sometimes.

I wonder what sort of move he'd end up using as his finisher though, since most likely part of his character would be that when he does another wrestler's finisher, it wouldn't be as powerful since if that were the case it would kind of just be a slap in the face to the other guys. Sort of like how in a lot of key grudge matches lately, you see wrestlers using the other guy's finisher when theirs doesn't work (The Rock made this popular I think, using the stunner on Stone Cold several times throughout their rivalry).

Anyway, pretty interesting idea, I had a similar one like I said. I hope he wouldn't be another annoying "I'm better than you, I'm great" type though. That kind really grates on me. Miz is the most recent example of that. I ended up turning the channel or muting my tv when he started talking during one stretch when he was going for and right after he got the title. Dude was unbearably irritating. So would hope it wouldn't just be another generic "I'm great" type dude. A more intellectual type ala CM Punk would fit a lot better imo.
I don't know how you could do this with the state of wrestling today but I would like to develop a story for a new guy that parodies the movie Rocky. Aging champion trying to get a big easy payday hand picks a local guy to get the world's attention. Plays it off like he is just trying to give somebody a chance that they never dreamed of.

Weeks go by and as fans we learn about the local guy. Show him doing some obscure training and introduce his family. Local guy shocks the world by taking the champion to the limit. Doesn't matter if he wins or loses in the end. The important thing is that you get the new guy over.
I actually used that gimmick that you created in a fan fic of mine. His name was Jason Anderson, and his finisher was using his opponents finisher as his own. It gives him something most people don't often do, and yet it gives him hype as well. He has the credit of studying his opponents, and the commentators can reflect on that. "You have to give this man credit. He studies his opponents move sets, he knows every move of every superstar in this industry...and that's scary."

As for a gimmick I would create...that's a tough one. I've already created so many gimmicks, and at this point they've all mixed into the same area as the WWE gimmicks, so it's hard to separate which ones are which. Plus, WWE has created so many gimmicks as well, most of the current ones are even clones of ones we've seen in the past. Which makes me want to say...I'd want to create a clone. I would want to specifically replicate an event that happened in WWE's past, and go off of that. For example, you take a superstar like Andre The Giant, and you give him the same angles, promos, storylines, everything that the real Andre The Giant had done. Of course that wouldn't work, not only would it be predictable to the fans, but it'd also be somewhat difficult to recreate. If WWE was to do it, I suggest they do it with someone who can come back and participate in the angle as well. Then again that's what I'm doing, I'm describing an angle instead of a gimmick.

Let me try this again. I haven't been watching WWE forever, so I'm not aware of what gimmicks have been used and what hasn't. So here's my next try, bring back the manager...but this is a modern day manager. That's right, a guy wearing a business suit, carries a briefcase, and is constantly talking on his Blackberry. Have him book matches and consult with the GM about his superstar and so fourth. It'd be like a travel agent for a WWE superstar. This guy wouldn't be a full time competitor, but it's a gimmick none the less and I feel it could work in either TNA or WWE. It just gives off that modern day vibe, he'd be all out buisness, constantly signing contracts, and hooking up sponsor ships for his superstar. It could even give off some comic relief in backstage promos, where an agent tries to get his superstar some type of silly sponsor, like him signing ExtenZe to The Big Show.

He doesn't even have to belong to one superstar either. One superstar can fire him and another one can pick him up. He'd obviously fit as both a heel or a face, or he could even turn on his superstar changing his fan status in the process. I can picture him booking a guy like The Miz constantly in matches against people like The Big Show or Mark Henry, maybe because The Miz was treating him badly. There are many ways WWE can go with this gimmick, and obviously it wouldn't be a big center gimmick, but it's worth setting up for awhile. I don't think it'd last long either, maybe a year or too, but gimmicks like these don't have to last long. If I had to pick a superstar that needs this type of person, I think it should be a rather new heel, that is currently alone. Jack Swagger would be a good pick, Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre also seem to come to mind.
This is tough! I like it.

If I had to create something that was a bit more original, I'd take a bit of inspiration from a HHH/Goldberg blend.

A kind of VERY extreme heel who wrestles his matches silently, he doesn't do promos or talks on the mic. He just gets into the ring, and completely mauls his opponents to no end. He doesn't care if he wins or loses, he'll get a sledgehammer and completely maul the guy - it would get to the point where no one would wrestle him for a fear of their career ending. Always silent, he'll never say a word - ever. He just walks in like Goldberg did but break every rule. The refs would be scared to touch him for fear of getting hurt, and he could have weeks of matches with young guys trying to prove themselves, only to get mauled.
This is a very good question because wwe, wcw, ecw, tna, nwa and countless others have done nearly every gimmick that could be created but if i was to do one it would be the one i did on a efed a couple of years ago where the dudes backstory was introduced in a series of vignettes.

He was a buisness type of guy with all the success in the world but one day he lost the only things he cared about. He lost his wife and daughter in a car crash which was caused by a drunk driver.......HIMSELF. Now every day he has to live with this guilt and the only way he feels he can punish himself is by letting himself take a hell of a beating every night in the ring.

He doesnt even win a match for the first couple of months and the fans start to feel sorry for him, until one day something inside him snaps and he goes on the rampage (full blown never before seen heel type of thing).

He just lashes out at whatever or whomever is infront of him. He just walks down in the middle of a divas match and lays them out cold, knocks the hell out of some hall of famers even randomly hits fans and refs.

When vince tries to suspend him he just attacks vince and the other officials. What we witness is the total breakdown of a man who has nothing left to lose. Thats when he starts tearing through the face roster on both brands until he ends up against the likes of cena and orton and the suprise factor is he tears them two apart aswell.

We end up with one undisputed champ who holds the belt for a while then just one day in the middle of the wrestlemania main event he just walks out......Never to wrestle again.

He does a interview with wwe.com saying he has met someone special and intends to re-start his life again and has no plans on returning.

The ultimate what if wrestler.
Some good ideas here. I've been toying with one myself.

It starts with a masked rookie (200-ish pounds, mostly high-flyer with some technical abilities, personality face, intellectual and enigmatic) that is slowly building up his career. He gets in a feud with some heel about the mask, since he is not a luchador so why would he wear a mask anyway? This part is cliché, but his response is that "it is all part of the plan" and "he will reveal his face in due time".

Eventually he gets in the WWE title picture and starts cutting promos about how he will finally put his plan in practice when he wins the WWE title. Now this would sound weird because what could be more important than the main title of the industry to warrant a plan?

The answer is love. (yes, corny lol) He is actually a man of science and not that much into wrestling, but his long-time best female friend and love interest, who has friendzoned him ages ago, is. So he takes desperate measures to finally win her over: starts working out like crazy and practicing to become a wrestler. His dedication earns him a WWE contract in record time, but he doesn't tell any of his friends or family that he did this, hence the mask. This backstory is not revealed on TV until later.

Moments before his WWE title match you see footage of him backstage calling someone and offering them a backstage pass for the next episode of Monday Night Raw. He wins the title, and then holds a celebration promo on Raw where says it's time to fulfill his plan, which is followed by him removing the mask and telling his real name to the audience. After this, he leaves the ring and goes backstage. The girl is there, visibly shocked. He gives her his love declaration, but she turns him down.

The reaction is obvious. During a few weeks we see a depressed, demotivated WWE champion that doesn't even care about the title, barely retaining after the rematch clause and losing non-title and tag team matches. His friends in the locker room try to talk to him but he shrugs them off revealing his backstory bit by bit, even one of the main event Divas (KK for example) seems to take interest in him and tries to console him, but to no avail. Eventually the main event heel of choice starts making fun of him (that part writes itself) which causes him to snap. Still as a face, but essentially destroying everyone that comes in his path. Defends title against said heel, and goes on a rampage run for a couple more months. It's not even about the title anymore, just about getting back at life for him.

He eventually loses the title dirty to another heel. This inexplicably ends his rampage and brings him back to depression, which shows in the rematch where he gets squashed clean, not even looking like he's trying. Goes out of action for a couple of weeks/months, then as Wrestlemania approaches he suddenly comes out, maybe wearing the mask again. To challenge the Undertaker, as the man who has nothing to lose. The prospect of this match brings his mind to temporary peace as he works hard to be a worthy challenger, looking strong in his original face character until their match.

He loses after giving his all, but seems oddly content walking out of the ring after coming to his senses. Like the WM match finally brought him a taste in wrestling for the sake of wrestling. And later on he starts an on-screen relationship with KK, showing that he has moved on.
We end up with one undisputed champ who holds the belt for a while then just one day in the middle of the wrestlemania main event he just walks out......Never to wrestle again.

He does a interview with wwe.com saying he has met someone special and intends to re-start his life again and has no plans on returning.

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