Fantasy Matches #1:- Daniel Bryan


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I have decided to start a new, regular series, where I will take a current WWE or TNA superstar, and ask you to tell me which are the two superstars from the past, from any wrestling company, would you like to have seen this current superstar have had a match with. It is like if you could send one of today's wrestlers into a time-machine, which two superstar do you wish you could have seen a match between.

I will show you what I am looking for.

I will take a current superstar. How about the (goat)face of the WWE, Daniel Bryan. Which two opponents from the past would you most like see him fight.

These are my choices:-

Daniel Bryan v Chris Benoit:- Forget Benoit's crimes for a minute, imagine if this match had happened. I picked this because Bryan and Benoit have many of the same moves. It would be Crippler Crossface versus "Yes" Lock (or LeBell Lock). Both do the diving headbutt, and can do many moves, including a few submission holds.

Daniel Bryan v Shawn Michaels:- Teacher v Student. HBK trained Bryan, so a match between the two would be very interesting, and the build-up would be awesome. With HBK being referee in the HIAC match between Bryan and Orton, who knows what will happen? Could it cause fallout between teacher and student, if HBK does what is "best for business", and could it lead to HBK coming out of retirement and fighting Daniel Bryan at WM30?

So, this is what I mean. I have just named two past superstars who I most would have liked to have seen Daniel Bryan have a match against.

It's now your turn. Please pick two superstars from the past that you most would have liked to have seen Daniel Bryan fight, and why. You can pick any wrestler from any company in the past or present (like TNA). You can go as far back as you can, and even say pick Bruno Sammartino, for example, as one of your choices. They can be living or dead.

Please stick to it being a dream opponent for Daniel Bryan only for now. I will be doing more, where you can pick dream opponents for Cena, Orton, Punk etc.

Interested in seeing who you would have loved to see Daniel Bryan have had a match with.
No doubt about it...Benoit. For all the reasons you mentioned. It'd be perfect. Not a huge fan of HBK against him to be honest. There are few wrestlers from now that I think are worthy of facing the likes of HBK. I barely thought Jericho deserved to go up against HBK when he did. I'd say Jericho vs Bryan, but I think we've seen that on Raw a few months back no?

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