This is freaking hilarious.


Pre-Show Stalwart
No, I'm serious. Looks like my mother (Who I haven't seen in two years) has now changed her name. The last time I talked to her was on an Online MMO, which I don't play anymore but logged in just to check in. She told me she was pregnant and was having a baby in October. Now I'm guessing she's getting married to the guy who knocked her up. My grandmother doesn't like me talking to her because of the whole situation with my Dad and her doing nothing to help, but I still kinda want to see her, but my Grandma is using me to make my mom feel guilty, and I really don't want to be in that position.

Every now and then my Grandma complains that she doesn't call, but yet it's because in November of 2009 after my Uncle died, she came up with the plan of using that to make her feel guilty, and came up with a story about me thinking my Dad is going to die in jail and it's all her fault. I don't feel that way at all, I think my mother could have done more to help, but it's because of her manipulative parents quite frankly. I love my Grandma, she pretty much is my mom, but I can't blame her to much for acting this way about my mom with everything she's been through over the entire situation with my Dad.

And even though my Grandma did make up that whole thing, she could at least try to call and reconnect, but she's trying to let me be the first one to call, and myself and my Grandma want her to be the first one to call. But anyways I was looking up her facebook, and I knew she was pregnant, but apparently her last name Hollihan. She was still going by Sullivan a year ago, so I guess like I said, she got married to the guy that impreganted her. I guess it's a good thing that she's meeting people and having kids, and I always wanted a little sibling, but she could've at least told me she got married.

I haven't even told my Grandma yet, about her having a baby or now he getting married. She doesn't want me talking to her without her consent anyways. When my Mom messaged me on Facebook last Christmas, she was telling me what to message back to her in order for her to feel guilt. And I didn't want to do that. Like I said, I can't blame my Grandma though, she's been through a lot. But not only will she be pissed off about me talking to her on the game, she'll probably go on some rant about my Mom and what she's been doing the last year. I can only imagine what she'd say. Probably say some like "Are you kidding me?...Oh my god...". But I think I'm going to end up telling her anyways.

I'm probably making my Grandma sound like the bad one here, but she really isn't. Neither is my mom, if anybody it'd be her parents, but there not even involved much either, my Grandma says we're going to sue her parents some day. I'm probably really rambling now, and my sentence structure is looking like complete shit, so I'm just going to stop here.
This would be a perfect case on SVU if you were raped

It would be a perfect case. Whenever I was around 7-8, my Mom's parents took my half sister to stay at her house, and they never brought her back. Even though my Dad kept telling my Mother that he wants her back so we can go to the Second Christmas January 12th thing.

Though that night they still didn't bring her back, and by Half sister yelled in the phone to my Dad that she hates him. I think she was around 12-13 at the time, and my parents were divorced. This led into a fight between my parents, and eventually a custody battle (Even though during the divorce, my Mom agreed that my Dad should get both of us and then we'd just visit her.) Well than at some point before the custody trial, my Mother's mom her name is Rita (Let me describe good ol' Rita, she is a fat, curly haired red head from Tennessee. Her husband and my Mother's father's name is Bob, who beat and I'm pretty sure raped my Mom and her sister as a child), Rita just happened to ask my Half Sister Madison, if my Dad ever touched her.

And my angry half sister said yes. Of course in a custody case, they're going to pull out the molestation angle on the single, 30 year old male. Which goes into a whole new case. My sister is very naive, and it turns out we discovered that she's also has a very small bit of Autism. After the custody trial, my Mom also won partial custody of me, and I had to stay with her and her parents, and my half sister, for half of the year at their big ranch like house of the rest of 3rd grade (From around February-June). My mom didn't have any say in this, and when my sister first accused my father, they didn't even tell my mom about it. My mom was actually on her way to talk to my Dad about my sister, when she got the call from her Parents telling her to met them at the police station.

It was hell at their house, luckily my Grandma was fighting to regain custody. At one point Rita hit me in the head with a frozen bag of bagels, and when I told he that I'll tell the judge during the trial, she said something like "Go ahead, I'm sure it will be the laugh of his day." He wasn't laughing when I told him by the way.We won the custody trail, and I went to stay with my Grandma, visiting my mom every other weekend, which pretty much turned into Saturday nights. Now fast forward to when I was in 5th grade, the time of my Father's trial. I'll say now, my father is completely innocent. I wasn't at the trial, I wanted to testify, but our Lawyer said it would anger the Judge. The judgmental, hypocritical, bias, man hating Judge, who I'm pretty sure was also raped as a child.

Not only did my sister's story change multiple times during trial, not only was a member of the jury tampered with (Someone win up to him and said "Dave Sullivan is a guilty man", and not only did they try to pile on as many charges as they could think of, my Dad was found guilty of a few of the charges. I'm not sure which ones, I know most of the rapes were not guilty, but yet one charge contradicting another charge was found guilty. The judge sentenced my Dad 18-48 years in jail. 18 years! There's Murderers who get half of that! So far It's been....about 5 years now, but it's felt like 10. During the appeal (Which took about 3 years to even process) the 3 judges up there...were 3 women. Of course, all 3 happened to be women. I wanted to kick the prosecutor up there in the fucking nuts, boy do he look like a weasel. He was a weasel. He looked a lot like Steve Buscemi too.

We're still trying to get everything we can to get him out, and we're hiring an investigator as well. My Grandma spoils me like milk, but I think it's because she just wants me to be happy for once. I talk to my Dad every day, except Sundays, because he calls my Uncle on Sundays to talk about football. He's in a very good place right now though, Laurel Highlands it's called, pretty minimum security, probably the best prison you can be put into. He get's a good tv, and my Gram buys him all the magazines and books. They also visit him a lot too. I can't visit him because of the charges he's in there for, not until I'm 18. Which is also fucking bullshit. Everyone we've explained the trial to thought it was a complete joke. My Dad also has a friend in there, he likes WWE. My Dad calls him Batista because Batista is his favorite wrestler. My Dad though, my Dad hates wrestling. He says I should join a Wrestler's Anonymous Group, to try to get rid of my addiction to WWE.

We also got in an argument over the intelligence level of wrestling fans. Tomorrow he's going to help me with my current WR situation in my fantasy league, I kind of have a weak WR set. We have a lot in common though, people even say that I look just like him. The sad thing is, I can barely remember what he looks like, he's just a voice. It's like..when I talk to him, I talk to my Consciousness. He's just a voice that I talk to 15 minutes a day.
It's not that she really changed her name though, I just find it funny that she's pregnant and now getting married. I hope my new Daddy is nice. I mentioned my Uncle dieing earlier, correct? I'll mention that.

My Grandma has several siblings, She is the oldest, than she has a brother John, who ironically married an Asain. Find it kinda funny (John Lennon). And than she has 4 Sisters, Mary, Cindy, Sheri, and Debbie. Out of all four of those, Sheri has to be my favorite, as she's the only one who's still there for us, but in a way she isn't even there considering she moved to South Carolina. My cousin is probably the one person I can consider a friend, of course he was also affected from the moving curse with friends.

Although 2 years ago I would've said Mary was the best one. Mary has two daughters, Makayla and Megan. I really can't remember their ages anymore, I think the first one is going on 13 this November, and the other just turned 19 last month. I used to do everything with those two, they'd take me everywhere, and vise versa. On vacations, go cart riding, I went to their house.

During August of 2009, their Dad, and my second Uncle got sick. It wasn't anything tragic, personally I wasn't real close with him, and it was lung cancer. He smoked, and he drank beer, a lot. He was a redneck, he was a good man though. Around Megan's 17th birthday she was dating some kid named John. She didn't date at all much before that, and I can understand she wants to date. But she ended up dumping him, or he dumped her, whatever happened.

I was still close with Kayla though, her and I were real close. Around October we went to Kennywood for their fright night, Mary and Megan were in a car accident earlier that day, ironically Mary was leaving the hospital getting examined for a car accident that happened a few years ago. They were fine, but Mary couldn't take me and Kayla to Kennywood. My Grandma took dropped us off though, and we went ourselves.

It would've been a lot easier with Mary, because she usual has a map, and decides where we go, and has a whole plan, circling around the park deciding what rides we go on and such. Without her, Kayla and I got lost fast. We still had a good time though, probably the last good time we had together. In November Mary decided to pull the plug on my Uncle.

At the funeral Megan had a new boyfriend named Nick. Now Nick was a freak, he was a fucking pig. And humorously I saw a picture of Phatso in the Post your picture thread, and it reminded me of him. Nothing against Phatso, though I'm sure he doesn't like me, he just looks like you. Anyways, this Kid Nick claims he's 19 (dating the underage 17 year old) but he was defiantly in his 20s.

Not only that, but he was living with Mary and her daughters. The kid was wearing a hat during the funeral, and it looked like he hadn't showered in weeks. Not only that, but he was obnoxious. He claims he tried to join the Army, but they rejected him. Even though the Army is taking pretty much anybody they can get right now, they just happened to reject him.

He said if he was in the Army, he'd shoot all the "Sand ******s". He said he'd also shoot all the Mexicans he sees too. One of my cousins said "You can't shoot someone on your side. His response "Two words...friendly fire." I also heard a story of him being obnoxious to a waitress when they went out to eat. Mary also bought him and Megan a truck. Mary was spending money like crazy after her husband died.

I forgot to mention, that the Nick kid was pretty much replacing me. How I went everywhere with them? Well now he did, I was left at home. I didn't bother me to much, but when Mary went to SC to see my Aunt and Cousins, that somewhat pissed me off, except my Aunt was sick in the hospital at the time, and they were there for vacation. Nick drinks a bottle of "his good buddy Jack Daniels" every night, when he goes to sleep with Megan, in the same bed. Nick also has tattoos, oh, and a baby. And the mother of the baby and ex fiancee who he visited often. His family also gave Megan a tattoo, and Megan visited the baby as well. It was extremely odd.

During the whole Nick era, he also had an impact on Makayla. Kayla changed drastically, I swear she had a "boyfriend" every week. She meets these kids online and they say they're dating. She's always talking to these 16 year olds over the internet, I'm just trying to protect her. We've really fallen out as well, mostly because we don't see each other anymore. But not only the dating kid, she's really become a punk too. Getting piercings, getting highlights. Really breaks my heart what they turned her into.

Fortunately by 2010 though, Megan dumped Nick...for his friend John. Yes another John. This kid is...21..22 maybe? He's a nice kid though, he also lives with Mary, he was replacing Nick. He's better than Nick by far, but he is still a mooching piece of trash. The thing is though, he isn't obnoxious, although he tries way too hard to be nice to everyone in my family. Mary doesn't go to family events anymore either, not like she used to. Now she grabs a plate to eat and leaves.

Things have lightened up a bit though, John is still there, and Makayla and I don't hate each other, we never really did but we fought a little bit because I questioned why she keeps "dating" those stupid kids. Megan though, Megan was smart, she was one of those nerdy girls, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up pregnant. Both girls are in Cyber School though, and Megan, Megan hated tattoos. She also hated snakes, but her and Nick apparently tried to breed a snake.

My Grandmother has really disconnected herself from Mary, well Mary has disconnected herself from everyone else really. She used to visit my Dad along with my Gram and Great Gram every time, she hasn't visited him since god knows when. I just know one thing though, that Nick kid is lucky my Dad wasn't home when he was here.
If this ends with us all getting Bel Air'd, I'll be fucking pissed.

Nah, I'm not that smart to think of something like that. Plus I don't think I'm going to say anymore. I mean it's not all of it, I still have a least one more thing to open up about, but it's more of a personal thing that nobody else but me knows about, so I'll just keep that locked away for now.
Yeah, it all started because I was talking to a thread on Aim (One of the ones that moved) and he wanted to see what my mom looked like. So I looked her up, and saw her name changed. Holihan. What type of last name is that. And originally it was supposed to be about her changing her name, but that lead to one thing, which led to another, which led to another.

I think I opened up about this twice on these forums though. And the thread title was more of a sarcastic one. I'm still looking for the synopsis, I have to go onto another computer because it's on that file.

On an unrelated note, my Grandma should learn how to delete or lock files. She used to use this computer, and anytime I want to know mine (or hers) social security number, I just find the Tax Return file on the computer. I used it once to apply for a credit. No idea why I ever tried to do that, hell, that could've ended very, very badly.
On second thought I'll probably wait till tomorrow. Maybe I won't post it at all, depends on how I feel.
Is personal feelings the new trends like shoot thread. Fuck that, I'm keeping all locked up like a safe. <Internal crying>.

And also, very heavy young Sully. Very heavy indeed.
Sounds like a horrible sitcom to me.

Also, Nick sounds like a cool dude to me. Could be the funny but somewhat annoying sidekick on the sitcom. Like Andy on "Weeds." Someone who makes horrible decisions on a regular basis, but you know deep down inside he's a good guy.
Tell the womb that housed you for 9 months to fuck off. I won't even refer to her as your mother. Your grandmother has raised you, spoiled you, and treated you as if you were her own. THAT'S your mother. Give her at least a little bit of credit and respect for that.
Dude, talk to a professional (shrink, counselor) or two about your past. Have an open mind to what they have to say. The shit-burden you carry is a mofo.

And do not get in a serious relationship until you are at least 30, you have been presented with a series of shit examples in your life and you do not want to follow that path until you have the emotional stability to carry a positive, functional relationship. This takes a long time. It's not just about turning 18 or 21 that makes you ready. Be patient.
Yeah, I'd take tdigle's advice, to be honest. Your grandmother raised and your mum really comes across as if she couldn't care less that she has a child. You definitely shouldn't be the one to contact her, it should be the other way round. Anyway, get happy soon, bro and try not to think about all of this too much.

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