This guy is fucking right

So there I was, flicking through the Site Administration forum wishing I was a mod again, when I came across this gem of a thread.

And I thought, "Bah gawd, he's right".

Nothing more annoying than some of these class A "debaters" breaking up people's posts beyond recognition. Here's a fine example of what I'm talking about. Take the line "I don't like John Cena because he's not very good". A "debater" would break that up as so.

I don't like John Cena

Well I do, so you're wrong there.

because he's not

He's not? Are you trying to say he doesn't exist? How is someone "not"?

very good.

Yes he is very good, you've contradicted yourself here. I WIN.

So I say we follow this young posters suggestion, and get rid of this ridiculous practice, so the real "debaters" can "debate" each other to the death on this here wrestling forum.
Sometimes makes it harder to address a specific subject without having to address it like "AS for the whole ...." or something like that.

People just doesn't need to go Remix on the whole thing.

Actually, you typed.

we follow this young

I am required to stay 200 yards from anything young, so I can't follow too well.

I have one of the Jonas Brothers.

suggestion, and get rid

If Rid is of age, I can help you get him.

of this ridiculous practice,

We talkin bout practice [/Iverson]

so the real "debaters"

Please stand up, please stand up.

can "debate" each other to the death on this here wrestling forum.

But, I'm in semi retirement, so who's left?
So there I was, flicking through the Site Administration forum

Oh here we go

wishing I was a mod again

Good grief
when I came across this gem of a thread.

Iced Gem or Midget Gem?

Seems a valid point
And I thought, "Bah gawd, he's right".

So true

Nothing more annoying than some of these class A "debaters" breaking up people's posts beyond recognition. Here's a fine example of what I'm talking about. Take the line "I don't like John Cena because he's not very good". A "debater" would break that up as so.

yeah I'm with you on that one, it's a technique used to hide the fact most people haven't a fucking clue.

So I say we follow this young posters suggestion, and get rid of this ridiculous practice, so the real "debaters" can "debate" each other to the death on this here wrestling forum.

Preach it brother.
This is a matter of personal preference/etiquette. Some folks just tend to argue/debate in a point-by-point manner, where others are better able to encapsulate thoughts into concise paragarphs, instead of point-by-point.
Luther isn't talking about point by point. He is addressing how stupidly some people break up the post into small, out-of-context pieces.
Luther isn't talking about point by point. He is addressing how stupidly some people break up the post into small, out-of-context pieces.

That's what I meant by it. Perhaps point-by-point wasn't the best terminology to describe it, but that's exactly what I meant.

Personally, I skip over those break-ups entirely and just address overall points. I also will skip over things that have reached an accord and move onto things that have yet to.
Considering that is my preferred manner of debating I hope that doesn't happen.
My favourite "debating" technique - stating your opponent's argument and then using a rolleyes emoticon as if that magically makes them wrong.
that reminds me last year when they were having School elections some dudes like

"Okay i am also going to make a debate team with practice we can all improve and be masterbaters"
My favorite debate technique is arm wrestling. Unfortunately, that puts NorCal an extreme advantage.
Generally I break up each post by paragraph, or multiple paragraphs, depending on the point of each paragraph. I think it's ******ed to break posts up by sentence, as it allows you to take shit way out of context and become ******ed.

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