Round 7: Franchize1990 -vs- Tenta

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Which wrestler is the better asset to the Professional Wrestling World, The Rock or John Cena?

This is a seventh round match in the Debater's League. Franchize1990 is the home debater and gets to choose which side of the debate they will be on and who debates first, but they have 24 hours to make their choice.

This thread is for DEBATERS ONLY and will end on Friday at 2pm EST.

Anyone that posts in this thread besides the debaters, league admins, and judges will be infracted!

Good luck.​
I'll be debating on the side of John Cena as the better asset to pro wrestling and Tenta can open things up. Looking forward to a great debate.
Doesn't look like Tenta is going to show but real life comes before this kinda stuff. It's a shame too because I always enjoy reading his posts but oh well.

On to my points to explain why John Cena is a better asset to the professional world.


One of the most important assets for a wrestler in the professional wrestling business is how marketable they can be to the masses. The more marketable the wrestler, the more money he brings in for the company and all that combined equals a very good asset to the pro wrestling world. In 2008, the WWE had broken records in terms of revenue earned over a certain period of time. The face of the company at this time was indeed John Cena. The Rock did a lot of great things for the company while in the WWE, but he was usually if not always the number two guy and he didn't bring in the money Cena did.


Now in my eyes, loyalty is another important factor when determining how good of an asset a pro werstler is in the wrestling world. I believe that the longer one stays in the business, the more he can be trusted to put the company on his back and get the bigger push. The Rock was in the WWE for a good seven years before leaving the WWE for what seems like good at the moment while John Cena has stated in countless interview that he will wrestle for the WWE until he's physically unable to.

There's many other factors that go into being a great asset to being a professional wrestler but these two stuck out in my mind and shows how Cena right now is the better asset to the wrestling world as compared to the rock.
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