This could be the Age of Hardy

Matt Hardy will never be World Heavyweight Champion. Look at him right now, it's sad. You see a mid-card wrestler at best. Those tights aren't helping either.

His greatest accomplishment comes with winning the US Championship and ECW Championship, respectively. After that came his downward spiral to oblivion.

If WWE wanted to involve him in the World title picture, then it would've been around the time he was V 1.0. That was probably the only time that he looked his best both on the mic and in the ring. That was the only time he had a character going for him. Too bad he won the Cruiserweight title instead of an Intercontinental title. He could've looked better than he actually was.

Jeff Hardy of course played a huge role in overshadowing the elder Hardy, but come on, if only Matt Hardy had something special for himself then he might have had a chance in aiming for several World title shots. That's the reality.

He also needs to include more of his old moves into his moveset. The guy does nothing aside from dropping an elbow to the back of the head from the second rope, Side Effect and then the Twist of Fate. And, it's not like he even does them with half the passion he used to. Honestly, how dull/boring is that?
Everyones looking at this the wrong way. This could definatly be the age of Hardy. Everyones talking about giving world titles to people like the Miz or Kofi or whatever, but what have they actually done for the WWE? Matt Hardy, alongside his brother, REVOLUTIONISED the buisness with those fantastic Ladder and TLC tag matches. The whole tag team division would have gone under ages ago if it wasn't for that legacy. So far, Jeff has got 3 world titles i think but Matt has had only the ECW title. It's his turn to shine. He's over with the crowd, has his look back, and hes actually interesting to watch. I'll agree he isnt in the best shape but a bit more working out could help that.
And besides, it doesnt have to be a push all at once. Jeff's took ages. It's Matts turn to step up to the plate now.
Unfortunetly fot Matt I feel its simply to late for him now.Although yes he is fairly over with the crowd and is quite popular among fans he simply hasnt done anything good enough in the past few years to even warrant a title shot let alone win one.Unfortunetly he has been in some dud storylines however he has had opportunites and I don't think he has grabbed hold of them, squeezed them by the neck and done anything special with them.His best Chance was with the whole Edge Lita storyline that was his chance to propell to mainevent status now unfortunetly its to little to late no matter what he does now he will never win a major wwe title.Along with that there are so many others in front of him and so many others that deserve a shot Christian,Morrison etc.So I beleive this year matt wont win MITB and he will slowly keep tarnishing the moderate reputation he has built for himself.
I think Christian will win it because coming to raw as the longest reigning ECW champion he'll have more of an appeal to win. Though I wouldn't mind seeing it go to him or Matt Hardy for a change.
I have heard rumors that Matt Hardy is thinking about jumping over to TNA. Sooo...maybe he is working extra hard in the ring so that his stock with the other company will go up :p but then again maybe not maybe he heard something from one of the writers and decided he is going to try as hard as he can to prove that he can carry a show, and be the WHC or WWE champion that he so deserves to be. He has the in ring skills mic skills and he gets a nice pop from the crowd. So good luck to Matt in whatever he does becaus Matt Hardy will not die!!

Matt Hardy V.2 would be a great way to push him.
No it isn't Fat Hardy's year. If he ever had a year it was when he came back and feuded with Edge. Then they dropped the ball or he just plain did not have what it's needed to be WHC or WWE champion. By that I mean he does not have the 'It' factor. Yes that factor that separates a wrestler from others. He is not as exciting as his brother. He does not have good mic skills and don't even say "oh you should go back and look at his work as a heel", everyone in the IWC loves heels and thinks every performer is better off as a fucking heel. He doesn't cut it heel or face. He is boring, every time he wrestles I switch channel. I already said it before, he needs a damn new look. He has had the same long hair and closed beard since I remember him.

He needs to retire already so that people like me stop making fun of him or putting him down.
I think hardy will be staying mid card for the foreseeable future. I dont think the WWE is punishing him directly for his bothers fucked up ways. If that was the case you wouldn't hear the announcers constantly calling him "the heart and soul of smackdown" nor would he have been given a rookie on NXT. If he was reallyu considered a TNA "flight risk" why would WWE have him on 2 shows?

The way Matt acts on his you tube show he seems like he wants to do better but he doesn't seem passionate about it. When you see him do his hardy show stuff he has a lot more enthusiasm about what hes doing. He needs to show that same drive in the WWE.
I dont think this year will be,But definetly in coming years you will see him with the WHC.Cause his starting to lose a lot of weight and is looking very good with some of his moves.

This year we will see him with the tag titles I think.
If Matt Hardy were to win MITB, I think he should somehow screw over Christian in the process. This could set up a mini-fued between the two and hopefully elevate them both closer to Main-Event status. Matt Hardy is still fairly young and I think after his loyalness to the business he should be given a shot at the belt. Hes very over with the fans, but I think if he were to get to the top, he would have to do it as a heel.
as far as i know matt has been the perfect employee. he and jeff had an amazing run in last good group of tagteams. some great singles feuds over the years and basically given his life to the wwe. he's been loyal and been wrestling since he was 20. the past 15 years of his life have been nothing but wrestling for wwe. he has done everything asked of him. matt has been a fan favorate since his debut. and has accomplished alot in his time in the E

ECW Championship (1 time)
WCW Tag Team Championship (1 time)– with Jeff Hardy
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (6 times)– with Jeff Hardy
WWE Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)
WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time)– with Montel Vontavious Porter
WWE United States Championship (1 time)
Terri Invitational Tournament– with Jeff Hardy

yes he's not the best mic worker and not the best in ring performer but r you telling me some1 like batista is any better?

he still gets one of the biggest pops. with all of jeffs trouble and, in my opinion, lack of commitment to the business, he gets 3 world titles and matt still has none. this man deserves a world title.

and with jeff, shannon, and possible helms in tna is matt going to follow?
wwe needs to either give him a world title or let him move on.
in my eyes Matt wont get another Title shot (Big one) or indeed does he need it.
give matt a title wont do him any harm or elevate him any higher than he is
dont give matt a title wont hurt his character one bit

its somewhat like, but by no means as close to HBk, he doesnt need titles to perform.

Matt can be used to elevate some superstars, much like Kane, we would all love to give him another go but we know realistically it should have been a few years ago. He will win some matches he will lose some matches, what we do know is that he will get the job done, wont be particularly special, wont be particularly crowd popping but it will be solid, dependable and sometimes you need that middle ground.

As for jumping to TNA, what beneift would it do to Matt? yes a feud with his brother, but after thats done, would he really be any better position than he is now? only in his bank balance
I think if matt hardy was going to be pushed...and I mean really pushed, it would have happened by now. He's been both heel and face and it didn't really go too far. I don't know if he doesn't have the overall charisma or enough "cool moves" or what, but he's never really seemed to be able to hang with the big boys in the main event scene.
Sorry if anyone has posted this topic already

Matt Hardy deserves a main event push, he has been a loyal worker for the WWE for such a long time. Unlike his brother, he has never got bad publicity for himself or WWE. I can't stand it, he is a great wrestler, he is good on the mic and he is over with the fans, so why doesn't he get his shot?

People say Vince wants people to have "the look", but Matt is way closer to that look than Jeff is, yet Jeff got the push. I believe he actually is more main event material than his brother; they both are great wrestlers, they are both over with the fans, yet Jeff is not good on the mic at all while Matt is. Matt has also always been much more passionate about wrestling, Jeff has said on a few occassions that he wouldn't mind giving up wrestling as he does other things such as his band. Matt has always been all about wrestling, when they had their organisation growing up, Matt did so much work for it, he even sewed all the wrestler's costumes. I'm not trying to diminish Jeff in any way, I have always been a fan of his, I'm just stating facts.

And yes, some have said that Matt is out of shape, which he is at the moment. But like I have said before, Chris Jericho is more overweight than he is yet he is the world champion. And Matt was in shape before, but still didn't get a push then.

What are everyone elses opinions on this?
I sadly dont think that Matt will ever get a push that he deserves. His biggest will no doubt be the US/Tag Title run he had with MVP as his partner/opponet which was fun as hell. Sadly though I don't see him ever getting a big title run like Jeff did even though I whole heartedly believe that Matt loves the buisness more than Jeff or Lita ever did yet they are seen as the "legends" to fans while Matt is seen as a backdrop.
I agree that Matt is very underrated. The People who call him "Fatt hardy" are being hypocritical because people like Triple H, Chris jericho, Kane and MVP have ALL Gained weight but nobody seem's to make fun of them.

I really hope Matt get's his shot at greatness, I dont doubt that he has what it takes. I DO doubt the WWE, you can never trust a company who pushes someone with as little of talent as "Sheamus". This is just my please dont bash.
Matt Hardy has proven himself to be a solid and dependable wrestler. He's someone that will probably take on any role that he's asked to take on and that makes him a valuable asset. However, loyalty doesn't automatically mean that you're the right person to be the face of a company.

In terms of appearance, neither Jeff or Matt probably have the ideal look about them, but there's a big difference between the two. Jeff Hardy has a great deal of charisma and Matt Hardy really doesn't. Jeff Hardy is often quite exciting to watch perform in the ring and Matt Hardy isn't. Matt's moves are fairly dull for the most part, which can make for ho hum matches sometimes. It's not to say that Matt Hardy couldn't adopt a style more along the lines of his brother Jeff, but I would guess that Matt is already constantly compared to J eff and it would only look as though he were trying to copy him.

Neither Matt or Jeff is very good on the mic. The truth is, they both suck but Jeff has always had this...well I really don't know what to call it. There's just some sort of bright, energetic spark in Jeff Hardy that I just have never really seen in Matt Hardy. He just doesn't really...well I dunno...Matt Hardy just doesn't strike me as someone that's going to be main eventing the WWE.

To be fair, it's not as if the WWE hasn't given Matt Hardy a number of opportunities to prove himself in the past. With the exceptions of a world title, Matt Hardy has held every title a man can hold in the WWE at least once and none of those reigns have been memorable in the least. His tag title runs with his brother Jeff are really the only ones that stick out and have been a significant factor in Matt's career.

I won't say that it won't ever happen, but it's unlikely. When a term like "the future of the WWE" springs to mind, I don't see Matt Hardy fitting into that picture. However, given the fact that Jeff is in TNA, there's now the possibility of Matt Hardy joining in once his contract runs out. As I said, Matt Hardy is a valuable wrestler to have on your roster and, when the time comes for contract negotiations, the WWE might have to offer him a significant push as inscentive to stay with the company.
Well if it went by just paying dues then I would agree. But in the E, it doesn't mean much. Matt falls into the category that Christian does (at least in Vince's view) i nthat he doesn't see main event in him.

Now, your points about Jeff are a little off base. Jeff had a much beter look. A more "rock star" feel if you will. He was always doing the high risk, more exciting aspects. I always laughed at the Miz & Morrison comparisons to the Rockers when the Hardy Boyz fall closer to the Rockers than anything. Matt is just a mildly successfuly Marty Jannety.

I like Matt for his dedication and contributions, but I personally wouldn't want to see him with the strap. He is boring flat out. His v1.0 was the best thing he had going as a solo performer.

Unfortunately there are just those who will always be a stuck. Personally I think Christian should be the next champ bar none. If Vince stil lthinks that he has no star pwoer then he needs to really hand the business over. Christian should have equaled Edge in success years ago but he gets lumped into the same category as Matt Hardy, Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, and others who have been dedicated, successful but never get the nod.
Well i think this is another example of wwe dropping the 2005-2006 That was Matts top years..he had a awsome match with edge at summerslam and awsome much passion and heat cause of course it was true and actual events that surrounded it..he even had an awsome fued with kane and he could have easy been pushed to world title picture and had a few would have fit so a matter of fact in 2007 he had an awsome fued with mvp for the us title and tag titles...that could have soared him to the main event..but once again they dropped the i know matt had a few injuries with the staph infection and knee problems but even so if they would have kept the title on jeff they could have had matt take the title from him...i would have love to seen wrestlemania 25 with the hardys fighting for the wwe title..would have fitso well...but to answer your question..i highly doubt hell ever get his one moment to shine..he getting older..i believe 35 right now...i just dont see him getting that push anytime soon
I think Matt Hardy has found himself in a place where many people wish they where.He has become a cornerstone in the WWE. Like in every aspect of life, everyone can't be the shining star.More than shining stars, you need anchors, people that can hold down the company no matter what. I think Matt has devoted himself to the WWE as much as he has devoted himself to wrestling in general. He's one of the guys that really loves his fans, because when he's not putting on a show for us in the ring, he's on youtube or twitter allowing his fans into his personal life. He doesn't need a world title, there have been plenty of HOFers that didn't hold the title, but their dedication to the ring and outstanding performances made them legends,which is the same thing that's gonna happen for Matt.

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