Third Round - Mexico City: Street Fight - Vader vs. Tiger Mask I

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Vader

  • Tiger Mask I

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a Third Round match in the Mexico City Region.

Rules: More or less, the only rule is that pinfalls or submissions must take place in the ring. Other than that, anything goes.

Location: Arena Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.





Tiger Mask I



Voting is open for 4 days.
'Bout time. Let the massacre begin.

I've said this in other threads, but a street fight invovling a luchador vs one of the most brutal SHW's in the history of professional wrestling? I honest to god feel bad for Tiger Mask. That kitty's getting skinned within 4 minutes.
The only way I can see this playing out is your standard High Flyer vs SHW match semi squash match. Tiger Mask hits two maybe three flying moves that Vader takes with relative ease. Vader hits a few moves, decides to use the street fight rules and power bombs poor Tiger Mask on a chair. Vader bomb, over.

Tiger Mask is a joy to watch, but Street Fight + Vader = Dead
Vader wins this one easy and its not even close. I say vader wins in 3 mayb 4 minutes depending on how much vader wants to toy with the kitty.
I'm not very familular with Tiger Mask I but I imagine anyone facing Vader in a street fight would have a challenge ahead of them. I can't see an aerialist fairing too well against someone as brutal and strong as Vader.
This is Vader in a street fight. Very few people have a chance against Vader in these matches and Tiger Mask just isn't one. This match is suited for brawling and Tiger Mask doesn't brawl. Vader however is a master of brawling and on top of that, Vadr with weapons is never a pretty sight. Vader win in a romp.
Vader wins, and it's not even close, Vader would absolutely destroy Tiger Mask I pretty easily and pretty quickly.
I mean, come on, look at the size of Vader, and we (hopefully) all know how brutal he can be, it's gonna be very tough for Tiger to put him down, as opposed to the ease Vader will have in putting down Tiger.

It's Vader time!
Holy one-sided match.

Vader is in a match with a smaller opponent in a match with no rules. Um... does this scream "SQUASH" to anyone else besides me?

Vader is superior here.
If I were Tiger Mask, I think I'd just forfeit. There's no real purpose in him even getting in the ring unless he's a masochist and he's hoping to get his rocks off. If that is indeed the case, then he's about to have all his fantasies fulfilled.

Vader will simply brutalize this man within an inch of his life. Vader outweighs Tiger Mask by well over 200 pounds, he's infinitely stronger and just plain tougher. I'm very much against cruelty to animals, specially kitties, and this would be a cruel, cruel spectacle to behold. Vader wins this is less than 5 minutes if he's got no other plans for the night, otherwise he'll have to bump it up to 3 minutes.
Vader is way more superior than Tiger mask. Vader will squash Tiger mask specially in a street fight. Tiger mask is great in-side the ring, but in a street fight I will give this match to Vader.

Vote Vader.
Vader is wholly overrated around these parts, but I just don't see anyway for Tiger Mask to win here. I don't think he has ever fought anyone close to Vader's dimensions, and the added arsenal of weapons make me think that this will end badly for him. A Vader victory here.
Vader is wholly overrated around these parts, but I just don't see anyway for Tiger Mask to win here. I don't think he has ever fought anyone close to Vader's dimensions, and the added arsenal of weapons make me think that this will end badly for him. A Vader victory here.

I really have no clue why you think Vader is "over rated." Rather, I feel like this is the only place where Leon White actually gets the credit he deserves as a transecndant talent - a Superheavyweight who never struggled with an identity, who wrestled some fantastic matches and won world championships in more continents than some men have even wrestled in at all, helped buoy an entire promotion in the early 90's, etc.

I would put Vader up against anybody in the world in his prime and expect, at very least, a close match. Vader would have beaten Austin, Vader did truly own Shawn Michaels (though the questionable outcomes make this fact easy to overlook), and took men like Canek and Inoki to different levels and limits.

Vader isn't even going to break a sweat here, and he'll go on to most likely dispose of Chris Jericho in the next round as well.
Vader is a beast. A legit fucking beast. A beast that probally would win this match if it was a handicap match vs 2 of these guys. Its Vaders match here, a bloody intense beating and Tiger being chucked around like a rag doll. If Vader does decide to let him get any offense in,he likley wont feel it and then just beat him up with some weapons some more. My votes for Vader.

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