Third Round - Chicago: Standard Rules Match - Randy Savage vs. Bret Hart

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Randy Savage

  • Bret Hart

Results are only viewable after voting.
I like both but I voted for Hart because, even though it was a bad time, he was at one point THE guy in the WWF. That means he follows in the lineage of guys like Hogan, Warrior, HBK, Austin, Rock and Cena as opposed to being on the level of Undertaker, HHH, Batista, Edge etc, which is the level I see Savage at. Close match though and it doesn't really matter who progresses because they both deserve to.

Being the second biggest guy in the company behind only Hogan is greater than being ''the man'' when Hart was at top. Wrestling meant so much more during Hogan's days. Savage was right there at the top with Hogan and provided him with some of the best matches that the Hulkster ever had.
Yeah, Savage was more entertaining, more electric, and was just way more intriguing than Bret Hart ever was. Like Armbar said, I'll take the man who was number two to Hulk Hogan, in one of the biggest periods ever in wrestling. To a guy who was on top when the WWF/E was at it's lowest point ever.

Vote Savage.
If consistently second you mean for the one year he was champion then yes. After dropping the title to Hogan he sat next to Zeus for a while then feuded with Dusty Rhodes in the mid card. I don't know who is telling you Savage was on par with Hogan in terms of drawing power, but please inform them they are wrong.

During Hulkamania, Savage was easily the number two guy. Savage was able to gain a crowd reaction that was slightly being Hulk Hogan's. At times, Savage was even able to draw just as much from the crowd as Hogan did, if not more. So yes, Savage was constantly number two during Hulkamanaia.

I don't know who is telling you Savage was no where near Hogan's level of crowd response, but please inform them they should take the TV off of mute so they can hear the response Savage would receive.

During his first title run he never main evented a PPV without Hogan in the same match.

Yes. Hogan was the number one babyface during Hulkamania.

Savage was number two.

I don't see how Hogan teaming with Savage proves that Macho Man isn't next to Hogan?

Being second in command during one of wrestling's highest peaks, is still much better than anything that Bret Hart was when he was number one.

Not what I said at all. I did not state this match was in their primes. Ask anyone when Hart's prime was and you'll get a few different answers. However, non will say it was when he was managed by Jimmy Hart as one half of the Hart Foundation. I was simply informing people of this match. It proves nothing in this tournament.

It kind of does.

This match is to decide who would win in a standard wrestling match. If this match has already taken place... I'd say the voters would have a pretty good reference as to who would walk away with the win.

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