Fourth Round: Iron Man Match - Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Savage

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Randy Savage

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The only point that made me vote HBK is that : Savage's Finisher is used by HBK as a simple move.So there you go.

Umm, that's a negative for HBK. Basically, what you're saying is that Savage's elbow finishes opponents off, while HBK's can not. When Savage hits his elbow, match pretty much over. When Shawn hits the elbow...well, we've still got a while.
The only point that made me vote HBK is that : Savage's Finisher is used by HBK as a simple move.So there you go.

And the man in your sig uses a glorified fireman's carry as a finisher. This is the worst argument I have heard in this match so far. Plenty of wrestlers have used super kicks. I don't even know where to start with this. Michaels elbow shit compared to Savage's. Has Shawn's elbow ever put anyone down for a three count, let alone collapse someone's lung? Didn't think so.
This is a dream match seriously Im gonna need a change of underwear thinking about it. I love both wrestlers I dont think you can go wrong with either guy. Im picking shawn michaels strictly because I prefer hbk and I think he would find a way to pull out a victory.
The only point that made me vote HBK is that : Savage's Finisher is used by HBK as a simple move.So there you go.

so your saying your voting hbk because he cant perform a move as well as his opponent so hbk would clearly win? now theres some solid logic

I'm gonna say it all right now. I think that Randy Savage is the better wrestler all time over Shawn Michaels, but I'm gonna pick HBK to win cause he's a little easier to get behind. Savage has worked great as a heel when in the NWO while at WCW or in the WWE. HBK is just a solid face that got over partially from DX, a stable that rivaled NWO in popularity during their respective runs. This match could easily be looked at as DX v. NWO, the match that has been hit and missed throughout the history of wrestling. A five-man tag match between NWO and DX/ DX Army would have been golden and a feud to be remembered. So I guess, by the end of this post, I'm actually more or less divided down the line as to who should win this match.

so you think savage is better but your voting hbk? that seems a little odd. then you start talking like savages nwo days were his prime? that couldnt be more wrong. and just as i thought this post couldnt get any stupider you start talking about a dx vs nwo tag match, and that has absolutley nothing to do with one on one 60 minute iron man match between hbk and savage.
This is a tough one, but I've got to go with Savage here, and I think you should all do the same.

First of all, everyone sees that HBK was a winner against Bret Hart in the first Ironman Match, so automatically they feel HBK should win here. I call bullshit. Here's why:

Technically, HBK didn't win the match. It had to be restarted for him to get the win. Therefore, he had a 60 minute singles match and couldn't win. Sure, it was restarted and HBK squeezed out the win, but the actual match didn't have him winning. And since Savage just defeated Bret Hart pretty decisively in the last round, I give Savage the edge here.

People question Savage's conditioning and I laugh at them. Considering the fact that the guy came from an era where the average big match at a house show was 30 minutes, I doubt he'll gas out. Savage constantly put on classic matches that showed how well-conditioned he actually was.

There are other factors, but I think other posters have covered them.

Guys, I know HBK was great in his time, but Savage has the edge. Please don't be fanboys and vote based on the facts. Savage wins here.
Savage. Definitely. Michaels has drawn his two previous attempts at this match, and gerenrally has fallen flat on the biggest occasions, as this match would undoubtedly be. I know this is a criticism that could also be levelled at Savage, but ultimately his record contains victories over much better opponents than Michaels. I actually think the key to Savage's victory here is neither his moves nor his ability to take punishment, because the arguments for Michaels are similar, but actually the key comes in Savage's intelligence and ability to get shitty falls off people. My evidence comes from the two most invincible wrestlers of all time:

So there you have it. Michaels has proven that he is incapable of getting a decisive victory over anyone in an iron man match in regular time, and Savage has a history of getting cheap wins, but read it as falls, over better wrestlers than Michaels. Savage will progress here.
This is a close one, and I will vote for Shawn.

Savage will get something like 2-3 falls, but I think Shawn will counter that with 3-4 falls. My reasoning:

1. The Sweet Chin Music can strike at any close range point of the match, and as for Savage's elbow, he'd have to wear Shawn down and go to the top rope, and can always be countered easier.

2. I know this doesn't matter too much, but I think it might be a major factor. Shawn has been in a Iron Man match before, with the man Mr. Savage eliminated in the last round, Bret Hart.

3. Shawn is more resilient. Through each one of his matches all you hear is JR going "MY GAWD HOW IS SHAWN IN THIS STILL!". Or, "Ohhh my, this is vintage HBK, soo much stamina.", etc. Plus in his bout with the Undertaker this year he kicked out of like 5 chockeslams and 3 last rides and like 3 tombstones.

But it was still pretty tough to decide on who to vote for. Shawn Michaels wins in a close one.
This is a close one, and I will vote for Shawn.

Savage will get something like 2-3 falls, but I think Shawn will counter that with 3-4 falls. My reasoning:

1. The Sweet Chin Music can strike at any close range point of the match, and as for Savage's elbow, he'd have to wear Shawn down and go to the top rope, and can always be countered easier.

Shawn would surprise Savage with one SCM. Not more than that. It would result in his only pinfall during the match. Savage is one of the most ring saavy competitors of all time. He is going to learn from his mistake. As for Savage's elbow, Shawn is and aslways has been a risk taker. He would have Savage set up on the turnbuckle and Randy would counter. He would hit the elbow for his first pinfall of the match,

2. I know this doesn't matter too much, but I think it might be a major factor. Shawn has been in a Iron Man match before, with the man Mr. Savage eliminated in the last round, Bret Hart.

It doesn't matter, you're right. Shawn didn't get a pinfall within the hour. This isn't going to play out like Michaels/Hart did because, well, Savage is better than Hart and the last round proved it. If he couldn't get a fall in the 60 minutes on the man that Savage beat, how could he do it this time around?

3. Shawn is more resilient. Through each one of his matches all you hear is JR going "MY GAWD HOW IS SHAWN IN THIS STILL!". Or, "Ohhh my, this is vintage HBK, soo much stamina.", etc. Plus in his bout with the Undertaker this year he kicked out of like 5 chockeslams and 3 last rides and like 3 tombstones.

He lost his matches with Undertaker. Terrible example. Sure he kicked out but in the end, Taker got the better of him. Savage has faced extremely tough opponents. Some were arguably just as tough as Undertaker was. He came out on top those times, he could do it again. Being resilient doesn't win you every fight. It just means you're harder to put down. That's why I only have Savage winning this with 2 pinfalls over Shawn's 1.
Voted Savage, because my sig told me too.

Anything Shawn could do, Savage could do better, he was the greatest all rounder of all time, he had a good power game, a very good technical game, he flew through the air like no other at his time. He's bigger than HBK, stronger than HBK, yet he's just as fast as HBK and just as durable as HBK. Sixty minutes wouldnt be much trouble for the Macho Man.

As has been said before, he's incredibly savvy in the ring, Shawn might never get that opening to hit the Sweet Chin Music, whereas you know that when Savage climbs that top rope, he's gonna hit that elbow and get a fall.
Didn't Savage have a one vote lead yesterday? I smell some fishy business going on here. Is this the most votes we've had for any match?

Shawn Michaels has nothing for Randy Savage in a match up. Savage matches or beats him in every physical area, in ring strategy, in offensive arsenal...Savage should win this match.
Shawn didn't get a pinfall within the hour against Bret Hart

I've really just paraphrased this into what I've seen said a few times here. When going on the attack against Shawn in Iron Man matches (this happened last year, I believe) people ALWAYS bring this up. However - the score was 0-0 at the end of 60 minutes - Shawn was not pinned either. Also, Shawn DID go on to win that match. See how CLOSE the match between Hart and Savage was in the last round - with that score do any of you believe Hart got NO pinfalls/submissions over Savage? And, if that's the case, your render your own arguments about Hart pointless as I point to Savage being pinned by Hart in the last round - something Hart couldn't do to Shawn in their match. Plus Savage is going to be pretty much dead after that anyway.

Overall, Shawn is just the better wrestler. Vote Shawn :)
A tough match to decide but I give the nod to Shawn Michaels.

What type of match did he win his first World Title? Iron Man Match.

It might have taken him longer than 60 minutes to win the match but in the end, he got the job done.

Could Randy Savage go 60 minutes?

I don't think he could and so the last 5-10 minutes would be all HBK and that should enough for the W.

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