Bret Hart is one of the most overrated wrestlers in history.
It's kind of ironic that you're saying this, while having Owen Hart of all people in your sig.
I think Bret was great, but as an overall superstar he was barely main-event material.
Whether you think he was main-event material or not, the indisputable facts show that from 1992 to 1997 Bret main-evented more shows, won more world championships and drew more money than anyone else in WWE.
he won and lost matches just like any other (I don't remember him ever having a truly DOMINANT period of note),
During Bret's entire singles run in WWE (1991-1997) he lost clean a total of 4 times. FOUR TIMES! Once to The Mountie when in kayfabe Bret was suffering from the flu. Once to the Bulldog, when Bulldog had 80,000 of his home fans rooting for him. Once to Owen when in kayfabe Bret didn't give it his all because he was fighting his own brother AND had an upcoming WWF title match later on in the night. And once to HBK, when the only thing that stopped HBK from giving up to the Sharpshooter was the bell. As far as I can remember, those were his only clean losses.
So as you can see, even when Bret lost clean there were still other factors that played into it. If losing clean only 4 times in over 6 years is not dominance, then I don't know what is. Only Undertaker was as dominant during that period, but he didn't win all the championships that Bret did. Bret rarely lost, and when he did, it was usually by some kind of outside interference, like salt being thrown in his eyes or a towel being thrown in the ring.
Mr. Perfect, Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, Diesel, Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Chris Benoit, Sting and Goldberg. These are all huge names and they all have one thing in common. None of them have ever beaten Bret Hart. Bret has beaten all of them, most of them multiple times, but none of them have ever had a decisive win over Bret.
Even though his reign as IC champion didn't last very long, for some reason, everyone remembers how great it was. And why? Because Savage made it great.
Savage was IC champion for 414 days.