Things you want to see in wrestling in 2013

The Hillside

Pre-Show Stalwart
Year 2012 in wrestling has been an interesting one. We got he super dream match between Rock and Cena, HHH and Taker wrestled in a Hell in a Cell, punk kept the World title for very long, Lesnar returned, we got HHH vs Lesnar and Cena vs Lesnar. Aries became a World Champion and several new tag teams were formed in TNA and WWE.

Let's move on to 2013 now and list things you would like to see in wrestling in 2013, please don't try to add anything which is highly impossible.

My wants:


The Rock vs CM Punk
John Cena heel turn
HHH vs CM Punk 2 in a No Holds Barred Match (preferably at WM 29)
The Miz as a main-eventer again
A new heel stable led by CM Punk, I don't mind SES back with new members like Cesaro, Rhodes, Sandow or Mcintyre
WHC and US Title retired. New upper-midcard or main event title introduced.
Tyler Black and Chris Hero full time on RAW and Smackdown preferably as a tag team leading to a singles push


Brutus Magnus as a main-eventer
Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams as a tag team again leading to Magnus push.
AJ Styles vs Austin Aries
Kurt Angle vs Austin Aries long feud (may happen in 2012, but if it doesn't?)
RVD and Jeff Hardy as a tag-team
Samoa Joe as a full time main-eventer again
Daniels wins the World Title for a short period for his history with TNA.
TNA hires some ROH wrestlers preferably Haas/Benjamin, Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards.

**Moderators Note**

Remember to give at least a slight explanation at least for your picks. Why do you want -insert wrestler- pushed or -insert feud- to happen, etc. And no, it's not me being redundant, it's me being thorough. Thank you.
For WWE develop all your young talent. No one in particular.

Give me good stories that develop this great young roster. A way to do that is to re-emphasize the mid card titles and begin to give time to things and people that are not in the main event. I remember when Steamboat/Savage, Hart/Perfect, HBK/Razor, or Rock/HHH for the IC title felt as important as the world title feuds. The WWE has enough VERY GOOD mid card talent to really do this again and potentially build up enough good quality stars and potentially could find "the next big thing".
Id like to see:

The tag-team division to be relevant again
Cena vs undertaker
the rock to be a full time wrestler again
Randy orton to be a champion again
More hardcore matches
Less David otunga
Id like to see more title matches on raw and smackdown regardless of what title
I'd want to see king of the ring to return again
I wish another program to debut..
...and get rid of NXT to replace it with something more appealing
Brock lesnar to win a title (won't happen I know but it like to see that)
I want to see another title return

Basically I would like to see the WWE offer more variety to the WWE universe. Not the same matches every week or every PPV. That gets too bland and non interesting.

Undertaker vs Sheamus at WM29

Road Dogg as a Smackdown color commentator and wrestling maybe 5 times a year on TV..

Nattie Neidhart winning the Diva's Title again, this time actually holding the belt and consistently defending it for at least 4 months...

I'd love to see Eve finally use her brazilian jiu jitsu..She's a blue belt in jiu jitsu and a great way to get her back in the title hunt would be to give her a triangle choke finisher or a heel hook to get over her legit submission skills..That way she'd have better matches with Nattie(the only other female in WWE who actually uses submission holds) and it could finally give her an edge against Beth Phoenix the next time they wrestle by being the first diva to make Beth Phoenix tap out

I'd love to see Gillberg come back for one more match as well as being DLC in WWE 12...It was surprising that Gillberg didn't destroy Heath Slater during Slater's "weekly legend challenge" storyline..No one has had a funnier, more asinine character than Gillberg in my opinion..Especially his entrance...The sparklers and the fire extinguishers..Stone faced security guards..

Tyson Kidd wins the IC Title and gets a lengthy reign with it

Bryan Danielson using the Cattle Mutilation on his WM29 opponent to make him tap out after The No Lock doesn't work

Dolph Ziggler finally finding a real finisher for himself...Maybe he could use a top rope Fameasser..I mean Cena barely does the move anyway..The running Billy Gunn Fameasser Ziggler sometimes hits usually doesn't have enough impact..So hence being The Showoff, what better finisher to give to him than a Top Rope Diving Fameasser along with his barely utilized Sleeper Hold which he should keep

I'd love to see Michael McGilli-whatever the fuck to just be Joe Hennig and actually win matches consistently on TV and maybe get a run with US Title

Wade Barrett The Manchester Pugilist-I had this idea for Regal seeing as how he grew up in Blackpool fighting for money as a teen, but since WWE for some reason loves to under-utilize Regal as a wrestler, I'll use this idea for Barrett...Let Barrett have his own type of match..A Manchester Pit Fight..Pretty much like a Lion's Den match, except there'd be a few random weapons lying around, such as a screwdriver, brass knuckles, baseball bat, etc..No referee would be in the Pit..There'd also be a stand-by stretcher with a few EMTs waiting at the entrance of the Pit, so after Barrett takes out his victim he'd be carried out on a stretcher and taken off tv for a few months to further put Barrett over as a threat

Jerry Lawler deserves to use the Piledriver one final time...Of course Lawler needs a lot of time off now because of his heart attack, so maybe he could come back at Summerslam for a final appearance..I don't care if it's Cole, CM Punk..As long as someone gets Piledriven..I know Taker and Kane are the only wrestlers allowed to use any type of Piledriver..But Lawler's been using the Piledriver since the early 70s and to my knowledge hasn't legit hurt anyone with it, so the very least Vince could do for Lawler is to let him use his REAL finisher on WWE TV one last time
The following will never happen in 2013, 2014, 2015, or any time in the near and far future, but these are the things I’d love to see.


A new stable consisting of the WWE Champion, World Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions, Diva Champion, and NXT Champion, just dominating for a minimum 3 months straight to a maximum full year. How about a combination of the Main Event Mafia and the Frontline consisting of ROH Stars??

The United States Title officially recognized by the WWE as a secondary Title and a substitute for the Intercontinental Title as a Grand Slam Championship component.

Chris Jericho returns and wins the United States Championship. This is the only Championship that he has not won yet. Hey, if Bret Hart can be United States Champ in 2010, the Jericho can certainly do it in 2013.

The WWE Network up and running with TNA and ROH programming included, as well as NXT of course.

Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock as Tag Team Champions, even for just one month.


A new stable consisting of the TNA Champion, Television Champion, X-Division Champion, TNA World Tag Team Champions, Knockouts Champion, and Knockouts Tag Team Champions, just dominating for a minimum 3 months straight to a maximum full year.

Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe feuding for the Television Title, both becoming TNA Grand Slam Champions in the process.

Eric Young and Doug Williams winning the TNA World Title. If either of them is going to do it, with A Double as the World Champ, now is the time to test it out.

Hailing from Washington DC, the TNA World Tag Team Champions, Zema Ion and Batista, the Fil-am Connection.

Hulk Hogan as the GM of Impact and Sting as the GM of TNA’s “new” show, Xplosion.


A WWE vs. TNA Pay Per View in July, right between WrestleMania and Bound For Glory.

Bra and Panties 6-Women Tag Team match. Stacy Keibler and LayCool vs. the Beautiful People, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, and Madison Rayne. (Prior to the event just give the Beautiful People the Knockouts and Knockouts Tag Team Titles and put the Women’s Title on Michelle McCool, and glasses on Stacy Keibler.)

Steel Cage match. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. The World Tag Team Champions of the World (or whoever is the Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions, and TNA World Tag Team Champion by July 2013.)

Ultimate X / Ladder match. The Miz vs. Antonio Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins vs. Devon vs. Zema Ion (or whoever is the Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, NXT Champion, Television Champion and X-Division Champion by July 2013.)

The Main Event, Triple Threat Elimination match. CM Punk vs. Sheamus vs. Austin Aries (or whoever is the WWE Champion, World Champion and TNA Champion by July 2013.)

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