They Are Not Ready...


Pre-Show Stalwart
So i was commenting on the Jericho possible retirement thread andit got me thinking... We only have a handful of huge stars from the Atitude era left,,being HHH,Jericho,Edge,Christian,Taker,Hardy. and these stars are almost 40 are over 40..thats a terrible age in wrestling world.I think they WWE is dong an awsome job by Def getting the MIz over and future champ and sheamus as a powerhouse but think about this in ten years think about the stars thatll be gone or on thier way out
Mysterio already said hell retire after wrestlemaina 30 and edge said due to nagging injuries hell leave in two years when his contract is up... those are two major stars

and we know in ten years Cena,Orton,Morrison and a few others will be 40 years old Cena being a little over 40 at that time and there careers will wind down as well. Cena and Orton have had multiple injures..big injures adn that sheds years off your career..espically Orton as much as i mark out for him hes really injury prone.

Besides the Miz,Sheamus who do you see carrying the company after all these huge names are gone? who will step up to the plate and make a home run?

this is what i mean when i say "They are not ready" "they" being the WWE. VInce was working so hard in Batisita and Cena and taker HBK Orton HH edge jericho and not really molding the new star till just a few months maybe a year ago. IMO i say they should have been preparing long before now.

So let me hear your thoughts on who do you think will be the hige stars and if you think the WWE is ready...
I believe I've said this before in some thread about a month or two ago. There might not even be someone who's gonna be carrying the company in 5-10 years currently hired. I mean Austin carried the company in the Attitude Era and he came to WWE in 1995, became the face in 98.

So we could very well be seeing someone debuting in 2011 or 2012 who will eventually become the face of the company. It's all in the future and it's gonna be hard to say. But if we're looking at the card right now. Then it's obvious that Orton is gonna be the face eventually. Him and Cena still has quite a handful of years in their sleeve.

Let's remember, Orton is only 30. In 10 years he'll be 40, and Triple H, Undertaker, Batista and maybe others (I can't remember if we got more over 40 in the past years time) were still working, and working great at the age of 40.

So I'll leave it to be determined with time. Eventually we'll see what might be the future. It could be someone else than any of the superstars right now, or it could very well be Orton, Sheamus, Miz or anything of that manner.
10 years is a large of amount of time, especially in wrestling buissness, so it's very hard to say who will be huge stars in WWE at that time. As Ferbian pointed out that at 40 you can still work great and be a huge star, so Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Morrisson might all still be with WWE.
When you look at whose on top at the moment, remove Kane and Mysterio for a moment since the two are heading into SummerSlam against one another. Sheamus, who is 31 last time I checked, has been given a ball and rolled with it, there's one possibility. A recent WZ report says how Miz himself has been called 'the future' by Vince McMahon himself. Cena could very well carry the company himself for the next 5-10 years with the aide of the likes of Morrison, Miz, DiBiase, Sheamus, Orton, Rhodes, Punk, Swagger, possibly Barrett. So I think WWE is more than ready for the long term, they're pushing stars this year and the two MITB Briefcases (Three including when Swagger won) might seem a bit much yet at the same time its elevated Swagger (Despite having a 'meh' reign as Champ) and we saw Kane after 13 years of busting his ass, went through an awful storyline or two, win the big one and we saw Miz who just four years ago was seen as a nuisance in the backstage area and was kicked out of a locker room, yet is now being regarded as the future a line fed to Cole by Vince as I pointed out earlier, so in my opinion MITB is a blessing in disguise and a means to elevate more stars, yes there is more ways to do so but we saw Edge and Punk elevated with MITB, so if there's a repeat next year bring it on. So in closing, with NXT, Nexus, and other stars on the rise who are in their mid twenties-early thirties, WWE is definitly ready in my opinion.
To answer your question, for the next decade I have to give top heel(s) to The Miz, Sheamus, and Barret in no particular order. Keep in mind that I'm naming them as heels as I don't know if Orton will take that "Austin" role he seems to be getting or will go back to being a heel and those three I can never see being faces or, rather, I wouldn't want to see them as faces. I'd also say Punk but I think he can be effective as a both and keep an eye on Cody Rhodes. As far as the top face, I'd say DH Smith is the only one I can see, I could name other guys like Evan Bourne but I don't know yet. Now taking the meaning of "face" of the company as being the most bankable, it's likely going to be The Miz with how I'm hearing about the work he's been putting in behind the scenes and how they're saying that he reminds people of Cena.
morrison deffinetly. i see him as a young hbk hes great in the ring but he has to make intersting promos cuz they bore me and he needs to do some more omg moments
Everybody is a young HBK in a lot of people's opinions for some reason. When Morrison had thta ECW title reign back in '07 people were calling him the next HBK. I am def. not calling you out bro, I'm just saying. I do see Miz and Sheamus and maybe Swagger as the future faces of the 'E after everyone leaves. Should I include Barrett too? Not too sure yet. I say Miz because he is already poised for that role as we speak. Give him two to three years and he'll a MAIN player. I'm talkin' Cena type main player. In Sheamus' case, he's already had the belt twice. Obviously their gearing him up for the future. And Swagger is great imo. Wrestling talent, charisma and all that jazz. Swagger is very high on my list.
I don't believe it's wise to impose roles on the young guys. Hell, I do it a lot as well. I've always considered Swagger to take Angle's role and Morrison to take HBK's role. But consider the fact that in a couple of years we won't be debating who the next Austin is going to be; we won't be debating who the next HBK is gonna be.

We'll be saying: "Who's gonna be the next Evan Bourne? The next Morrison?" These guys will ultimately build a legacy of their own and they won't take the roles of their predecessors. Instead they take their place among the greats and create their own era. WWE is ready for the next step and I don't see this failing right now.
They are not ready yet, but there's still time to get ready. I'd say cena has about 7-8 years left in him and orton has at least 10. those two will carry the company, meanwhile new super superstars will be made and new faces will be made. WWE has already started with Sheamus and Swagger. Soon enough, Bourne and Miz and Barrett will join the elite of the WWE, and when WWE needs them to represent their company they will be there. There is still a lot of time for the next era to kick in, and in that time we're gonna see lots of new stars and WWE will no longer have to rely on attitude era stars.
let not forget in the next 10 years the guys in FCW will have fully devloped and some could be good enough to replace guys like Cena , Mysterio
I think they said the same thing when Hogan and Macho were in their prime. You really can't put too much into the next ten years. Hell, they have a show around new guys coming into the WWE. Not also that, but WWE has released a lot of guys for these new guys to get in. And their is another season of NXT... Most of these guys end up staying. It happen with the last class of them, so I won't be shocked if it happens with them.

Overall, we beg for new stars, and we get them, then we quickly want the old ones back. We need to step away from this formula.
There are a ton of people on this season of NXT that I see running wild, no pun intended, in WWE for the next 10 years. Kaval, I think, is going to overtake Mysterio's popularity. He's also a bit more intimidating just on the fact that he doesn't sound like an eleven year old boy. As much as I hate to say it, I don't see where Percy Watson fits in in WWE. Vince doesn't seem to be down with that kind of thing. Husky Harris can become an ultimate answer to Samoa Joe in WWE. He has the same size, build, and somewhat athleticism. I don't care for Lucky Cannon that much, but he seems to be over with the crowd. Alex Riley seems to be able to carry himself among the mid-carders. McGuillicutty (I know I spelled that horribly) is also groomed to be an Orton-like wrestler. Let's not forget, Orton used to be terrible on the mic.

As far as WWE's already key-players, I think MVP can become a watered down version of The Rock. I think once he's comfortable enough on the mic and in the ring, he'll be solidified. I also think that if Morrison would ever show improvement, he could do marvelous things for the company. That's one deciding factor on the whole Miz/Jomo argument is that The Miz wanted to get better and actually did. Jomo seems comfortable where he's at.

However, the one person I hope to see help carry the company is Consequences Creed. I absolutely loved him in TNA, especially teaming with Lethal. I'm super excited that WWE signed him (in FCW) and hope he'll debut on the next (and final) season of NXT. Also looking forward to a Brett Dibiase debut on NXT season 3 with Ted being his coach. That could really make for some great storytelling.
10 years is long time from now,
But from what I'm seeing currently,
I'm pulling for Morrison as the top baby face,
and Punk/Sheamus as the top Heel.
I know what your thinking,
Morrison can't talk to save his life,
But the guy is the only one there talented enough to be called a young HBK,
He's got the good looks and the great in-ring skills,
I REALLY hope he improves,
Cuz he defitnitley has IT.
I say either Punk or Sheamus because those are the best young Heels and they have the best MIC skills along w/ the wrestling ability,
+ Fan Appeal

Others I think will still be there and bigger than ever:
Kofi Kingston
Evan Bourne
Cody Rhodes
Ted Dibiase
Michael McGuilicuty (Though he's just a rookie, I expect ALOT from him)

I like MIZ alot,
But I can't see him being the top go to guy,
For either face or heel
As has been said, ten years is quite a ways off. You can't predict what's going to happen in the WWE or wrestling in general over the course of the coming decade. The stars that might ultimately be the ones carrying the company could pop up in WWE 5 years from now or a week from Thursday for all anyone knows.

When it comes to young stars in the WWE, you always hear someone voicing something along the lines of this particular thread. That the young guys on the roster aren't ready, that the company is going to be in trouble when the older guys leave, etc. I've heard it all before.

However, when I look at this particular thread, I honestly can't help but feel it belongs in the TNA rather than the WWE section. TNA isn't really even attempting to build or make young stars, nor have they been. The company as a whole is too busy walking down memory lane and allowing itself to be defined by nostalgia rather than focusing on building stars to carry the company at a later time. When I see "They Are Not Ready", TNA is who I think of rather than WWE.
In 10 years, Miz and Sheamus will be 40 as well!!!

Jack Swagger defo has a bright future, Drew McIntrye who is really young also will be arround and will be one of the guys at the top...Hart Dynasty both members, well David Hart Smith who is younger I believe will be bright in the future of carrying WWE...there are a lot of guys I see taking big steps in the next few years..

the next 10 years will belong to CM Punk, who is just amazing, Evan Bourne is only 27 right now, still a young age, So is chris masters 27, I can't believe it...

So many guys really to name..
I can't believe so many people have not mentioned Drew McIntyre, he is only 25 years old and in the future he could be a great heel World Champion.

I don't know why Sheamus is getting mentioned so much seeing as he is 32

I'm expecting a lot from Wade Barrett in the next 3-4 years

I can see Jack Swagger to continue doing well in the WWE for the next 5-6 years

I think Miz will repeat what Edge did when he won the first Money In The Bank by waiting a while before the Cash-In
I could see John Cena being the face of the WWE for another 15 years, he will not retire early unless forced into doing so by nagging injuries.

Alot of the young talent, e.g DiBiase, Sheamus, McIntyre, will continue to grow in popularity and stature, and we are forgetting that in that time new wrestlers will come through that we dont know about yet, so some of them will be leading the WWE into the future

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