MisterRob gonna go cry now...I await to see how you spin this.
Unfortunately for you I'm not spinning anything. I'm dealing with FACTS and making you look like a complete idiot. It seems you like looking that way because you come back, after already being proven wrong thoroughly, and try to argue how wrong you are, making yourself look like a complete moron while doing it. Good job!
Low-Ki spent the same amount of time in both, he was in TNA after ROH. Not to mention his spot as one of the X-D pioneers.
Except for the fact that he had asked and been granted his release and therefore WAS NOT IN TNA when WWE picked him up. You have absolutely no proof that they signed him based on his work in TNA (what exactly was he doing there, again?) compared to his work in Ring of Honor or anywhere else.
I know plenty about the Horsemen. No, you are just trying to spin it in your favour I said Flair was the manager much like Dillon was the manager. You decided to spin that as "Flair is exactly the same as Dillon" hypocritez111111. So again learn the meaning of the word dumbass.
Stating the facts aren't spinning it. You're the one who referenced Flair being J.J.Dillon, I proved you wrong, and now it seems like you can't even remember what argument you said yourself. Douche.
Maybe you never saw his promos against Dinero? And how does "Kazarian, I could beat you" sound like a baby? Oh it doesn't.
Who cares about his promos against Dinero? Actions speak louder then words. Him having temper tantrums and pouting because Flair was showing Kaz some favor proves he was a baby. And all you have to do is look at this week's Impact where Flair stole the spotlight, made it pretty much all about himself, and even stated that he got Matt Morgan as a bodyguard for HIMSELF. Why would the manager, if he's not the one leading things and the one whose MOST important in the group need a bodyguard? Yeah, I thought so. Wrong for the sixtieth time.
He was standing in the middle, the first to hit anyone. And he went after Dreamer the leader of the opposite faction.
Nah, it was just a clusterfuck. Don't try to pretend as if it was well orchestrated.
And Eric Bischoff used to come out and gloat when the nWo did shit, does that change Hogan and Nash from being the leaders of the nWo? No. What about when Paul Bearer used to control the Undertaker? It was still the Undertaker you were watching.
I'm pretty sure the BOSS is the leader of a group, this goes for anything, including the real world in business. A manager may be a leader of the lesser people, but the manager's still controlled, takes orders, and is LED by the owner of the company who has the TRUE power.
And who cares whether you were watching Undertaker, he was still being LED by Paul Bearer.
You're not only wrong, and have been proven to be wrong, but you're also a dumb ass for not accepting that.
Ugh, it really is hopeless you just keep spouting this crap out. "Oh AJ wants to impress a legend of the business that means he's a lackey". Fuck off seriously. By your understanding everyone with a manager is a lackey.
Nope, not everyone. But AJ Styles certainly is.
I swear people said the same thing about some guy being a clone of Buddy Rogers. Can't remember who that guy ended up being
Ric Flair was a clone of Buddy Rogers, no one denies that. He took Buddy Roger's gimmick.
And allowing Styles to be himself? That isn't going to work as a heel. Styles has "been himself" for most of his career, people like AJ when he's "himself". To get a good heel reaction you need to make him go against everything he was, that's why it works.
Actually, douche, Styles has been a heel many times in his career. He was a heel in the early stages of TNA and was quite successful at it, by being a cocky heel who could back up what he was saying. He could've been the exact same, there was no need for him to wear a robe, call himself the next Nature Boy, and pretend to be something he's not. And it doesn't work, that's why people still aren't buying into it. That's why he's the Television champion instead of the World Heavyweight champion.
Really so Beer Money are acting differently? Kaz is different to how he used to be? No they aren't, you are a fuckwit.
Nope, I'll admit, Kaz isn't different at all. He's still the same bland robot just standing alongside the others wishing he actually belonged.
He's their manager, a veteran manager of course he has some level of power in the group. If this actually has to be broken down for you to this level, Flair is the General but AJ is the Captain. Which means when it comes down to the action AJ leads. Just like every faction with a manager ever. HERPA DERPA DERP.
Oh right, so you're saying Vince McMahon wasn't the leader of the Corporation? You're saying Paul Heyman, Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon weren't the leaders of the Invasion angle for WCW and ECW? You're saying the Jackal wasn't the leader of the Truth Commission? I could go on and on about how completely WRONG you are. HERPA DERPA DERP.
- The "big surprise" for TNA's Slammiversary that Dixie Carter teased on Twitter last month was, as far as TNA was hoping, going to be Paul Heyman but a deal couldn't be reached. Tommy Dreamer was then assumed to be the surprise after he debuted.
TNA is really hoping Heyman will appear at Victory Road. TNA officials expect Heyman to come to their company but the bottom line is he has not agreed to yet. TNA wants him, expects him to come in and are willing to give him almost anything he wants.
It's said that TNA's condition internally has gotten much worst over the past few weeks. The feeling is that they need a savior and nobody can think of anyone else but Heyman.
Source: F4Wonline.com
The wrestling observer ran the story as well, it came directly from Vince Russo's mouth, Tommy Dreamer, Mark Madden, the list goes on and on. Maybe you've been hiding under a rock, but all of those sources are far more credible then your opinion.
Nope, ever since the rumours started flying I've always been against it so try again. The once consistent part of those rumours has been that Heyman wanted financial control and that's a death sentence, his statement here of cutting guys like Angle is plenty of reason to keep him away.
Except that they didn't want to keep him away.
Sigh, do you know how many album Nirvana sold before Cobain died? Do you know how many sold after? Same deal with ECW. Thanks to the WWE, ECW has gained a much larger following post-humously. With a number of ECW alumni working in TNA, I see no issue in TNA using the name to get over more of their talent.
Thanks for proving my point AND proving you were wrong. Yes, Heyman's ECW has meant quite a bit and still clearly does.
Two weeks ago. He had a match, had the supershow and now it's this week. You haven't seen Jay for one week. OMGZ Call the FBI his push has stalled!!!!!
And he just had a match this week and jobbed to Mister Kennedy in the World Championship tournament. So he's become a mid-card jobber who is no longer in any major storylines, great rub!
Yeah you beat this guy. THAT'S BACKWARDS!!!!!!!!!! His last match Doug Williams interfered so it seems the next feud is Lethal vs Williams for the X-title. Now tell me how that's "backwards" I'm dying to know.
A clear example of this is the fact that the whole EV2.0 vs. Fourtune angle is backwards with the ECW guys as the faces coming into a company that isn't even there's and the Originals who are defending their company and their spots are somehow the heels. That has so many issues with it,, especially with the payoff to the angle, it's not even funny.
Well I must say you do seem like the type to play WoW so enlighten me.
I've never played WoW in my life. That's another thing you're wrong about. Are you EVER right?
I didn't think so.
And since you're too stupid to know the answer, a raid is going into another promotion and taking their top talent from them to sign for yourself, just like WWF and WCW did to ECW back in the day. You see, the talent taken has to be important talent to the promotion. The talent also has to be WORKING FOR THE COMPANY at the time of the raid. Both of those are where you fail miserably in your examples.
CM Punk worked in a lot of places not just ROH.
Yes he did, good job. But he signed with the WWE while working IN Ring of Honor. In fact there was a whole angle done in Ring of Honor based around Punk signing with the WWE, including Punk signing his WWE contract ON the Ring of Honor World championship that he held at the time.
Learn your shit, please.
2002-2006 vs. 2002-2004 and 2006-2008. I think TNA wins.
Clearly you can't do math. I think you're stupid.
yah he was so fed up that after he left he came back to do motion capture on their video game months after his contract ended. Man he must've hated them.
Maybe that was part of his CONTRACT? You know, the contract he'd have to fulfill still before being released from it (clearly you know about as much about business as you do television; very little). The FACT is he asked for his release, he got it, and he clearly didn't want to be in TNA any longer. Those are all facts.
Doesn't mean he wasn't there.
Someone give this guy a cookie!
He was in TNA, he left, he was picked up by the WWE. I stand by my point.
He was picked up by the WWE two years later. The WWE clearly didn't notice him in TNA and then wait TWO YEARS to sign him. He was signed while being a Ring of Honor wrestler, which he had still been while being in TNA as well!