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The ratings for last night's shows were in. Another site is reporting that the ratings did as follows...

WWE RAW: 3.4

TNA Impact!: 1.0

I'm surprised that Impact didn't do better but if you notice RAW was way down from last week as well. Interesting on both sides. On to next week.....

(let the TNA bashing/WWE Mark gloating begin, because on every forum I have visited today every one of them is saying that TNA had the better product of the night.)
About what I expected. TNA wasn't going to get the boost from going an hour earlier like last time, so I think a 1.0 is neither a success of failure. I was fearing them getting something like a .5, which would've been a disaster.

Raw seems to be about what it has been recently, possibly a little lower than usual, but nothing to be alarmed about. Next week is when they should expect to destroy in the ratings.

In the end, I don't know how much these ratings really mean though. Everyone knew Raw was going to win, and do so handily. It's about how long/if that gap ever closes.
I'm wondering if seeing this if and if the trend continues if TNA will make the smart move to an hour earlier to allow fans to start watching Impact first and see what happens from there. I still believe that it should have started an hour earlier from the start. Who knows.

I wonder if TNA will push the main event of next week. I had a buddy at the Impact Zone and he told me that the main event next week on TNA is gonna be nuts. I don't think they will beat the WWE but I will have my tv tuned to TNA. TNA will have stiff competition next week, they would if it was just Austin.
The overall ratings from last night aren't really all that surprising. Raw drew roughly 5.1 million viewers last night, which is right in line with what the show drew with Jerry Springer hosting the show and last night was a better show. Next week, Raw has three big matches lined up, Stone Cold Steve Austin hosting and Bret Hart will return as well. Raw is obviously looking for a big rating next week and if they don't draw at least a 4, I'm sure McMahon will be extremely disappointed.

TNA drawing a 1.0 is about what I figured the show would do. They did run head to head against Raw overall and didn't have an additional hour on before Raw to boost their overall rating for the night. This is the lowest number TNA has pulled since Hogan's debut with the company. TNA hyped the crap out of the Hogan/Abyss & Flair/Styles tag match and it was really the only thing that got heavily hyped. TNA was counting on this to be the big draw of the night and they has to be some disappointment.

I'm wondering if seeing this if and if the trend continues if TNA will make the smart move to an hour earlier to allow fans to start watching Impact first and see what happens from there. I still believe that it should have started an hour earlier from the start. Who knows.

I was wondering the exact same thing just now. As far as I'm aware, TNA's 9-11 pm spot on Monday isn't set in stone. At this particular point in time, TNA just can't pull in the numbers to go head to head with Raw. Starting their show an hour earlier might be the best way, at least for now, to bring up the overall numbers for the show.
I think when TNA went an hour earlier in January they received their highest ratings for the hour at about a 1.7-1.9. Wasn't Raw around a 3.8 last week? Maybe TNA took a little chunk of their audience since they went down to a 3.4. I'm sure TNA would of preferred a bigger number, but a 1.0 on a Monday night isn't an EPIC FAIL like some are going to say I'm sure. I just hope TNA does a better job of promoting their live shows each week. Ratings aside, its obvious what show the fans thought was better last night.
Yeah if you look at the Jan 4th ratings and the TNA rating is pretty much in line with what they had for 9-11. Down a .2 I think, WWE is down a .2 from last week and a .4 from the week before.

So whilst it appears TNA ratings are down, actually WWE ratings are down too and they likely watched TNA instead. All in all it is to be expected, it's what happens post Mania that I think will be the real test.
I just read another atricle that brought up a good point. I say this to BOTH TNA & WWE fans......We won't have an accurate description of exactly who got more viewers until the DVR results are in which will be about a week or two. So technically people could count as both a TNA & WWE viewer with DVR. I know I would be on that list as I DVR'd RAW and watched Impact live. I'm wondering if DVR will effect the Monday Night Wars to an extreme extent.
Q1: 0.99 rating - Hulk Hogan, Abyss, A.J. Styles, Ric Flair, Sting appearance

Q2: 0.98 rating - Sting and Dixie backstage, Styles and Flair, X Division setup and match

Q3: 1.00 rating - Continuation of X Division match, Shannon Moore run-in, Dixie Carter, Beautiful People tease

Q4: 1.07 rating - Knockouts Tag Title match, Tazz teases RVD, RVD vs. Sting

Q5: 1.07 rating - Sting and Hogan confrontation, Kevin Nash, Eric Young, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman

Q6: 1.03 rating - Young vs. Waltman, Ken Anderson and Kurt Angle

Q7: 0.95 rating - Bubba The Love Sponge with Hogan, Beer Money vs. Jeff Jarrett

Q8: 0.76 rating - Beer Money vs. Jarrett conclusion, Hulk and Brooke Hogan, Hogan and Abyss vs. Flair and Styles

Overrun: 1.01 rating - The bulk of the main event match, various run-ins, Jeff Hardy save

Look at that. The first five minutes, Hogan/Flair is on people decide to tune out and come back for the X Division match and gets higher for the Knockouts being the TOP DRAW AGAIN! Then people get tired of the whole Band thing and really tune out once Bubba gets on, he's a ratings decreaser. TNA's YouTube videos use to allow ratings but they disabled them because people rated all Bubba segments 2 stars. That's a sign, get him off. And lastly, not much wanted to see the oldies go but tuned in after RAW went off the air while TNA had an extra 8 minutes to see the end of the show.
So it did show that audience was interested in the tag team match as well as the knockouts & RVD. Not surprised. The lowest rated segments were The Band and Bubba...imagine that. I don't mind Nash & Hall but they should be used to get guys over (and I'm not talking about Eric Young, even though I marked for him whooping up on Pac. Anyone else think Eric was stiffing Pac a bit?)
So it did show that audience was interested in the tag team match as well as the knockouts & RVD. Not surprised. The lowest rated segments were The Band and Bubba...imagine that. I don't mind Nash & Hall but they should be used to get guys over (and I'm not talking about Eric Young, even though I marked for him whooping up on Pac. Anyone else think Eric was stiffing Pac a bit?)

To an extent, but keep in mind that for the most part, the main event had no opposition as Raw has already gone off. That also doesn't say much at all for the old guys and the most hyped thing of the night as people just flat out changed the channel. Losing 1/5 of your audience in 15 minutes is just horrendus.
To an extent, but keep in mind that for the most part, the main event had no opposition as Raw has already gone off. That also doesn't say much at all for the old guys and the most hyped thing of the night as people just flat out changed the channel. Losing 1/5 of your audience in 15 minutes is just horrendus.
True but that doesn't change the fact that once RAW was off, people could have watched something else but they watched TNA. And It does say that the bulk of the main event was during the overrun and if people were not at least interested they would not have tuned in. Plus I still say that Impacts last segment was much better than RAW's little predictable gauntlet
To an extent, but keep in mind that for the most part, the main event had no opposition as Raw has already gone off. That also doesn't say much at all for the old guys and the most hyped thing of the night as people just flat out changed the channel. Losing 1/5 of your audience in 15 minutes is just horrendus.

Umm, no, that's incorrect KB. Impact ran 8 minutes overtime to 11:08 while Raw did what it does every single week and ran about 7 minutes overtime. Not sure where you're getting your facts from on that one.

I find it fucking hilarious that the highest rated segment of the show involved Scott Hall and Sean Waltman---the two people everyone thinks should be nowhere near TNA and who suck at life and blah blah blah.

Frankly I think a 1.0 is good going head-to-head with Raw. If I remember correctly every WWE mark on this forum was screaming about how TNA wouldn't even be able to hit a .5 against Raw. What I see here is that they challenged the number one wrestling show on the planet, and retained an almost identical audience as they usually do every week. Which kind of helps prove something I've been saying for months; that the TNA audience is different from the Raw audience and that the odds of TNA fans tuning into Raw instead of Impact are slim to none.
You can complain about predictablity, you can complain about Vince, you can say how much better Impact was. One problem: people changed the channel when their mega match that they had hyped all of last week and all night came on. When that was airing next, there was an exodus of fans over to WWE. With no competition, TNA got back to average with it. The IWC can talk all they want about how much better TNA is (and last night itwas to me as well) but at the end of the day, the masses like Vince and Cena way more. Even TNA's audience does apparently.
I find it fucking hilarious that the highest rated segment of the show involved Scott Hall and Sean Waltman---the two people everyone thinks should be nowhere near TNA and who suck at life and blah blah blah.

Frankly I think a 1.0 is good going head-to-head with Raw. If I remember correctly every WWE mark on this forum was screaming about how TNA wouldn't even be able to hit a .5 against Raw. What I see here is that they challenged the number one wrestling show on the planet, and retained an almost identical audience as they usually do every week. Which kind of helps prove something I've been saying for months; that the TNA audience is different from the Raw audience and that the odds of TNA fans tuning into Raw instead of Impact are slim to none.

I find it fucking hilarious that Hogan and Flair's segment tanked. .75 is tanking, period. The TNA audience that you're praising here changed the channel at the end and went over to Raw in droves. 20% of the audience going down in 15 minutes is staggering to say the least. Check your ratings man: Hogan and Flair tanked. This is solid for a first week, but if they stay here, they're in trouble.
...What I see here is that they challenged the number one wrestling show on the planet, and retained an almost identical audience as they usually do every week. Which kind of helps prove something I've been saying for months; that the TNA audience is different from the Raw audience and that the odds of TNA fans tuning into Raw instead of Impact are slim to none.

There are some holes in your logic here...

If TNA fans would never leave TNA, then how did the rating go down at all? If all of the TNA fans tuned in, then the rating shows they didn't bring over a single viewer from Raw.

TNA failed. In their own eyes they pulled out all the stops in order to put on their greatest show of all time. And what did it lead to? Their worst rating since that other "biggest TNA show of all time" on January 4th.

Push the X-Division. Push the Knockouts. Push what's different from WWE. They are trying to beat WWE at what WWE does best...soap opera type storylines. It's not going to work. WWE has the money to put on better production and better video packages to hype the angles/feuds. TNA/Bischoff don't have Ted Turner's money to throw around. They have to be different and push that difference. They're not doing and I totally blame Hogan and Bischoff. Those two are ruining TNA.

I should be enjoying Styles, Joe, Daniels, The Machine Guns, Kazarian, Beer Money, Morgan and Hernandez, The Beautiful People, Pope, Wolfe, Amazing Red, etc. I should be looking forward to what RVD will be doing after his debut. Now I don't know WTF he'll be doing because he was involved in something that already has a dozen others involved. Flair and Hogan were on the vast majority of the show, and I've been watching them for 30 or so years already! Why the hell would I want them dominating another wrestling show? It's pathetic.

And finally...Hogan is not helping Abyss. Abyss has gone from a horrible story to a horrible story. The HOF ring gives him the power? HA!
This will be a huge discussion but I'm one of the people that don't really care. 1.5 is their highest ever. 1.0 is good for them. They went head to head with the #1 wrestling promotion in the country...matter of fact of ALL TIME. 1.3 million people tuned in. That says something, when no one has had the ability to watch any other form of wrestling on Monday since 2001. WWE ratings went down to a 3.4...wonder how many of those viewers were watching Impact?

It doesn't matter what the ratings say right now. The Monday night fanbase is a fraction of what it was back in the 90s. It has to be built back up to the 7.0 - 8.0 total audience that it once was. Total ratings was a 4.4 which is astounding...that's 5 million people watching wrestling. Remember...a lot of fans have stopped watching wrestling all together folks, we won't see WWE and TNA really compete until the fanbase picks back up.
"How many of those viewers were watching Impact"?

I got a many of TNA's viewers were watching Raw? Because if TNA held onto all their previous viewers, and stole some from Raw, then wouldn't Impact have gotten a better rating than .98?
There are some holes in your logic here...

If TNA fans would never leave TNA, then how did the rating go down at all? If all of the TNA fans tuned in, then the rating shows they didn't bring over a single viewer from Raw.

TNA failed. In their own eyes they pulled out all the stops in order to put on their greatest show of all time. And what did it lead to? Their worst rating since that other "biggest TNA show of all time" on January 4th.

Push the X-Division. Push the Knockouts. Push what's different from WWE. They are trying to beat WWE at what WWE does best...soap opera type storylines. It's not going to work. WWE has the money to put on better production and better video packages to hype the angles/feuds. TNA/Bischoff don't have Ted Turner's money to throw around. They have to be different and push that difference. They're not doing and I totally blame Hogan and Bischoff. Those two are ruining TNA.

I should be enjoying Styles, Joe, Daniels, The Machine Guns, Kazarian, Beer Money, Morgan and Hernandez, The Beautiful People, Pope, Wolfe, Amazing Red, etc. I should be looking forward to what RVD will be doing after his debut. Now I don't know WTF he'll be doing because he was involved in something that already has a dozen others involved. Flair and Hogan were on the vast majority of the show, and I've been watching them for 30 or so years already! Why the hell would I want them dominating another wrestling show? It's pathetic.

And finally...Hogan is not helping Abyss. Abyss has gone from a horrible story to a horrible story. The HOF ring gives him the power? HA!

i totally agree with you ever since hogan and bishoff came along its like they 4got all bout the tna that you see tna its all old wwe guys who neva fitted in or got rejected some are good but dam wheres the tna guys at?
There are some holes in your logic here...

If TNA fans would never leave TNA, then how did the rating go down at all? If all of the TNA fans tuned in, then the rating shows they didn't bring over a single viewer from Raw.

Because this is absolutely normal business for TNA. A 1.0 is right there alongside their average rating from last year and the last few months, but you can't expect the ratings to stay the same or go up every single week, TV ratings just don't work like that for any wrestling show, some weeks are going to be better than others.

TNA failed. In their own eyes they pulled out all the stops in order to put on their greatest show of all time. And what did it lead to? Their worst rating since that other "biggest TNA show of all time" on January 4th.

How the fuck was this TNA's biggest show of all time? Are you kidding? This show didn't even get 25% of the hype that the 1/4 show did, it was certainly a big deal but nowhere near their biggest show of all time.

I don't see how remaining where they were on Thursday nights in terms of ratings after changing to Mondays and going head to head with the juggernaut of wrestling is considered failing.

i totally agree with you ever since hogan and bishoff came along its like they 4got all bout the tna that you see tna its all old wwe guys who neva fitted in or got rejected some are good but dam wheres the tna guys at?

Where are the TNA originals? Are you shitting me? Who has been holding the World Title for the last 6 months? OH! That's right, AJ Styles, who has been hailed basically as fucking God himself in wrestling trunks on the air by both Hogan and Flair. Pretty sure it's not even POSSIBLE to put over someone more than that. I mean they could always have AJ Styles just come out and defeat every single person on the roster in five seconds from a finger poke, but outside of that, just what in the fuck else can they do to push Styles right now?

Desmond Wolfe is not a WWE reject, and he was right there in the ring to close the show next to AJ Styles, alongside the Pope, Abyss (another TNA original), and Jeff Hardy. The focus wasn't on Ric Flair, or Hulk Hogan, or the fucking Nasty Boys, it was on the young talent.
Eh, not terrible, not for the first real week in the head to head contest. Things take time, what do some of you WWE Marks expect, for everyone that doesn't watch wrestling to turn on TNA in one night. Get real, just because they didn't score a 3.4 as your lovely Raw did, doesn't mean that TNA has lost the war and Dixie is closing up shop.

It's like Eko said, this show didn't get a quarter of the advertising that 1/4 got and it still managed to do decently enough. The real test comes after a month or two of doing this, if TNA goes lower and lower, then yes, WWE has won, once again. But if they stay consistent and grow little by little in the next month, that's only a good sign.
Here is the issue I have. Tna pulled a 1.0 rating and Raw did a 3.4 rating. Pretty cut and dry at first, with Impact doing basically in line with what they have been doing for quite a while now, and Raw dropping I believe .7 in the ratings? That on paper is a win for TNA. Raw lost viewers and they were consistent.
Now, here is the issue...Tna had been hyping up their Monday show on Impact for a few weeks now, and their viewers for the most part all tuned in. Spike TV gave them ABSOLUTELY no help. I saw more advertising for the show DURING it then I did the 3 weeks prior on Spike. I feel TNA pulled out a few suprises for the majority of their audience(except all of us who knew Hardy, Moore, RVD, Sting were all coming back last night) and the people might of been shocked. But no new people saw this, thus making any debut uneventful and meaningless.
WWE on the other hand may of lost ratings a tiny bit, but with the overall quality of the show did you expect them to get a 4.0? IMO they slapped TNA in the face by basically saying "You had a chance to impress us on 1/4 and failed, so until you do something to prove your worth anything get out of the big leagues." Next week, with Impact not having the suprise factor and Raw having Stone Cold as their guest host along with some pretty big(although recycled) matches lined up, I will go out on a limb and say Raw will hit damn close to 4.0 and TNA will hover somewhere between .9-1.0. If they can hang on to their casual audience next monday and the 4-5 following mondays, then I will consider their move to Mondays a success. Until then, I will reserve judgement but am currently worried for them for sure.
I'll talk about the TNA ratings in a couple of minutes, but the first thing that needs to be addressed is the 0.76 final quarter. That doesn't prove that Flair and Hogan are a turn off, and nobody get ahead of yousrelves. Their position in the first quarter led to a one percent dropoff into quarter did. The fact that they regained all of that audience going into the overrun proves that people weren't switching off Hogan and Flair, they were switching ON to John Cena. John Cena is a bigger draw than old Hogan and absolutely nobody should be suprised to see that.

As for the figure, it's a good result for TNA. They have taken .2 off WWE, and more importantly they have retained 85% of their audience in going against Raw, which is a suprising performance. It shows, if anything, that people who watch both shows prefer TNA in the main, and that is a good starting point. They kept consistent ratings throughout the show, except when Cena and Vince were on the other channel, which shows that WWE only has one guaranteed trump card to draw people off TNA during the show.

This was a good start for TNA, but the real challenge will come over the coming weeks when reality sets in and the buzz of there being two shows dies away. What I'd say though that is interesting, is that the combined rating is only .3 down from the first proper Monday Night War battle, which is certainly suprising.
Because this is absolutely normal business for TNA. A 1.0 is right there alongside their average rating from last year and the last few months, but you can't expect the ratings to stay the same or go up every single week, TV ratings just don't work like that for any wrestling show, some weeks are going to be better than others.

How the fuck was this TNA's biggest show of all time? Are you kidding? This show didn't even get 25% of the hype that the 1/4 show did, it was certainly a big deal but nowhere near their biggest show of all time.

I don't see how remaining where they were on Thursday nights in terms of ratings after changing to Mondays and going head to head with the juggernaut of wrestling is considered failing.

Where are the TNA originals? Are you shitting me? Who has been holding the World Title for the last 6 months? OH! That's right, AJ Styles, who has been hailed basically as fucking God himself in wrestling trunks on the air by both Hogan and Flair. Pretty sure it's not even POSSIBLE to put over someone more than that. I mean they could always have AJ Styles just come out and defeat every single person on the roster in five seconds from a finger poke, but outside of that, just what in the fuck else can they do to push Styles right now?

Desmond Wolfe is not a WWE reject, and he was right there in the ring to close the show next to AJ Styles, alongside the Pope, Abyss (another TNA original), and Jeff Hardy. The focus wasn't on Ric Flair, or Hulk Hogan, or the fucking Nasty Boys, it was on the young talent.
Perhaps "failed" is a bit harsh. But you can't tell me that this wasn't a bigger deal to TNA.

And you pointed out 1 TNA original that's being pushed. Although that guy has been put along with one of the relics that TNA just hired...Ric Flair. What about other originals or simply non-WWE guys? Christoper Daniels has pretty much been a jobber for a while, and he should be a top star. Hell, the last thing he did of any note was Curry Man. CURRY MAN!?!? Where was Samoa Joe? Have they even mentioned his name since he was kidnapped? One of their biggest stars (or somebody that should be one of their biggest stars) got abducted, and it wasn't even mentioned. WTF?

The main event was a cluster-fuck. You think Wolfe, Pope, and others were showcased well just because they were on the screen at some point in the last few minutes of Impact? You believe that's how you push a guy to the upper card? LOL.

But you and other TNA marks keep trying to cover up for their ineptness. It used to be annoying to hear the lemming scream "Sting's heel turn was AWESOME". I wanted to slap some sense into them. But now? Now I laugh at it. It's like those that stuck by WCW's side all those years, only to see Shane McMahon show up at the final Nitro. LOL. The way TNA is going, Vince won't bother to buy that company. He'll just pick the wrestlers on that show that are worthy. Then again, the way TNA is doing things, the only guys worthy of bringing over will be AJ Styles. The other good/young talent has been pushed aside by 50 year-old men.
Mr. Eko is not a TNA mark. He's been around here for a got 17 posts. Learn to pick your battles.

You're fighting for a company that every one, since the collapse of WCW, has claimed has had a weaker showing. And now that competition rears it's head, you cling to your "horrible" product, claiming that it is light years ahead of TNA.

Get a clue.

TNA is young. TNA runs out of a small arena, much like a show that came on about 20 years ago by the name of Monday Night Raw. Outside of Hogan, and maybe Dixie, no one is expecting big numbers. Step one was proving they could hang with WWE. I believe that a 1.5 (Their normal rating + another 50%) and a 1.0 (their normal rating) proves that.

Step two is bringing in a bigger audience. NOT stealing Raw's audience, per se, but gaining a wider viewing audience none the less. This will require the hell of Spike TV, and maybe a little bit if actual PROMOTION on both Spike and TNA's parts.

Step three is then trying to match/exceed Raw's rating.

Keep in mind that WCW didn't start "winning the war" overnight. It took years of building to get to that point. TNA is a fledgling company-in the scheme of things. 7 years is nothing, considering that for Five of those years they were PPV only/on FSN. They have been on Spike for two years. Two years vs. Raw's 15. Yes, it's true that Raw switched stations, twice, but they promoted the hell out of both of those changes.

I think this 1.0, is a milestone. It shows that TNA can go toe to toe with WWE without losing audience. The important thing now is growth. They cannot become stagnant. They must go upwards. And that starts with the writing and booking.

Monday was okay. I have gripes with the fact that Pope vs. Wolfe got cut from TV, and the Beer Money vs. Jarrett match was just bad. But overall, i think it was what they needed to do...for the most part.

I will continue to watch TNA on Monday's, and occasionally check in on Raw. Even this week-as i am not a Stone Cold mark.
Perhaps "failed" is a bit harsh. But you can't tell me that this wasn't a bigger deal to TNA.

And you pointed out 1 TNA original that's being pushed. Although that guy has been put along with one of the relics that TNA just hired...Ric Flair. What about other originals or simply non-WWE guys? Christoper Daniels has pretty much been a jobber for a while, and he should be a top star. Hell, the last thing he did of any note was Curry Man. CURRY MAN!?!? Where was Samoa Joe? Have they even mentioned his name since he was kidnapped? One of their biggest stars (or somebody that should be one of their biggest stars) got abducted, and it wasn't even mentioned. WTF?

The main event was a cluster-fuck. You think Wolfe, Pope, and others were showcased well just because they were on the screen at some point in the last few minutes of Impact? You believe that's how you push a guy to the upper card? LOL.

But you and other TNA marks keep trying to cover up for their ineptness. It used to be annoying to hear the lemming scream "Sting's heel turn was AWESOME". I wanted to slap some sense into them. But now? Now I laugh at it. It's like those that stuck by WCW's side all those years, only to see Shane McMahon show up at the final Nitro. LOL. The way TNA is going, Vince won't bother to buy that company. He'll just pick the wrestlers on that show that are worthy. Then again, the way TNA is doing things, the only guys worthy of bringing over will be AJ Styles. The other good/young talent has been pushed aside by 50 year-old men.

How can you call someone a TNA mark and blast them when you watch the show as well? 1 TNA Original is being pushed is hilarious. Samoa Joe was in the main event just a few weeks ago, and when he comes back he will be in it again. Abyss is getting a huge push with Hogan just like Styles is getting a huge push with Flair.

When Hogan was tagging with Edge and posing no one was complaining, the same thing with Flair and Triple H. Now that Hogan and Flair wants to give the same rub to Abyss and Styles , it's a joke? The Pope is facing AJ Styles for the championship at Lockdown, but by your logic he isn't getting pushed at all. Morgan and Hernandez are tag champs with Beer Money getting a push for the title shot.

The British Invasion came in a year ago and they aren't "WWE Rejects" and they have won most of the titles. Yeah... TNA isn't pushing any young talent are they...:rolleyes: Not to mention Motor City, Generation Me, The Beautiful People as knockout champs, and Daniels starting a feud with Kaz. Not to mention the X Division PPV.

God forbid the biggest names in wrestling like Hogan and Flair show up for 5 minutes on a show that is focused on the young guys. Daniels doesn't sell tickets alone, neither does AJ or the rest of the guys. You have to have the best of both worlds. If it were up to you or the rest of the die hard X Division fans, TNA wouldn't last 6 weeks with nothing but X Division matches.

TNA has been around 8 years and WWE... I don't know decades. At least over 25 years when Vince took over. TNA isn't going to be a threat over night, and honestly Vince probably wants them to succeed so the business will be better. Just because you can't stand a few wrestling legends on a television show doesn't mean they are going bankrupt overnight.

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