

Getting Noticed By Management
Why are you so fucking ******ed and quite probably the new worst poster here?

You wanted to see a gimmick of a wrestler in a fucking wheelchair that gets counted out all the time, thought that Eugene was actually mentally handicapped, claimed that hatch was the return of WCW in the brand split, and now you go on and say that Ronda will never draw a dime? Look at how much fucking money she's made Dana. And you obviously don't understand gimmicks and the fact that you think something like that Japanese guy's gimmick would be funny is damn infuriating.

Jesus Christ.

Please do my brain a favor and either break a rule so that you can get put in The Prison or simply get the fuck off of here.
This, in all seriousness, may be the worst post in WZ forums history.

Allowing Brock to fight in the UFC? Really? What good does this do for the WWE? What if Brock loses? Some people are saying this is a trade of some sorts so expect to see Rhonda Rousey at Wrestlemania. Rhonda Rousey? :lmao: Rhonda Rousey is a woman and women will never draw a dime. This a huge screw up by Vince. I honestly see the WWE going out of business in five to ten years.
Why are you so fucking ******ed and quite probably the new worst poster here?

He's been here since March 2011.

You wanted to see a gimmick of a wrestler in a fucking wheelchair that gets counted out all the time, thought that Eugene was actually mentally handicapped, claimed that hatch was the return of WCW in the brand split, and now you go on and say that Ronda will never draw a dime? Look at how much fucking money she's made Dana. And you obviously don't understand gimmicks and the fact that you think something like that Japanese guy's gimmick would be funny is damn infuriating.

How many times do I have to post this:

I also wanted to say that this is my last thread on these forums and just wanted to say all of you guys are super cool. Mods included. If any of you are familiar with me I'm pretty much just a troll lol. I've made plenty of outlandish trollish topics none of which were true or really expressed my opinions it was just me being a trollish jerk. A big thank you to the mods for not banning me long ago lol. You guys are great and this is a awesome wrestling forum, best one on the internet. I hope you guys keep enjoying the product. Thanks guys.
Jesus Christ.

You need more than Jesus in your life.

Please do my brain a favor and either break a rule so that you can get put in The Prison or simply get the fuck off of here.

I hear Kapu is getting his Live Discussion thread ready for tomorrow night's Raw. You better get to work.
Why does no one realise that the guy is clearly taking the piss?

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