Theo's Sig Thread

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Theo "Hitman" Mays;1725689 said:
Alright NSL added them all in.

I don't even need a new code? I love this. You're the man. I'll rep you as soon as I can.
Nope no code needed it should add them all in and they should appear with the others. In fact I see the Traci one right now.
Theo "Hitman" Mays;1725715 said:
Nope no code needed it should add them all in and they should appear with the others. In fact I see the Traci one right now.

I originally only had 4 requests, but then saw that picture, and the idea hit me instantly.
hey theo could you possibly make me a sig with eddie guerrero and chris benoit that says "RIP Latino Heat and The Rabid Wolverine" thanks credit to you
hey theo could you possibly make me a sig with eddie guerrero and chris benoit that says "RIP Latino Heat and The Rabid Wolverine" thanks credit to you

Here ya go Maggot:

Hey theo by any chance do you think I can have a sig. with the IC title and John mrrison, Kane, rey, chris jerico and on top, but drew mcintyre hanging off a rope? Thanks. (I hate drew)
After reading some blatant idiocy today, I have a very strange request.

Can you find a screencap, with the fans turning their back to the ring, and then put in big letters at the top "FAIL" with arrows pointing to each of them?

This would make my week.
If I can come across a video from the match (this happened during Val/Daniels right?) I should be able to do it. If you know of a video send it to me and I'll do it.
Hey Theo, great sigs man. I have another request, can you please make me a sig with HBK, Alex Shelly, Christian, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, Edge & Trish Stratus? Sorry if thats too many people. :/ Thanks.
Hi Theo, I have a possible request if can spare the time. I'd like something based around Chris Jericho (Recent Pictures), to have a style similar to his entrance video with the whole 'code' based style. And if you could have text with 'Harrison101' in it, that would be brilliant.

Thanks for your time. :)
Yea I can do all of them. I should hopefully have them all done tomorrow night.

Onto something important here, Maggot I apologize if you got an infraction as I just realized that I forgot to resize your sig. I have the updated version and I apologize for any inconvenience.

Here we go. I'll update everything here, so if you were in the last handful of request it'll be posted in this post. So just grab it whenever I edit it in.


Sasori (I think I got everyone):
This has nothing to do with requests, just one I made last night for gametime. I was pleased with the outcome.


Not sure if I'll have your request tonight Harrison. If I do it will be edited into the post I have above. If not I'll have it tomorrow evening. And NSL I'm still looking for a video to get a screenshot. If you happen to come across a video or the whereabouts of a video let me know and I can jump right on the sig request. Thanks for all the request, can't remember the last time I was this booked with requests. I feel so loved haha.
Theo "Hitman" Mays;1726975 said:
If I can come across a video from the match (this happened during Val/Daniels right?) I should be able to do it. If you know of a video send it to me and I'll do it.

I don't have any right now. I'll check with X, since he usually watches the show on "tape delay"...
Hi Theo, I have a possible request if can spare the time. I'd like something based around Chris Jericho (Recent Pictures), to have a style similar to his entrance video with the whole 'code' based style. And if you could have text with 'Harrison101' in it, that would be brilliant.

Thanks for your time. :)

Sorry about the holdup, hope you like.

hello theo :) i was thinking if there's any chance you could either do a old school DX signature.. the rick rude, chyna, trips and shawn sig.. with focus on shawn and triple H.. shawn with either the WWE title or the european title, and if shawn gets the wwe title, you could perhaps put the european title on triple H? and then a simple "d-generation X" text

that or a chris jericho signature focusing on jericho as undisputed champion, then some "the first undisputed champion" text kind of thing if its possible? - looking forward to seeing what you'd be able to do :)
I surely can do that for yea ferbian. I'll try and have it later today for ya. I'll edit into this post here.

EDIT: Here ya go ferbian

sounds great mate :) will be looking forward to it!

but there's no stress or anything :) won't be able to view it for quite a while anyway (danish time currently its 9.22 pm)
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