Themed PPVs Possibly Ending

To me I think lazy booking is the root of all problems. I think that the only two that should go are Hell in a Cell and Money in the Bank.
Money in the Bank was always such an exciting match at 'Mania and I think the last two years would've benefited from having a mitb match.
Hell in a Cell PPV has to go. I'm sorry but Hell in a Cell should never be forced. Sure they can plan to have a feud last through Summerslam and end up culminating at Hell in a Cell, but look what happened this year, Cena gets injured and we get a meaningless Cell match between Ryback and Punk.

For the rest, I think they're all alright:

Elimination Chamber: - I'd prefer to see this get renamed No Way Out again. I think the EC matches as the PPV before 'Mania are a great way of feuds continuing/developing/starting

TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs: Keep it, I think they do a great job every year.

Royal Rumble: Nothing else needs to be said.

I think replace No Way Out with Backlash or The Bash.
Replace Money in the Bank with King of the Ring - which would culminate in the KotR winner facing the champ at SS.
Replace Hell in a Cell with Unforgiven and bring back the Scramble Match :p
I don't know if all the gimmick events should be scrapped, but just like in life, take everything with a bit of moderation. In other words, don't make 70% of your pay-per-view events about some theme. While I overall agree that WWE has too many pay-per-views, I don't think six the the correct number as most people have mentioned here. Eight is probably the optimal number.

Royal Rumble (duh, it's only like the most exciting and unique event of the year)
Elimination Chamber (last chance to get onto the biggest stage/paycheck of the year)
Wrestlemania (it's the biggest spectacle of the wrestling world)
Extreme Rules (this is fine as you can have more freedom in match types for a more varied card)
Night of Champions (Make this the way it debuted, All titles on the line, only title matches on the card. No squash matches)
SummerSlam (still the biggest party of the summer)
Survivor Series (it's still a historic event)
New Year's Revolution (great way to close a year out)

You got two gimmick pay-per-views(three if you count Chamber), but they aren't so limited to a single over-arching theme so as to maintain excitement levels for the show, you've got the "big four" and then you've got the NYR at the end of the year to lead into the Rumble. This feels like a very do-able business model, easy enough to promote, and at the same time allowing for more time and effort to be put into these storylines. This will be easier on your Creative team since they won't have to come up with brand-new ideas every three weeks, instead being able to build on the existing ones.

Anyway, it's got to be better than "WWE Presents: Over the Limit(Under Arrest)". XD
I agree with the poster above (Dagger). They don't need to get rid of the themes. They just need to book it properly. Look at Elimination Chamber. Great matches and great booking most of the time. Also, because it's during Wrestlemania season.

MITB has become one of the best PPVs of the year, EC is always great, NoC is great, Extreme Rules is mixed. I don't want to see No Mercy or Vengeance back.
I think that the In Your House PPV's were good because you could still have gimmicks or themes for the PPV's but didn't necessarily have to have them again next year. Some of them even had part two's. Idk about reverting back in time and calling it In Your House again but I think this concept could work again. And drop the prices back down for these ones like they used to do. Keep NOC and MITB.
I don't think Theme PPVs are the issue. In fact, I think everyone's looking at this somewhat shortsightedly; you can build to a solid theme PPV, if you're capable of doing all of the necessary elements to make the gimmick match work.

A few decades ago, there was a little match called War Games... Why am I bothering to explain War Games, it's kind of a douche move when you all already know the match. Anyway, the match was eventually turned into its own little gimmick pay per view, which became Fall Brawl. No one complained of how War Games was trivialized, because it took place one fixed month a year. Instead, we focused on the build to the feud. Sometimes the match had a shitty build, and the match didn't fit the War Games; other times, the build made perfect sense. Having WCW and the nWo fight in War Games made sense, because it was a blood feud between two equal opponents, who needed to settle their beef in the midst of this great match type. Having nine random guys in the War Games match didn't make sense, and it brought down the value of the match. You could argue WCW had some clunkers; World War 3 comes to mind immediately. But there was little to no build to the match; the thought was, hey, lets stuff a lot of guys into 3 rings, and it often made no sense.

You know what's a themed PPV? The Royal Rumble; that's a gimmick match PPV, if there ever was one. You buy the event, to watch the Rumble, because more often than not, it has a proper build, the feuds can all make sense, and there are important stakes. I don't see anyone bitching that we need to get rid of the Rumble; it's regularly the 2nd most anticipated PPV of the year.

Let's take the HIAC, which I've heard people say didn't need to exist. First of all, consider the original match that was going to happen in this, Punk and Cena. That's a feud that no one would have felt that HIAC was unnecessary for, because it had a proper build, and the writers actually had to look ahead to see what was needed for their feud. Logically, a Hell in a Cell match that needs a definitive winner makes sense with the recent run of questionable finishes that Punk and Cena have. Now, these men will fight in this cage, where there has to be a winner, and they can employ all of the elements of the Cell to blow off their feud. Cena gets injured, and you need someone to throw in, so you have Ryback. That match gets pulled from the Cell, and in theory, you have two other feuds that should be escalating in heat and violence, in Big Show-Sheamus, and Orton-Del Rio. Instead, we have Show and Sheamus doing their goofy shit, focusing more on their finishers than the fact that these are gigantic fucks, who are destructive forces, and the only thing that can contain their fury is HIAC. They actually somewhat did it right with Orton-Del Rio; you had a feud where Orton is the psychotic predator, and Del Rio wants to usurp his role, and prove he's more vicious than Randy. What better way to attempt to have Del Rio prove himself, but in the confines of Hell in a Cell.

Gimmick PPVs can and do work; I'm not saying theoretically that gimmick ppvs can work, I'm saying it's a proven fact that fans will tune into gimmick ppvs, as long as they're built correctly. I'm not a PG naysayer, but the truth is, certain gimmick matches need certain types of angles to validate their work. Hell in a Cell is one of them; you need to be willing to go all in, and include stuff that isn't normal for a wrestling show. Need to have Ryback-Punk in the cell? Let Punk bloody Ryback, and let him build some instant credibility for bloodying the monster. Certain gimmicks need to be built certain ways.
I also hope this report is true, but I'll believe it when I see it. In a perfect world, they'd drop all ppvs except for the Rumble, Mania, (bring back KOTR), SummerSlam, NOC, and Survivor Series. This would help with time to build storylines and therefore make the ppvs worth looking forward to a lot more when they put more effort into the feuds. That equals more buys. That'll never happen though, because they're so damn afraid to possibly lose revenue by not having one per month. Vince needs to realize it's quality not quantity.

If they're dead set on having 1 every month, I say bring back some of the WCW ppvs such as Halloween Havoc, Starrcade, Great American Bash/Bash at the Beach.
I also hope this report is true, but I'll believe it when I see it. In a perfect world, they'd drop all ppvs except for the Rumble, Mania, (bring back KOTR), SummerSlam, NOC, and Survivor Series. This would help with time to build storylines and therefore make the ppvs worth looking forward to a lot more when they put more effort into the feuds. That equals more buys. That'll never happen though, because they're so damn afraid to possibly lose revenue by not having one per month. Vince needs to realize it's quality not quantity.

If they're dead set on having 1 every month, I say bring back some of the WCW ppvs such as Halloween Havoc, Starrcade, Great American Bash/Bash at the Beach.

I completely agree with this post.

I understand the financial reason behind having all the PPVs they currently have. I think six Pay Per Views a year is a good number as far as Storyline builds go. Two months of build could make any story better. More detail and more room to work with could help the Mid-Card and Lower-Card Stars get PPV matches.

January – Royal Rumble
March – WrestleMania
May – King of the Ring
July – SummerSlam
September – Night Of Champions
November – Survivor Series

If the WWE MUST do 12 a year, then I too agree with using WCW’s Big 5. I would also add ECW’s Flagship Show.

January – Royal Rumble
February – SuperBrawl
March – Night Of Champions (This is the PPV they should use before WrestleMania)
April – WrestleMania
May – King of the Ring (This is the PPV they should use after WrestleMania)
June – Bash At The Beach (It goes with the start of the Summer theme)
July – Great American Bash (Independence Month)
August – SummerSlam (End of the Summer Tradidtion)
September – Survivor Series
October – Halloween Havoc (It says Halloween)
November – November 2 Remember (It says November)
December – Starrcade
I would want to see them keep both the Elimination Chamber and Money In The Bank PPVs but scrap the rest and go back to a normal PPV with an old (maybe bring back some IYH names) or different name altogether.

The EC has a purpose in setting up the big title matches and putting them down in stone for the biggest show of the year and can be used to advance some feuds that will end up on the undercard of the show see Orton/Punk and Rhodes/Show for instance. I never see in any harm of us getting two of those matches in the same night, would like to see one day the Rumble winner putting his title shot on the line in a Chamber.

The MITB has given us some top matches in its three year history. The 2011 edition was one of the best non-Mania shows ever. Perhaps they could drop one of the matches but the winner of the sole MITB match can cash in on both champions. Since there has been two cases, normally one is cashed in within a month (Kane, Del Rio and Cena) and the other one has lead to a champion going on a decent run with the title leading into Mania (Miz and Bryan), so perhaps if there was just one MITB match you could have the case holder cash in after the champion has had a grueling match in November/December (in the style of the Edge and Punk cash ins).
I haven't liked WWE's PPV schedule for a while. The way it's spread out makes things seem way too pretty predictable, like having the EC between the Rumble and Mania for example. I like the idea of MITB being a PPV because it is kind of like the Rumble in that the match actually has significant meaning besides just who competes in it. I don't like the idea of having more than one ladder match on the card though, that just seems like instant overkill in my opinion. I think the HIAC PPV and the TLC PPV should both be scrapped, they have beaten them both to death at this point. Here is how I would do things, even though I doubt they would want to get rid of two PPVs a year.

January - Royal Rumble
Thirty man over the top rope battle royal with the winner receiving a guaranteed title shot at either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania. The winner must choose the very next night on Raw which champion he will face at Wrestlemania.

*I figure take February off and just drag out the KOTR tourney that whole month and the majority of the next month.*

March - King Of The Ring

The GMs of Raw and Smackdown will collectively decide on sixteen wrestlers who will compete in a tournament leading up to the PPV. The semifinals and the finals will be at the PPV and the winner gets a title shot at WrestleMania for whichever title the winner of the Rumble hasn’t already chosen.

April - WrestleMania

May - Cyber Sunday

The people vote on the entire card, everything from the match types to who wrestles who.

*I would do this the month after Mania because then you can kind of use it to see what the people are interested in seeing in the upcoming year.*

June - Night Of Champions
Every champion will put their title on the line, except the WWE Champion and the World Heavyweight Champion who will wrestle each other in a non-title match. The losing champion must defend his title in the elimination chamber.

July - Elimination Chamber

Whichever champion lost at Night of Champions must defend his title against five other wrestlers inside the elimination chamber.

August - SummerSlam

*Take a month off following the biggest party of the summer and use that month and the next one as build up for Survivor Series.*

October - Survivor Series
A classic five on five tag team elimination match will take place. Whoever scores the decisive pin fall or submission will get a title shot at either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship at Fatal 4-Way. The catch is on top of that, that wrestler must choose two wrestlers from his team to take the remaining spots in the Fatal 4-Way.

November - Fatal 4-Way

The person who scored the deciding elimination at Survivor Series will take on the champion of his choosing, plus two wrestlers who were on his team at Survivor Series. He also gets to choose which two wrestlers that will be.

December - Money In The Bank

The GMs of Raw and Smackdown will collectively decide on eight wrestlers who will compete in a ladder match with the winner getting a title shot whenever he pleases and good up to one year, at either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship.

*End the year with a bang and add a little more excitement on the road to WrestleMania.*
The themed ppvs need to go! They are so incredibly stale its not funny. MITB is the only gimmick ppv that can be considered. The Royal Rumble having more spotlight means more viewer interest and intrigue. Business wise....
This would be great. HIAC cannot be a HIAC themed pay per view if only one of the matces is HIAC. Because tha can happen at any pay per view. I would keep around MITB and elimination chamber. MITB because ever since it debuted, it has been a solid pay per view every year, and there have been some really good matches. Plus, i would rather see two briefcases than one. I would also keep elimination chamber because it is always a good road to wrestlemania pay per view, as far as feuds go. They can always just start a feud by wo eliminated who, and you have a match. For elimination chamber though, i would rather have them be #1 contenders matches instead of matches for the title, as it sets up wmania better. Other than those two, all of the theme payperviews are pointless, and shold definitely be scrapped.

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