Their Greatest WrestleMania Moment...Shawn Micheals

An Angry Blonde

Occasional Pre-Show
Next Person in the series is no other than Mr.Wrestlemaina himself, Shawn Micheals!

Each and every week I will go through some of the greatest wrestlers to ever step into the ring at Wretlsemania, and now this weeks superstar is HBK, Shawn Micheals.

#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?

this is a stupid question. you could argue all day long but wrestlemania 25 was the best for everything. the second that match started to the 3 count it was just one big wrestlemania moment. his entrance that year was awesome to. the way he floated down from the rafters and all the fire works when he fell to his knees and prayed. the match is widely regarded as the best mania match ever and the hype to that match was AWESOME! dark vs light... good vs evil.... taker vs Michaels WM25 was second to none.
The 60 minute Iron Man match entrance is the best and most memorable entrance of any WM period.

That match and HBK vs Taker I are tied for me as HBK's best matches.

The build to HBK Taker I was the best build to any HBK match ever I think.

Beating Bret Hart for the title in the Iron Man match has to be his greatest moment.
This is a stupid question? Have you followed Shawn Michael's illustrious WrestleMania career or did you just start following wrestling in the past few years? The first Taker match was great, but it might not even crack his top-5 WrestleMania matches or moments.

Since Shawn had so many matches and moments at WrestleMania, and I'm too stubborn to pick just one, I'll tell you what I thought was his top 2 of each:

Best Match: WrestleMania 12 Iron Man Match vs Bret Hart ... WrestleMania 10 Ladder Match vs Razor Ramon. (though strong cases can be made for his matches with Jericho and Angle)

Best Build Up: WrestleMania 26 retirement match vs Undertaker ... WrestleMania 24 vs Flair (Though a strong case can be made for WrestleMania 12)

Best Moment: WrestleMania 12 winning the World Title ... WrestleMania 24 the heartache of retiring Flair.

Best Entrance: WrestleMania 12 propelling from the rafters ... WrestleMania 25 vs Undertaker

Gutsiest Moment: WrestleMania 14 vs Steve Austin
Worst Match: WrestleMania 22 vs Vince McMahon
Worst Moment: Skipping WrestleMania 13
As an HBK fan lots of things stick out that would answer all these questions but heres what I have chosen:

1) WrestleMania 12 winning the WWF Championship
2) WrestleMania 12 coming down from the roof
3) Obviously WrestleMania 25 against The Undertaker that is without a doubt the greatest WM match of all time
4) WrestleMania 26 I thought the build for this was great HBK was desperate to end the streak and even put his career on the line when he superkicked Teddy Long and told Triple H his career was over was just brilliantly done.
Shawn Michaels is renowned for being Mr. WrestleMania. It's hard to argue that point given his accomplishments and level of matches at the event, especially in the 2002-10 run he just recently completed.

#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

Shawn Michaels has had many great WrestleMania moments. His greatest would probably be the night he won the WWF Championship from Bret Hart at WrestleMania XII. It was the culmination of a journey everyone took with Shawn (Rocker to Heartbreak Kid, curtain jerker to World Champion). Every year, they show that clip of Shawn holding the championship after the match. While the Iron Man match wasn't the most entertaining match in the entire world, it did make that moment that much sweeter.

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?

Again, from WrestleMania XII, I'm going to have to go with the entrance from the top of the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim to the arena floor. I remember watching that on PPV hoping that Shawn didn't hurt himself coming down. It was another classic WrestleMania moment and really emphasized Shawn Michaels' over the top personality.

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

This is definitely a tough question. All one has to do is look back at the history of Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania to understand that this isn't an easy question. I'm going to have to go with Shawn's match against Razor Ramon at WrestleMania X. That's the match that really put Shawn Michaels on the map in terms of being in a major spotlight and that match propelled him for years. It was also one of the most influential matches in wrestling history as the ladder match upped the violence and showcased a unique presentation that none were doing on a national stage. Everyone remembers that match at Mania, and while it might be easy to say one of the Taker-HBK matches were greater, it'll be a few years before we know what the long term legacy of those matches will be. The ladder match at Mania is one of the most fondly remembered in wrestling, and it gets my vote for his greatest Mania match.

#4) Greatest WrestleMania hype/build up?

The best hype for any of Shawn Michaels' WrestleMania matches was probably the buildup to his match with Undertaker from WrestleMania 25. The WWE did essentially everything possible to make people buy into the fact that Shawn Michaels was going to end the streak at WrestleMania. It seemed like at every turn, Shawn Michaels was getting the one up on the Undertaker. Shawn even mocked the Undertaker with the unique (if not ridiculous looking) White Undertaker outfit, saying that his light would erase the darkness. Great build for the match.
1) Greatest Moment: Winning the WWF Championship @ WM 12. The "boyhood dream coming true", Michaels clutching the belt as he cried in the ring. Still played every year in the build up to the event. Though, retiring Flair, Flair crying & HBK saying "I love you" just before he delivers Sweet Chin Music is very close.

2) Greatest WM Enterance: WM 12, coming down on the zip line. Probably the greatest enterance ever. And as someone else said, it just fit his character perfectly.

3) Greatest WM Match: The toughest question, because he never had a bad match, & he had many classics. I'm going to go with my favorite, the one I can watch over & over, & that's WM 21 against Kurt Angle. Two of the greatest wrestlers ever on the biggest stage, & they didn't disappoint. Of course, you could also go with the ladder match against Razor Ramon, the Iron Man match, the match against Jericho in Seattle, Flair's retirement match, or against The Undertaker @ WM 25. It's a toss up, but I'll go with Angle @ WM 21.

4) Greatest WM Hype/Build Up: I'm going with WM 25. The way HBK taunted The Undertaker, the way got the best of The Undertaker in every situation. The promo in the graveyard. It was just really well done. This was also probably his 2nd best enterance, coming down from the top of the video board in the all-white outfit.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?


1. The greatest moment had to be WM 26. Best send off in WWE history in my opinion, and well deserved.

2. His entrance for the Ironman match with Bret Hart. I don't even have to explain why. It was that awesome.

3. I think the best match was the Ladder match with Razor Ramon at WM 10. This match really solidified HBK as a competitor and suprise, suprise he was competing for the title at the following WM. This match was a true stepping stone to greatness for him.

4. The best buildup was also the Ironman match at WM 12. Bret and Shawn were great leading up to this match and they were truly the best the WWE had to offer at the time. With the event taking place in HBK's hometown and bringing in Jose Lethario, it really made it seem more real than usual.
1. The greatest moment had to be WM 26. Best send off in WWE history in my opinion, and well deserved.

2. His entrance for the Ironman match with Bret Hart. I don't even have to explain why. It was that awesome.

3. I think the best match was the Ladder match with Razor Ramon at WM 10. This match really solidified HBK as a competitor and suprise, suprise he was competing for the title at the following WM. This match was a true stepping stone to greatness for him.

4. The best buildup was also the Ironman match at WM 12. Bret and Shawn were great leading up to this match and they were truly the best the WWE had to offer at the time. With the event taking place in HBK's hometown and bringing in Jose Lethario, it really made it seem more real than usual.

Majority would agree that WM12 winning the belt the first time was his best moment. Personally, I'm so sick of WWE always playing that McMahon line "The boyhood dream..." blah blah blah. HBK was also very disrespectful once he won the belt. Personally, seeing Foley win the title on Raw was a more memorable 'first title win' than HBK's.

#2- agreed on.

I also agree with #3 here. The Ladder match was a match they talked about for many years, a match that put Shawn up on a higher level.

I also have to give props to the HBK/Angle match. The crowd was superhot for that one, against HBK, and as a Kurt Angle fan, the ending was just amazing.

Wrestlemania 12 was NOT at San Antonio, btw. It was in Anaheim. The best buildup was the last one against Taker (career vs. streak). It had a very long and interesting buildup, where Shawn made everyone think he'd win the Rumble, then the surprising twists that came within the buildup.. it was very well done.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

Unquestionably his first WWE title at Wrestlemania 12. For me it's the iconic WM moment and makes me long for the days when new world champions actully got their 1st title at the big show.

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?

Not only his greatest entrance but also the best Wrestlemania entrance, it's Wrestlemania 12 again. No-one expected him to be coming down from what was an incredibly high roof. Kodak moment

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

Ah now this is more difficult. Ladder match? Iron-Man match? Wrestlemania 14 (maybe not the best match but the guy should get some fucking respect for even being there with that injury, I wouldn't have). Personally while WM25 was a great match, I feel it was somewhat broken up by the botched swan dive and WM26 wasn't quite as good.
No, my original instinct was correct, Wrestlemania 21 against Kurt Angle and probably the best match I've ever seen.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?

Wrestlemania 12 because in my mind, that had been built for at least a year since HBK lost at WMXI. The guy had obviously been destined for great things for the 3 years previous and that culminated in an epic match in a defining rivalry.
Retorical question, since it so obvious

#1) Winning the the Title WrestleMania 12, though realistically I think i can generalise and say he's had an epic moment in every match he's had at Mania.

#2) Same match, since he never dropped from the ceiling again

#3) Hmm now thats a toughy he's had several awesome matches

"Best Entertainment Match" vs Taker 25/26 would be a no brainer, most hype, constant crowd involvement, considering takers physical state it was still awesome. and there was still a chance that Taker would lose. That is if you ignored the reports about HBK's retirement leading upto it

"Best Rassling Match" a tie vs Kurt Angle WM21 was a wrestling clinic, vs Bret Hart WM12 though it was mostly holds it was still epic.

"Best Emotional" vs Ric Flair WM24 was the most emotional.

#4) WrestleMania 25 and 26 - near a year of promo's between the two matches and the
#1) Greatest WrestleMania moment? HBK's greatest Wrestlemania moment had to have been at Wrestlemania 12 when he won the WWE championship from Bret Hart. That was arguably the most emotional championship win for him.

#2) Greatest Wrestlemania Entrance? His greatest Wrestlemania entrance I think was at Wrestlemania 25 when he came down "from the heavens" if you will. It can be argued that Wrestlemania 12's entrance was pretty damn great as well and it was but this one just had much deeper meaning to it at least to me.

#3) The Greatest Wrestlemania match? His greatest match I think was at Wrestlemania 21 agaisnt Kurt Angle. I just saw that match recently again and it had me on the edge of my seat even though I already knew who the victor was gonna be.

#4) Greatest Wrestlemania hype/build up? The best buildup was probably against the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25. I think it set up the story perfectly and because of the build up, they gave it their best and they gave us one of the best matches in recent memory.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

- I think Shawn winning the world title at WM12 was easily his biggest Wrestlemania moment. Would I say that was his greatest Mania match? No. It was good and it had a great ending, but definitely not his greatest match.

#2) Greatest Wrestlemania Entrance?

- This is subjective...actually I guess everything here is subjective. Call me weird, but I like his Wrestlemania 14 walkout. The true fans knew this was going to be his final match. Shawn dedicating this match to Earl Hebner just moments before he walked out and then the live band singing his way to the ring. Michaels with his arrogant/badass attitude walking to the ring with Jim Ross praising him like he was a god. The heat he was getting was unbelievable as he was easily the most hated man in the company. You can like the whole "flying down from the rafters" entrance if you want to though. :)

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

- Now it gets tricky. The ladder match must be mentioned because it had a huge impact on wrestling at the time. Of course as I stated earlier I think the final moments of the WM 12 match was great, and made for his best "moment." comes down to HBK/Angle vs HBK/Taker 1. Tough one to call but I'm taking HBK vs Undertaker at WM 25. Some people complain about some of the botched spots...but I don't care. That match is one of the best I've ever seen.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?

- How can anyone forget the build up to Michaels/Angle? I mean...Kurt brought back Sensational Sherri and squared off against Shawn Michaels' former tag team partner, Marty Jannetty! Since I'm old school and all I'm going with this as the best build up. I'd say the runner up would be Michaels/Austin...that was classic.
MOMENT = Winning the title from Bret Hart at WrestleMania XII. "The boyhood dream has come true!" Classic. Awesome match, awesome end with the overtime stipulation.

ENTRANCE = I'd say a tie between WrestleMania XII and WrestleMania XXV. I loved the idea of Shawn in white to contrast the Undertaker's black, especially considering how HBK was going into it looking more like the heel than Taker.

BUILD = I'd go for HBK vs Flair. That technically had the build up of months with the Flair angle.

MATCH = WrestleMania XXV versus the Undertaker. 26's didn't match up to it in my opinion, but 25's is one of the best matches EVER - not limited just to Mania.
this is a stupid question. you could argue all day long but wrestlemania 25 was the best for everything. the second that match started to the 3 count it was just one big wrestlemania moment. his entrance that year was awesome to. the way he floated down from the rafters and all the fire works when he fell to his knees and prayed. the match is widely regarded as the best mania match ever and the hype to that match was AWESOME! dark vs light... good vs evil.... taker vs Michaels WM25 was second to none.

Sorry but that is a ridiculous comment. I’m not questioning your opinion about WM25, but to say it’s a stupid question is…well stupid. Have you ever seen an HBK mania match from before 2009? There are plenty of good ones to choose from. In fact I’m not going to mention WM25 in any of my choices.

Greatest moment: “I’m sorry. I love you.” Maybe it’s more of a Ric Flair moment, but it was Shawn who said those words right before ending Flair’s WWE career. The moment has been tainted a bit with Flair’s return to action in TNA, but this was still a special mania moment.

Greatest entrance: I’m going with WM19 on this one. For me it was great seeing Mr. WrestleMania walk the long aisle at Safeco Field in his return to WrestleMania. It may not be as memorable as WM12 or WM25, but I was just so happy to see HBK back at mania. The HBK pyro going across the top of the stadium was pretty sweet too.

Greatest match: So many good ones to choose from. I’m going against the grain here and picking WM19 for this one too. HBK vs. Y2J was an instant classic. These two told quite a story that night and they had the crowd the whole way through. I love a match where the crowd reaction builds throughout the whole match and that’s what happened here. I really didn’t know who was going to win and popped like a little kid when Shawn got the win.

Greatest build: Tough choice again but my pick is WM14. A lot of people think Steve Austin is the reason the attitude era began in the WWF. Shawn Michaels was just as important as Austin at the beginning. Austin was clearly the next big thing in wrestling and as JR said during the match nobody has ever outperformed Shawn Michaels in a big match situation. The match was hyped good enough on its own, but throw in Mike Tyson and the hype went off the charts.
#1 HBK's best wrestlemania moment is undoubtly him winning the title at wrestlemania 12, also i think him walking out at wrestlemania 26 was also a very emotional moment in his career but pleasent.

#2 His best entrance had to be wrestlemania XIX, it was his first wrestlemania since 14, and the whole thing was amazing, dancing on the stage, shooting confetti into the crowd while walking down the aisle, and the classic hbk pose in the ring with the arena fireworks in the background with his classic ring pyro on the other side, just amazing

#3 Best Match... WM 21 Theres a few, Kurt and HBK delivered unexpectations, WM XIX very good match agianst jericho, great technical wrestling, WM 25/26 Speaks for itself, probably the modern day hogan vs andre, WM XII was by far the best technical wrestling match ive seen, nothing but true determination

#4 Best buildup was Streak vs Career, the music, the promo, everything was just awesome, also HBK vs Flair was a really good buildup considering they did that on in about a month
#1) Greatest WrestleMania moment? Like "The brain"said, HBK's greatest moment was him saying I’m sorry. I love you to Ric Flair before giving SCM to him the 3rd This was a special mania moment and HBK hugging him after he won. It made me tear up!

#2) Greatest Wrestlemania Entrance? Wrestlemania 12's entrance was the greatest because HE CAME DOWN THE F'ING CEILING!!!!!

#3) The Greatest Wrestlemania match? His greatest match I think was at Wrestlemania 20 against Chris and HHH. He lost but I loved the match for so many reasons. 1 is the build up! It was PHENOMENAL (The match)!!

#4) Greatest Wrestlemania hype/build up? The best buildup was probably against the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25. I think it set up the story perfectly and because of the build up, they gave it their best and they gave us one of the best matches in recent memory.
1) Greatest WreslteMania moment - a tie between WM 12 for the boyhood dream and WM 26 for the end of the HBK, both of 'em are picked for their significances which could not have been further apart, one signaled the beginning, the other the end.

2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance - WM 12, esp that one shot where the camera is behind him and you see the arena in it's entirety and all the camera flashes!

3) The Greatest WrestleMania match - WM 12 and WM 25/26 again, WM 12 for it's mat wrestling & technical skill, 25/26 for it's sheer entertainment % "OMFG" moments.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up? - ok, I'm gonna go with WM 19 here, simply because after 5 longs years HBK appears at Wrestlemania, I mean common, who wasn't waiting for that moment? Love him or hate him, his match alone makes the price of admission/ppv worth it. Side note: loved the entrance in WM19 - where he hits his pose and the pyro goes off in the wring, then turns around and hits it again and the Huge set of pyros go off at the top of the stadium - epic.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

- I have to go with the WM12 title win as the "I'm sorry, I love you" moment has been tainted since by Flair slumming it in Orlando.

#2) Greatest Wrestlemania Entrance?

- It has to be the WM12 entrance, the most iconic entrance in Mania history.

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

- His two matches with Taker were epic and very dramatic. The ladder match with Razor put a match type that would go on to be a fans favourite, on the map. The match with Austin was better than it had any right to be given how injured he was, I'm not sure anyone else could have pulled it off, but for overall quality both in the athletic story told and the big stage drama aspect combined, I have to go with the WM21 match with Kurt Angle.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?

- The build to his match with Austin is tied with his build to his match with Angle for me.
1) Most hyped/build Wm match: Wrestlemania 25 vs Taker. Shawn got better of deadman on every point them faced.He super-kicked Taker's head like100 times during that build and made Shawn look like legit threat to the streak.

2) Best Wm match: Well Shawn has stolen the show every time he has wrestled at wrestlemania so this is a very tough question.But of all i am going to go with Shawn Michaels Vs Undertaker I.

3) Best WM moment: This is a tie for me b/w A: Boyhood dream coming true at Wm12 and Shawn Michaels retiring.

4) Best WM entrance: There is no doubt it is Wm12 roof entrance.
Best Moment:

Has to be WM 12. Finally won his first WWE Title. Although I bet a lot of us would change our opinions on this if we knew the real HBK from 1996.

Best Entrance:

Not to be repetitive, but this one goes to WM 12 as well. The descend from the roof was unbelievable and will probably never be duplicated.

Best Match:

Hmm, tough call here, but i'm going to say WM 19 v. Jericho. I'm not so big on the Taker matches as to me they were mostly just kicking out of each others finisher a bunch of times. The Iron Man Match is classic but is kind of watered down with so many minutes of it being an armbar or head lock. the match at WM 19 was so awesome beacuse you really had no clue who would win and being his first one back for 5 years he put his all into the whole thing.

Best Build:

Honestly, looking back, eveyone of his Mania matches has great build up. I think I'm going to have to go with WM 12 again. I was only 8 years old when this match took place and I knew in the weeks leading up to the Rumble that this would be the main event of Mania. The two biggest names on the biggest stage, the videos they showed, the Rumble win, Hart being the great veteran champ, the whole thing was just great.

Honorable mention has to go the WM21, who didn't love seeing Kurt Angle sing 'Sexy Kurt"?
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?
Winning the WWF Title at WM 12. Him getting down on his knees, bowing while the title is on the floor while Vince says "The Boyhood dream has come true" was an epic moment for the ages.

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?
Wrestlemania 12, no explainations needed.

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?
Tough question as this is why he is Mr. Wrestlemania but my personal pick goes to Wrestlemania 21 vs. Angle. The match was so back & forth, Michaels missed moonsault through the announce table was awesome and the ending where Shawn wouldn't give up and spent about 2 minutes trying to break out of the Ankle Lock but couldn't, eventually tapping was an amazing finish.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?
Tough choice, his build up with Bret was good as they would show video packages of both men giving promos on each other & training but there was really nothing happening in the ring between the two. I gotta with WM 26 honestly, Shawn getting obsessed over Taker was brilliant. So much emotion behind it, Shawn costing himself & Triple H the Tag Titles, going to heel lengths by superkicking babyfaces & costing Taker the title at Elimination Chamber. The Royal Rubmle 2010 match was only good for Shawn's obsession with trying to win it to get to Taker.
Cool series you've got going here..

The one and only Heartbreak Kid..

1. Greatest WrestleMania moment? Got to be when he defeated Bret for the WWE title at 'Mania XII. I feel like there's a lot of debate over whether or not this match was any good. The ending alone is what makes this match for me, the match was sent into over time and HBK hit the Chin Music. Something about the way Shawn pinned Bret was really cool, like you could just feel the torch being passed. The moment with Shawn alone in the ring with the belt is a memory that will probably never be forgotten.

2. Greatest WrestleMania Entrance? Again, I'm going to have to go with 'Mania XII. The zip line was something that had never been done, and with Owen's tragic passing, will more than likely never be seen again. Vince's commentary during Shawn's entrance was priceless.

3. The Greatest WrestleMania match? Tough choice as we're talking about Mr. Wrestlemania here. Ultimately this time I'm going with 'Mania XXV vs. The Undertaker. A showdown between two timeless legends. Not much I can say that I'm sure hasn't been said as I'm sure many of you have chosen this one already. Noteable mentions: 'Mania XIX vs. Jericho, 'Mania XX in the Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Title and 'Mania XXI vs. Angle.

4. Greatest WrestleMania hype/build up? I think I may reluctantly have to go with 'Mania XXVI vs. The Undertaker on this one. I think a lot of people were pretty anxious to see whether or not HBK could finally pull it off, not to mention his career was on the line.
Greatest Wrestlemania Moment

Definitely the "Boyhood Dream" coming true. When Shawn got down on his hands and knees and bowed to the belt, you felt real emotion for how much that meant to him. A great WM moment, one of the most memorable.

Greatest Wrestlemania Entrance

I am going to go against the grain here and say his entrance for the match against Chris Jericho at WM19. It is one of my all time favourites. The outfit he wore was great, and Shawn used the cannons that had been left along the sides of the ramp to fire confetti into the crowd, even managing to look cool when a couple of them didnt work.

When he got in the ring he did he usual poses, but the fireworks went off around the roof of the arena, which was totally unexpected. I LOVE that entrance, I still watch it quite often. When they show Y2J's face as Shawn is coming to the ring, his expression shows how he is hating being overshadowed by HBK.

Greatest Wrestlemania match

I hate not choosing the matches with Angle, Jericho and Bret but I have to go with the 1st match against Undertaker. It is one of the best 1-on-1 contests I have ever seen. You really did think Shawn had a chance of ending the streak. Two veterans who were in the latter days of their careers but could still turn it on and give the fans an absolute show stealing classic. This match is the perfect example of why HBK & Taker had the success they have had. They deserve it

Greatest Wrestlemania Hype/Buildup

I have to agree with most others here and say the WM26 build-up for the Streak v Career match with Undertaker. Knowing how much was on the line for Shawn, the prestige of the streak and the anticipation of replicating the classic from the year before, I loved every minute of this build up. Would Shawn retire? Would Undertaker lose the streak? You could not tell. It was magnificently built up by 2 absolute pro's.

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