Their Greatest WrestleMania Moment...Undertaker

An Angry Blonde

Occasional Pre-Show
Now it's only proper that Taker is the first one to start off this potential series. For those who don't know:lol: Taker is 18-0 currently at Wrestlemania, so their are plently of chocies.

#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?

Now when it comes to wrestlemania entrances Taker is the God, and can't even be touched in entrances. Now my personal favorites are WM 14, 20-26, So I can't decide.

The Best WrestleMania moment for The Undertaker was two years ago when he had that classic battle with Shawn Michaels. I remember being at work that night and how I just couldn't wait to get home to see that match. I hadn't been that excited about a wrestling match in years. The match was already over by the time I got home, but I watched the tape from start to finish BY MYSELF so no one spoiled it for me. The greatest match I seen in a long, long time, if ever.

His Greatest Entrance was when he came to the ring for his match against Kane at WrestleMania XIV. Everything seemed so carefully constructed and it really made him seem like this unstoppable force meeting Kane. The way he moved slowly toward the ring made it appear he was on a mission. Wonderfully done.

His Greatest build-up is a tie IMO. But if I had to pick on, I'd say when he fought Ric Flair. I remember him being the heel American Bad Ass by that time and beating up Arn Anderson and David Flair trying to get Flair to say yeah. He was so entertaining and ruthless. Loved the way he just kept baiting Flair into the match then the way he destroyed him during it. In case anyone wanted to know, the "tie" was between that and his build-up to the first Shawn Michaels match.
#1) BEST MOMENT:The final minutes of Michaels v. Taker WM26. Michaels would not give up, Taker then showed no mercy. The tombstone itself left me with my jaw open because Taker literally jumped in the air to deliver it.

#2) BEST ENTRANCE: WM XIV entrance. It was a simple stage but the music for the druids was creepy and cool at the same time. Then we had the lightning followed by his entrance under the druids' torches was great looking with the camera angles.
#3) BEST MATCH: WM 25 against Michaels. Fast paced (unlike their rematch).

#4) BEST BUILDUP: Tie between WM 23 and WM XX

XX: You knew the return was coming. It was great because you didn't know which Taker would return. At that point he had been the Bad Ass/ Big Evil for 4 years, but the clues on RAW and SD were of the original Deadman. Paul Bearer sealed the deal when you heard his shriek in the arena.

23: At this point he had not been champ in 5 years. The build up started at the Rumble and there was so much tension going on between 2 faces. I was also worried because there were serious talks of having Batista go over Taker at the event. Happy to see Taker walk out as WHC.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

Taker's greatest Mania moment in my opinion is the WM25 match. That may be the greatest match in WM history, possibly in history. That right there is a moment itself

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?

This one was the toughest to pick. I went with WM14. It was taker's first match with kane, and the first time he had the druids with the torches to accompany him. What a sight to behold, he really appeared as the lord of darkness that night.

a close second would be his american bad ass biker entrance at WM17. That ride was just cool as hell to see.

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

is there any doubt that this is the WM25 match vs HBK . like i said in the moment, it may be the best match is WM history and history period.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?

I believe the build up to either the WM14 or WM20 matches against kane could be argued as the best build up taker has had for a wrestlemania match. but since WM20 was their second match, I have to go with the original build/hype for WM14 because taker refused to fight kane, then they seemingly joined together against dx, then kane turned on his brother stuffing him in the casket and setting it on fire!. Then kane runs over everyone until taker returns and then the rest is history. i get goosebumps thinking about it.
1. Greatest Wrestlemania moment-
His match with HBK. The match was the best match in possibly the history of 'Mania. Back and forth with crazy pinfall situations. Michaels kicking out of the tombstone made the match for me. The whole match is the moment, but if we are talking about just one moment. I would say when he chokeslammed HHH from like 15 feet at 'Mania 17.

2. Greatest entrance-
I think his best entrance was against Kane in the 20th anniversary. It was just epic to see him come back like that. I would put it as the best return ever from him.

3. Greatest match-
The one with Shawn Michaels at 'Mania 25. I already explained in the first question.

4. Greatest build up-
The build up for his match against Shawn Michaels for the second time. It was just magnificent how long they built it up and how it played out. The stipulations added to it made it even better.
This could be a great series. It’s hard to pick just one but these are my choices.

Moment: WM20, the return of the dead man. The American Badass was an appropriate change of character for the time, but after four years the fans were ready to welcome back the dead man. His entrance, complete with the returning Paul Bearer, was awesome and one of the all time greatest gimmicks was back.

Entrance: Although I mentioned his WM20 entrance in his best moment I think Taker’s greatest entrance was at WM14. The druids, the torches, the music, the lightning, it was all awesome. I think it might have been the highlight of the night of a great mania.

Match: I’ve got to go with WM25. It was an instant classic. It should have been obvious that Taker would just continue the streak, but he and HBK told such an awesome story the fans got lost in it all and thought anything could happen. I was at WM25 and HBK kicking out of the tombstone was probably the best crowd reaction I’ve ever been a part of.

Hype: It’s a far fetched story to say the least, but I have to go with WM14. The seeds were planted for this match nine months earlier when Paul Bearer announced Kane was alive. It was another four months before we ever saw Kane. His debut was awesome and Taker vs. Kane immediately became the WWF’s most anticipated match. There were twists and turns along the way and by the time mania rolled around the hype was off the charts.

I’m looking forward to the next installment in this series.
#1) Greatest WrestleMania moment?
The first win in his 18-0 streak. Most people say the Hbk/taker match but it is this because it was the start of an Icon.

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?
The one where the druids came out and the torches at WM 14 (I think)
#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?
Hbk vs taker at wm 26. Tht was a match that I want to watch again and again becauseit had a meaning it was STREAK VS CAREER
#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?
IMO its HHH and taker
From Kane kidnapping Stephanie to HHH destroying the Undertakers motorcycle it was a great build up
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment? when vince caused austin to lose to The Rock!

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance? Shawn Michaels wm12

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match? Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart wm12

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up? HBK vs Austin WM 14 Tyson badest man on the planet!

Wow, really?? Please read the title of the thread!

1. Greatest moment? When he returned at WM20. Back to the deadman gimmick after 4 years, at the garden, it was epic even if the match wasnt.

2. Greatest entrance? They are all great to me, and basically the same but I will go with WM20 again.

3. Greatest match? Well what else would it be? WM25, just flat out genius. I have never been so emotionally invested in a match..

4. Greatest build up? Without question WM26. It started over 3 months prior on Raw, it was his only WM rematch that took place the following year, and the promos for it were some of the best of all time. From the 'Runnin up that Hill" video, to the Johnny Cash spots, to the pre-match promo recapping everything, I have never anticipated a match like that...
Moment-for its a tie between him ending Shawn Michaels Career and when he beat batista for the world title at WM 23, cause i had been waiting for a title run from him ever sense he dropped the american bad ass gimmick and finally, after being in good feuds with JBL, Kurt Angle,orton and having to get stuck with a program with one if the worst wrestlers ever aka khali, he finally won the World title.

Match- WM 25, just 2 of the best proving why they truely are two of the best. But, even though WM 25 was so great i also have always loved his match with randy orton at WM 21 maybe on a quality level it wasn't as good as taker and Shawn but i still thought it was a good match and after orton reversed the chokeslam into the RKO i jumped 40 ft in the air and dropped my jaw cause for a second i actually thought taker was gonna lose

Entrance- Its the Deadman i cant pick one i'll pick em all

Build up- WM 14 this is when kane vs taker was awesome cause it was the first time they did it. Also WM 25 had a great build up and WM 23 and 17 were good ones too.
Greatest Moment
The Chokeslam on HHH from the balcony at WM 17. It took me totally by surprise, I never expected Hunter to take a bump like that. Fantastic

Greatest Match
This is easy. The first Undertaker v HBK match at WM25. One of the all time greatest matches, everything about it is perfect. From the kick outs, to Taker diving over the top rope to the concrete, this was 2 masters at the very peak of their powers.

Greatest Entrance
The phenom character returing to take out Kane. I forget the year. But this was great, we were all unsure which incarnation of Undertaker would return, and the music, the druids and the return of Paul Bearer (OHHHHH YEAAAAAAH!) was epic. Undertaker easily has the most legendary entrance in the business

Greatest Hype/Build Up
The build up to the return of the Taker to take out Kane. The panic on the face of the Big Red Machine and the ominous promo's about the Undertaker rising from the grave to take his revenge was brilliantly done.

Also, both HBK matches. The build up was expertly done and it was great to see the mutual respect both men had for each other.
Moment - Shaking Shawn Michaels' hand after retiring him. That moment was priceless. Not even Mankind, Stone Cold, and Kane got to do that with Undertaker.

Match - His Wrestlemania 25 match with HBK for an obvious reason.

Entrance - His WM 20's entrance, which was better, longer, and more legendary than the actual match itself seeing how the match didn't even begin to cover half their performance at WM 14.

Build Up - Hands down, his WM 14 with Kane!
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?His title win at Wrestlemania 13. It was the first time he won the title in 6 years and I really consider that his first WWF title reign to be honest. His title win over Hogan was just pointless. But seeing him celebrating, holding the WWF Title while he does his kneeling pose with the lights in the arena flashing & him rolling his eyes both when he's kneeling & standing in the flasing lights was just epic. Plus I think there were thunder sounds which made it more epic. The Taker had made it right then & there.

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?
Well it's either between his WM 17 entrance where he rides down the long ramp on the bike or his WM 14 entrance with the druids hanging the torches above his head as he walks through but it's hard to resist picking his WM 14 entrance, so WM 14.

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?
Vs. Shawn Michaels at WM 25. No real explainations needed.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?
WM 14. We had to wait so long for Kane to arrive after months of Paul Bearer revealing to Taker that he was alive and when he did, it was epic. Then like most brothers, he refuses to fight his brother only for Kane to trick him into thinking he forgave him only to cost him the WWF Title at the Royal Rumble and burn him in the Casket. Then on the Raw, Taker returns by being struck by lightning on the stage & delivers a loud epic promo in which he finally accepts Kane's challenge. It was a long, well worked build up.
Greatest WrestleMania Moment: It would have to be at WrestleMania 13. Seeing him do his kneeling pose while holding the Championship for the first time. That was incredible to watch and as a rabid fan of The Undertaker, I was so happy to see it. Forget all that shaking hands with HBK BS. This may be the greatest moment in the fabled history of The Undertaker.

Greatest WrestleMania Entrance: I've heard WrestleMania 14 this and WrestleMania 14 that. Don't get me wrong, it was cool, however it wasn't his greatest entrance at a WrestleMania. For me, it was his entrance at WrestleMania 23. When the stage doors slid open and all one could see was the shadow of The Undertaker walking towards the camera. That gave me goosebumps right there.

Greatest WrestleMania Match: Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 25. Enough said.

Greatest WrestleMania hype/buildup: It has to be for his match against HHH at 'Mania 17. The promos for this match were off the charts. Both men delivered well on the mic and they had one hell of a storyline leading into 'Mania. From HHH destroying 'Taker's bike to 'Taker having Kane kidnap Stephanie. By the time the match happened, one couldn't wait for 'Taker to get his hands on HHH.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?
Returning at XX, it was an epic return and to see Paul Bearer aswell..

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?
Has to be XIV against Kane, with the druids, torch, it was a grand entrance and had never been seen before, the repeat version at XX was okay too..

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?
Has to be 25/26 against HBK, because I haven't seen the whole of the 26 match, I'm going with 25, because it has everything, 2 veterans putting on a clinic and stealing the show..

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?
25 was great and 26 was all about HBK not quitting, he was desperate for the match.. But am going for XIV, this was a long awaited match since Kane debuted and we finally got the match after soooo many promos, the build of Kane, the background story of the 2 brothers, mind games etc..

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