The Wrestling Wars Podcast with NorCal, KB and Ty Burna

Also, I just said fuck it, and paid for the unlimited account. So we can go fucking nuts with the time and frequency (thats what I her...)
Barring unruly technical difficulties, first episode will be up tomorrow eveing before raw at the latest, early AM (like 5am ET) monday morning
ILl have it fully posted up to Itunes in a few days. The cover art is too big to load to Itunes, and I want to let that awesome cover art breathe for a little bit lol.

Probably a copywrited image anyhow, which will get us shut down, so fuck it lol
Yeah that's the kind of thing that can get you in fast trouble. I had issues with such things for my Google ads.
Барбоса;5186837 said:
Damn. You mean that there is actually something approaching anticipation for an ancient history buff?

And worse than that, I might have to talk about recent wrestling?

I'm afraid so.

Gave it a listen - solid show, a few notes:

- NorCal's voice isn't as deep as I imagined it would be for some reason.

- For some reason I was surprised by just how much Norcs swore...then I re-read some of his posts and realised he's just being himself on here and not filtering himself. All good.

- I think you did a good job of balancing the positive and negative even if I did feel the negative was dwelt on a little longer than the positive.

- The balance of the show: will it always be 75% wrestling this week, 25% guest's specialty? That's an interesting balance and I kind of liked it.

- You already have a film graduate :( this makes me (soon to be graduating) a sad panda.
Just wrapped Episode 2, WWE and NFL offseason / Draft with Ty Burna!!

Will be published by 9am at the latest. Unless there is massive overwelming push to get it posted early.

Reigned in the language a bit, and things went a bit more smoothly this time around. We ran a little long, but I think its more cohesive. Hopefully you guys agree.
I plan to listen to it soon.

ILl have it fully posted up to Itunes in a few days. The cover art is too big to load to Itunes, and I want to let that awesome cover art breathe for a little bit lol.

Probably a copywrited image anyhow, which will get us shut down, so fuck it lol

Do you want me to create a logo/cover art for you? Saves you hassle from copyright issues.
There is that, but at the same time, I am overwrought with the cleverness/comedy enjoyment involved in the images I chose to use for the cover art for various episodes. Same thing when I start putting music on this that will obviously be copyrighted. I hear music on podcasts all the time though, even minor im unsure exactly how that works.

Eventually I will entertain doing an "official" logo, probably, yea.
WZ legend, actual archeologist, and comic lore expert the Shockmaster. We got tons of solid content regarding wrestling, the field of archeology and upcoming comic - based films.

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