The Wrestling VS Game

Hulk Hogan doesn't job to anybody brother

Hulk Hogan vs Low Ki in a "both both hands tied behind their backs match"
Taker wins putting to rest any doubt who the real phenom is.

Undertaker vs. Daniel Bryan in a submissions count anywhere match.
Cena just over powers Mankind and throws him off the ladder and grabs whatever is at the top.

Cena vs. Andre The Giant in a singles match.
Taker doesn't lose at WM. Andre would give him a challenge though but Taker still wins.

Undertaker vs Sheamus vs Wade Barrett vs Matt Morgan vs Abyss vs Kane (Extreme Elimination Chamber)
Before Abyss can even get into the match, Taker, Sheamus, and Morgan team up on Barrett and eliminate him.
Kane and Taker team up to eliminate Abyss
Kane eliminates Morgan
Taker eliminates Sheamus
Taker eliminates Kane, winning the match.

Undertaker vs. Bret Hart in a first blood match.
Undertaker loses, it doesn't bother him, he likes to bleed, it turns him on.

Bret Hart doesn't like to bleed so just watches taker disembowel himself and runs away terrified.

Bret Hart vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold vs. HHH vs. HBK vs Hulk Hogan - MITB ladder match
Bret Hart makes The Rock quit after showing him how to really use the Sharpshooter.

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart vs. Stu Hart vs. Teddy Hart
HBK via Sweet Chin Music.

HBK vs The Rock - Last Man Standing Match.

HBK grabs chair from under ring, tries to hit Rock with it, but Rock grabs it, superkick chair to face, as Rock is stunned, takes chair with him to top turnbuckle, then does a elbow drop with the chair onto Rocky's prone body for the 10 count.... HBK winner...

Savage via exit. HBK reaches the top, but Miss Elizabeth throws Savage a chair and he nails HBK. Savage heel turn.

Rock vs Austin. HIAC.
That's what I said in my original post Corck! I said Rock gets up after a 9 following SCM, then Shawn goes for another SCM but Rock counters into a Rock Bottom which wins him the match!

Because of this development I think the match is now...

Rock vs. Stone Cold vs. HBK vs. Randy Savage in a Fatal 4 Way HIAC

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