The Wrestling VS Game

Chris Jericho beats Terry Funk and Vader? I'm not buying it unless Vader hit Funk with the Vadersault and the impact knocked down the cage wall, allowing Jericho to simply jump over the ropes.

Chris Jericho wins.

Now to right the wrong...

Chris Jericho vs. Vader in a first blood match in the ECW Arena.
Bam Bam Bigelow, because fuck Mike Tyson, this is wrestling.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mankind in a Hell in a Cell.
Terry Funk is a better wrestler, he beats Mick Foley.

Terry Funk vs. Harley Race vs. Ric Flair vs. Jack Brisco vs. Dory Funk vs. Tito Santana in a legendary Elimination Chamber match.
Terry Funk is a better wrestler, he beats Mick Foley.

Terry Funk vs. Harley Race vs. Ric Flair vs. Jack Brisco vs. Dory Funk vs. Tito Santana in a legendary Elimination Chamber match.

Ric Flair after pinniny Harley Race to win it.

Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior vs Undertaker
Ric Flair after pinniny Harley Race to win it.

Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior vs Undertaker

Sounds very early 90's, therefore I'm going with Hogan after no selling EVERYTHING.

Hulk Hogan vs. Kurt angle vs. Ken shamrock - Submission match (Hogan can't possible win this one!)
Kurt Angle after breaking and making tap out Swagger.

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit vs Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk vs Chris Jericho, extreme elimination chamber
John Morrison wins because Miz shouldn't have beaten Ric Flair in a No DQ match.

John Morrison vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston in a TLC HIAC.

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