The winner of Tough Enough is... (Keep All Discussion in Here!)

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Wait, did I honestly read someone say something about "Why would Vince have said Luke would have been his pick if Vince didn't think he should have been the winner?" or something like that? Umm.. You know that was part of the script right? You know that EVERYTHING said in the ring comes off a script that Vince is VERY Anal about (According to Chris Jericho's book anyway)

Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious. I think everyone knew that and again like I said, whether it was a shoot or scripted, Vince wouldn't have said that if it isn't gonna lead to Luke getting a contract anyway because Vince feels he got screwed out of winning. If he isn't gonna get a contract then why say that he thinks Luke should've won?
i did sorta notice that. andy looks very similar to edge. i hope he does big things, simply cause he was trained by stone cold steve austin. therefore i expect big things from this guy.
To answer the question. Yes Luke will get a developmental contract as will most of the others apart from the few who were awful and elimated early, also Matt (M-Dogg 20) will not get a contract as he is far too small.

My question is why does everyone love this Luke guy so much? He has a poor mans Miz persona who really got showed up as a pussy once he stopped winning challenges and even more when Stone Cold called him nervous. Luke is just a bland, generic wrestler who has no size or definition and limited in ring abililty.

Who the hell is he going to legitimately beat? Santino, Bourne, Kingston, Ziggler, Zack Ryder?

Luke will simply get lost in the pack if he ever makes it out of FCW as he does not have the look or the talent in or out of the ring to stand out. Sorry, but it is true.

Andy on the other hand has the size, (he really bulked up for the finale) he is young and definitely has some potential in the ring. You can actually take him seriously when he fights some of the smaller guys, and if they can help him generate a decent character that the fans can get behind I really think he should be in a mid-card spot reasonably quickly. While he is not ready (and may never be) to compete with the big boys he certainly has a chance to make it. For me he could eventually become an Edge type wrestler and through hard work make it to the top. My main worry would be that he seems to be a family man and the time away from them could make him rethink his career.

My final point would be that Luke mentioned the party lifesytyle too much in the end (even Lawler mentioned WWE is not a party) and this helped with his downfall. WWE wrestlers travel and wrestle around 300 days a year, although they can party, my guess is work is the mentality Vince really likes.
I saw there was a thread about Luke so I decided to create one to discuss what people thought of Andy.

I believe that Andy is the stand alone talent of Tough Enough. After watching the show I think the only think fans can really judge these guys on is their looks and talking skills (2 of the 3 most important criteria to becoming a major star). Andy has a grate look. IMO he was one of 2 contestants (the other being Ryan) that didnt look like most of the other guys coming out of FCW. Andy has a cool look and Im sure the WWE officials will ask him to add even more muscle. He looks like a star wrestler. I think his talking skills are decent too. Not great but that be developed to some degree.

Now keep in mind, TE could have been edited to look like Andy was quite or needed a fire lit- we cant go by the editing on any aspect of tough enough. All we can really go by is how the guys sounded talking into the camera and how the look. I think that WWE made the right decision by making this guy the winner- weather it was predetermined before the show was filmed or on the spot- it doesnt matter - the guy looks like a WWE superstar.
I completely agree. The WWE needs some big guys because more than half of the heavy weight champs are not that big. The name he chose for himself is awesome too. I hope the WWE and him agree to use that name and play to it. That intensity he has that Austin found when he was in the bottom 3 needs to be apart of his mic skills and in-ring performance. He looks the part and he can definitely become a big name in the WWE. As for Luke, he can too but a guy that has had 4 years working with hall of famer Tony Atlas should of won almost every skills challenge. He seemed like he just figured he would win because of that. Hope he does get into the WWE though because him and Andy could be a fun rivalry with a different type of history.
I personaly thought Andy looked more like a WWE superstar than Luke did, Im glad he won but I just hope he isnt another Maven. IMO I think Andy will go far in the bussiness if he dosn't constantly need a fire lit under his butt to keep him motivated and working at his best.
I also like how Andy is in this business for all the right reasons, to provide for his family. Call it a weakness, I call it motivation. He's living his dream, he respects the business and respects those before him. He was excited to even be working with Ricky Steamboat than Luke. Both have their strengthes I just feel his appreciation for what he's getting into pushed him over Young Cool Hand Luke.
ur joking right? i mean u can think what u want but IMO luke should have won he has the look of a superstar,he has good mic skills (right there tht is more then andy has he sounded very uncomfortable with the mic on raw) i think luke should have won i mean come on before he even started talking on raw he got HEAT! thts a sign of a GREAT FUCKING HEEL RIGHT THERE! if wwe doesnt give this guy a contract there dumbasses i dont get what anybody sees in andy this guy just has never impressed me in anyway :shrug: tough enough winners never amount to anything anyway so luke will end up being the bigger star
Andy has the look, size and what the higher up look for is heart and passion. Luke to me just wanted to be a high paid star, in that case he should go to DWTS or the Idol show then. he likes wrestling for the fame and money and the idea of it, Andy went and worked and stayed focused and has that feeling the others didn't have and looks hungry, more then some on the main roster currently. i look forward to seeing whats net for him, as long as he works on his mic skills and flows with it. i was a fan of him the 1st episode and thought he was the only guy to stand out.
Above all else, I love Andy's look, and I think that is going to be his biggest asset in the WWE. He's one mean looking son of a gun, the type of guy that doesn't take no shit from no body. He looks like he was born in a singlet with long hair and a scowl on his face, and he seems to have the non-nonsense personality to match the look, which will definitely compliment his appearance nicely.

I can see Andy playing either a face or heel role. I think he'll play a face role off the bat as he was definitely the good guy coming out of Tough Enough. He'll probably do a few jobs before going over a William Regal or Tyler Reks type to establish himself as a powerhouse, and then they'll start showcasing his size and ruthlessness.

Finally, one of Andy's other big assets is his work ethic. If he continues the type of strict workout routine and diet that we saw on Tough Enough, he'll probably impress a lot of people backstage. His fellow wrestlers will respect his dedication, as will bookers and other guys who understand how tough it is to be a wrestler on the road and take care of your body and eating habits.

My expectations for Andy are unfortunately fairly low, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see him do some big things in the future.
I also like how Andy is in this business for all the right reasons, to provide for his family. Call it a weakness, I call it motivation. He's living his dream, he respects the business and respects those before him. He was excited to even be working with Ricky Steamboat than Luke. Both have their strengthes I just feel his appreciation for what he's getting into pushed him over Young Cool Hand Luke.

Yeah, being in a business that puts you on the road 300+ days a year really compliments that family-man gimmick he's got going. Steve Austin, on the show even mentioned how many times it allowed him to be "father of the year." Luke was the only one who was actually honest about his motives.
I knew right from the first show Andy would be in the top 3, and he'd eventually have a contract regardless of if he won or lost. The reason I knew this is because of how much Austin wanted Eric to push himself. They just wanted the biggest guy, and when Eric sucked donkey nuts, Andy was the next biggest.

Nothing against him, I think now, ten weeks later, he deserved the win. He worked his ass off, went strait edge for the competition just to help his odds, gave up his family for ten weeks, and when Austin lit that fire under him, it actually worked like a charm. Luke might have great heal heat already, but in my opinion, he simply didn't want it as much. And that is why I'm glad Andy won. Because he wanted it the most.
ur joking right? i mean u can think what u want but IMO luke should have won he has the look of a superstar,he has good mic skills (right there tht is more then andy has he sounded very uncomfortable with the mic on raw) i think luke should have won i mean come on before he even started talking on raw he got HEAT! thts a sign of a GREAT FUCKING HEEL RIGHT THERE! if wwe doesnt give this guy a contract there dumbasses i dont get what anybody sees in andy this guy just has never impressed me in anyway :shrug: tough enough winners never amount to anything anyway so luke will end up being the bigger star

great mic skills? Wolves don't beat lions...

When given the opportunity to cut a promo on his competition he cut a promo about himself.

The guy showed how he was merely about himself. He was depicted on the show as a me first guy. Not a team player. He may get a shot if he cuts it through FCW but he did not deserve to win tough enough.
Yeah, being in a business that puts you on the road 300+ days a year really compliments that family-man gimmick he's got going. Steve Austin, on the show even mentioned how many times it allowed him to be "father of the year." Luke was the only one who was actually honest about his motives.

providing for your family with a steady income is what many men learned from watching their fathers. That is what being father of the year means to many men. The wife raises the kids. The father puts the clothes on the backs and the meat on the table.
Andy wasn't my pick to win. Like many others, I wanted Luke to win. Andy is fine and all but lacks what it takes to be someone big in the WWE. He had the drive to become a WWE Superstar, but lacked about everything else there was. Andy was god awful when given time to speak. During RAW when Vince was asking him whatever the question was, Andy gave an answer to another question. Andy is not a good talker, you could tell he was extremely nervous in front of the RAW crowd last night. But to be fair, it will take time to get over it.

I don't understand why Luke didn't win. I really don't. Luke was better than Andy in everyway possible. Luke had the confidence, look and ability to be someone huge in the WWE. Luke had natural charisma. Everytime he cracked a smile you wanted to punch him in the face. The crowd didn't hate him last night because they didn't believe he'd make it in the WWE, they hated him because of this natural charisma. He drew heat, on his first fucking night on RAW! Luke should've won. Really. Not one person has even pointed or proved me otherwise.

I will garentee you, Luke will end up joining the WWE. I garentee you, Andy won't be remembered for main eventing numerous Wrestlemanias, but simply for winning 2011 Tough Enough...that's it.
i think it was fairly obvious Andy was going to win after anyone just had a quick look at his Wiki page it makes it clear he was already signed by WWE well before Tough Enough even started recording, having already been on the FCW roster for a few month back in 2010 under the name Kevin Hackman he was 'released' to compete in Tough Enough the WWE clearly wanted someone they knew to win so they could throw them pritty much straight in the ring after the show was completed to capitalize on the momentum gained im not sure about the forums rules on links so i appologize if this is not allowed but you can see Andy in FCW for just a a sec backstage back in 2010 on this vid at 25:20 but never mind im glad he won i like hs look and he seems like a genuinely nice person
Did anyone think Luke looked 'puffed up' on Raw??? He looked really lean against Bill Demott. Underweight for a wrestler, much smaller than the earlier TE shows.

Maybe he has hit the roids already? joke. Must be stuffing his face to gain weight.
Based only on the heavily edited stuff that I saw on TE, the winner caught me by surprise. I honestly expected it to be Jeremiah or Luke. But then again, we didn't really see very much of any of their in-ring work. I can only think of a few possibilities for the way it went, it could be they wanted a working class hero and reinforce the bullshit meritocracy myth that success will come if you just "work hard." McMahon is a reupblican and they love that nonsense. Or, the winner is a complete work, like the titles and the NXT winner, and they're setting up a feud between Andy & Luke.
Personally, I was stunned when they announced Andy as the winner. Sure, Luke is totally full of himself, but he's damn good too. He has a lot of charisma, a good look, he's good in the ring, he emanates heel heat, he would have been great. With Andy, the only reason for him being chosen must be potential down the road, because right now he's definitely not ready, whereas Luke was a lot closer. I'm sure Andy's size factored into it too, Luke was average sized, but Andy stood out.

You know, there's a lot of speculation as to why the decision was made, but what's done is done. I'm hoping Andy can really turn himself into a legitimate star, though. Also, I'd like to throw out that I'm sure Luke will get a developmental deal as well, not as large as Andy's, but he's too good of a talent to let go.
Luke and Andy, throughout the whole season were the two guys I had pinpointed as the top two guys. Martin was the other until his injury. Andy has great size and when a spark is lit he shows incredible emotion. He was actually my favorite of all the competitors and I'm glad he won. Andy has great size and stood out amongst the rest of the group. Andy could use some time in development and when he comes up I expect him to do some good things. I like the potential he brings to the table.
Luke and Andy, throughout the whole season were the two guys I had pinpointed as the top two guys. Martin was the other until his injury. Andy has great size and when a spark is lit he shows incredible emotion. He was actually my favorite of all the competitors and I'm glad he won. Andy has great size and stood out amongst the rest of the group. Andy could use some time in development and when he comes up I expect him to do some good things. I like the potential he brings to the table.

Man, Martin easily would have won had he not been injured. Martin was AMAZING in the ring. He was way ahead of any of the other competitors. Martin could have jumped straight to the WWE had he finished out the season, he had a lot of tools. He had a good look, great in-ring work, charisma, likeability, lots of stuff.

At some point down the line, Martin will get a WWE contract, undoubtedly.
Man, Martin easily would have won had he not been injured. Martin was AMAZING in the ring. He was way ahead of any of the other competitors. Martin could have jumped straight to the WWE had he finished out the season, he had a lot of tools. He had a good look, great in-ring work, charisma, likeability, lots of stuff.

At some point down the line, Martin will get a WWE contract, undoubtedly.

Oh man I totally agree. I was on the fence about Martin at first and then he just stepped up huge and became the favorite, no doubt. He looked good on Raw this past Monday and showed some swag that I didn't think he had in him. The beard was a nice touch and the suit was very Miz like in style. He looked rather heelish and while he said he'd be the ultimate babyface on Raw his look showed me he possessed the look of a heel. I hope we see Martin down the road, as he had the most potential out of everyone on the show, no doubt.
Oh man I totally agree. I was on the fence about Martin at first and then he just stepped up huge and became the favorite, no doubt. He looked good on Raw this past Monday and showed some swag that I didn't think he had in him. The beard was a nice touch and the suit was very Miz like in style. He looked rather heelish and while he said he'd be the ultimate babyface on Raw his look showed me he possessed the look of a heel. I hope we see Martin down the road, as he had the most potential out of everyone on the show, no doubt.

Exactly, exactly. Remember at the beginning of the show when everybody was totally green? Luke and Martin were the only two who knew what they were doing, but Luke had the attitude and the swagger. When Martin finally came out of his shell, he became the star, the front runner. Not only that, but he was a sure shot to win.

I totally agree with your thoughts about Raw, too. He looked healthy, had a bit of charisma throughout his appearance, and he looked able and ready to work, not only that... he looked EAGER. He loves wrestling, he'd be a very reliable guy for the WWE to pick up.
We were going to get someone good no matter who won. Luke has a future as a heel, the crowd HATED him. He reminds me of a young Orton, from before Evolution. Andy on the other hand could be good as either a face or a heel. Silent Rage could be a good character if they let him use that. He reminds me of a cross between Trips and Edge, and it wouldn't surprise me if they try to make him into a character similar to Edge. Even if Edge was still on the roster, Andy would probably still have won because he has the look that WWE tends to want in their stars. This guy is big, can wrestle, and can do promos. They made the right choice. The question is what brand he will be on, and whether he goes face or heel.
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