The whole cm punk/ elite debacle


Staff member
I don't want to go waste a lot of time on this subject as so much as been written about this already but let's just say that for the first time since AEW started, the elite got exposed for the cancer that they are in AEW, too bad that it was done the way it was done.

I'm not defending Punk's actions at the scrum or what happened afterward but let's face it, they try to push him out since may when he was starting to take too much place in the company and punk sadly exploded at the wrong time and it made Tony looked bad.

The problem was that after this whole thing happened, the elite pretty much gave punk leverage in negotiations with Tony with the way they handle the situation proving punk's point in the process. No executive would have done what these 3 have done and storm in punk's locker room to confront him. That's idiotic and can lead to a lawsuit no matter who started the fight because at that point, omega and the bucks weren't wrestlers, they were executive and punk can just say that he started fighting with them because he wanted to defend himself and ace's wife from these 3 since they looked like they were their for a fight. So yeah, that was a shit show just waitingto happened.

Now everybody involve have been suspended and Tony have strip everybody of their championship and will try to sweep everything under the rug hoping people will forget the whole thing in a few months.

The problem is that, these type of situation will continue until omega and the bucks are not longer part of the executive or all the way gone from the company it's not the first time, these type of situation happened in AEW but it's the first time that it escalate to that degree because punk isn't Cody Rhodes, compared to Cody he had nothing to lose by taking them to task and he just went for it, instead of Cody just saying i'm tired of this shit and I'm just leaving and gonna be a star elsewhere.
If it's as legit and everything they say happened did actually happen, then AEW is in trouble.

You don't want or need your Champion (at the time) taking shots verbally at talent and you certainly don't want EVP's doing what they did.

Khan needs to read the room, he done right holding a talent meeting and getting the likes of DB and Jericho to speak up.

In my opinion he should strip The Young Bucks and Omega of their EVP status while also reprimanding them and CM Punk.

Jericho might have too much on his plate doing podcasts, Fozzy tours and wrestling, but maybe DB could take over as EVP.

It's time for the wise heads of Sting, Jericho and DB to help steer the AEW ship through rough waters.
Cornette talked about it on today's experience. Bringing back all parties right now doesn't change anything in the current environment. He need a complete overall of his staff. He need to get veteran that knows what their doing to fill major role in the company. Go and try to convince J.R. to help him in the talent relations department. Have others veteran that aren't active wrestlers in other office and booking positions and let put your house in order as quickly as possible before the negotiation with warner/discovery.

Also, when punk and the elite comeback have them sit down and discuss with each other to try and fix the problem and say That if any of them don't want to work with each other or to follow the rules, the door is right there and they can take it since they're going to fired. Again it's not like any of them will go to WWE if they get fired. Punk as no intention of going back to WWE and let's face it after the fiasco of last Sunday and everything that happened since day 1 of AEW, the reputation and value of the elite as gone down significantly.

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