What's going on with AEW and Tony Khan's ego


Staff member
I don't know What's going on with Tony Khan lately but his rant in interview and on social media are tarnishing the image on AEW. Nothing again him but I'm thinking that the small success he had as of now with AEW is getting to his head. He was able to signed 2 of the biggest free agent in wrestling in punk and Danielson but they didn't move the needle after their debut.

Smackdown goes head to head with rampage and he goes berserk like he's the be all and end all of wrestling. AEW does at best a millions viewers a week on Wednesday. Rampage is sinking quicker then the titanic at this point mostly because they booked that show the same way that bischoff used to booked thunder.

He's a big fans of that era of WCW, he's been very vocal about this and he's modeling a lot of his booking on what bischoff did back then but he need to learn from bischoff's mistakes as well. One of the big reason WCW die was because how bischoff ego's was back then I thought he was the God of wrestling and could killed WWE, Tony seemed to have the same God complex right now because he beating WWE some weeks in one key demo and because he beats wwe developmental show most week during the Wednesday night war.

What he doesn't realise, and that really shortsighted on his part, is that it takes more then been successful in one demo to actually have success. In the overalls WWE is beating their ass every week. During the Wednesday night wars, AEW barely beat NXT in the overalls. WWE as the advantage of having a long being around longer then AEW so they are able to attract a more diverse audience but in 3 years, AEW had chance after chance of growing their audience in those other demo and they never took them. Lately, they had 2 big chance of growing their audience in those other demo with punk's and danielson's and they didn't take it.

I get that Tony want to be competitive with WWE but he's trying to wake up Vince so that he take him on and actually compete with him but if history has thought us anything is that you don't want to wake up Vince because if he wakes up, he's going to kill him and do everything in his power to destroy AEW just like he did WCW and TNA. So if I was Tony, I would shut my mouth for a little bit, let the roster do the talking for him and focus on making the AEW product the best it can be because right now, the product is not at the greatest level and it's all over the place especially for rampage who feel more like a throwaway show now then a high level show that you can't miss.
The thing is, he has woken Vince up. NXT was drifting along going nowhere and Vince bit the bullet and decided to change things up. He's now pushing new talent on that show, now let's hope when these guys make the transition to the main roster that they don't become forgotten about like many who have gotten the callup have been forgotten about.

As for Tony Khan, I think he's a geek who's gotten a little over excited with what he has with the roster he has at AEW. The roster is that big at some stage they'll need to reduce it as the financial model is unsustainable, talents are getting lost in the mix and eventually the viewers will give up on them.

AEW just needs to provide something different to WWE and not worry about what WWE is doing and trying to start another ratings war.

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