The What Are You Currently Watching thread, brought to you by Netflix Instant Queue

The Brave Little Toaster. Saw it at FYE and snatched it up. Fuckin' loved this movie growing up and definitely needed it on DVD. Now to go enjoy one of my favorite movies ever.
Holy Fuck!!! Goodfellas is available on instant queue!!!, this is one of my all time favorite movies, everyone needs to add this right the fuck now, especially if you've never seen it, it fucking amazing
A Clockwork Orange is available on the instant queue as Netflix continues to help me continue my quest to watch all of Kubrick's films. I hear it's one of the most fucked up movies ever made, and that the best way to watch it is to describe the things going on to a second party that is not watching the movie. Maybe I'll go on skype and spam a friend, or maybe I'll make a "JGlass is freaking out while watching A Clockwork Orange LD."
Holy shit, every George Carlin Stand-up DVD is on watch Instant. I must be dead, because this is how I imagine heaven is... just with more sex with Emma Watson.
They have been for a couple weeks, I have all of them on my in my Queue

Also last night Superman/Shazaam: Return of Black Adam, and Prince of Persia were added to Instant as well, and Kevin Smiths Too Fat For Forty Q & A is on instant too
They have been for a couple weeks, I have all of them on my in my Queue

Also last night Superman/Shazaam: Return of Black Adam, and Prince of Persia were added to Instant as well, and Kevin Smiths Too Fat For Forty Q & A is on instant too
My instant queue is fucking huge, I don't know how I'm going to be able to clear all of these movies out. Hell, I don't see how I'll be able to finish out my regular queue, which is over 100 now. I have some serious movie watching to do over the summer it would seem.
I went through mine last weekend and deleted a bunch of shit that I have either not watched in a long time, or am not going to watch anytime soon, most of it TV seasons, also got rid of 90% of the stupid shit my GF decided to add

Well, my social life is over. Fuck, my academic life may be over.
Did WWE produce this or something?, Kane, MVP & Big Show are in this as well...

No idea, but it was made by The Lonely Island who are big fans of WWE.

Lonely Island did the YouTube hits like Jizz in my Pants, I'm on a Boat, Just 2 Guyz, We Like Sportz, Like a Boss and other stuff. They've been on Saturday Night Live pretty often.

And SNL is way better when TLI go on!

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