Netflix Recommendations & Review Thread


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You ever sat at your TV, phone, PC, tablet and opened Netflix for something to watch? The problem being that you can never find something to watch? I get that all the time! It just seems to me that the more choice there is, the less end less I can choose from. It's a weird sense of selfishness that we get when we're faced with a tonne of content and too much time.

Still, I spend a lot of time on Netflix and have found it to be a great service, far beyond anything else on offer in the UK anyway (outwith the WWE Network). But with so much content on there, finding the good stuff is really hard to do.

Anyway, I created this great to get recommendations and reviews on some of the movies and TV shows that currently call Netflix home. Feel free to suggest things and leave a review in the mean time. I'll get us started, huh?

Santa Clarita Diet

This was a total sleeper hit for me. I don't know of what to expect from it but it was nothing like I was expecting, I know that much. The fact that this is a comedy set amongst the rather grizzly tales of the zombie trend is really refreshing. I really like when comedy comes from places like this and SCD does it better than most, rather like Ash Versus The Evil Dead does. The fact that it is only 30 minutes long is another massive plus that drew me in. Truth be told, I binge watched this show in one day, something that I rarely get a chance to do these days. I don't know if I could have done that if each episode was an hour long.

Truth be told though, this show is fantastic. It balances the comedy really well against the emotional turmoil that the characters face. Drew Barrymore is brilliant in the show and makes each episode worth watching for her alone. But all in all, it's a great show and deserves everything is being said about it in a positive light. I can't wait for more episodes.

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

This is a fun documentary about a man who is Japan's sushi master. He takes his art so seriously that testimonials from his employees regarding all they had to do to be able to cook in his kitchen are mind-blowing.

I don't want to give too many details and spoil some of the more amazing revelations in the film, rest assured that it's highly engaging and you'll likely discover a new appreciation for those who have truly mastered their trade.

Like you I have the same issue with Netflix. I also have a Kodi stick with unlimited content on there and still I can never decide so this thread is a great idea!

If your into police documentaries then I'd recommend watching Precinct 75. It details the rise of one cop from beat officer to the biggest corrupt officer in NYC. It's about 2 hours long but you don't notice it when watching it.
The OA

Admittedly, I am kinda late to the party on this one but I thought I would write a quick review of it anyway.

I was turned onto this show by a friend of mine who told me that it was really like Stranger Things – a show that I really loved. And I must admit that there is some striking similarities about both shows. But it is different enough to catch my attention and hold it. The opening of it is quite low and, often times, painfully laborious. But by the end of episode 2 or 3, you are hooked on the plot and cannot wait to see what happens going forward. My fiancée and I watched this show in a matter of days, which for parents to a 1-year-old, is quite an accomplishment.

The real highlight of this show is the characters and the way they change and develop throughout the 8 episodes. At the beginning, some of them are just plain unlikeable and that all seems to change as things progress. Hell, even the bad guy of the season doesn't seem that bad once you get to know what he is up to and why. It is a great show to study the development of characters and has an intriguing, if not a little confusing, story line.

And the key to enjoying this show is none other than suspending your disbelief for a moment or two, The show asks you to do that and it will take you on an amazing journey. That said, the end of the journey is sudden, uncompromising, and a little underwhelming.

The League

Bit of a niche-premised show - 6 friends who play fantasy (American) football together and mercilessly take the piss out of each other. There's no great subtext to the show, no clever commentary on society at large or what "family" really is. Just 6 improv performers who have a lot of fun and have great chemistry on screen.

Still Game

Scottish comedy about 2 best friends who get up to everyday high-jinx on their estate and in and around Glasgow too. They get drunk on stolen whisky at distilleries, they take drugs that end up making them change colour, they trap a loan-shark under a pub door, they row down a river before having their boat bombed by a television set, they go to Canada... they have a lot of adventures.

Oh, and they are pensioners.

Any Louis Theroux documentary

Seriously. Even the ones where he meets obscure "celebrities" like Paul and Debbie Daniels.
Train to Busan & The Rezort.

I did a review over in that thread for both those movies if you want more details. Both are a great way to kill a couple hours. If you like Zombie flicks you owe it to yourself to check these out while Netflix still has them

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