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The Wellness Policy Claims Another


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
If you haven't heard yet, Edie Fatu was apparently released by the WWE for failing another wellness policy test and even though it was only his second failed test, he refused to enter rehab, so he received his walking papers.

There's also reports floating around that the "E" tested everyone prior to Raw this past week and more heads are going to roll sometime in the near future.

So this thread is intended for for everyone to make several points... BUT NOT FOR ANYONE TO BITCH, MOAN OR COMPLAIN ABOUT UMAGA, KENNEDY, ETC... BEING RELEASED.

1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

Loaded thread, but it should make for great debate and discussion.
1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

Put simply, yes I do care. I believe that steriods, pain killers etc should be avoided unless for legitimate medical reasons (e.g in the healing of an injury). I'm certainly not a fan of a wrestler simply using steriods to get big, for me the size of a performer isn't that important, in fact it's refreshing to me when I see someone who isn't a larger than life muscle man. As for drugs, while it is totally the indvidual's choice, I believe they should also avoid abusing drugs. I understand that wrestling is not a 'sport' in the traditional sense, but even so these guys are athletes and should not be doing drugs, even smoking doesn't come across all that professional in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against those who smoke but I just feel that a pro wrestler should avoid it (sorry Randy). So in sum, the dominant reason for me why a wrestler should avoid steriods and so on is that I genuienly care for their health, it's not worth taking steriods for a push or to get over...for me, a wrestler's health is the most important thing. Though in saying that, while I don't personally endorse it, I can understand the possible temptation to do so...it's a vicious cycle really.

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

First off, I'm generally a fan of the Wellness Policy, I think something had to be done to help reduce steriod abuse and so on. In terms of releasing someone on the basis of refusing to enter rehab after failing a second test (such as in Umaga's case), if it ultimately helps the individual released then I would be for it to be honest. Yeh some might say why not just wait until the person fails the test for a third time, but I think releasing someone for refusing rehab demonstrates that WWE are attempting to be strict and are serious about this policy. Yes it sucks that we have lost Umaga (for now) but if his release helps him out in the long run (or any other guys who may be released in the future under the same conditions) then I think it is ultimately a positive thing.

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

I really am not sure, I don't want to name names either but time will tell. Though since we are speculating and all, it was reported over on the UK version of Wrestlezone that certain wrestlers in WWE feel that Batista's latest injury angle may in fact be a cover up for a wellness policy violation. Take that as you will, nothing has been comfirmed but here is the Article....
Source: Daniel Pena, F4Wonline.com
- This past weekend, some people within WWE leaked a story to PWInsider saying that Batista had suffered a biceps tear. The story was later changed to a torn tendon in his left biceps and that it was not a full fledges tear of the muscle. The webmaster of Batista's official website at Demon-Wrestling.com soon acknowledged the injury, "confirming" it was a torn tendon.
Batista's webmaster wrote this: "We originally thought Dave had a torn muscle (he's been hurt for around 2-3 weeks), but this has now been confirmed as a torn tendon."
However, the official WWE website would say differently when their report concerning the WWE Champion's injury said he suffered a completely torn left biceps that required surgery that will keep him out of ring action for at least four months and not a torn tendon. A full fledged tear of the muscle is a lot more serious than a tear of the tendon so something seems to not be adding up. If Batista did indeed suffer a torn tendon like his official website was saying, then the amount of ring time he would miss would be a lot less.
The injury supposedly occured over three weeks ago but Batista had been working WWE TV, live event and pay-per-view events without any kind of tape on his arm whatsoever and showing no signs of injury. Among some of the WWE wrestlers, there has been a lot of skepticism over the true severity of Batista's injury.
If the biceps tear was serious, and people within WWE are claiming it was serious enough for him to get surgery two days after his championship victory, it would certainly have been taped up. If the injury was not serious enough to require tape, one would think there would be no need for surgery. Even partially torn biceps injuries are taped up, but considering WWE is saying he suffered a full fledged muscle tear, it makes the severity of his injury all the more suspicious.
The WWE talents were told of Batista's injury at Monday's RAW, told the injury was legit and that he was going to have surgery on Tuesday. However, the talk among wrestlers in the locker room is that the injury angle on RAW was a cover up to have Batista avoid being suspended to a WWE Wellness violation.
As noted earlier, WWE creative was given a list this weekend of talents not to use for the forseeable future as a result of drug testing held earlier in the day and over the weekend. For what it's worth, this week's RAW was re-written several times during the day.
If the company was to cover up a drug test failure with an injury, that would certainly be a major change of philosophy on how they handle their Wellness policy. While things appear fishy, right now there is no concrete evidence indicating that has happened.
If you haven't heard yet, Edie Fatu was apparently released by the WWE for failing another wellness policy test and even though it was only his second failed test, he refused to enter rehab, so he received his walking papers.

First of all, shit. I literally just got done with a post saying no one knew what happened with Umaga. Fuck. Oh well. Now we do. Umaga pulled a Jeff Hardy and refused rehab. I suppose he might also run to TNA, like Hardy did.

There's also reports floating around that the "E" tested everyone prior to Raw this past week and more heads are going to roll sometime in the near future.

Oh fuck. There are going to be 15 more bitching threads about someone's wrestler being busted, huh? Fuuuuuuck.

So this thread is intended for for everyone to make several points... BUT NOT FOR ANYONE TO BITCH, MOAN OR COMPLAIN ABOUT UMAGA, KENNEDY, ETC... BEING RELEASED.

Ok. I wasn't going to. I didn't think Kennedy was all that good, and Umaga deserved it if he violated the policy and refused rehab.

1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

Actually, yes. If the wrestler gets busted, it completely fucks up his career. Then I have to listen to people complain about that wrestler getting screwed by McMahon when in reality, it was their own fault.

Oh, and when they get busted it fucks with the public face of WWE. You shouldn't partake in any action that ruins the face of the company that gives you your paycheck. It's just common sense.

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

Yes. The rehab is to keep them from getting that third strike. Especially considering WWE pays for rehab, don't they? I dunno if there is steroids rehab, that sounds silly. So Umaga was on some kind of drugs, and you don't just get off of drugs. If they kept him on they couldn't build him up for anything, because he would have failed the next test for sure. If Creative can't build you or use you for anything, you're a waste of space. They gave this treatment to Hardy when he refused rehab, and no one minded. No one should now.

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

Oh i dunno. The main eventers won't. I for one believe Cena when he says he doesn't do steroids. Triple H? Even if he did test positive, you think he's getting suspended? Well, he might. It would definitely lend legitimacy to the Wellness Policy.

If anything, it'll be people who already violated the policy once or even twice. Such as Morrison. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the new guys got popped also, like Tyson Kidd or Swagger. Though I'd be really disappointed in Swagger. He can't afford a 30 day suspension right now.
You break the rules you get the boot nuff said as for the discussion points

1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

I really do, I'm a big fan of tech wrestling it's a thing of beauty. When I see a stumbling powerhouse with little to no mobility it's discouraging, especially in WWE as this is there prototype build and one that they often push (i.e. Cena, Batista, Big Show, The Great Khali's been a World Champion!)

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

If they fail to seek help they'll more then likely fail another test, thus nipping the problem in the bud before the problem gets bigger

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

I feel Jeff Hardy COULD if he pressures of drugs get to him once again, rumors are Chris Masters was recently re-signed lets see how long it is before he fails another test.
1.) Yes it does. There have been too many wrestlers dying young,whilst these may not all be steroid related they are due to wrestlings genrel drug problem. It also bothers me the amount of wrestlers who say they felt pressured into it, not necesserily my anyone in the organisation but because they feel thats the way to get ahead. Hey these guys are adults and they have made a choice, but it cannot be denied that a big part of the problem is WWE push people with superhuman physiques and those who do not look this way seem to hit the "glass celing". Also it doesn't help when someone like Chris Masters follows the wellness system stays clean and gets knocked live on air for it by Triple H and JBL due to his loss of muscle mass. One more thing on WWE's attitude on drugs. In the Ultimate Warrior DVD Vince talks about the reason he "left" for the second time(in 92) Vince says (and I quote) "At the time we had a stringent drug testing policy and there was a violation". Saying there policy was stringent at the time is, quite frankly, an admission that it's not stringent now isn't it? Maybe this is a sign they're toughening up, time will tell.

2.) Yes. I would also like to see the "three strikes" rule enforced, no matter who it is. I noticed a postor mentioning Batastia's possible injury may be a cover up. I heard the same thing about ortons motorcyle accident(no police report was ever filed). It WWE wants it's policy to be taken serouisly it can't pick and chose what results to act on.

3.) Could be any number of people. Except Vince, Triple H Orton or Cena.
1. I'm going to skip #1 since I pretty much agree with Chill's answer

2. I think they should be consistent with their policy either way, not just pick certain people to punish to send a message to everyone. Either they fire everybody after a 2nd failed test, or nobody after a 2nd failed test. Guys like Batista are getting a free pass now, but Umaga gets dropped? I wouldn't be surprised if Umaga complained about Batista's special treatment and that got him fired.

3. It's hard to say since certain guys like HHH, Cena, and Orton are untouchable. I would have thought that Umaga was too, but apparently not. I guess it will be somebody like Dolph Ziggler, Brian Kendrick, or maybe Chavo.
I really don't have too big of a problem with HGH. That's something your body produces naturally anyway through amino acids already in the body. Technically speaking, taking a supplemental dose of L-Arginine is taking HGH.
I don't take an issue with drugs too much. Main reason being I am not in their shoes. I don't understand the pressure they are under, nor do I know the pain their bodies endure on a daily basis. I admit I am an avid marijuana user, and I understand that my opiniom may be biased due to that. I don't think they suspend for weed though. If I had to guess, I'm watching the Hart Dynasty and Batista, for no other reason than speculation.
I realize this is one of topics that's been covered so many times but it just never seems to get old.
Yes I do care very much if wrestlers use steroids. I care for their own health and well-being..we don't want to lose anymore of them because of that. I care for the wrestlers of the future..certainly wouldn't want more people going down that path especially the kids. Kids pay attention to the news too, especially when it involves their favorite superstar being found dead somewhere and later an autopsy reveals they had riods in their system. What kind of message does that send?

There's also something I've always found interesting about the big muscular wrestlers..like Batista for example. How in the hell is it possible he has never been suspended for roid use? Look at him I mean he's a freak! How can you keep up with the WWE schedule and stay jacked like that without any extra...uh help? I did a little research and found something REALLY interesting. Apparently, roids can stay in your system from as much as 18 months or more to as little as 1 week. There's an article in the website steroidstoday.com that mentions the following:
"2 - 4 months
Testosterone Cypionate, Primoteston Depot, Sten, Sustanon, Sostenon, Durateston, Anadrol, Anapolin, Hemogenin, Stenox, Halotesten, and Winstrol are drugs, which can show up on a blood or urine screen within one to four months of use. These are acceptable for off-season use by many athletes who are not tested during this period, as they are often out of the system by the time the season starts.

2 to 6 weeks
Nilevar, Parabolan, Dianabol (oral), D-Bol (oral), Primobolan Depot, Anavar, Winstrol/Stanozolol (oral), and testosterone Propionate are compounds, which work fast and move through the system very quickly. Just as their half-life is short, the positive anabolic effects upon their body are done quickly as well.

Less than one week
Clenbuterol and Testosterone Undeconoate (Andriol) clear the system in one day or less. These compounds are ideal to use up to the week before a tested bodybuilding or powerlifting show. Additionally, Testosterone Suspension clears the system in three days."

It's obvious the WWE wellness policy is "controlled" for some of the talent and injuries just seem to be a convenient way to give time for a person's system to clear to pass the next test. Or maybe I'm just digging too deep.
1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

Honestly, no I dont care. I know it sounds bad as I know all the affects it has, but I want to see my favorite wrestlers in the ring. What they do once they go backstage is their business. As a paying wrestling fan, all I care about is what the wrestler does when they step into the ring. I hope that what they do outside the ring doesnt lead to anyones deaths, but my main concern is the in ring product.

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

I'm not sure. Whats the point of a three strike program when you fire someone on the second strike? Then again, the wrestler is refusing help, and making WWE look bad. I really just dont know.

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

John Morrison
Sim Snuka
Dolf Ziggler
DJ Gabriel

would be my picks. I dont know why, I'm just going off of a feeling
People that say they have a problem with OTHER people taking steroids or HGH or whatever, is full of crap. Last I checked we live in United States of American. Home of the free. Yet the Goverment thinks it can ALWAYS stick it's nose in our business. Decide for us whats right. Well fuck the Goverment. I'm 26. I don't take roids or HGH cause I'm worried about the side effects. That's MY decision. So why can't some wrestlers decide if taking them is WORTH it.

If Bautista is taking them, and if he feels they are worth it, power to him. As long as they don't hinder the safety of his fellow workers I'm ok for it.

Right now everybody is struggling, the economy is down the drain, people are losing their homes. Ask me again why I care about what some random ass people do? I got enough to worry about on my end.

And nobody bring up "He's a role model" shit either. That's a lazy way for Parents to pass the buck. My role model was my grandfather, and my kids role model is me. Not some prima donna making crap loads of money that always complains like they have it so bad.

Now the 2nd question is a bit trickier. SINCE WWE feels that they need to bow down to the Goverment, and with good business reason, then yes I feel his workers should be fired if they don't enter rehab. Vince wants to put on a pretty little show for the Goverment. And that can't work if his druggies won't go to rehab. Also, if you WON'T go to rehab that just shows Vince that you aren't committed to getting better, so why should he waste time, money, and take a deserving spot away, when your destined to get your third strike anyways.

Who will be the next victim? Fuck if I know. Pick an idiot that decides to do the shit regardless of test dates.

I think to go deeper into the equation, the answer is TNA. I know, no WWE or Wellsness program, but WWE appears to the Media and Goverment like they are trying. TNA is just setting themselves up for failure. And unlike WWE, they can't and won't win. Then those wrestlers that are drug through the mud, MIGHT have to be blacklisted from WWE.
Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc...?

With the drug factor, I believe that if they are legitimate and prescribed by a legitamate doctor, then it should be okay and should pass in the Wellness Policy. As long as there is medical documentation to support pain or steriod use, the WWE can cover its own ass from a legal standpoint. If there is any addiction (or problem) to ANY drug at all, the WWE can use that doctor's prescription against him and sue him for destroying that particular Superstar AND his reputation.

I think, that if a Superstar does in fact need some sort of medication, that they see a doctor for it. However, that superstar needs to retrieve a medical release form from the WWE to give to the doctor, stating what the problem is, what is the diagnosis is, and what is prescribed. That superstar needs to then take that form to the WWE medical, and if and when a Wellness Drug Policy testing comes up positive, the WWE can refer back to the release form date and see if it falls under the prescription information.

But honestly, I don't care if wrestlers do take LEGIT medicine, if they in fact need that medicine.

Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy."

Yes. A refusal against a specific order to seek help and treatment of abuse in order to save your job obviously tells upper management that the wrestler does not care about the business, and the safety of not only himself, but others involved in the wrestler's future matches. Regardless of how well that wrestler pulls and draws, I would fire his ass on the spot. Say for instance, Triple H pissed green and he popped positive: If I were Vince, and I gave HHH a direct order to go to rehab (because I treasured his prescence in the ring), and he flat out told me "No," I would tell his ass to GTFO, and I would throw him under the bus on WWE.com about his drugs and his apparent refusal and disregard for company policy. Now, if Triple H had went home, and slept on it, and then told me no, I'd suspend him for 30/60 days depending on how severe the violation was, then ask again. He says no again, he's out. If TNA picked up on Triple H being fired, I'd have to take that as a huge loss, but he just didn't care about the product and the business to take care of himself.

The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.
This poses a very open and broad answer. Honestly, it could be anyone. It could also be someone that we really don't expect to be caught or whatever the case may be.

Furthermore, I have a question of my own to add:
What would you believe the WWE would do if a Diva or backstage crew was tested positive for drug usage? Would it be the same exposure? Or would it be different?

I think it would very well be different. I honestly think that the Divas would be thrown under the bus, ran back over, and have pig slop thrown all over her (as in the case of Vickie Guerrero).

the simple fact here is that regardless of whether or not its ok with the fans that a wrestler does steroids, hgh, or whatever, the WWE has a policy and those who decline to follow are shown the door. From what i've read about Eddie Fatu (Umanga) only had two strikes against him, however, he declined drug rehabilitation and was thus fired. whatever he tested positive for was against the rules or he would not have had rehab recommended. its unfortunate that he declined rehab as it seemed wwe wanted him to do more and to be better, but if you break the rules you pay the price.
Answer to questions...

1. Yeah I have a problem with a wrestler taking steroids. If you got to take certain drugs cause your not confident in your own abilities, then why should I be confident in you.

2. Yes he should have got fired. To me any wrestler who is asked to do rehab should automatically do it. Obviously Vince and company had enough faith in Umaga that he could benefit the company and go far. If they didn't have that faith in him then they would have just waited for him to fuck up again. So if Umaga couldn't see that then he deserved his release. All these wrestlers claim they live for the business and would do anything for the business and then shit like this happens. I'm an Umaga fan but if he doesn't care about his career then why should us or the WWE for that matter care. You were great Umaga but get the hell out of here if that's how ya feel!

3. Hmm that's a tough question. Like all of you I believe some are getting a free pass which tarnishes the legitimacy of the Wellness Policy. I'm hoping they are just some developmental/low card wrestlers that people can care less about. But hell if it's Batista he better get punished this time. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say MVP because it seems lately when someone new is going to break that main-event barrier they screw themselves like this. Ah I think that answers the question of why would MVP talk about jumping into that title match on Raw and then when the match is announced his name is nowhere near the card. Hmm interesting speculation.
People that say they have a problem with OTHER people taking steroids or HGH or whatever, is full of crap. Last I checked we live in United States of American. Home of the free. Yet the Goverment thinks it can ALWAYS stick it's nose in our business. Decide for us whats right. Well fuck the Goverment. I'm 26. I don't take roids or HGH cause I'm worried about the side effects. That's MY decision. So why can't some wrestlers decide if taking them is WORTH it.

First, they're illegal. Not by WWE, TNA, ROH, etc... they are illegal drugs, much like marijuana, crack, cocaine, meth, LSD, etc... If the government didn't step in and enact laws, murder would become commonplace, theft would happen everyday, etc...

Unfortunately for humanity, not everyone practices life with ethics, morals and standards. Someone has to weed out the moronic individuals that exist on this earth and that's why we as Americans or Europeans are provided the opportunity to vote, so that we enact who are policy makers are. That doesn't mean we always get it right, but at least we're provided the freedom of speech and choice.

If Bautista is taking them, and if he feels they are worth it, power to him. As long as they don't hinder the safety of his fellow workers I'm ok for it.

Safety of fellow workers - maybe not an issue... maybe. What would have happened if Chris Benoit decided his roid rage or brain damage was too much to take during a WWE event, rather than in his own home with his family ?

Right now everybody is struggling, the economy is down the drain, people are losing their homes. Ask me again why I care about what some random ass people do? I got enough to worry about on my end.

Because your a wrestling fan and you obviously have an opinion because they're like assholes - we all have one.

And nobody bring up "He's a role model" shit either. That's a lazy way for Parents to pass the buck. My role model was my grandfather, and my kids role model is me. Not some prima donna making crap loads of money that always complains like they have it so bad.

That's awesome... seriously !!! It's wonderful that you had a grandfather you could admire and aspire to be like. And it's even better that you're a role model for your own children. But not everyone has incredible people in their lives who they can look up to. Athletes are role models, like it or not. I love and respect my father an incredible amount, but he can't play basketball worth a shit. I used Michael Jordan as a role model when I was growing up in order to aspire myself to reach my goal of playing Division One college basketball.

Now the 2nd question is a bit trickier. SINCE WWE feels that they need to bow down to the Goverment, and with good business reason, then yes I feel his workers should be fired if they don't enter rehab. Vince wants to put on a pretty little show for the Goverment. And that can't work if his druggies won't go to rehab. Also, if you WON'T go to rehab that just shows Vince that you aren't committed to getting better, so why should he waste time, money, and take a deserving spot away, when your destined to get your third strike anyways.

Doesn't this completely contradict the first paragraph in your post ? If you feel like wrestlers should be allowed to decide if they want to take HGH or steroids, shouldn't they be allowed to decide if they need rehab ? This statement simply equates Vince to the government and if the government sucks, why doesn't Vince ?

Who will be the next victim? Fuck if I know. Pick an idiot that decides to do the shit regardless of test dates.


I think to go deeper into the equation, the answer is TNA. I know, no WWE or Wellsness program, but WWE appears to the Media and Goverment like they are trying. TNA is just setting themselves up for failure. And unlike WWE, they can't and won't win. Then those wrestlers that are drug through the mud, MIGHT have to be blacklisted from WWE.

TNA has a drug testing policy as well. Dixie Carter was very informative about how it works and how it is implemented when she was subpoenaed before Congress.
1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

Honestly? No. not at all. Dont know why I would. Its their own choice what they put in their bodies. HGH, and Steroids are very misunderstood and overdramatized. You can use steroids to benefit without abusing them, just like anything else, if you cycle on and off properly. Doctors prescribe them to people, for fucks sake. Its their choice, they are all adults. It doesnt improve "preformance" per se, since its not an actual sport. They are playing characters. If you dont think that some actors in the movies have cycled roids to beef up for a movie role, then you are naive. Yea, they are illegal. Well, ive got news for you. People smoke crack.

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

Alright, everyone read this VEEERRRYY slowly, so I dont have to respond to ignorance. IF your are going to institute a three strikes and out policy, then YES you need to enforce guys going to rehab on the second strike. Obviously, this is a problem with the guy if they have failed twice. In order to protect yourself, as a buisness, you need to get the guy cleaned up before you invest any more money into them, knowing the next time they fail, that will be that regardless of the situation. If the WWE insists on 3 strikes and your out policy, then they HAVE to be able to protect themselevs, and their investments, by forced rehab on the second strike. If the guy wont go, then you are well within your rights to cut your losses, instead of taking a huge risk by counting on the guy to stay clean.

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

Really, you gotta look at the mid card guys, or the young guys. I wouldve guessed DJ Gabriel, but he is hardly on TV, so oh well. Jack Swagger has gained some mas and tone, but he hardly had any to start, so I just suppose he has gotten more used to the schedules needed to go on the road with WWE, and enhance his physique. You know, I cant think of many. There are hardly any guys in WWE right now with truly superhuman amazing physiques. Cena, Batista, Trips, Orton. You know for fucking sure those four likely dont even get tested. So I cant think of many who would be caught. Id always say Hardy is a possibility. A waster can always relapse, and if he is leaving soon, as is rumored, what motivation could he have to stay clean? none.
Ahhh the what if game. What if Benoit did this, instead of that. There isn't even any proof what he did was a direct cause of brain damage or roid rage. People commit worse acts than that on nothing.

And cause I said a man or woman should be allowed to take HGH or Roids, or coke himself out doesn't mean the rules doesn't apply. Vince signs the checks. If he says cluck like a chicken, you have a decision. Cluck or be fired. Again, if your going to quote somebody, do it right. I said if the safety of others aren't questioned then I have no problem. Obviously theft, murder isn't SAFE FOR OTHERS.

And one more point for Benoit. Think of ALL the wrestlers that juiced. Thousands. And only Benoit, IF it was roid rage, took it to the up most extreme. So less than .01 %? Ill take those odds any day of the week.

And TNA's testing policy is a joke. Everybody knows that. But that's ok. Cause they are of little use to the Goverment. Wouldn't even be worth the pat on the back go get em boy handshake to fight them.
Ahhh the what if game. What if Benoit did this, instead of that. There isn't even any proof what he did was a direct cause of brain damage or roid rage. People commit worse acts than that on nothing.

well, there you, conversation over on that one. Id say the nature of the crimes DIRECTLY points to massive brain damage, and not steroids. Something premditated, over the course of three days, is about as opposite to roid rage as it gets. It does however, highly point to someone who was highly menatlly ill, and brain damaged.

I dont think the Benoit situation, as much as ignorant uneducated media folks wish they could, cant be linked to any sort of evidence for harsh steroid patrol in the WWE. There is zero that indicates it has anything to do with steroids.

and even if it did. Liek I said earlier. there is a difference between "USE" and "ABUSE"
MVP? Wow, it actually makes a little bit of sense. Hell it got me thinking. I wonder if thats why he got fuckin snubbed. How the hell does everyone know TNAs drug testing is a joke? You must have reached into your bowels for that one. Honestly, nobody knows shit about their drug testing policy because they don't talk about it. Ane honestly, besides Matt Morgan and Scott Stiener, who would you even think is juicing?
MVP? Wow, it actually makes a little bit of sense. Hell it got me thinking. I wonder if thats why he got fuckin snubbed. How the hell does everyone know TNAs drug testing is a joke? You must have reached into your bowels for that one. Honestly, nobody knows shit about their drug testing policy because they don't talk about it. Ane honestly, besides Matt Morgan and Scott Stiener, who would you even think is juicing?

Shawn Hernandez ?? Robert Roode ?? Monty Sopp (Kute Kip) ??

Hernandez is a freak of nature and it's entirely possible he's naturally built like a brick shithouse, but the thought does cross your mind.

Roode is perfect. He's the embodiment of the prototypical wrestler when it comes to size, shape and definition. Again, all natural is entirely possible, but if we're speculating...

Monty Sopp should be an obvious choice. He's 46-years-old and has looked like he's chiseled out of stone for the past 15 years. As guys get older, they naturally lose definition no matter how much they work out, ala Sting, Hogan and Flair (even though he was never huge). Sopp has never lost his physique and actually looks better than he did 15 years ago.
1) While I don't care if a wrestler takes steroids/pain killers or not (because it is their body), I have to say that personally I hate having to watch as my former favorites are found dead in hotel rooms and hospitals. Mr. Perfect and Davey Boy Smith should still be around.

2) I think the WWE is giving them a wonderful opportunity after the second strike. You've got 60 days off, you may as well spend half of that time getting your crap together. It's only in your benefit, because if you don't and you lapse again, you're working in TNA... and NOBODY wants to be working in TNA. BA-ZING!

3) I think Dolph will be up for his second call to the showers.
I have to say that personally I hate having to watch as my former favorites are found dead in hotel rooms and hospitals. Mr. Perfect and Davey Boy Smith should still be around.

Well, no one likes death, but it was still THEIR choice to do the drugs and steroids that they did. You shouldnt make it so no one else can use them responsibly becuase people want to be dipshits and kill themselves slowly with it. Once again I state, these arent toddlers, they are grown adults.
Steroids are so under the microscope by the Government in all professional sports now, and they are a professional wrestling organization that combines athletic with pageantry. I believe they should get the same punishment that a baseball, football player, or Olympian gets. The guys like Batista, who I've heard reports of him failing and not failing, and the guys like him are slow and boring in the ring. They just have the "look". It would be a good example to set to the younger guys.

As far as painkillers go, if they have a prescription and taking them as needed then I don't have a problem with that. When wrestlers are passing out in front of their dinners, needing to be carried everywhere, and can't get out of bed without them, then there's a problem. When taken as directed they are helpful and less dangerous. When the abuse starts, that's where someone needs to step in. A drug test can't show how many it takes you to get out of bed or how many you take throughout the day. Pot isn't half as harmful, but a positive test is a positive test and a drug's a drug.
Interesting topic, hmmm...

1) That depends. If the reason is medical & is not bullshit in an excuse then its ohkay. However, I do care if they use drugs just for recreational or non-medical purposes.

2) Yes, if someone has violated the policy a second time & WWE wants them to get better by attending rehab but that someone says no, they should be fired. If a construction worker hurt his back for the first time in a company, they would say "go have 30 days to rest." If it happens again & the company says "take 60 days off with rehab for your back" and the worker says no... then whatcha gonna do? (no reference intended) Are you gonna say, just have the 60 days and come back, you'll be fine.

3) Hahahaha... I like this question. Just speculating here, why is Undertaker always off on vacation or resting himself during times of heavy drug testing. Is it me or did Mark get bigger heading into WM25? Is it coincidence he left? I know he had nagging injuries needed fixing but with the story on Batista & his apparent drug violation, is WWE covering up Taker as well???
If you haven't heard yet, Edie Fatu was apparently released by the WWE for failing another wellness policy test and even though it was only his second failed test, he refused to enter rehab, so he received his walking papers.

There's also reports floating around that the "E" tested everyone prior to Raw this past week and more heads are going to roll sometime in the near future.

So this thread is intended for for everyone to make several points... BUT NOT FOR ANYONE TO BITCH, MOAN OR COMPLAIN ABOUT UMAGA, KENNEDY, ETC... BEING RELEASED.

1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

Loaded thread, but it should make for great debate and discussion.

1- Yes I do care. It's unfair to those that don't want to use them but have to try and keep up with those that do. Plus I am getting tired of "seeing" these guys die all the time.

Doctors are crooked. Just because they can prescribe you something doesn't mean that it's ok to do it. They prescribe stuff that people get addicted to all the time. Painkillers, Xanax and other type of anxiety meds. There are hundreds more.

Steroids, HGH and the other crap are not meant to be taken long term. Even going on and off them for short terms will eventually catch up to you. They were made to help injured muscles not to get some guy who can't build his body the right way to be 280 pounds. If you can't build your body the right way don't even bother.

2- Yes. They have a chance and if they piss it away I have no problem with them being fired.

3- I have no clue, really. It's hard to tell. I haven't watched much wrestling in the past 4 years.

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