The war on mod's!!! (Please ignore me sucking my mother's vagina!)

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thanks for standing up for the little guy, you know just because i don't "write an easy" as a response they want to fuck with me by changing my sig, well FUCK THEM...
Seriously son, you have a long way to go, and if this where the prison, I'd make you go about 8 inches further, so be happy to go back to obscurity

man, I love CM Punk's theme

where you fucking belong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm suprised they still haven't changed your name to Dumbass or some shit. Oh, and yet again I tell you. Half and have are not the same word.
JJ "the Devil's Advocate";1587745 said:
thanks for standing up for the little guy, you know just because i don't "write an easy" as a response they want to fuck with me by changing my sig, well FUCK THEM...

What's an easy? And how does one "write" one?
JR:This is a three on one attack this isnt right this isnt right!!!!

King:Well he desrved it JR he got in the way out evolution a.k.a the mods

JR:Why couldnt they let it be just a regular slobber knocker

King:No no JR there making him look like a goverment mule
i'm just saying your guys act like prick sometimes, just because i don't type 74 lines of text i get flamed and "infracted" for basically saying a agree with you or not... sorry but i'm old school like that AND i have 10 post but i can't start a topic hmmmmm
JJ "the Devil's Advocate";1587793 said:
i'm just saying your guys act like prick sometimes, just because i don't type 74 lines of text i get flamed and "infracted" for basically saying a agree with you or not... sorry but i'm old school like that AND i have 10 post but i can't start a topic hmmmmm

believe me, it does not take 74 lines of text to make a good or entertaining post. JKO, Sam, GD, and Jake all make short posts, and I've never gotten an infraction for spam. GD is the shit. And Sam and Jake are like legends.

Does anyone read the rules anymore?

I agree is not an opinion man. I agree because [insert reason here] is considered an opinion.

Big difference in case you didn't know.
We act like prick? Is that some German post grunge band or something?

74? Switch to fluid. It's only 38.

"A agree with you or not"? When did Fat Albert become a mod?

You're old school? You sound like Old Man Scroggins, the guy that lives down the street from me with 27 cats.
JJ "the Devil's Advocate";1587793 said:
i'm just saying your guys act like prick sometimes, just because i don't type 74 lines of text i get flamed and "infracted" for basically saying a agree with you or not... sorry but i'm old school like that AND i have 10 post but i can't start a topic hmmmmm

It has nothing to do with quantity. And if you had actually read the rules, or perhaps any of the several warnings/infractions you've received, you would know what our spam rules are and how simple they are to follow.
Hey he lives near me! One poster per territory, one of us has to go. I'm sorry just following the rules.
Oh god JJ, please stop talking. I don't know who you are, but you're embarrassing to watch.


No, the irony of what I just said wasn't lost on me, I assure you.
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