The Vampire genre- WWE can really capitalize on the success of Twilight

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That is why I said it is a theory. Did you miss that part? Maybe the fact that they love Twilight has made them garner an interest in anything to due with vampires. What's stopping them from tuning in to the WWE and enjoying seeing vampires there too?

If that is your theory then it fucking sucks. I realize you are trying to make this horrible idea work and sound good, but the fact is there is no spin you can put on this idea to make it work. If the WWE tried this it would fail miserably. There is nothing about this that would attract the female audience. The Twilight movies and the WWE are polar opposites. If they are brought together nothing good will come from it.
Vampires bringing in a female fanbase? Um, I'm a girl and I cringe at the thought of a wrestler with a twilight-inspired gimmick. I don't mind if it's a badass vampire, but just not a twilight inspired vampire lol
They can be fans. But we don't need insane people inside the ring. They're liable to hurt someone.

Sure. But they can't be a wrestler. As I just said above, we don't need insane people in the squared circle.

Huh? Some of the greatest wrestlers of all time were batshit crazy. Chris Benoit ring any bells? Randy Savage? Bob Backlund? You go down the list of wrestling stars and you'll see one crazy person after another. Not sure what the hell you're talking about here Milk.

And your "ROH is the opposite of everything I stand for in wrestling" comment before made me laugh dude, you've clearly never watched ROH.
Seeing as how I hate ROH, and everything it stands for. He would be inaccurate, and that would just make think of him as being silly.
Hey, I didn't say it, I'm just saying he would.

ROH is just as stupid, and just as unbelievable as vampires in professional wrestling.
Oh dear, don't let the ROH fans hear you say that. One thing, though, ROH exists, vampires don't.

Yawn Do I really Doc? You're totally in my mind, aren't you?
This part made no sense. Did you get enough sleep tonight, Snickers? Your post is really confusing.

:lmao: I'm not sure if you've ever read a single one of my posts, I preach this in nearly every post.
Hard to read someone's posts when they don't make any for a while.

My sincerest apologies if I find this type of wrestling:

or even this style of wrestling:
You didn't finish what you were saying.

But wrestling like this bullcrap?

A vampire? Seriously? How utterly rediculous is that? Drinking that "blood" during his entrance, and then spitting it? Wow? Really? Absurd.
More like, crazy awesome. the lake of fire, the blood, it made the character interesting. Even "over-the-top" gimmicks can work if they're kept low key. That might sound paradoxical, but just think. If they made the vampire a badass, with his vampiric qualities emphasized only when they're needed, it could work wonders. If they make every single promo of him "BLAH I VONT TO SAHCK YOUR BLAHD" then it'll et boring, laughable, and tiring.

You forgot your /
And you've made several errors in your post, including not finishing your sentences, and many misspellings. Like this one:

Congragulations to you then.
So don't call me out on a missing slash.

I never said they had to use their real names. I'm just saying, we need more believable gimmicks. Like a lunatic running around (Example: Eugene)
Eugene wasn't a lunatic, he was a ******. Are you being biased and stereotypical against mentally deficient people?

Like a Hulk Hogan, or Randy Savage like character running around.
I'd love to see that too. But those aren't gimmicks, those are personalities. Sidious can school you on that subject.

But a bunch of Vampires? Thats simply absurd.
Not if they're treated seriously.

You say "That aren't stupid" yet you support a vampire coming to wrestle?
Yeah. He's a vampire who's a wrestler. It's a lot more believable than a garbage man, hockey player, or a giant chicken. Vampire isn't his occupation, it's his race. Black, white, Asian, Vampire. Get it?

You are aware that Vampires aren't in exsistance, right Doc?
Since when does something have to be in existence to be entertaining? Look how popular superheroes are right now! The Hurricane is one of my favorite wrestlers, because his backstory is that Helms is a comic book geek and likes to dress up as a superhero. It's realistic, yet over the top.

Thats just as absurd, as a "Gobbledy Gooker" running around.
Totally disagree. Someone of a different race running around is nowhere near as *ahem* "absurd" as someone running around in a turkey suit.
Interesting note: You've used the word "absurd" three times so far. It feels like a lot more.

Jeff Hardy's gimmick, or even personallity was that he was a crazy risk taker.
I thought that was a GREAT personality.

He didn't have to drink peoples blood, and he didn't have to be scared of the light in order to put on something, that is realistic, while still being a little out there.
And I say that you could easily do this with vampires. Why are you so against something being even more out there without going to the point of silliness?

I'm not wanting the outlaw of gimmicks and stories,

Glad to hear it.

I'm wanting the outlaw of absurd "Deadmen" and Vampires running around.
Four times.

I'm wanting a realistic, while still having an outlandish product.

So you have read one of my posts!
Nope, can't say I have.

Ratings? Whats that? Oh yeah, even with the Guest host concept, they're still low.
What's that? Shaq drew in a 4.0? Wooooah!!
Vampires bringing in a female fanbase? Um, I'm a girl and I cringe at the thought of a wrestler with a twilight-inspired gimmick. I don't mind if it's a badass vampire, but just not a twilight inspired vampire lol

See here's the problem, I'm not necessarily saying that wrestler's gimmick would be Twilight inspired or even remotely like any of the characters from Twilight except that they would be a vampire. And I think that's the point that everyone is missing.

Forget Twilight, forget all the other shit that's out there about vampires right now, and just think, would a vampire gimmick work in the WWE? Seriously is it that hard to comprehend? I don't want to see a guy like Edward come in week in and week out, saying sappy things about some random chick and then wrestling. I want to see a guy like Gangrel, or Kevin Thorne come out, drink some blood, and fuck shit up.

And what RKO princess has said, only helps to prove my point. Not everyone is against seeing a vampiric gimmick return to the WWE.
I want to see a guy like Gangrel, or Kevin Thorne come out, drink some blood, and fuck shit up.

Gangrel worked for a month or two but for the most part failed. Kevin Thorne failed. This type of gimmick hasn't worked before and just because Twilight is popular that doesn't mean it is going to suddenly work out now.

When the Dark Knight was popular last year there wasn't anybody saying "Hey the Joker was the fucking man in that movie. The WWE should capitalize on his popularity by bringing back Doink the Clown." A vampire gimmick has never worked before and it won't work now.
Hey, I didn't say it, I'm just saying he would.

Sidious loves me. I know. :p

Oh dear, don't let the ROH fans hear you say that. One thing, though, ROH exists, vampires don't.

This has to do with what?

This part made no sense. Did you get enough sleep tonight, Snickers? Your post is really confusing.

:lmao: I sure didn't.

Hard to read someone's posts when they don't make any for a while.

Yeah, I know. Because during a personal hell when I can't find the time to do anything to find my happiness, I'm totally TOTALLY going to get on an internet forum just to post.

You didn't finish what you were saying.

The videos Doc. The videos is what I was saying. You see the Colons? That means an example is about to follow. They weren't sentence fragments...

More like, crazy awesome. the lake of fire, the blood, it made the character interesting.

I didn't like Gangrel, and you do. So thats personal opinions. We can't debate over this.

Even "over-the-top" gimmicks can work if they're kept low key.

Vampires drinking blood on national television targeted twards children, doesn't really seem "low key" to me.

That might sound paradoxical, but just think. If they made the vampire a badass, with his vampiric qualities emphasized only when they're needed, it could work wonders.

What? His finishing move during a last man standing match is sucking the blood out of his oponent? :lmao: Yeah. Thats absurd. What? During an "I Quit" match he refuses to quit because hes immortal? Yeah...why not just say hes resilient?

If they make every single promo of him "BLAH I VONT TO SAHCK YOUR BLAHD" then it'll et boring, laughable, and tiring.

Which you and I both know the WWE would.

And you've made several errors in your post, including not finishing your sentences, and many misspellings. Like this one:

Ew, I can't believe I misspelt that. Thank you Doc.

So don't call me out on a missing slash.

I was trying to help. Not "Call you out" :(

Eugene wasn't a lunatic, he was a ******. Are you being biased and stereotypical against mentally deficient people?

Well, yes I am. :rolleyes: I didn't want to say ******ed, as I would feel bad. So I said lunatic, to help my own conscious out.

I'd love to see that too. But those aren't gimmicks, those are personalities. Sidious can school you on that subject.

Randy Savage was a gimmick, and as was Hulk Hogan. I don't think "personallities" were really popular, and useful until around Stone Cold Steve Austin's era. Everyone went out there, and played a larger than life style character.

Correct me if I'm wrong there.

Not if they're treated seriously.

How can you treat vampires seriously?

Yeah. He's a vampire who's a wrestler. It's a lot more believable than a garbage man, hockey player, or a giant chicken. Vampire isn't his occupation, it's his race. Black, white, Asian, Vampire. Get it?

That would be awesome if Vampires were actually a race...:disappointed:

Since when does something have to be in existence to be entertaining?

In the world of professional wrestling? It should be in exsistance. Its just a personal belief.

Look how popular superheroes are right now! The Hurricane is one of my favorite wrestlers, because his backstory is that Helms is a comic book geek and likes to dress up as a superhero. It's realistic, yet over the top.

Exactly like I said. "I'm wanting a realistic, while still having an outlandish product." Hes not actually using superpowers, as say your little vampire character would.

Interesting note: You've used the word "absurd" three times so far. It feels like a lot more.

I did. I don't really like the word rediculous, as I always feel like I've gotten it misspelled. Absurd, is probably my favorite word.

I thought that was a GREAT personality.


And I say that you could easily do this with vampires. Why are you so against something being even more out there without going to the point of silliness?

Because they can do that with vampires. But then there would be the malarky in the blood drinking, super strength having, super speed using, immortal parts of the vampire, that would be stupid.

Four times.

Absurd. (5 times)

What's that? Shaq drew in a 4.0? Wooooah!!

Shaq is a MAIN STREAM celebrity. That 4.0 is the highest the WWE was in quite some time. Now look where its at.
Gangrel worked for a month or two but for the most part failed. Kevin Thorne failed. This type of gimmick hasn't worked before and just because Twilight is popular that doesn't mean it is going to suddenly work out now.

When the Dark Knight was popular last year there wasn't anybody saying "Hey the Joker was the fucking man in that movie. The WWE should capitalize on his popularity by bringing back Doink the Clown." A vampire gimmick has never worked before and it won't work now.

Where as WWE did not bring a Joker character to the WWE, it was rather obvious that Edge's performances with Vickie Guerrero and "going crazy" in his feud with Undertaker were all inspired by Heath Ledger. He was doing the same mannerisms as Heath in the film, and to me, I thought it was pretty obvious.

As far as the actual thread topic, yes I do think there is room for WWE here to take advantage of the success of Twilight. And since it is an indisputable fact that viewership is up in WWE with Women, and women are a huge part of the success of franchises like Twilight, then I think it only makes sense.

All you would need to do is have a group of 2 or 3 good-looking wrestler and debut them as Faces. Maybe do one on the first week, and gradually debut the others.

Then, work on developing their characters as the weeks go by, with a focus on their mysterious nature and seductive nature with women. This honestly is a no-brainer and is really no more different than what they did with Gangrel and The Brood. If that group experienced some success, which it obviously did ... and Twilight is the big thing right now, this honestly couldn't hurt and personally, I think it's smart business.

WWE needs characters-- interesting characters.

They went through the realism phase since the late 90's, and it watered the product down too much, that it has become a snorefest. The CW slogan was- Characters Welcome. That's pretty much what I advocate.

Again, you have to keep in mind that I strongly prefer to see WWE marketed as an Action/Entertainment Drama with complex characters and storylines more so than a realistic sport with "real people". That is why I don't have a problem with this.

You bring in interesting characters the audience WANTS to follow and CONNECT with, then you are in business. I find that to be a problem with too many people on the roster today, and why you have silent crowds. People are bored with "real, everyday people" ... and I think that period in wrestling perhaps needs to start winding down.

Vampires bringing in a female fanbase? Um, I'm a girl and I cringe at the thought of a wrestler with a twilight-inspired gimmick. I don't mind if it's a badass vampire, but just not a twilight inspired vampire lol

Evidently, you're weird then. Twilight has a predominantly female audience.
Gangrel worked for a month or two but for the most part failed. Kevin Thorne failed. This type of gimmick hasn't worked before and just because Twilight is popular that doesn't mean it is going to suddenly work out now.

When the Dark Knight was popular last year there wasn't anybody saying "Hey the Joker was the fucking man in that movie. The WWE should capitalize on his popularity by bringing back Doink the Clown." A vampire gimmick has never worked before and it won't work now.

Gangrel worked for such a short time for two reasons in my opinion. He was never given much of anything to do, and essentially became a jobber after managing the Hardy's. I believe if he was to actually have gotten his hands on the European title back in the day, that he could have possibly gotten more over.
If they could pull this thing off, I see no reason to go for it. Get a group of 3 guys and have them be vampires. Get 3 young superstars by the way so they get a push. It would be awesome though if Edge went back to the vampire gimmick and was in the group helping the young guys but I do not see that happening at all so...Anyways just build a good storyline with the vampire group and have them be used correctly. If that happens then the group could be successful. And that zombie dude who fought Sandman on ECW back in 2006 when it redebuted, that was gonna be continued? I thought that was kinda lame and stupid having a zombie wrestler.
It wouldn't work.

Gangrel is hideous, way past his prime, and not a ratings-grabber, so bringing him back would be a waste of time and money. Also, Kevin Thorne changed his gimmick before vanishing completely, where he stopped being a vampire, but in any case, he just never really got over, so why try bringing him back again?

If they were going to have Twilight inspired vampire characters, people like Gangrel and Thorne would doom it from the start, because they don't have what the Twilight characters do: sex appeal. So obviously they would have to debut new wrestlers to take on the role. Of course, pretty much any debuting superstar is going to have subpar acting talent, so you'd have to keep them fairly quiet-- like how someone mentioned Matt and Jeff's New Brood personas. And that, of course, severely limits storyline and promo opportunities, so then it's like, what do you do with these characters? Do you go the Twilight route and try to write a romance storyline?

You also gotta keep in mind how bad WWE writing can be, and do you really see them writing a successful romantic storyline with a vampire character and a diva? It would make for some unintentionally hilarious backstage segments, but would be laughable at best, and I really don't see it pulling in Twilight fans.

I guess just keep in mind how vastly different pro wrestling and Twilight are. They are nearly complete opposites. Look at it like this: if the next Twilight movie had a character that was a pro wrestler, would it pull in massive amounts of WWE fans? No, it's just going to seem like a very out-of-place character in an environment where he doesn't belong. So why wouldn't it be the same way the other way around?
Where as WWE did not bring a Joker character to the WWE, it was rather obvious that Edge's performances with Vickie Guerrero and "going crazy" in his feud with Undertaker were all inspired by Heath Ledger. He was doing the same mannerisms as Heath in the film, and to me, I thought it was pretty obvious.

The thing with Edge was short lived and the reason it worked was because in wrestling it makes sense to take a heel superstar and have him "go crazy" so to speak. It fit in perfectly with Edge's character at that time. The WWE didn't have to go out and bring in someone out of nowhere and give them a character like that. They were able to use the popularity of the Joker to add another aspect to Edge's character that fit in with his personality.
As far as the actual thread topic, yes I do think there is room for WWE here to take advantage of the success of Twilight. And since it is an indisputable fact that viewership is up in WWE with Women, and women are a huge part of the success of franchises like Twilight, then I think it only makes sense.

And again women like twilight because of the love story aspect. Just making a stable of vampires isn't going to make them all of the sudden want to watch wrestling.
All you would need to do is have a group of 2 or 3 good-looking wrestler and debut them as Faces. Maybe do one on the first week, and gradually debut the others.

Then, work on developing their characters as the weeks go by, with a focus on their mysterious nature and seductive nature with women.

If the WWE did something like that then maybe the female viewership will go up for a short period of time, but I also think a storyline like that would hurt the other, more prominent markets the WWE is catered towards.

This honestly is a no-brainer and is really no more different than what they did with Gangrel and The Brood. If that group experienced some success, which it obviously did ... and Twilight is the big thing right now, this honestly couldn't hurt and personally, I think it's smart business.

The Brood really wasn't that successful in the WWE. Edge and Christian spun away from the group and had a lot of success, but the group as a whole really didn't work that well.
I'm sick of WWE trying to capitalize on anything. They tried vampires before and no one gave a damn about them. They can create a stable of vampires if they want and they won't do anything for the WWE.

Create new stars and give us good matches. Nothing will top that.
And again women like twilight because of the love story aspect. Just making a stable of vampires isn't going to make them all of the sudden want to watch wrestling. If the WWE did something like that then maybe the female viewership will go up for a short period of time, but I also think a storyline like that would hurt the other, more prominent markets the WWE is catered towards.

How can be sure so sure it won't draw in this day and age though? Just because a few people here don't think it will work, does not mean that people around the globe would not enjoy it? How do you know other people won't enjoy it? Just because you won't?

I'm sick of WWE trying to capitalize on anything. They tried vampires before and no one gave a damn about them. They can create a stable of vampires if they want and they won't do anything for the WWE.

Create new stars and give us good matches. Nothing will top that.

Again, with vampires being a major part of pop culture, could it really hurt to test the waters with this sort of thing right now? I think not. And who knows, it could even give us those new stars and good matches that you want. I mean, I'm not saying for sure bring in Gangrel, or for sure bring back Kevin Thorne and Ariel, those are just ideas like this whole thread is. Whose to say they can't bring in someone totally new, actually make him do some impressive things, and feud with someone popular to get over, similar to how Desmond Wolfe is getting over in TNA?

For all intents and purposes, I will change the Desmond Wolfe storyline to suit a vampire character. Instead of wanting to take out Kurt and wanting his spot and knowing all of his secrets, this vampire can be a wrestler who aspires to be the best in the world. In order to do so, he feels he has to beat Kurt Angle and drink his blood.

Sure it sounds idiotic and crazy , but how do any of us know fore that a vampire , right now, would not draw anything well for the company? The truth is we don't, so for all of you to sit there and say it will not work is absurd.
Well who says it couldnt work technically we are in the pg era of wrestling and little girls do like twilight.Of course if wwe were to capitalize on this they would need guys with six packs like john morrison but if they did do that i think it would work at first but in the long run no.I could see it work right up until the last twilight book(hopefully there is one) or maybe less than that.The thing about kevin thorn is that twilight was created then and nobody gave a rats ass about vamps now that new moon mania is here who knows it could work keep a positive mind.
Sidious loves me. I know. :p
At least one person does.

This has to do with what?
I don't remember, it made sense as I was typing it.

:lmao: I sure didn't.

That explains a lot.

Yeah, I know. Because during a personal hell when I can't find the time to do anything to find my happiness, I'm totally TOTALLY going to get on an internet forum just to post.
Hey, don't bring real life into this. I'm just saying I haven't read your posts because they don't exist.

The videos Doc. The videos is what I was saying.
You didn't say it very well.
You see the Colons?
I wasn't aware they were part of those matches.

That means an example is about to follow. They weren't sentence fragments...

Here is your whole sentence: "My apologies if I find this type of wrestling or this type of wrestling...but wrestling like this bullcrap?". Makes no sense.

I didn't like Gangrel, and you do. So thats personal opinions. We can't debate over this.
Well, we could...

Vampires drinking blood on national television targeted twards children, doesn't really seem "low key" to me.
They could call it viscous liquid. And what does it being targeted towards children have to do with anything? PG means Parental guidance, and it's targeted towards EVERYONE, not just kids.

What? His finishing move during a last man standing match is sucking the blood out of his oponent? :lmao: Yeah. Thats absurd. What? During an "I Quit" match he refuses to quit because hes immortal? Yeah...why not just say hes resilient?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Which you and I both know the WWE would.
Not necessarily. They've been really good lately.

Well, yes I am. :rolleyes:
I was kidding.

I didn't want to say ******ed, as I would feel bad. So I said lunatic, to help my own conscious out.
So, instead of using a perfectly descriptive term to refer to his gimmick, you use an offensive term reserved for those in asylums? They used to lock up the mentally deficient back in old England, you know.

Randy Savage was a gimmick, and as was Hulk Hogan. I don't think "personallities" were really popular, and useful until around Stone Cold Steve Austin's era. Everyone went out there, and played a larger than life style character.
Savage and Hogan were colorful personalities, as were Rock and Austin. What was Savage's gimmick? A crazy guy? No, he just had a crazy personality. If his gimmick were a crazy guy, he'd have a straitjacket, making it a gimmick. He used his real name, and Hogan used something that sounded like a real name. Hogan and Savage were WAY different from wrestlers like TL-friggin-Hopper.

Correct me if I'm wrong there.

How can you treat vampires seriously?
How can you treat The Undertaker seriously? How can you treat Hogan seriously? How can you treat Goldust's heel days seriously? Guess what: They were treated seriously. Same with Gangrel and the Brood.

That would be awesome if Vampires were actually a race...:disappointed:
In the realms of fiction, vampires are considered a race. Pro Wrestling is, to some extent, fiction.

In the world of professional wrestling? It should be in exsistance.

Exactly like I said. "I'm wanting a realistic, while still having an outlandish product." Hes not actually using superpowers, as say your little vampire character would.
Who says the vampire would use superpowers? He'd just be a badass that likes to drink blood. The only blood-drinking would be in backstage segments. Hell, doesn't even need to be a proper vampire, just someone who has vampirism.

I did. I don't really like the word rediculous, as I always feel like I've gotten it misspelled. Absurd, is probably my favorite word.

Defenestration is my favorite word, and you don't see me throwing it around willy-nilly.

Why would you say that when I was agreeing with you?

Because they can do that with vampires.

But then there would be the malarky in the blood drinking, super strength having, super speed using, immortal parts of the vampire, that would be stupid.
Vampires don't have super speed. What are you on? Just make him a more human vampire, like what is popular in fiction right now.

Shaq is a MAIN STREAM celebrity.

That 4.0 is the highest the WWE was in quite some time. Now look where its at.
3.2, was the last one, and that was with Mark Cuban hosting. Various other "MAINSTREAM" celebrities have hosted and gotten similar ratings.
How can be sure so sure it won't draw in this day and age though? Just because a few people here don't think it will work, does not mean that people around the globe would not enjoy it? How do you know other people won't enjoy it? Just because you won't?

What do you mean in this day and age? Just 2-3 years ago Kevin Thorn had a vampire gimmick and it failed miserably. The crowd didn't give a shit about him or his gimmick. The WWE crowd isn't just going to start caring all of the sudden because Twilight is around.
All I really see here is a thread full of Shareholders trying to line Vince's pockets with even more money than is already there. And for what? Oh, that's right. A gimmick that appeals mainly to women... on a show that is traditionally geared towards adult males. You do realize that this would get shit all over, right? A bunch of good looking faces acting seductive and mysterious... If there are two things that match that description and are almost universally hated by the average adult male, it's Pierce Brosnan as Remington Steele and Edward from Twilight. So the core audience would dump all over this supposed face group and it would hurt their interest in the product... all in the name of putting more money under Vince's mattress. It's a stupid idea for any fan of the product to agree to this, but I've come not to expect better in the age of the Shareholder.
What do you mean in this day and age? Just 2-3 years ago Kevin Thorn had a vampire gimmick and it failed miserably. The crowd didn't give a shit about him or his gimmick. The WWE crowd isn't just going to start caring all of the sudden because Twilight is around.

Ahhh, but do you know that for fact? Can you honestly sit there and tell me that the audience won't care at all because of Twilight and the popularity that vampires has risen to in the last year or so. No, I don't think you can, therefore, I will continue to say that the gimmick could work now. Also, how can you say it failed? They never really focused on the fact that he was a vampire except for when he had first arrived on ECW.

Also, WWE was going to have a stable of Gangrel, Kevin Thorn, and Ariel but they scrapped it due to the Gangrel's weight issues. I believe that if this stable was formed, that Kevin Thorn's character would have indeed gotten over, and that the stable could have been a small force to reckon with on ECW.
All I really see here is a thread full of Shareholders trying to line Vince's pockets with even more money than is already there. And for what? Oh, that's right. A gimmick that appeals mainly to women... on a show that is traditionally geared towards adult males. You do realize that this would get shit all over, right? A bunch of good looking faces acting seductive and mysterious... If there are two things that match that description and are almost universally hated by the average adult male, it's Pierce Brosnan as Remington Steele and Edward from Twilight. So the core audience would dump all over this supposed face group and it would hurt their interest in the product... all in the name of putting more money under Vince's mattress. It's a stupid idea for any fan of the product to agree to this, but I've come not to expect better in the age of the Shareholder.

Okay, well let's change it around then. You remember how dominant Evolution was? How part of their gimmick was their supposed partying with women because all the women wanted them. Now I'm not saying Evolution could have been vampires and what not. But let's say, you have a stable of dominant heels, all portrayed as vampires, and they are so mysterious and eerie, that women want them? Would that not work? Men would get what they want in they would still see dominant wrestlers, and women would get what they want in the sexy, seductive clips/promos that could occur.
Actually, Coco, I'm fighting for this because I love the idea of badass vampires, like an updated Brood. The WWE needs more gimmicks and colorful characters that are great but not too over the top. The last really colorful personality we had was Jeff Hardy. Hardy was the outcast, the rainbow-haired one, who connected with the crowd through his personality and in ring skill.

The Hurricane is over, because of his superhero gimmick. When he was Hurricane Helms, people didn't really care about him. Now that he's back as a superhero, he's over and involved in a great feud/storyline.

My push isn't just for vampire gimmicks. It's for gimmicks in general. The vampires are just examples.
Okay, well let's change it around then. You remember how dominant Evolution was? How part of their gimmick was their supposed partying with women because all the women wanted them. Now I'm not saying Evolution could have been vampires and what not. But let's say, you have a stable of dominant heels, all portrayed as vampires, and they are so mysterious and eerie, that women want them? Would that not work? Men would get what they want in they would still see dominant wrestlers, and women would get what they want in the sexy, seductive clips/promos that could occur.
Evolution is a poor comparison. They had womanizing in their entrance video and only in their entrace video to the best of my recollection.

The wrestling business declined when Evolution reigned supreme. I'm sure that a gimmick based on Edward Cullen, a guy almost universally despised by straight adult males, wouldn't turn that failure into success. It would likely reinforce the failure that was Evolution, if that's your comparison of choice.

Until women become a larger demo than adult males in the wrestling audience, an idea like this that would send adult males running for cover shouldn't be considered an option. As a fan and not a Shareholder, I have to say this is a pretty dumb idea.
OK, Coco, a gimmick based on Cullen wouldn't fly. But what if they made one loosely inspired by Cullen (with the pretty boy vampire aspect) and ramped it up to eleven by making it extremely creepy? I'm talking the works: Blood in a cup, a life partner [Male or female], a general aura of evil behind the pretty face...

The vampire and his partner could be into some creepy fetishes involving blood, with really suggestive movements on their way to the ring. I know this wouldn't work that well in PG era, but it could. I also know that I'm moving away from my preferred "Serious but outlandish" type of gimmick, but I'm just saying this is a possibility. I'd much prefer the "vampire" to be the badass.
it a good idea wwe should go with it and i dont think the Vampire fad will ever go it been around for a long time buffy, angel and the king of them all Dracula a story made famous by the writer Bram Stoker in 1897 had so many movies made of it twilght just the latest in the long of Vampire things to hit the world
Didn't we already do this like 2 or 3 times Before? Edge, Christian, and Gangrel with the Brood. Then Gangrel & Luna, and then again with Kevin Thorn and Ariel not to mention Vampiro in WCW. It could work a fourth or fifth time right? RIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Hey Doc didn't you just describe Edge's first gimmick in WWE? (Badass Pretty-Boy Vampire) And the Cup of Blood wasn't that Gangrel's thing with the Brood? Can't we come up with anything new? What WWE really needs is to stop hiring Fricken Soap Opera writers and hire those who make them their money, namely the lifelong fans who can still stomach the product.
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