The "Unlikely Champ" Series - Ted DiBiase Jr.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Right, I might do a whole series in one day the way I'm going. I've been missing out on posting recently, so I'm trying to do a lot in a short time. The next day or two should be pretty filled. So, Superstar 3 to be my "Unlikely Champ" is;

Ted DiBiase Jr. Now when Ted turned up in the WWE, he looked like he might've been promising. He got Cody Rhodes to turn on Hardcore Holly, to form a Tag Team. Then, they joined with Randy Orton to make "The Legacy". They were a dominating group, who, whilst together, helped Orton win the Rumble, defeated Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon in a match where Randy won the WWE Title. Rhodes & DiBiase feuded with one of the greatest Tag Teams of all time, DX, over the Unified Tag Team Titles. DiBiase even eliminated Randy Orton from the Elimination Chamber. But then, it all went a bit downhill for DiBiase. Back then, it looked promising for him, but from then on, it never did. He took hold of the Million Dollar Championship, which he feuded over with Goldust, in a less than exciting feud. He then failed to win the United States Championship from Daniel Bryan.

Now, there's the background. Now onto if Ted was ever going to win the WWE Title. Very recently, Ted has been known for popping up in the middle of the "Big" Feuds on Raw. He turned up in the Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole Feud, resulting in being beaten up by Lawler and then popped up in the Triple H Promo a few weeks back, which resulted in him being beaten up by Triple H. But what if, he popped up in a Promo, made by the WWE Champion? Challenging him to a match, there and then. What if Ted DiBiase won it? Now, obviously, it's a VERY long shot. But in the WWE, anything is possible and we know that. So, if Ted was going to win the WWE Title, it would definitely be a spur-of-the-moment thing. The match that he would be involved in would either be right there, right then or it would be at a Pay-Per-View. I doubt that DiBiase would hold the title for very long, but I think he would hold it. Much like Jack Swagger really. If he holds it, he'll defend it a bit, only to lose it to a top star, i.e, a John Cena or Randy Orton. That could be interesting, DiBiase vs Orton.

But there's my thoughts on Ted, what about you??
I want to see Ted Dibiase on RAW more. As far as Raw guys goes, this is a guy I want to root for. I think he should be capable of a portraying a heel better then he is, but my thought is that WWE is pidgeonholing him with the Million Dollar gimmick and not really giving him much to work with.

They won't commit to making him a top heel and all they gave him to work with is Maryse. They put him in a feud with Goldust FFS and didn't even try to put him over with it.

I think WWE knows this guy will be a good face, but they are fucking around, using faces like Bourne, R Truth, because those guys won't steal the spotlight from Cena/Orton.

As a face, I think it will be much easier for Dibiase to get over as a face then someone like Jomo because Dibiase is just that, a baby face. He would be convincing as a face, because he's a nice guy. Out of the three guys in Legacy, Dibiase is the most suited to be a face, which is why the crowd always got behind him. Unfortunately, this was the same time the crowd stopped seeing Orton as a heel.

I think Dibiase's breakout moment is going to have to come against his brother. The brother along with help (I think Ted had two wrestling brothers, Mike and Brett) can turn Dibiase. Have Brett and Ted Sr show up and feud with Ted so that he can turn face.

Whatever WWE does, they need to stop wasting Ted.

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