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The Undertaker should turn heel upon his return

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
What? Too many heel turn threads? Be glad it isn't some nonsensical suggestion like Punk or Hardy having to compete with Jericho or Edge in the heel stakes.

But yeah, it's been a while since The Undertaker was a heel. Monster heels are big right now. Not really, I know. Let's pretend they are. The Undertaker's a monster and he can easily be heel. He should turn heel the same way he turned face last time, by beating the piss out of Jeff Hardy.

Yeah. Heels. Awesome.
Now this turn I can agree with. The Undertaker’s character alone makes him a great heel. I believe it’s his longevity that forced him to be a face as well as his popularity of course. I’m starting to believe that if a Superstar is in the business for more than 20 plus years, the respect value forces one to be Face, let’s look at Ric Flair for example. Face at the very very beginning, heel for most of his career, leader or mentor of heel factions, and then Face for his “last” run. It might be a little difficult if in fact this will be Taker’s “Last Ride”, pun intended, but it would be great to see the leader of the Ministry of Darkness back. Oh, this could be Jeff’s ticket to turn as well.
Sorry Sam, no dice. Simply becuase the crowd wouldnt allow it. I can honestly say, I dont think there is one single thing, or series of things, that The Undertaker can do to get the fans to boo him. There is no amount of ghastly, terrible thing he can do to become heel. That, and there arent any faces strong enough to put him against were he wouldnt get cheered, maybe outside of Jeff Hardy. The crowd would eat Punk or Mysterio alive if they were faces against a heel Undertaker. It just wouldnt work, and the LAST thing SD! needs is another heel
Undertaker is going to have to kill some puppies just to turn heel at this point. Right now I consider him the reliable face, the person who is the furthest a face on the entire brand. The only person Rey Mysterio can fully turn heel against is The Undertaker.

Taker is loved, and when he returns, he will get a massive pop, after putting on a great Wrestlemania, and being gone, the fans probably could not wait for him to return.
Taker wouldn't have to kill babies...I think that if he did something dastardly like earn Jeff's trust and then betray it...he could have some kind of small heel run. But the fans would start cheering him again quickly after. So, it wouldn't be worth it. Taker is a face for the rest of his career.
I agree with most of the above posters, it wouldn't work. There is nothing this man could do to draw heat, especially against the lame faces of the WWE. Even against Jeff Hardy the crowd would be split, with the majority going to the Undertaker. Although I would like to see it, the taker character is so much better as a heel gimmick.
As long as he can come back and entertain people I'd be happy.Put him in a fued with Dolph Ziggler and I'd be estatic.He's really space being unused if doesn't try and make new stars.
Undertaker turning heel? hmm thats like your trying to say warrior doesnt do roids..the idea would not work like someone said above me..the fans wont allow it..kind of like the fans wont allow stone cold was to be heel ..wont work sorry whos the next guy that you people think should turn hell
Yeah Sam... thanks but no thanks. I can't think of a worse way for Taker to end his career than as a heel. Speculation and sources say next Mania will be Taker's last. He is not going to win his final Mania as a heel. And I know we're all critical of the creative team of the WWE in the IWC, but in all honesty, I can't think of a better way to piss the fans off even more than to have one of the all-time greats and all-time fan favorites return to be a heel for 9 months at the end of his career. The idea of this thread should Rest In Peace.:undertaker2:
Can't see it happening, for numerous reasons.

1. It prevents us from having Undertaker/Umaga and Undertaker/Jericho.
2. Undertaker is far too over as a face to be booed. He could probably chokeslam Jeff Hardy onto Rey Mysterio and they'd still cheer him.
3. Undertaker doesn't have more than 2 years, tops, left on his career, and he's certainly going to end it by being a face - most likely against a heel Kane. Having him return in a few months as a heel, then turn face again for WrestleMania isn't really worth it.
4. Smackdown needs Undertaker as the top face if Mysterio gets injured and Hardy leaves, as even though I like Morrison, he's not ready for that responsibility yet, and neither is Punk.
Completely agree with some of you guys. Taker can't really become a heel because no matter what the crowd will always cheer for him. In actual fact if he was to become a heel, he may get a larger reception than he already does. Just look at what happened in 2002 when undertaker had a heel turn and became Big Evil. The crowd loved him more because he truley became the american bad ass, especially at WMx8 against flair.
Yeah he should. I haven't read what Sam said, I know, crazy. But I'm guessing he didn't add that it should be a long term thing. Yeah, it could be for 6 months. Freshen him up a little. Undertaker escapes any criticism yet he's been this version of the Deaman for five years now. Nobody else would get away with it, why should he? It's not like this version of the Undertaker is particularly intresting. I har a lot of people like the awful version from 1999, probably because that version did stuff. This one might have some brilliant matches, but I never thought that was the point of the Undertaker.
With the right creative booking behind him... and the talents that Taker has... I believe that he COULD become a successful heel again. I totally agree at this point it might not make a lot of sense... however, VKM is notorious for doing things that don't make the best sense for the wrestler, storyline or the fans just to stay "unpredictable"...
I don't think Undertaker should turn heel or even could like many others have stated above. He is just too over with the crowd to become a heel.

Anyways, he should stay face so he can have a feud with the one and only Chris Jericho. I have been waiting for this feud since the Draft. I want this feud to happen so badly. I believe this feud would take SD! to the top. These two would definitely tear the house down if they faced eachother on a PPV or even on SD!
The Heel turn is good for me. taker is the top Face though behind Cena. you can not make him heel now. if he was on Raw maybe but not now. it could certainly put a intreasting twist on his character though.
Undertaker suffers from the Triple H syndrome. Triple H could pedigree Jeff Hardy into a gigantic pit of needles (ala Saw II, actually) and he would still get a pop. He could pedigree John Cena into some horrifically unpatriotic happening (I don't know...I'm bad at making scenarios up) and he would still get the cheer. Same goes for the Undertaker. Substitute Triple H for Undertaker/Chokeslam/Tombstone, and you still get a pop. I would argue the same for Cena, but they would be cheering him out of some weird "Gotta pop for the Heel Cena, seeing as though we booed the Face Cena because he was doing his job" logic.

Anyway, yeah. The crowd wouldn't go for it, plus the Undertaker needs to lose his streak against a heel. Can you think of the heat? Ending Undertaker's Mania streak? Especially if the heel leaves him a bloody mess. Then a face goes on to beat the mega-streaking ending-heel? Holy hell. The roof will be blown off the building.

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