The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

DJ Kyo

Hard Rockin'
I've got to say at first I was screaming "God Damnit" when he came out while Triple H was there, but then when Triple H walked away it re-confirmed me thinking that it will be Taker v Kane again at Mania which is ALOT better than Triple H vs. Taker again.

Well, I sure as hell hope it's not Triple H v Taker again as that was probably the worst Taker match we have ever seen. WWE tries to sell it, but it was BAD, very bad.

Glad the Dead Man is back and I can't wait to see him go 20-0 at Mania!!! :worship:
I think you haven't seen enough Taker matches if you think Taker/HHH II was his worst. That was a solid match with a great story told in it.

Try Taker vs. Giant Gonzales.

Anyway, I was delighted to see Taker back, but I don't want a retread of last year under any circumstances. A new, final opponent please, for the Undertaker.
Seriously? The Worst Taker match ever SERIOUSLY?

That match was great, the storytelling was rock solid and I can't for the life of me figure out why some people hate this match. It was as good as it could have been, was easily the best match of the night at WM27 and had a lot of memorable moments. They did all they could to make people think that Taker's streak was gonna end and even if it was for a split-second there were times where you didn't know who was gonna win (Like HHH's tombstone on Taker).

There could be A LOT of worse ways to go than Taker vs. HHH III, if you thought that match was bad then I can only assume you are one of those guys who enjoys those "spot fest" matches and completely forgets about this little thing in wrestling called storytelling which is what a match is really about.
So was anyone else thinking to themselves..."What the hell just happened?"

Taker comes out when HHH is there and I hate it because I don't want to see that match again, then Trips pats him on the shoulder and walks away...Does that mean that he says no? If he says no, then what happens w/ Taker? How will the feud that he will eventually get into (hopefully Kane) start?

Very much a WTF is gonna happen next week ending...Love it
Seriously? The Worst Taker match ever SERIOUSLY?

That match was great, the storytelling was rock solid and I can't for the life of me figure out why some people hate this match. It was as good as it could have been, was easily the best match of the night at WM27 and had a lot of memorable moments. They did all they could to make people think that Taker's streak was gonna end and even if it was for a split-second there were times where you didn't know who was gonna win (Like HHH's tombstone on Taker).

There could be A LOT of worse ways to go than Taker vs. HHH III, if you thought that match was bad then I can only assume you are one of those guys who enjoys those "spot fest" matches and completely forgets about this little thing in wrestling called storytelling which is what a match is really about.

What are you talking about a great match? It was slow, boring, no chemistry what-so-ever between the two of them during the match. The lead-up/Story was about as lame as one can get. It was "fun" sure, but nothing special as far as Taker stories go.

The only way that was a "good" match is if you have been watching wrestling on since this PG era crap.. No way was it good and no way could it ever be good. Triple H is a one-dimensional wrestler and doesn't fit at all with Taker... This match was OK at best their first go around, but a 3rd time? God no. Not after last year.

WWE tries to sell it as the greatest ever, because even they know it was his worst ever. They think if they subliminally tell people it was a good match then MAYBE they can sell it a third time. It was crap and WWE can do better, especially with Taker.

I love both guys, but not in the ring together.
I'm excited for Taker to be back, hopefully if he's going to have a 3rd match with someone it will be Kane in a Wig vs Wig match.
What are you talking about a great match? It was slow, boring, no chemistry what-so-ever between the two of them during the match. The lead-up/Story was about as lame as one can get. It was "fun" sure, but nothing special as far as Taker stories go.

The only way that was a "good" match is if you have been watching wrestling on since this PG era crap.. No way was it good and no way could it ever be good. Triple H is a one-dimensional wrestler and doesn't fit at all with Taker... This match was OK at best their first go around, but a 3rd time? God no. Not after last year.

WWE tries to sell it as the greatest ever, because even they know it was his worst ever. They think if they subliminally tell people it was a good match then MAYBE they can sell it a third time. It was crap and WWE can do better, especially with Taker.

I love both guys, but not in the ring together.

Ummm the story in the match ITSELF was good, did you expect them to both wrestle like they were 20 years old?

They told a great story in the ring, there is a reason why this match is held in high regard, its because it SHOULD be held in high regard. They had a solid, hard hitting match that SHOULDN'T have been quick paced in the first place. They had plenty of chemistry and the match got an emotional response from the crowd, which is what a match should do.

They didn't do much because THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO! They told a great story with emotion on the face, with Taker looking like he was gonna die in the middle of the ring and with HHH showing pity on the deadman as he so desperately tried to fight back. They did everything right in that match and that match proved that you don't need to go non stop for 20 minutes to deliver a great match. They told a story in the ring, in wrestling less is more sometimes and this match was a perfect example of that.

Seriously if you thought this match was bad then you don't understand what wrestling is.
I've got to say at first I was screaming "God Damnit" when he came out while Triple H was there, but then when Triple H walked away it re-confirmed me thinking that it will be Taker v Kane again at Mania which is ALOT better than Triple H vs. Taker again.

Well, I sure as hell hope it's not Triple H v Taker again as that was probably the worst Taker match we have ever seen. WWE tries to sell it, but it was BAD, very bad.

Glad the Dead Man is back and I can't wait to see him go 20-0 at Mania!!! :worship:

How about Undertaker vs Bret Hart in 2010?
The worst match I've seen (it wasn't even a match, just 7 minutes of literally nothing!) and it was all to push some Nexus/Kane angle that never got explained.

Although, there are worse actual matches... Undertaker vs Gonzales, for one.

EDIT: In reply to some of your other stuff, that match wasn't meant to be a wrestling clinic. They still performed 5x as many more moves as the other wrestlers did. Their first match was one of the greatest WrestleMania matches of all time. I have no idea which match you were watching last year.
I am not sure how I feel about another Taker vs. HHH match, but I do want to mention something else. This may be a little off topic, but something about Undertaker's appearance really struck me.

Did anyone notice two really glaring things? First off, Undertaker's face looks drawn in and skinny. Secondly, the hair he was sporting looked fake. It looked worse than Kane's does. I may be completely off here, but it appeared to be a wig that they soaked before he came out. It was all matted and shiny looking, and had curls that Mark Calloway's hair has never had. The issue I am presenting isn't how good or bad he, or his hair looked. I am wondering if it's possible he is sick. I have a reason for posing this question. We obviously all saw the pictures that were floating around online of him with the "supposed" shaved head. The validity of that picture is obviously questionable. However, if you look at other guys about his age in the business, they don't look bad like he does. I may be completely wrong in what I am thinking here, but after watching several family members lose hard battles with cancer, I am seriously wondering if Mark Calloway is seriously ill. Let's face it, every year he takes a long hiatus after WM, but he has not wrestled or been seen since WM 27. Almost an entire year, and clearly will not wrestle again until WM 28. Am I the only one who thinks it is entirely possible that Mark Calloway is ill, and that the company knows it, and is trying to make something very special for him at WM, so that he can go out on top and retire 20-0. I have a suspicion WM 28 will be his final match, and I don't think it will be long after that we find out he is seriously ill.

I HOPE I AM WRONG, but does anyone else agree with me. If so, I would like to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the career of the Undertaker, and I believe he has the one character that has endured over so many years. I truly hope he is healthy, but I can't help but think something is wrong.

ANYONE AGREE? DISAGREE? I am open to opinions

BTW, I just looked up his birth date. He will turn 47 in March. He is actually younger than I thought he was. He looks like his 65. I realize people age differently, but damn he looks horrible.
No, he's not sick, he just cut his hair off. At his age, long hair is surely a bother and it was solely there for the Undertaker character. With a full year off from the ring, he just decided to cut it off.

If he was seriousl ill, he wouldn't be there. He wouldn't even have shown up on TV, because he wouldn't be medically cleared to wrestle and there would be no point in an on screen return if there's no WM match coming.
Ok I'm so glad it wasnt any spoiler for his return because y first reaction was "what the hell" and that was my same reaction when kharma returned, I don't think the WWE has ever made me be actually surprised twice in one week. But the match with Triple H and Undertaker was great.! It was slow but it was a pace that worked for them seeing that their older and every move they did told a story. I guess you guys just don't view it like I do but anyways if Undertaker and Triple H go for a third time it's definetly the better option. I mean the only other real option is kane.... when these two guys wrestle now it's slow and boring. They can't move like they used to unfortunately and their styles are so similar, I just don't think it'll be a good match but I could be wrong.
i think this is going to be the storyline where HHH has to choose between his job as c.o.o and GM of Raw vs. the streak and wrestlemania.. i think this will be a great storyline and im SURE we havent seen the last of Johnny Ace.. if done right..i really want to see this angle work.
Fully agree..he wouldn't be on TV if he was seriously ill, Vince wouldn't allow him to be on TV. It might just be a case of his hair isn't as long as they wanted so they threw the wig on him so he would look as the fans would expect him to look. There may be something along the road to Mania where he shows everyone that he has a different look as part of a storyline to get Triple H to face him.
Fair enough, I am not saying he is definitely ill. I am just questioning how bad he looks. It's not just the hair, but his face looks horrible and drawn in too. Everyone seems to agree that it was a wig though.
He's been slimming down for years though I think it's just part of him getting older and changing up his workout routine. Years ago it was for him to look as big as possible and since he came back as the deadman years ago there's been a slimming down process. So I just think it's part of his whole diet/workout routine.

With that being said, yes he's a bit older but by changing those things up it may help him wrestle alittle longer past just this Wrestlemania.
What are you talking about a great match? It was slow, boring, no chemistry what-so-ever between the two of them during the match. The lead-up/Story was about as lame as one can get. It was "fun" sure, but nothing special as far as Taker stories go.

The only way that was a "good" match is if you have been watching wrestling on since this PG era crap.. No way was it good and no way could it ever be good. Triple H is a one-dimensional wrestler and doesn't fit at all with Taker... This match was OK at best their first go around, but a 3rd time? God no. Not after last year.

WWE tries to sell it as the greatest ever, because even they know it was his worst ever. They think if they subliminally tell people it was a good match then MAYBE they can sell it a third time. It was crap and WWE can do better, especially with Taker.

I love both guys, but not in the ring together.

That is complete shit! I have been watching for almost 20 years and i can tell you right now that HHH VS Taker 1 and 2 at mania were great! Yeah the second time around was slow! ummmm did you not expect 2 aging men that barely wrestle to put on a slow match?! Did the slow pase actually surprise you?! Because if it did then you are the one thats only been watching since the pg era! That being said both men went out there and did everything they could do to tell a story in the ring and have a great match! You say its not? Thats fine! Dont watch Mania this year! your one view wont matter because millions of others completely disagree with everything you just said!
That is complete shit! I have been watching for almost 20 years and i can tell you right now that HHH VS Taker 1 and 2 at mania were great! Yeah the second time around was slow! ummmm did you not expect 2 aging men that barely wrestle to put on a slow match?! Did the slow pase actually surprise you?! Because if it did then you are the one thats only been watching since the pg era! That being said both men went out there and did everything they could do to tell a story in the ring and have a great match! You say its not? Thats fine! Dont watch Mania this year! your one view wont matter because millions of others completely disagree with everything you just said!

Oh please. Rock v Hogan was more entertaining than the HHH v Taker match last year.

What do I expect from 2 aging men? I expect the same match from the year prior with Shawn Michaels and the year prior to that... I expect the Taker v Orton match (which was phenomenal).

It wasn't Mark Calaway that was the problem in his age. It was Levesque. All of his matches are the same in recent years and it truly showed with Taker.

Taker is only as good as his opponent is and Triple H is no where near what he once was. Hell Shawn Michaels was broke more than any of them and he still gave it 200% because that's who he was and that's who Calaway is.
The best part about the Taker return(besides hes back, if even if just for one more match) is that Michael Cole didnt say a word. I was jaust waiting for him to say something and ruin the tension.
As far as the "what the hell" factor, I think the story line they will go with is that Taker wants one more WRM match and HHH wont let him have it, wheter it be against HHH or anyone else. In the end though we will get Taker/HHH III since both men have said that is the final match they each want.
Oh please. Rock v Hogan was more entertaining than the HHH v Taker match last year.

What do I expect from 2 aging men? I expect the same match from the year prior with Shawn Michaels and the year prior to that... I expect the Taker v Orton match (which was phenomenal).

It wasn't Mark Calaway that was the problem in his age. It was Levesque. All of his matches are the same in recent years and it truly showed with Taker.

Taker is only as good as his opponent is and Triple H is no where near what he once was. Hell Shawn Michaels was broke more than any of them and he still gave it 200% because that's who he was and that's who Calaway is.
There is no way Orton could replicate the skill and wrestling ability he had with Taker in 2005 to 2012. Orton is absolute rubbish now.

Taker is only as good as his opponent is, huh?
How about you tell that to Kevin Nash, Batista, Randy Orton, Sycho Sid, Jake Roberts, Jeff Hardy, and even John Cena + countless others?
Undertaker only has 5 bad WrestleMania matches.

CM Punk is a great wrestler, but he and Undertaker put on terrible matches because CM Punk had personal beef with Undertaker.

Your logic is absolute bullshit.
Surprised no one has mentioned this, I liked the ending to this. Brings about the whole putting personal issues before taking over RAW and will lead to some conflict with HHH of what to do.

Does he try and End the Streak thus leaving Lauranitis in charge or does he Resume control of RAW thus giving up his chance to end the streak. Makes a compelling Storyline!
What are you talking about a great match? It was slow, boring, no chemistry what-so-ever between the two of them during the match. The lead-up/Story was about as lame as one can get. It was "fun" sure, but nothing special as far as Taker stories go.

The only way that was a "good" match is if you have been watching wrestling on since this PG era crap.. No way was it good and no way could it ever be good. Triple H is a one-dimensional wrestler and doesn't fit at all with Taker... This match was OK at best their first go around, but a 3rd time? God no. Not after last year.

WWE tries to sell it as the greatest ever, because even they know it was his worst ever. They think if they subliminally tell people it was a good match then MAYBE they can sell it a third time. It was crap and WWE can do better, especially with Taker.

I love both guys, but not in the ring together.

Wow, the flat out ignorance in this post is just amusing. The Taker/HHH match from last years WM was not only match of the night. It was a serious contender for match of the year. So let me ask you, how can so many of us be wrong and you be the only one that's right? For you to say it sucked means you know nothing of wrestling and/or storytelling.

As far as Taker is concerned I marked out like a little bitch when I heard that gong. In no way, shape, or form did I expect him to show up tonight. Of course, I thought it was very odd that the overrun was as long as it was, but I thought they were going to announce a new "shocking" GM. Anyways, super pumped that he's finally back, and now onto a feud that should be just as good as last year.
It was to be expected. Once I saw jericho come out for the Punk match, I knew that Taker vs HH was going to be a reality. When HHH was talking about how he had put his personal business aside, I knew Taker was coming. I, for one, am happy about it. Taker vs HHH 1 and 2 were great matches. Who else do you put in with him? yes, Jericho could hold it together, but there is ZERO history. The streak at this point is the attraction of Mania as far as a lot of people are concerned. We are past the days of putting some rookie or youngster in there and hoping to create suspense that they can take the streak. A year ago, they had virtually the same stand off. This was done brilliantly tonight. HHH just got through saying that he was done with personal business. Just like HBK had to drive Taker to accept the match a couple of years back, Taker will have to drive HHH to take another match. HHH rubbed the fact that Taker didn't walk away in, and Taker feels he needs to prove a point. This is what the streak has and should become now.
There is no way Orton could replicate the skill and wrestling ability he had with Taker in 2005 to 2012. Orton is absolute rubbish now.

Taker is only as good as his opponent is, huh?
How about you tell that to Kevin Nash, Batista, Randy Orton, Sycho Sid, Jake Roberts, Jeff Hardy, and even John Cena + countless others?
Undertaker only has 5 bad WrestleMania matches.

CM Punk is a great wrestler, but he and Undertaker put on terrible matches because CM Punk had personal beef with Undertaker.

Your logic is absolute bullshit.

The logic is only bullshit to the little IWC fanboys who wouldn't understand good material if it bit them in the ass.

I am extremely critical of Taker matches because like many I have been watching them for 20 years and year after year we get a "treat" for the "Streak era" at Wrestlemania up until last year. It was a complete disappointment. I am saying this one who was looking forward to the match, who was PUMPED when Triple H came out to challenge Taker when he returned and it turned out to be nothing but hype. The build up "oh I am decorated except for this." and all that Jazz It was lame, it was hogwash, and made a mediocre Wrestlemania just that. Mediocre.

The problem is that WWE Creative doesn't give a damn about Taker (for obvious reasons) and the Triple H match was easy because he's the company man, who wasn't committed to any other match and was an easy person to fill in for that time period.

There are much better matches left than Triple H for Taker to do for his "final" matches before retirement. The Wrestling community (not just IWC fanboys) as a whole deserves better than that crap show that was put on last year.
Wow, the flat out ignorance in this post is just amusing. The Taker/HHH match from last years WM was not only match of the night. It was a serious contender for match of the year. So let me ask you, how can so many of us be wrong and you be the only one that's right? For you to say it sucked means you know nothing of wrestling and/or storytelling.

As far as Taker is concerned I marked out like a little bitch when I heard that gong. In no way, shape, or form did I expect him to show up tonight. Of course, I thought it was very odd that the overrun was as long as it was, but I thought they were going to announce a new "shocking" GM. Anyways, super pumped that he's finally back, and now onto a feud that should be just as good as last year.

Using your logic the majority of people jumping off a bridge is a good thing and I'm wrong for not jumping.

Please. Lame/half-assed story telling with a sub-par wrestler these days (Triple H) does not equal Match of the Year unless you've been living in a ditch for the past decade.
Using your logic the majority of people jumping off a bridge is a good thing and I'm wrong for not jumping.

Please. Lame/half-assed story telling with a sub-par wrestler these days (Triple H) does not equal Match of the Year unless you've been living in a ditch for the past decade.

Using your logic I'd never understand how to wipe my own ass either but thankfully I dont use your logic. It wasn't a lame half-assed story. In fact it was obviously just the start of something that we are now only witnessing. Last year, sure they might have used the KISS method and kept it simple, stupid. It started off with Triple H having done everything in this business. Something that he himself even tried at before and failed. He wanted that oppurtunity and got it. Which led to anything more than two washed up wrestlers going at it. What we got was a fucking brawl. One that saw numerous tombstones, (from both men) numerous kick-outs, (from both men) Chair shots to the head, (which doesn't sound very PG). We also witnessed something we never saw before. Sure, Taker may have won the match. But he wasn't the one that left on his own power. Triple H may not have won the match, but he definitely did alright for himself.

Now come to this year, and the roles have completely reversed. For once in his life, Taker feels that he has something to prove at Wrestlemania. That right there is the selling point of the story, a much bigger picture, and definitely not at all that lame sounding.

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