The True Impact of a Daniel Bryan Return


Olympic Gold Medalist
Something on Raw tonight really caught my attention tonight. The Chicago crowd is usually very hot and very lively in comparison to other crowds but it seemed like for a lot of the time tonight, they were essentially non-existent if you exclude the obligatory CM Punk chants at the top of the show. Simply watching the main event was a drag for me watching it on my TV screen because the crowd was so dead.

BUT during the Brie Bella and Nicki Bella segment when Brie started to mimic some of the Daniel Bryan moves, notably the Yes! chant, the arena was wild with reaction.

So my point is, that we all know Daniel Bryan will be back soon whether or not it is late this year or during the Rumble next is still up in the air, but I think now more than ever given the state of the company and it's shortage of faces, this return is the key factor for the company.

When Bryan comes back, he will be very over no doubt which leads me to wonder:

How much are YOU personally looking forward to a Daniel Bryan return?

How far will Daniel Bryan be pushed when he returns?

Will the crowd stimulate another reaction-based push or will WWE suppress him to some extent and leave him out of the Main Event picture for WM? These are fair questions that I am not too sure about.
I feel like a broken record now, but the 4 Guys in the Main Event tonight are essentially the Only Top Credible Main Eventers available on the roster right now with Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns injured.

The current Champion is a part-timer in Brock Lesnar.

Personally, I can't wait until both Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns return(in the Main Events, no less), and I am pretty sure most fans will share that opinion, as them both making returns can only help improve the quality of the show.

In terms of the Main Event scene, the WWE has admittedly hit some hard times. I do hope that by the time Mania season comes around, the Main Event scene will look much more rosy than it does now.
I feel like a broken record now, but the 4 Guys in the Main Event tonight are essentially the Only Top Credible Main Eventers available on the roster right now with Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns injured.

The current Champion is a part-timer in Brock Lesnar.

Personally, I can't wait until both Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns return(in the Main Events, no less), and I am pretty sure most fans will share that opinion, as them both making returns can only help improve the quality of the show.

In terms of the Main Event scene, the WWE has admittedly hit some hard times. I do hope that by the time Mania season comes around, the Main Event scene will look much more rosy than it does now.

I think they need to push Ambrose to the moon right now, over everyone. He should go against Cena (and it rare that I ever say this) and beat Cena clean. Again push Ambrose to the moon have him ready for when Bryan and Reigns come back. I love what they are doing with Ambrose making him the center of the show and they should continue to do so as Raw has become a much better show especially tonight.
How much are YOU personally looking forward to a Daniel Bryan return?
Not much, I like him alright but there are plenty of guys in the roster that I like a lot more. He lacks a bit (a lot) in character honestly.

How far will Daniel Bryan be pushed when he returns?
Probably a lot, the same fact that they're keeping Briekki up in the cards means that they still sorta of care about him.
I am looking forward to his return now more than before simply because of how much good talent and faces they are lacking right now.

I would also agree they normally loud and intense Chicago crowd was dull for much of the show and that is a serious reflection at how poor the product is right now.

A total lack of intensity made the crowd dull.
BUT during the Brie Bella and Nicki Bella segment when Brie started to mimic some of the Daniel Bryan moves, notably the Yes! chant, the arena was wild with reaction.

As I see it, that lends itself to the notion that the Daniel Bryan Phenomena is more about the chant than anything he's done. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against his act or persona, but I truly believe if the crowd didn't have the "Yes!" chant to play with during his appearances, he wouldn't have gotten nearly as far......or maintained his popularity nearly as long.

After all, for all the crap this forum has been giving the Bella twins, even Brie was able to get the "dead" crowd going with the stupid chant. Was that due to the fact the fans love Daniel so much? I say was because they love the chant.

When Daniel gets back, I have no doubt he can pick up where he left off because of a crowd-pleasing piece of audience participation.

So be it. I'd wager all pro wrestlers would love to have something so simple and catchy to get them over.
As I see it, that lends itself to the notion that the Daniel Bryan Phenomena is more about the chant than anything he's done. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against his act or persona, but I truly believe if the crowd didn't have the "Yes!" chant to play with during his appearances, he wouldn't have gotten nearly as far......or maintained his popularity nearly as long.

After all, for all the crap this forum has been giving the Bella twins, even Brie was able to get the "dead" crowd going with the stupid chant. Was that due to the fact the fans love Daniel so much? I say was because they love the chant.

When Daniel gets back, I have no doubt he can pick up where he left off because of a crowd-pleasing piece of audience participation.

So be it. I'd wager all pro wrestlers would love to have something so simple and catchy to get them over.

While I love your posts Dearest Sally, I have to disagree.

I don't think Daniel Bryan is JUST over because of the chant, sure it helped a hell of a lot, but make no mistake, the crowd loves the guy and misses him dearly. Myself included in that. Throwback to the Royal Rumble where the crowd shat all over the entire match, and they were not chanting yes, they were simply booing any superstar who was seen as a replacement for the guy, aka Batista (and Rey to an extent).

In a time where WWE really desperately needs babyfaces, Daniel Bryan's return would be a welcome addition to the product. Personally, I don't dislike the Bella's either, while I am quite aware they aren't the most talented ladies, and Brie is even living off her husband in a way... that was the original plan. People actually give a shit about them now, whether it's a negative opinion or not is irrelevant, you can't deny Brie in particular has been more interesting since her relationship with Bryan has been made public. The Bella's were a tired act for a long, long time. They never stood out from the pack, despite obviously having the advantage of being different from other Divas by being twins.
If and when Bryan returns, he will be fed to Lesnar on the Road to Wrestlemania just as was the original intention of Summerslam; and it won't be pretty.
As I see it, that lends itself to the notion that the Daniel Bryan Phenomena is more about the chant than anything he's done. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against his act or persona, but I truly believe if the crowd didn't have the "Yes!" chant to play with during his appearances, he wouldn't have gotten nearly as far......or maintained his popularity nearly as long.

I agree. There's a couple of threads a few months back about whether the "Yes Movement" is greater than Daniel Bryan himself. My stance now is the same as it was back then, the Yes chant is a form of audience participation. It is not a clear gauge of his popularity, or how "over" he actually is (as the IWC so like to put it). If everyone else is participating, it'd of course be fun to join in too. After all, you're there to enjoy the show.

From how I remember it, the Yes chant owes much of its success to A.J. Lee, though I doubt anyone here, or anywhere else for that matter agrees with me.
I've mostly skipped the last two weeks but regardless it is too hard to tell what Bryan will be doing upon his return. His health will be a consideration that WWE has to take in to account. That may push him away from working with Lesnar (who we don't have much idea when he will show up). Ambrose's popularity seems to be increasing and there is still Reigns' return to consider on top of Sting, Hogan, Angle, Punk, The Rock, Batista, Austin, Goldberg or whatever other legend has plans to show up and wrestle over the next six months. Regardless, he will come back to a huge pop and as long as WWE uses him right will continue to be popular and hover in the upper mid card, main event title scene. He will probably have some run in with The Authority and occasionally support his wife.

If I have to make a prediction - DB will return the second Raw after Survivor Series and feud with The Authority leading to a two month feud with WWE Champion Seth Rollins. Bryan will lose by screw job at both TLC and the Royal Rumble. He will find a way in to the Rumble and get taken out by new Authority member and returning Superstar Kurt Angle leading to another two month feud for Bryan and culminating in a low main event match between Bryan and Angle. Bryan will win that despite a run in from Kane.

So no, I have no idea what will happen with Daniel Bryan upon his return but I will probably start watching again once he returns since I am very curious about what they will do.
I think they need to push Ambrose to the moon right now, over everyone. He should go against Cena (and it rare that I ever say this) and beat Cena clean. Again push Ambrose to the moon have him ready for when Bryan and Reigns come back. I love what they are doing with Ambrose making him the center of the show and they should continue to do so as Raw has become a much better show especially tonight.

I don't think they have a choice now, do they.
Essentially, Dean Ambrose has now taken over Roman Reigns' spot, but with much more momentum than Reigns had(before his injury) as Ambrose has legit storyline beef with Seth Rollins and that continuity will help him get more and more momentum with fans.

Tbh, after much thought, I wouldn't mind if Wrestlemania 31 had 4 marquee matches headlining, based on how the momentum of the Superstars is at this point:
Don't know if you'd agree with this line-up, but:

Brock Lesnar(WWE WHC) vs Daniel Bryan:
We all know Daniel Bryan will return to major cheers whenever he comes back. It is quite possible that crowds will try to do the same as they did last year in order to get him back in the Main Event. Him still having a rematch clause will also help that as well, injury-permitting, of course.
(PS: I wasn't too hot on this match due to the believability factor, but I do think DB's overness will outweigh that factor).

Triple H vs Roman Reigns:
I know the original plan is for Reigns vs Lesnar. But I do think his loss of momentum due to poor writing by creative will mean that fans could turn on him in favour of Ambrose or Bryan being the One to take down the One in 21-1. Ntm, a bout with Triple H does have a legit backstory to pick up on whenever Reigns returns, meaning this match could be dragged on until Mania 31 itself, and delay Reigns push to the top in the process, which in the long-term might not be such a bad thing at all.

John Cena vs Dean Ambrose:
WWE continues to tease this match-up, and whilst people might be skeptical about it after seeing the direction that Bray Wyatt has gone, I do believe this feud would work wonders. Ntm, they do seem to have some chemistry, and I also get the idea that Cena enjoys his banter with Dean as well(check the interview with Renee on last RAW).

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins:
The Authority may have come out on top last RAW, but WWE continue to tease some tension between Orton and Rollins indirectly. I feel this one could help establish Rollins role as a Top Heel, whilst Orton could get some much needed direction going into Mania through an 'inside-Authority' feud with Seth Rollins.

There are alternatives that can be used of course(Reigns vs Lesnar, Cena vs Bryan, Ambrose vs HHH, etc.).
The likes of Bray Wyatt and Cesaro could well get a push in the coming months with the Main Event short of superstars due to injuries,etc.

However, I believe 4 marquee match-ups like the ones above, could truly signal a "Passing of the Torch" of sorts at Wrestlemania 31 with the New Generation(Bryan, Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins) all going over and becoming established in the Main Event scene going into the future.
Brock Lesnar(WWE WHC) vs Daniel Bryan:
Triple H vs Roman Reigns:

John Cena vs Dean Ambrose:

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins:

However, I believe 4 marquee match-ups like the ones above, could truly signal a "Passing of the Torch" of sorts at Wrestlemania 31 with the New Generation(Bryan, Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins) all going over and becoming established in the Main Event scene going into the future.
I love this card. It's pretty much exactly how I would book it. I do see them building towards a Cena/Rusev feud though, and I could defiantly see that happening at mania but as for your card just Add Bray vs Sting to that and I would buy a travel package today.
How much are YOU personally looking forward to a Daniel Bryan return?

How far will Daniel Bryan be pushed when he returns?

In answer to your first question, I'm not really looking forward to him coming back. While I know millions and millions of his fans are, I'm meh on the whole thing. Nothing against him personally, I've just never been that much invested in him. Doesn't mean I don't like the guy, just means I like others more than him. He's good in the ring, average on the mic, and nothing about him jumps out at me. He's not a looker like Reigns, doesn't have the personality of Ambrose, so yea others want to see him, I'm whatever.

How far he'll be pushed is greatly dependent on how healthy he is on his return. Don't forget he's been out for the best part of this year, and he'll have some ring rust on him, might need to hit the gym. Jesus we don't want another Batista on our hands, that was just awful.

Also Bryan was looking at having another surgery so wondering if he health troubles are truly over, and what limitations will be put on him in order to avoid having it. If he is healthy, then they'll take up where they left off. He was the WWE champ and was stripped of the belts, they have to at least give him a chance to get them back. Whether he does or not is another story and I really don't want to see Round 2 of Bryan vs The Authority for another year. Been there, done that, others are breathing down his back, and either give him the belts let him a good run and let history take it's course.

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