The TO saga - Released from the boys, now with the...BILLS??


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Thank goodness. I came in from my walk tonight and saw breaking news on ESPN, and I see that Terrell Owens has been released. This my friends is proof that Dallas truly is God's favorite team. This man was a cancer to this team to the fullest extent of the word.

T.O. is one of the best wide outs in the game today and of all time, but at the end of the day he's not worth it. His cries of give me the ball, give me the ball were nothing short of whining. He was nothing short of a spoiled brat that tried to run the team.

People may want to talk about how he never lied and had a lot of supporters, at the end of the day there shouldn't be divided locker rooms. Dallas' answers aren't all answered, but this is the biggest things that could have happened to improve that team. I know this is a lot of ramblings but I couldn't be happier about this.

What are your thoughts on what this means for Dallas, T.O., and the league as a whole?
Holy shit, I didn't even know this, havn't had the tv on.

Thats big news, especially for the league as he will have plenty of people wanting his services. I really really hope, and this isn't going to happen, but I hope that the Patriots sign this guy. Owens has a shitty personality, but you can't deny his talent, and I believe with the patriots.. like so many other players with attitude problems.. I believe he'd be able to change and keep out of trouble. Man, imagine having Moss AND Owens AND Brady?! I would LOVE to see that.
Agreed on everything KB. I tried, and I tried to take up for the moron, and he just wouldn't quit. So far alot of mixed reactions throughout everybody, saying we're stupid or smart. Fact is, he's simply a cancer that ruins locker rooms. You can't win games with a divided team, he had to go. It's that simple. It'll hurt us offensively but if we can step up and be a team, I don't see why we can't win games. We still have a load of talent and like Wade or not, he's got the defense playing better. Hopefully that carries onto next season.

Where he ends up, I have no clue. Possibly Oakland considering Davis is fucking stupid and will pay him alot of money, and digs that kind of "superstar" persona. New England wouldn't want him. New Orleans might, but it's not like they need offensive help. I'm tired, and don't know any others right now. There's not all that many.

I'm guessing Dallas will go after Marvin Harrison, and draft a WR in the 2nd round for the future (prolly Nicks or Britt), I don't really agree with the 2nd part considering our safeties are complete shit, but it's something I could see Jerruh doing. Marvin, assuming all of his legal shit is out of the way, I wouldn't mind having for a year or two. I think he's got a little bit left if he can stay healthy, it's not like a full load will be put on him anyway, as Witten and Roy will be the prior targets. Patrick Butterfingers is just not a #2 guy. Give me Marvin before that again...
I would not be surprised in the slightest to hear about the Bucs being in talks with agents. For some reason, they seem to love problematic players because they want to show OH HE COMES HERE AND WE TRANSFORM HIM INTO THIS AWESOME GUY mentality.
So Dallas releases the decaying remains I mean deteriorating wide receiver T.O....and no one is surprised. Honestly he didn't bring enough to the table for all the trouble he causes. Now the question is, will Roy Williams step up to the plate as the number 1 receiver or does Dallas go out and sign a free agent? Like Wes said I can see Marvin going there now, but if Dallas was smart they would have released Owens about a week ago and went after T.J. Housh and go after Harrison. Then you have a three headed monster in T.J., Harrison, and Williams. You can't tell me they'd have problems in their passing game with that set up? Harrison keeps his mouth shut, T.J. from what I can tell is a stand up guy (he did put up with being in Chad Johnson's shadow all those years). However in that situation the only problem I could see is Harrison wanting to be a number 1, and Williams could become disgruntled again if he didn't get enough touches.

As far as where T.O. is going? Well the easy answer I think is Oakland, because what other team wants a 36 year old wide receiver who's obviously lost a step or two, and is confirmed to be a team cancer?
As much as I HATE the man, I'm upset by the release, because it gives the worst team on earth one less distraction.

Funny to tell their fans "I told you so", though.
Damn I didn't even know this til now. He's a great receiver & that's something the Cowboys don't have alot of except for Jason Witten(I ain't including Roy til he can prove that he is a good enough risk for 3 of our draft picks to get his ass).

Now as far as to where Owens will go, it's either Oakland considering that Al Davis loves cancer players & that they need a receiver, maybe Tampa Bay but I doubt it or Jacksonville considering how bad their receivers are.

I'm hoping that Dallas gets Marvin Harrison to be a better #2 than Patrick Butterfingers Crayton. I don't see us drafting a wideout cause we have bigger needs like drafting a safety cause our safeties suck & drafting the guy who will replace Chris Canty on the defensive line.
being a dalls cowboy fan for years...i'm a little disappointed. sure T.O. brough alot of controversy, but isnt that what makes football fun? it's not supposed to be a pansy sport. unfortunately, alot of went on this past season wasnt T.O.'s fault. if we're looking at missed plays, you have to look in only ONE direction, and that's Homo Romo. If he were a real leader, he would have put his teammates in check, not cry about it. What he NEEDS to do is get his head in the game. He's cost the cowboys TWO playoff births because he cant cope with the heat. he's a choker. by getting rid of T.O. just made the boys climb up one more notch on the todem pole of suckiness.
being a dalls cowboy fan for years...i'm a little disappointed. sure T.O. brough alot of controversy, but isnt that what makes football fun?

Destroying teams locker rooms and being a constant little bitch isn't exactly fun.

Fun, is TD's celebrations and shit like that.
it's not supposed to be a pansy sport.

It's not suppose to be a "me" sport either. TO obviously doesn't understand that.

unfortunately, alot of went on this past season wasnt T.O.'s fault. if we're looking at missed plays, you have to look in only ONE direction, and that's Homo Romo.


Yeah, because when Homo Romo (how original...) throws a perfect ball to Owens in a critical situation or 3rd down, and he drops it, it totally falls on Romo for the missed play, or how about when TO gets in Romo's head making him force throws? It's all Romo's fault. Riiight.

That happened so many times these past 2-3 years it's ridiculous.

If he were a real leader, he would have put his teammates in check, not cry about it.

Same for TO.

What he NEEDS to do is get his head in the game. He's cost the cowboys TWO playoff births because he cant cope with the heat. he's a choker.

Please explain how our playoff losses are completely on Romo. I'd love to hear this considering the entire TEAM and coaching staff has cost us plenty of critical games together over the past 3 years.

He does need to get his head in the game and stop forcing shit though, I agree.

by getting rid of T.O. just made the boys climb up one more notch on the todem pole of suckiness.

I doubt it. Add a Torry Holt or Marvin Harrison and now a calm locker room without idiots like Tank Johnson, TO, and Pacman and things should be better chemistry wise. Hopefully our coaching staff gets their heads out of their asses too. There's still plenty of talent on this team to get into the playoffs next year.
You know, I am not a CowGirls fan or an Owens fan but the you cant win with TO is unoriginal. The 49'ers haven't won a damn thing since he left, and the Eagles haven't really done a damn hing since he left. He might might be cancer but you'll miss his productivity, and it isn't like Romo has shown any time of leadership ability. Tell him to fuck off, this is your team. TO runs freely and no one stands up for themselves when TO is arguing with em. They just let him snap. Tell the dude to take a hike.

Anyway, I think he'll end up in TB because they like taking players with bad attitudes and turning them around. Look at Antonio Bryant, the same Antonio Bryant who spit on the Tuna. Then he went to TB and put up probably his best receiving numbers his entire career.

Anyway. I do not know what this release does outside of putting more focus on an overrated receiver in Williams and two never was' in Austin and Crayton.
The Eagles have looked pretty darn good absent-TO. After struggling through the debacle, they've rebounded by making the playoffs in 2006 and just falling a few inches short from making (and winning) Super Bowl XVIII.

The 49ers had many more problems with them cutting ties with Garcia and Steve Marriucci.

The Cowboys have a lot to sort through, so I'm hoping they have similar results to San Francisco.

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