The TNA Roster - In Need of Some Cuts?

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Well they could stand to get better announcers they do suck, but I would like to see TNA cut some talent as well their roster is small but some people just shouldn't be there like.

Sting: I know people love him and think he's great but he's not the wrestler he was and I think TNA is making a big mistake by having him as champion, he was a big part of wrestling's past it's time for the future.

Kip and B.G. James: The former Outlaws were great in WWE but they are old and their routine is tired and they just plain annoy me, and I just want to say their new storyline is dumb and petty on their behalf I don't know if TNA is making them do this storyline or not but it makes them look like silly delusional assholes.

Norman Smiley: I have naver liked this guy in the ring I truly don't know what TNA was thinking to hire him it kind of scare's my to tell the truth this was not a good decidsion.

David Young: He's a okay wrestler at best, he's the waste of a spot to me they should just get rid of him.

A-1: I've never seen this guy do anything even when he was with Team Canada so to me he's just a waste of space.

They also need to cut the use of ...

Jeff Jerrett: This guy is not a main eventer, he can't carry a company, I don't care if he own's the company or his father or Panda Energy, everybody knows he shouldn't be the face of TNA younger more talented guys should have that spot, I can see TNA is tring to correct this by giving us a much needed break from seeing him dominate the airtime on TV.

Raven: His best days are behind him, but he could be good in the role of manager or commentator but in the ring he's done, i'm don't want to see him in the ring wrestling at all anymore.

They need to stop mis-useing....

Ron Killings: What the hell happen? he was the baddest man in the heavyweight division and now they have him teamed with Lance Hoyt it's a good thing for Hoyt but not Killings, Killings is one of the most talented guys on their roster and should be a top contender for the heavyweight championship always.

Elix Skipper: How do you constantly mis-use this guy again he is a very talented guy who should get a shot at stardom, but he can't do that teamed up with a loser like David Young and losing every match they put him in I seriously thing Smiley and Sharkboy have had more wins then him and that's a shame.

Petey Williams: Every since Team Canada disbanded Petey has been geting the short end of the stick jobbing to everybody he deserves better than he's been getting lately.

Low-Ki/Senshi: How in the hell can you be at the top of the division one day and competely out of it the next TNA is making a big mistake not useing this guy.

Jay Lethal: I think i've only seen him win two times as a sigles competitor and four in a tag team with Sabin and/or Sonjay let this guy make a serious run at the X-title or let him win a couple of matches at least.

People that are getting on my nerves or I just don't like....

Bobby....I mean Robert Roode: I can think of more talented guys that deserve the push he's getting but he's still okay for a JBL knock off.

Eric Young: This guy is talented but his whole gimmick makes me sick I know people eat it up but it bothers me talented as he is I can't stand him.

Sharkboy: People seem to dislike him but he's a pretty good wrestler for a guy that bites people on the ass, I just don't like his character.

Abyss: I think he's talented in the ring but for some reason I just don't like him he's a good mid-carder at best to me should be nowhere near the heavyweight title right now with so many talented guys on the roster.

Christy Hemmy and their backstage guy (can't remember his name): I think they could get better but right now they suck and annoy the hell out of me.

Sonjay Dutt: I can't stand this little bastard, very talented in the ring and entertaining but it's something about him that rabs me the wrong way.

Chris Sabin: Talented but in my opinion overrated in TNA he's been at the top of the X-division since TNA aired on spike TV and i'm just tried of seeing him.

They had a couple of guys I liked but now they're gone like....

Monty Brown: I heard he's coming to WWE but I don't know if that's a good thing considering WWE mis-uses talent all the time.

Janelle Clark: Why in the hell this guy isn't on their main roster I don't know I seen him in one match and even though he lost he still impressed the hell out of me they should get him back.

The Amazing Red: He was a force in the X-Division before and is a great talent don't know why he can't stay on the roster for long they should also think about hireing the spanish announce team/ the Maximo brothers they are a damn good tag team.

Kenny King: At least I think that's his name he was a TNA jobber for a while but was never on the main roster I like his style and hope they get him back.

Roderick Strong: I truly don't know what was going through the mind of TNA management when this guys contrect was up I want badly to see him dominate the X-division he lost a lot of matches in TNA but always looked good doing it.

And yes they need to hire new non-WWE talent I know it's tempting to grab every reconizible wrestler you can but it really discredits TNA it makes it look like they need stars of the past and former WWE stars to make it, but they don't get those ROH, AAA, Japan, Zero-One guys that are talented that we haven't got a chance to see insted of guys already established by WWE or WCW or even ECW, I want to see new superstars rise not the same old guys i've already seen.
Cut Shark Boy and Norman Smiley for sure. I don't care that the guy under the shark boy costume can actually wrestle decent matches, the guy is a joke. And Norman, he doesn't even have one offensive move other than the hip toss.
showtyme27 said:
Well they could stand to get better announcers they do suck, but I would like to see TNA cut some talent as well their roster is small but some people just shouldn't be there like.

Sting: I know people love him and think he's great but he's not the wrestler he was and I think TNA is making a big mistake by having him as champion, he was a big part of wrestling's past it's time for the future.

Kip and B.G. James: The former Outlaws were great in WWE but they are old and their routine is tired and they just plain annoy me, and I just want to say their new storyline is dumb and petty on their behalf I don't know if TNA is making them do this storyline or not but it makes them look like silly delusional assholes.

Norman Smiley: I have naver liked this guy in the ring I truly don't know what TNA was thinking to hire him it kind of scare's my to tell the truth this was not a good decidsion.

David Young: He's a okay wrestler at best, he's the waste of a spot to me they should just get rid of him.

A-1: I've never seen this guy do anything even when he was with Team Canada so to me he's just a waste of space.

They also need to cut the use of ...

Jeff Jerrett: This guy is not a main eventer, he can't carry a company, I don't care if he own's the company or his father or Panda Energy, everybody knows he shouldn't be the face of TNA younger more talented guys should have that spot, I can see TNA is tring to correct this by giving us a much needed break from seeing him dominate the airtime on TV.

Raven: His best days are behind him, but he could be good in the role of manager or commentator but in the ring he's done, i'm don't want to see him in the ring wrestling at all anymore.

They need to stop mis-useing....

Ron Killings: What the hell happen? he was the baddest man in the heavyweight division and now they have him teamed with Lance Hoyt it's a good thing for Hoyt but not Killings, Killings is one of the most talented guys on their roster and should be a top contender for the heavyweight championship always.

Elix Skipper: How do you constantly mis-use this guy again he is a very talented guy who should get a shot at stardom, but he can't do that teamed up with a loser like David Young and losing every match they put him in I seriously thing Smiley and Sharkboy have had more wins then him and that's a shame.

Petey Williams: Every since Team Canada disbanded Petey has been geting the short end of the stick jobbing to everybody he deserves better than he's been getting lately.

Low-Ki/Senshi: How in the hell can you be at the top of the division one day and competely out of it the next TNA is making a big mistake not useing this guy.

Jay Lethal: I think i've only seen him win two times as a sigles competitor and four in a tag team with Sabin and/or Sonjay let this guy make a serious run at the X-title or let him win a couple of matches at least.

People that are getting on my nerves or I just don't like....

Bobby....I mean Robert Roode: I can think of more talented guys that deserve the push he's getting but he's still okay for a JBL knock off.

Eric Young: This guy is talented but his whole gimmick makes me sick I know people eat it up but it bothers me talented as he is I can't stand him.

Sharkboy: People seem to dislike him but he's a pretty good wrestler for a guy that bites people on the ass, I just don't like his character.

Abyss: I think he's talented in the ring but for some reason I just don't like him he's a good mid-carder at best to me should be nowhere near the heavyweight title right now with so many talented guys on the roster.

Christy Hemmy and their backstage guy (can't remember his name): I think they could get better but right now they suck and annoy the hell out of me.

Sonjay Dutt: I can't stand this little bastard, very talented in the ring and entertaining but it's something about him that rabs me the wrong way.

Chris Sabin: Talented but in my opinion overrated in TNA he's been at the top of the X-division since TNA aired on spike TV and i'm just tried of seeing him.

They had a couple of guys I liked but now they're gone like....

Monty Brown: I heard he's coming to WWE but I don't know if that's a good thing considering WWE mis-uses talent all the time.

Janelle Clark: Why in the hell this guy isn't on their main roster I don't know I seen him in one match and even though he lost he still impressed the hell out of me they should get him back.

The Amazing Red: He was a force in the X-Division before and is a great talent don't know why he can't stay on the roster for long they should also think about hireing the spanish announce team/ the Maximo brothers they are a damn good tag team.

Kenny King: At least I think that's his name he was a TNA jobber for a while but was never on the main roster I like his style and hope they get him back.

Roderick Strong: I truly don't know what was going through the mind of TNA management when this guys contrect was up I want badly to see him dominate the X-division he lost a lot of matches in TNA but always looked good doing it.

And yes they need to hire new non-WWE talent I know it's tempting to grab every reconizible wrestler you can but it really discredits TNA it makes it look like they need stars of the past and former WWE stars to make it, but they don't get those ROH, AAA, Japan, Zero-One guys that are talented that we haven't got a chance to see insted of guys already established by WWE or WCW or even ECW, I want to see new superstars rise not the same old guys i've already seen.

I used to think that sting should be gone, but after he got into the best shape of his life, and after putting on great matches against Abyss and Jarrett, he definitely should stay, but not on the top for too long. I think he should retire in about 6 months maybe.

Voodoo Kin Mafia: Yeah, they do seem like they're clueless as to who the better wrestlers are (them or DX). But, I do think that this new storyline has made them entertaining again. I used to cringe when they came out, now I like seeing their segments (as long ast they're not talking about how much better they are than HHH and HBK).

Norman Smiley, David Young, and A1: I couldn't agree with you more.

Jeff Jarrett: Like it or not, Jarrett is a main eventer and already has lead a company on his shoulders. With him in the main event, he took TNA from nothing, to a primetime spot on Thursday nights and has people talking about TNA all over the world. Granted, I'm happy the spotlight's on others now, but Jarrett did carry the company and he did a great job at doing it.

Raven: I agree that he can be a great manager, and as far as he goes in the ring, as long as it's only in hardcore matches, he's fine. Other than that, he's a slob.

Killings: Definitely not a main eventer. He's the type of guy who can entertain you through an entire match, but he just doesn't have..."it." His mic skills are way too over the top and just flat out annoy a lot of people. He's a guy who should be dominating the mid card, but definitely doesn't belong anywhere near a heavyweight division.

Elix Skipper: He has put on some solid matches in the past, but all those matches had more than just two people in them. He can't entertain all by himself. He needs other people in the ring with him. He relies to heavily on the highspots and when he wrestles on the mat, he looks a lot sloppy some times with a lot of mess ups.

Petey Williams: Agreed, he does deserve better.

Senshi: What do you want from them? The guy came in and won the X division title in one month and kept it all the way to bound for glory. Eventually he had to take a month off. He's getting back in the picture soon though.

Jay Lethal: I agree that he deserves a push...but not yet. I think where they have him right now is just fine, but eventually I'd like to see him break away from Sabin and Dutt and become a heel. That could boost his popularity in the sense that the fans will hate him so much that they'll all know who he is.

Robert Roode: This guy is great, I don't know how you don't like him. And more people deserve better pushes? What? Roode is such a great classic type wrestler and he's going to impress a lot of people.

Eric Young: I agree, I can't stand him. I used to like him, but he's just annoying now. I really hate this character and it's a shame that it won't be going away any time soon.

Sharkboy: Agreed. I hate him and he should be cut.

Abyss: I couldn't disagree with you more. Abyss puts his body on the line every time out there and he finally got the title. He deserved that. Granted he's a transitional champion at best, but he deserved it.

Christy Hemme: Agreed, her and Borash are both very annoying and they seem so unprofessional to me. Hemme is getting better, but Borash is just getting worse and worse.

Sonjay Dutt: Agreed, there is really something about him that is just flat out annoying. And when they were in the jackass storyline, every time he did the ridiculous smiling face, I cringed and was ready to smash the television just so I wouldn't have to see him any more.

Chris Sabin: I couldn't disagree more. Sabin is definitely not overrated. He always fights great and next to Jarrett v. Sting, I think that his match with Senshi at bound for glory stole the show. He fights in a classical type of way while still doing fast paced aerial moves. It's strange. His wrestling style is so unique and it's more entertaining every time he comes out to wrestle.

Monty Brown: I never liked him, and WWE can't misuse his talent, because he has none.

Jerrelle Clark: Yeah he was pretty good, he impressed me, and I think he should have a spot on the roster as a jobber.

The Amazing Red: He was awesome, but it wasn't TNA's fault he's gone. He just wants to spend time wrestling in small promotions. For some reason he doesn't like fighting in big named companies.

Kenny King: He wasn't that impressive, but he should be a jobber over Shark Boy or Norman Smiley at least.

Roderick Strong: I unfortunately never got a chance to watch him wrestle but I've heard good things.

As far as letting home grown talent grow, they're doing that, Sabin, Senshi, Styles, Daniels, Roode, Joe, Starr, LAX, Kazarian & Bentley, The Naturals, Abyss, AMW, those guys are all getting bigger pushes and none of them were ever big stars in any major promotion.
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