The Time I Never Thought Would Come, Has Come

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
For what has seemed like an eternity of agony and torture for you all, the almighty and gracious leader of WZCW is going to be stepping down as Head of Creative and away from the creative team entirely. After what is nearly a 4 year career as an active creative member, I think it's finally time for me to hang up the boots and let some new blood take over my position.

There are a million reasons for my departure but I'll give you the most generic and biggest factor - real life is catching up with me and I fear that in the future, I will not be able to commit to the fed as much as I have in the past years. If I could, I'd be HoC forever (mwuahahaha and such) but I'm ready to move on.

Let's get to the specifics. If I don't mention you in my shout-outs, don't be offended. It's because you're not special to me (or anyone for that matter).

The Current Creative Guys - You've got your own personal hate mail in the back but to save face in the public forum, you guys have got this. There is a good mix of talents currently working the top and with me taking a step back over the last couple of rounds (especially Redemption), I'm more than confident you guys will be able to run WZCW, especially with Kermit as the frog who has been assigned the position of captain. Congratulations green brother, you deserve it.

The Former Creative Guys - The prodigal son is returning home, coming back to the other side to dwindle away just like the other minions. All of you have been awesome to work with and I cannot thank you enough for giving me the chance as well as tolerating me over the years. Now, I'm better than all of you and hold the record for the longest time spent on creative so suck it.

  • Dave - you gave me this shot. Without you, I wouldn't be thanking you in my farewell speech
  • FunKay - my partner in crime. We've teamed together, we've feuded together and we've worked together. Now, we get to enjoy retirement together.
  • Ty - one of the most memorable challenges in my fedding life. It has taken me a very long time to get back to my RPing level because of our match at KC IV taking so much out of me... bastard.

And the others (Thriller, Echelon, Barbosa, Showtime, Phoenix [if you're reading this], Numbers... if I'm missing anyone, shut up, I'm old). Thank you all for the opportunity to work with you, no matter how long or limited our time on creative together was. One day, we'll take back what is ours and overthrow the degenerates who will soon run this place and have that special all creative, all title match we've been planning for years.

Special mention to Haiku for being the most difficult opponent I've ever faced and help create this memorable feud we've created thus far. You have inspired me to achieve a level I once knew and for that, I thank you.

Another tiny mention to MRC for being my tag partner four/five years ago. The RP's we wrote for Kingdom Come II are still, to this day, my favourite. It was a blast.

Oh, and Prophet can go suck my balls.


Thank you for truly making this a memorable experience for me and putting up with me being on creative through everything. I've been apart of some shitty storylines, angles and characters but I hope the work I've put into this fed has helped elevated this place to new heights. I consider this place my baby and it's hard to hand it off but as I said before, it's my time to go.

I will still be around to RP and provide the occasional feedback but once I get that fancy writing and lose all creative access, I'm going to enjoy one full cycle of not having to vote for and write any matches/segments! I'M FREE, BABY... so you ********s on creative better not contact me for help until the Unscripted cycle.

Until I officially retire, enjoy having all the major threads changed to FalK-related names. :)

- FalKon
RIP Falks, I hope you don't die in a plane crash.

Congrats Kermit, I hope you're not stuck in Subway.
Well this is a surprise. Can't believe this is the end of the Crashin Movement reign on tyranny at the head of creative. It was a hell of a ride hombre, but its time to sit in the home together and remember (poorly) about the good times and the bad. Enjoy it my man.
This is a swerve! Doug Crashin for Creative!

Honestly, FalK, it's been one hell of a ride. Anyone (like me!) who was around for your "AshLeigh FalKon" days would have never expected you to climb the heights you have. I'm very glad that you proved everyone wrong. Through the good times and the bad and for being Heavy Artillery's first real feud, I thank you.

Now go make me a sandwich.
Thanks for the hard work Falks...if you did any. ;)

Congrats to Kermit on becoming head of creative!

Looks like I missed everything having Falk related names.
You've been awesome Falk, the amount of work and dedication that you've put into updating the fed and making it run so smoothly was unprecedented.
Not only are you the head of creative I've ever known, but the only feud I've known. Both of which it has been a blast to write for and with. Stunned to see you go brother, but happy this isn't a full on break for the fed. Thanks for all you taught me, and thanks for all you've done man.
I heard this was coming but it was a real shock. You've been such a constant and you were always good to work with.

Enjoy it mate.
Even though I am new in the fed, I am aware of how much hard work you have put in here. I was going to say this to you in the Board Room but since you no longer have access I will post it here.

Thanks again for convincing me to try WZCW. Killjoy gave me some feedback on the initial blueprint for Theron too, but your response and assurance that I would have a place here if I applied and just gave it a chance played a big role in me even trying WZCW in the first place.

Congrats to Kermit for being the new frog in charge. You're going to be an awesome head of the fed! Congrats to Harthan and Blade too on your promotions.

Enjoy retirement and I hope to still see you around. Your little "FalKussion" prank this morning was hilarious! :)
I said in my PM yesterday and I'll repeat it here, One of the best, if not the best, HOC we've had in WZCW. So happy to have worked with you. Have fun enjoying retirement.
I said in my PM yesterday and I'll repeat it here, One of the best, if not the best, HOC we've had in WZCW. So happy to have worked with you. Have fun enjoying retirement.


Now that I'm done stealing Falkon's spotlight for the last time, I wanna wish you nothing but the best man. Like Doc, I've seen you start off as Ashleigh Falkon and thought you would fade away rather quickly once we shut down your rather....eccentric ideas for the character.

I'm proud to see you go from that, and build yourself up slowly. When you jumped on Creative and got acclimated, you hit the ground running and took over a ton of responsibilities and are easily one of the hardest working Creative Members I've ever had the pleasure of bringing into the mix.

From a personal standpoint, I enjoyed the hell out of the AoC storyline and working with you every week to make our feud as strong as possible. I know that it brought the best out in you and for that I appreciate it immensely. You earned the victory at KC IV no question about it. It's sad to see you leave Creative man, but enjoy your retirement from the team.
All I can is thanks, Falkon.

Thanks for stepping aside so I'm finally a real mod again!

Oh, and all the other cool shit, too. There was a lot of that. More cool shit than a man could ever know what to do with.
You're awesome, FalK. Thanks for the shot you gave me and all the fun. Now let's party.


You fuckers knew it was coming eventually.
You've done well considering Falkon, I applaud the work you've done.

Now that Kermit is HOC it's time for The Green to finally take their place as rulers of this kingdom.
Even though you banned me that one time, I'll put that to the side and thank you for being a legit dude. You're awesome man and I appreciate you putting all that time and effort into this place. Glad that you are sticking around in a RPing sense.
Hopefully with this free time as just a regular member of the fed you can find yourself some swag.

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