The Thunder-Blog

I need to watch Smackdown tomorrow. I work late on Fridays and Saturdays so Sunday is my catch up day.
Not drugs nor people. Supplies. Like gloves, needles and shit. I did get a raise after my review on Tuesday though. Good stuff.

Oh Dave, I told you about my old friend Jordan, right?
Meh, drugs are overrated. However, I'm feeling better with a vending machine chicken sandwich. Before you say how gross that is, remember, I'm in a hospital and if anything happens, I can go to the ER. :lmao: That's the way I look at it anyway.
I wouldn't say it's gross. That would be rude until I've either seen it to truly gross out myself. Or before I've tasted it.

Besides who the hell serves such critical sandwiches that you're confident because there's an ER?
Lol, it's vending machine meat. A lot of people say "Gross, how can you eat that?". The vending machine food hasn't made me sick so far, and that is 3 years of hospital vending machine food. I just look at it like this. If anything turns out to be wrong with the food, and I were to get food poisoning while at work, I'm in a hospital already, and I just go to the Emergency Room to get treated.
True that. Just a little saddening that you have to rest your comfortability in eating such a sandwich on the fact that there's an ER nearby. Besides it would suck to get food poisoning anyway.
Oh definitely. But I would say it's a good security blanket to have for anything else than food because. Well I would be scared as fuck to eat if I knew the potential was there.
This one girl (Jordan), well her and I used to be best friends back in the day. Our moms were good friends before we were conceived and before my mom met my dad. We've known each other just about all our lives. However we stopped talking for 10 years, and I got back in touch with her via facebook earlier this year. I'll finish the entire thing, I just want to see if this is a refresher.
I had a friend from school who I haven't spoke to in a while message me on facebook yesterday. Wasn't a "Hi, how are you?" message, just a "Do you remember this band? Go vote for them!"

I mean seriously, haven't spoken to that person in ages and asks for a favour. Common courtesy is not around these days!
Okay good. So her boyfriend is a complete *******, just an insecure bitch. Now I've got a thing for her, but I would never act upon it while she is with him or any other guy. I'm not going to ruin something like that. So for the past 5 months that we have gotten back in touch, we have hung out once, and that was with our moms, who were also having a reunion. He absolutely hates that she talks to me, due to our history, and I guess actually threatened to break up with her if her and I ever hung out just us.

So I'm talking to her on Wednesday after I had my internship interview (still waiting on a response) and partially serious said that we should hang out more if I do indeed get the internship (it is about 15 minutes from her house). Her initial response is that we would need our moms, which at the current moment is kinda difficult with all 4 of our schedules as busy as they are.

Still on the subject, she says that she can't risk hanging out with me. Now we continue talking (I deleted all the texts as they were taking up room and I was getting pissed that night) and I am telling her that I think it's crap she can't hang out with me. Her response and she said her dad told her this, was "sometimes a girl has to sacrifice her guy friends for her boyfriend". That was essentially the point where inside I just said fuck it, she ain't worth my pursuit right now. Essentially it means she is sacrificing our almost 20 year friendship, at least to me that is what it means.

So I am done texting her for now. If she wants to talk, she can send the first message, but seriously, that fuckin' hurt that she said that. I hate her boyfriend. It will be difficult for me not to text her, because she is someone I could normally tell anything to. But that means shit to me now if I can't hang out with her.
Okay good. So her boyfriend is a complete *******, just an insecure bitch. Now I've got a thing for her, but I would never act upon it while she is with him or any other guy. I'm not going to ruin something like that. So for the past 5 months that we have gotten back in touch, we have hung out once, and that was with our moms, who were also having a reunion. He absolutely hates that she talks to me, due to our history, and I guess actually threatened to break up with her if her and I ever hung out just us.

So I'm talking to her on Wednesday after I had my internship interview (still waiting on a response) and partially serious said that we should hang out more if I do indeed get the internship (it is about 15 minutes from her house). Her initial response is that we would need our moms, which at the current moment is kinda difficult with all 4 of our schedules as busy as they are.

Still on the subject, she says that she can't risk hanging out with me. Now we continue talking (I deleted all the texts as they were taking up room and I was getting pissed that night) and I am telling her that I think it's crap she can't hang out with me. Her response and she said her dad told her this, was "sometimes a girl has to sacrifice her guy friends for her boyfriend". That was essentially the point where inside I just said fuck it, she ain't worth my pursuit right now. Essentially it means she is sacrificing our almost 20 year friendship, at least to me that is what it means.

So I am done texting her for now. If she wants to talk, she can send the first message, but seriously, that fuckin' hurt that she said that. I hate her boyfriend. It will be difficult for me not to text her, because she is someone I could normally tell anything to. But that means shit to me now if I can't hang out with her.

1) Good luck with the interns interview.

2) I know the exact feeling that you are going through. There is a girl at my work, whom I am completely head over heels for. However, she has a boyfriend and he is one of my better friends. Whilst I am not the kind of person that would ever to do something to hurt either of my friends, I also realise that some people just aren't worth your endeavours. I mean, I really like the girl but am I going to intentionally break them up? No fucking way.

At the end of the day, women are just complicated and relationships, as we both well know, are very unstable at times. Your situation sucks and hey BF sounds like a dick. I think you deserve better than someone like that, who is so paranoid about her behaviour with other men that her BF might find. The situation sucks but I have been there. It is always hard to move on from a friendship but right now, it seems like that is what you should do. Plus, you deserve much much better.
It just sucks because we were best friends back in the day, literally we were each others first friend/best friend. She is willing to sacrifice that for a douche nogger like that? It just hurts man. I've gotten shot down/heart broken/lost friends before, but this tops it due to how long we have known each other.
It just sucks because we were best friends back in the day, literally we were each others first friend/best friend. She is willing to sacrifice that for a douche nogger like that? It just hurts man. I've gotten shot down/heart broken/lost friends before, but this tops it due to how long we have known each other.

Ah right, different scenario then.

That does suck mate. I think you are in the right though. At this point, it doesn't seem that she values your friendship as much as you do and that is always a cruel blow.

Yeah not, just enjoying a bacon sandwich atm.

Going to work in the next 10-15 mins so won't be on msn til later I'm afraid. You ok bud?

Yeah, everything is fine.

I'll just speak to you when you get in.
Okay good. So her boyfriend is a complete *******, just an insecure bitch. Now I've got a thing for her, but I would never act upon it while she is with him or any other guy. I'm not going to ruin something like that. So for the past 5 months that we have gotten back in touch, we have hung out once, and that was with our moms, who were also having a reunion. He absolutely hates that she talks to me, due to our history, and I guess actually threatened to break up with her if her and I ever hung out just us.

So I'm talking to her on Wednesday after I had my internship interview (still waiting on a response) and partially serious said that we should hang out more if I do indeed get the internship (it is about 15 minutes from her house). Her initial response is that we would need our moms, which at the current moment is kinda difficult with all 4 of our schedules as busy as they are.

Still on the subject, she says that she can't risk hanging out with me. Now we continue talking (I deleted all the texts as they were taking up room and I was getting pissed that night) and I am telling her that I think it's crap she can't hang out with me. Her response and she said her dad told her this, was "sometimes a girl has to sacrifice her guy friends for her boyfriend". That was essentially the point where inside I just said fuck it, she ain't worth my pursuit right now. Essentially it means she is sacrificing our almost 20 year friendship, at least to me that is what it means.

So I am done texting her for now. If she wants to talk, she can send the first message, but seriously, that fuckin' hurt that she said that. I hate her boyfriend. It will be difficult for me not to text her, because she is someone I could normally tell anything to. But that means shit to me now if I can't hang out with her.

Jeez man. I've been going much through a similiar situation with my ex who was turned friends, we were doing fine aside from some stresses, no real problems with other bfs until the new one comes in. Absolute dick and the worst part is that she's been forcing me to get to know him to like him, it doesn't help when she told him our entire history (her side of it). Basically she's acting like a bitch about it, so we spent time apart and despite her being my first port of call for help, it has been immensely helpful having space and not being worried about her. While it sucks at first, you realise there are more things to do and you'll find that she will get in touch because she realised she was wrong.

It's still taking time my end, but I don't even bother to message her unless it's something work related. I am sorry that this has happened to another Dave bro. In the end, the bf doesn't trust her and while she seems to love him at the moment, in time she will realise that it's his lack of trust for her that will break the relationship up, it won't last. But just prove your independence by doing all the cool stuff you do and you will get there.

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