The Thunder-Blog

Ah sorry that came out kinda wrong- it meant to say that Dave was the name of the two best posters here. (As in you too CH David- tis why I quoted you :) )

I love you guys!

But yeah, that Twilight song was pretty damn good. Lordi is not something that I generally would listen to but I liked that first song, exactly like you said, Dave.
She knows you are like 5 years younger, right?

Older woman FTW, Dave!

She does know. She thought I was older when I had my beard growing for the Stanley Cup Playoffs, but saw my facebook and saw I am only 20.

But she is awesome. Likes sports, video games, and beer.

She does have 3 I believe. Two older which are married I believe, and a 21 year old sister who is engaged and pregnant.

The beer part isn't huge for me, maybe when I turn 21 and can legally drink. But right now, drinking isn't a huge deal for me. I'm kinda meh towards it at the moment. But video games, and sports especially? Amazing.
Thank you, Blade. HOLY SHIT, BLADE!!!!!!!

It's quite funny how it all came about too. Last week we were starting a project for school, and we went to a different room all day. Well at about 1:00 pm she ended up being in that room, and there were like 5 of us and then her. We all started talking, and jokingly, I asked her to go out with me. Then Wednesday and Friday we all talked and joked around again. Then she talks to me on facebook on Sunday night, I get her number, and Monday night at my friends bonfire I was texting her, and she says she likes me.
Hey there ;)

Wow, man.... It is pretty much my dream to find a girl who would have a game of Smash Bros. and a beer after having sex. The girl I'm seeing now is awesome and everything but... Wow. :p
Phoenix and I refuse to come in here anymore. This thread has strayed too far from its roots. But hey, we had a good run.

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