The things you don't wanna hear....Cena best promo guy in the business? Reallllyyyyy?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, My last thread generated tons of discussion about love/hate of John Cena while it was intented to just point out 2 lines he said during his promo vs Wyatt that was stupid and unecessary.

I saw how people can be fkin disrespectful for no reason, Guys like Slyfox can't defend an argument without calling people idiots and morons. It's a blog for christ sakes, it's for OPINIONS. Opinions are influenced by a TON of factors that are different for eveybody, doesn't make this guy or this guy a moron, you should be more open minded and learn from the different opinions and try to understand a point of view instead of bashing it. ANYWAYS

To my new thread :

There is some guys who said that Cena was the best promo guy in the business,
I respect that opinion but Cena is very generic in his promos,
I compare that to telling me that Domino is the best pizza in the world, it's generic, sure it has cheese on it, like Cena has intensity, sure it has toppings, like Cena has confidence but it's not special nor particular.

Once again for the record : Cena is the guy I respect the most in the business, with Miz as close second (Hell, I saw an interview of the guy at a morning show 6 am the morning of Raw dressed up in a suit and he didn't even appeared on Raw that night) For this argument you need to understand that Miz doesn't make 10% of Cena salary but puts in the hours like crazy.


I started thinking, who is better than Cena for promos, (cause I can't just say I don't agree without defending my opinion) and here is what I came up with (CM Punk is not included for obvious reasons) in NO particular order :

1 - Paul Heyman
2 - Stephanie Macmahon (Look at the promo vs AJ Lee)
3 - Miz
4 - R-Truth (Don't what me!!!)
5 - Bray Wyatt (DAH!)
6 - Bully Ray
7 - Kurt Angle
8 - Road dogg
9 - Titus O'neal will be better shortly
10 - Trips

A case can also be made for

1 - Randy Orton
2 - Del Rio
3 - Ziggler
4 - Barrett

I didn't want to start explaining each choice and I know for a fact some of you won't agree with the choices and that's fine, when I wrote that I thaught of : Range, Crowd reaction, Capability of adaptation to the crowd and the "I don't wanna change the channel factor".

Can't wait to read your thoughts.

Hold on, hold on


Okay, let's go through this list:

1 - Paul Heyman
2 - Stephanie Macmahon (Look at the promo vs AJ Lee)
3 - Miz
4 - R-Truth (Don't what me!!!)
5 - Bray Wyatt (DAH!)
6 - Bully Ray
7 - Kurt Angle
8 - Road dogg
9 - Titus O'neal will be better shortly
10 - Trips

1. Heyman is right up there near the top, I won't argue with him being right around Cena.
2. My 80-year-old grandmother could do better in Stephanie's role than she does. She can't act, her promos aren't good, she wouldn't be on TV if she had a different last name.
3. If saying "Really" and "Awesome" a bunch makes for a great promo, then yes, Miz is one of the best. (Spoiler: It doesn't and he's not)
4. His heel promos were entertaining, but not anywhere near the best.
5. Bray is very good, but hasn't quite reached the top tier yet.
6. Don't know, don't watch too much TNA. Based on your intelligence, I'll assume this is wrong too.
7. Goofy Kurt, maybe. Serious Kurt doesn't do much for me.
8. He's nothing but a couple catch phrases.
9. If he had that potential, he would've been pushed by now.
10. He's good for sounding angry and listing off his nicknames.

I won't mention the other 4 because only Orton is remotely close out of them.

I don't think Cena is the best talker of all time, but he is definitely one of the best and at worst, is top 3 in WWE. It's fine that you don't like Cena, but that fact that you don't like him doesn't change the fact that he is the best in the WWE and has been for years now.
Cena is good at promo. Of course he is. Best in the business? I don't know about that. I tend to find the logical foreclosures of his character have made him developing a serious heated feud an unrealistic possibility: he is all about hard work, being a pure babyface, doing it the right way, hustle/loyalty etc - and that's fine and his promotional work is at least animated, listenable, coherent, sometimes believable. It goes UP when it needs to and his command of the crowd, even those set against him, is very good. If proof is needed: he can hang with The Rock in face-offs. Praise indeed.

But the whole Cena shtick: it never really gets under your skin, does it? Sometimes it can sound phoned in because the character (rather than the consumate professional performer) isn't deep enough to take it anywhere but either i. trying to climb the mountain or ii. trying to stay at the top of the mountain. There's no internal conflict, no personal demon to slay, no pecadilo that means he'll stray from the path, no god that he has to serve. So it makes the guy a bit dull, basically. And it feels too late in the game to really change that without a heel turn which it doesn't seem is on the cards.

I'm not sure who the best in the business is. It's possible that I don't really care. CM Punk is/was good but tends to drone on and overrate himself a little. HHH is good but I find the line between his character and his reality a bit unbearable. There's not many more people I'd want to hear for more than 1 minute at a time at the moment. That's the real truth. Ambrose, perhaps, when he finds his solo gimmick? Right now they're strong where I care about: in the ring.
Posts like this one, with all due respect to the OP, make me wonder if the guy truly believes what he is saying, or if he is just trolling the masses to try to elicit the response that this thread is going to create.

I wouldn't suggest that John Cena is the best promo guy of all time, I don't think that would be accurate to say. But I would definitely put him in the top ten of all time, and reasonably high up that list as well. And if we exclude managers such as Heyman or Heenan, he ekes his way very close to the top.

Amongst current guys, he is very near the top, if not the pinnacle. In the list provided in the OP, the only one who might be better than Cena is Paul Heyman, but as I said he is a manager, not an active wrestler, so that's slightly different. Cena's promos sometimes get a bit of criticism (and rightly so) when he gets on with the corny, joking style of promo work. I don't even think that they're terrible, they just aren't my thing. But when Cena gets serious and intense, and passionate about the business and the feud in question, his mic work is stellar and I don't think any active wrestler today is any better.

Titus O'Neal? Dolph Zigger? Alberto Del freakin Rio? Come on man, the next time you try to troll us all, keep things within the realm of believability. Titus O'Neal has only held a mic in his hands for a couple of weeks now, except to sing "millions of dollars, millions of dollars". His mic skills are a work in progress. Ziggler is consistently criticized for being weak on the stick, which is probably why he was aligned with Vicki for so long. And I won't even comment on ADR's mic skills, or lack thereof, because I either can't understand what he's saying, or I've dozed off before he finishes.

I get it (although I don't understand it). Cena hatred is alive and well. But sweet Jesus, at least try to be sensible in your criticism of him, rather than post nonsense like this.
I have to half agree, your list is a little ridiculous.

If I was to make a top five for the last year... Heyman, Punk and Cena would likely be the top. Followed maybe by Bray, and Bully (though Aces dragged him down a bit). The guys mentioned here, I could see some arguing in favour of.

Guys like Miz, Road Dogg, R-truth have decent gimmick mic skills, bot not much towards crafting a believable promo. Trips and Kurt haven't been consistent in a long while. Titus did ok on his few promos, and he's got a good speaking voice, but hasn't done enough noteworthy thus far. None could possibly be considered better than Cena though, especially not on your criteria. If you have examples though, I'd love to see them.

Range: Cena can do anything from HEY KIDS, to calm respectful (Mr Hulk Hogan), insulting (The Rock), rapping (He's got a phd in it), and spokesperson for WWE style (Osama Bin Laden).

Crowd Reaction: While the crowd may hate the character, they often don't ignore his promos. More often than not he has the crowd 90% behind him by the end of every promo, even when facing off against guys like the rock. Its very rare when Cena pulls a guy in for a face to face that the crowd doen't pop like hell.

Adapting to the crowd: There is no-one better than Cena. Punk and Heyman can do it, and Bully is good at heel manoeuvring to rile up a crowd further, but Cena is in a class of his own. He knows exactly when to yeild to the crowd if they're unruly, when to toss out the cheap pop to turn them around, when to downplay his goof schtick.

I don't wanna change the channel factor is pretty irrelevant, his segments usually rank the among highest.
Trolling? Stupid? I don't care. Some people genuinely think that Cena is no good.

Cena is the best speaker in the company and one of the best of all time. Right now, I would say that Heyman, Coulter, HHH are just behind. I've also been impressed with Barrett, Orton, Bray and, collectively, The Shield. There are a lot of wrestlers who can cut high quality promos but are all behind Cena.

John Cena knows what he is doing and everything is so effortless. He knows what will push the buttons of certain people and he knows what will make him look like a hero. This leads to increased merch sales and so on. Nevermind how good he was when he had a completely different gimmick.

Cena ALWAYS gets a reaction. That's the point. That's what puts him in the elite class. Since the turn of the century, I'd say only The Rock is better. Maybe Jericho but Cena is fantastic, no doubt.
Cena can deliver some awesome promos. I thought his promo vis a vis Bray Wyatt last Monday was just spot-on stuff that made me want to watch those two go at it in the ring. (Wyatt, for that matter, is fantastic also and will only get better). The Margaritaville remarks were hilarious and got a great reaction. That's the kind of stuff I like in Cena's promos.

I think where Cena falters in promos was also on display Monday, and that was the ingratiating BS with Hogan. Sometimes Cena's promos can just ring false, IMO. Trying to sell the idea that he was going to be in the 30 Man Andre the Giant Battle Royal? That he was excited and honored to be in that battle royal? Sorry...wasn't buying it. It felt canned and it fell flat.

So when it comes down to it, I think Cena is one of the best -- definitely top 5. I think Heyman is much better (He's #1 in my book). I think Punk, when allowed to craft his own stuff, is better. I think in time, Bray Wyatt will be every bit as good as Cena, and that's awesome. Triple H can really deliver in promos but he can also be a bit monotone in his delivery. Again, I feel like when it gets to this point, we're splitting hairs; Trips is better on the mic than probably 90% of the roster.

But as to the guys on the OP's list -- I really disagree. I think the majority of those guys are inferior to Cena on the mic.
This thread is bizarre. Cena is incredibly strong on the mic. It wouldn't be a push to say he was one of the best the business has seen, regardless of whether you like him or not.

If I was to give him one criticism on his promo-work it would be his reactions off the mic. Wrestlers like Triple H are good at reacting to what their opponents say, whereas Cena either smiles, takes off his shirt or just stands there with a blank expression. (Not really a promo, but remember when Cena just stood there blank-faced when Brock Lesnar returned? Poor performance from Cena IMHO.)
The top 5 in the company for promos are

1. Bray Wyatt - great promos that fit perfectly with his character and are all his own work
2. Paul Heyman - Excellent promos that have almost no issues
3. Dean Ambrose - A lot like Wyatt Ambrose does promos that fit his character well but he isn't close to the 2 above him because he has not had a chance to do it with his own character
4. Damien Sandow - His promos are excellent and work really well with his character
5. AJ Lee - She has always been good on the mic and her Pipebombshell promo was my pick for promo of the year last year and I just wish that the divas didn't go and cry about it because I wanted her to do more of them

But onto the topic of John Cena promos. Cena's promos are all done to pander to the crowd begging them to support him. Raw's in Washington Cena does a promo kissing Bryan's ass trying to steal his fans. Raw Old School, Cena does a promo with Flair kissing his ass trying to steal his fans. Raw on Monday with Hogan Cena does a promo kissing his ass trying to steal his fans. Raw on Monday Bray Wyatt delivers an excellent promo building up both himself and Cena aswell as hyping the match then Cena just insults him and buries his character.

Cena's promos fit into 1 of 2 categories. Category 1 Pandering to the crowd begging for support. Category 2 attacking his opponents character and trying to make them weak instead of building them up as credible opponents.

Cena is the worst promo cutter in pro wrestling. Cena is one of the worst wrestlers in pro wrestling. Cena is going to be the man that kills pro wrestling. I hope he tears an ACL some time soon so that pro wrestling can get good again
Ok, My last thread generated tons of discussion about love/hate of John Cena while it was intented to just point out 2 lines he said during his promo vs Wyatt that was stupid and unecessary.

And that's your opinion. Just like mine is that if you keep posting threads like that last one, you'll be criticized a lot.

I saw how people can be fkin disrespectful for no reason, Guys like Slyfox can't defend an argument without calling people idiots and morons. It's a blog for christ sakes, it's for OPINIONS. Opinions are influenced by a TON of factors that are different for eveybody, doesn't make this guy or this guy a moron, you should be more open minded and learn from the different opinions and try to understand a point of view instead of bashing it.

If you would like to start a friendly debate with Slyfox, I will gladly grab some popcorn and start reading. Though that would probably be hazardous to my health since I would probably choke to death while eating and laughing at the same time.

9 - Titus O'neal will be better shortly

I just want to comment on this one since your list has been picked apart so much already. Titus O'Neil? (Since you're such a fan of the Miz) Really? Really? Really? My favorite part: "will be better shortly." Like you're so desparate to throw jabs at John Cena that you're predicting the future for a guy who's been terrible on the mic since NXT (MAKE IT A WIN!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:).

Oh how I wish this thread was in the Bar room.

You can have whatever opinion you want about how much you like or dislike Cena. That's fine. But if you can't see where John Cena is so good on the mic, especially since he gets so much crap from the audience, you're just plain blind.
First of all,

To people who are trying to insult me for my list and my opinion, go fuck yourself you closed minded pieces of shit.

Those who are respectfully sharing their opinions; here's why the names were included in the list and keep in mind that, I respect Cena, but I think his promos are always the same thing, I lack interest when listening to him. And i was talking about right now in the WWE, not of all time of course!!!

Now I made one mistake, I didn't take into consideration the 2004-5 Cena where he was the master of thuganomics, .. he would be close to the top taking this character into consideration, but he couldn't go back to that now in this era so I can't take it into consideration.

So I'll go through the list,

1 - Paul Heyman, not a lot arguing there so i'll save time
2 - Stephanie she got probably the most heat ever for talking on the mic once uppon of time and truly she still gets ton of hear and plays with the crowd reaction perfectly, again, her speach to AJ was gold, I'm more entertain by her talking than Cena.
3 - Miz, At least he has one catch phrase that work lol, Miz as a face is awful, as a heel? Man, with limited in ring skillz it got him a freakin World championship and A WM main-event vs Cena, .. how can you argue that?
4 - Amazing with the crowd, his heel promos and the little Jimmy stuff got the crowd listening and you could hear honest laughter when he talked, that "Don't what me?!" stuff was hilarious, he still could do it, given the appropriate feud and time.
5 - Bray, he's a genius, and there's no arguing there, if you honestly think there is, go see the transcripts of his promos, than tell me if you could come up with such brilliant stuff, and tell me if you need some explanations, cause if you think he sucks you just don't get it
6 - Bully Ray, Enough said
7 - Kurt, I truly believe all of you agree with me on that one so I won't debate it
8 - Road Dogg, One of the only if not the only guy who said literally the same catch phrases for 17 years and still get 15 000 yell with him, and his work on commentary during the uso's match 3 weeks ago was perfect... just perfect
9 - Titus but you guys are right, it was too soon to put him there, just thaught he was entertaining the past few weeks, but you guys are right, he sould'nt be on the list
10 - Trips, I'm not even going to start to look for a promo he did, there's like 1 000 of them, I would've put him in the next category, but his work vs Bryan on Raw was great, he's better than Cena.

If any of those 10 got anywhere close to Cena's mic time in the past 10 years, there wouldn't be any discussion. Cena is used to it, it's his playground, uses the same formula and it kinda works for some people, but I get tired of it lately. The only time where I was like ok this is fun was his rapping for his feud vs The Rock, that's it.
The top 5 in the company for promos are

1. Bray Wyatt - great promos that fit perfectly with his character and are all his own work
2. Paul Heyman - Excellent promos that have almost no issues
3. Dean Ambrose - A lot like Wyatt Ambrose does promos that fit his character well but he isn't close to the 2 above him because he has not had a chance to do it with his own character
4. Damien Sandow - His promos are excellent and work really well with his character
5. AJ Lee - She has always been good on the mic and her Pipebombshell promo was my pick for promo of the year last year and I just wish that the divas didn't go and cry about it because I wanted her to do more of them

I don't like Sandow but I agree that I could put Ambrose and AJ up there, totally agree, as far as Cena's comments you had there, exactly what I think,
The top 5 in the company for promos are

1. Bray Wyatt - great promos that fit perfectly with his character and are all his own work
2. Paul Heyman - Excellent promos that have almost no issues
3. Dean Ambrose - A lot like Wyatt Ambrose does promos that fit his character well but he isn't close to the 2 above him because he has not had a chance to do it with his own character
4. Damien Sandow - His promos are excellent and work really well with his character
5. AJ Lee - She has always been good on the mic and her Pipebombshell promo was my pick for promo of the year last year and I just wish that the divas didn't go and cry about it because I wanted her to do more of them

But onto the topic of John Cena promos. Cena's promos are all done to pander to the crowd begging them to support him. Raw's in Washington Cena does a promo kissing Bryan's ass trying to steal his fans. Raw Old School, Cena does a promo with Flair kissing his ass trying to steal his fans. Raw on Monday with Hogan Cena does a promo kissing his ass trying to steal his fans. Raw on Monday Bray Wyatt delivers an excellent promo building up both himself and Cena aswell as hyping the match then Cena just insults him and buries his character.

Cena's promos fit into 1 of 2 categories. Category 1 Pandering to the crowd begging for support. Category 2 attacking his opponents character and trying to make them weak instead of building them up as credible opponents.

Cena is the worst promo cutter in pro wrestling. Cena is one of the worst wrestlers in pro wrestling. Cena is going to be the man that kills pro wrestling. I hope he tears an ACL some time soon so that pro wrestling can get good again

lol this is the most irrational load of garbage posted in this thread so far. People cry about Cena "Hogging the main events" so here we are Wrestlemania XXX and Cena is handed a match with a midcarder (A talented midcarder non the less). The characters don't seem to mesh and up til this point we've seen little to no chemistry between the two. Bray cuts a terrific promo and Cena responds by knocking out of the park. He didn't bury anyone. He built interest in a match that people weren't interested in. The bed wetters like the guy I'm responding to will always assume the larger star is eating the smaller star but in truth Bray gets to shine in Cena's light at Wrestlemania. As for killing Wrestling, I hope he kills it for you so you and your kind will simply go away and I can stop having to buy a bottle of Aleve every time I visit this forum.
Dude, you are way out of place if you think that being polite in a forum of pro-wrestling fans will earn the same kind of favor. Everyone is right because they damn well know it, and if you don't state as much fifty times in your response to them then you're just as much of a generic pejorative who could never come close to their niche in internet society as you would be if you did do as much. You can't win, so fuck every single one of them.

John Cena is to me just as credible as his fan-base, so you don't have to add the caveat that my top ten favorite performers on the mic has to not include him.

The WWE really doesn't really have a stellar set of options for picking who's great on the mic. Punk is gone, Michaels is gone and Y2J is gone. Standards for great mic work have really started to take a nose dive as a result.

1. Paul Heyman. Paul owned Chicago, and as a native of Chicago I have to respect him for that. His promos have only ever been gold and I salute him for that.
2. Daniel Bryan. I love the guy's ring work, and the sincerity in his love for the business comes out in his promos.
3. HHH. I dump on HHH a lot, but he's been awesome in playing to the pro-Daniel Bryan crowd.
4. Zeb Coulter. I will never boo this man prominently because he did his time in Vietnam, it helps that he's an awesome hype-man and has helped make his team more interesting.
5. Randy Orton. I feel bad for this guy, as a performer. He's been making the most out of an unfortunate turn in the crowd's adoration of him, and he's done a damn good job in my opinion.
6. Bad News Barrett. I really love this gimmick, mainly because I love the promos. Preach on BNB.
7. Bray Wyatt. I've really bashed this guy, but his gimmick is coming full circle. His philosophical meanderings are getting more lucid as he melds better with his gimmick.
8. Dean Ambrose. I'm a big fan of this guy's ring work, he hasn't been allowed to prove himself to me on the mic. I know he has what it takes, he's just been relegated to back stage discussions with his posse.
9. Batista. Hey, you know what? The dude is drawing the heat of the Daniel Bryan fan-base by telling them that Daniel Bryan has nothing on him, and then he's selling to Daniel Bryan in his matches with him. I can dig that.
10. Stephanie McMahon. I put her at number ten not just for lack of a better option, but because she's been right up there with HHH making this current Daniel Bryan saga more marketable. Hats off to her.
I really have no idea what you are trying to do right now with your formatting.

Regarding Titus O'Neil -- you're comparing a guy who's been with the company maybe a year and a half and has had only a smidge of air time with Cena, who has been cutting promos for major events and feuds for over 12 years.

Road Dogg -- I'll grant you he's got a good gift, but he's a recent returnee, and he still mostly gets by on his opening catchphrases.

R-Truth -- He gets by, but again, where has he been? You're saying that it's the best in the WWE right now, and I haven't seen him on TV cutting a promo in months.

Miz -- Absent for weeks. Says Awesome and Really a lot. Again, not bad, but not very dynamic.

Stephanie -- No complaints, she's a good heel. I wouldn't say she's better than Cena though.

Bully Ray - Don't watch TNA, can't comment.

Kurt Angle - Ditto, and don't recall his promos all that much. I'm sure he's decent.

Again, your mileage may vary, but I think Cena's definitely one of the best. I will say that there are aspects to his promos that drag and pander a bit. However, when he's confronting someone -- actually cutting a promo against someone, he's awesome.
If you would like to start a friendly debate with Slyfox, I will gladly grab some popcorn and start reading. Though that would probably be hazardous to my health since I would probably choke to death while eating and laughing at the same time.

I'll give you Titus O'neil , I went too far,

As far as an argument with Slyfox, I don't respect the guy, I don't think he's a good blogger who is entertaining to read, he's offensive and passes WAY too much time in these forums.
Going back to your old thread, I think the problem is that you see Cena's approach as burying Wyatt, and I don't agree. He's playing the situation up for laughs a bit, and getting some jokes in at the expense of him. It's shades of Cena's rapper past coming up -- he's dissing his opponent, who in this case, didn't miss a single beat, and came right back at Cena. It was a good promo all around.

A question back to you: If you don't like Cena for his approach, what did you think of The Rock's promo abilities?
Cena is the worst promo cutter in pro wrestling. Cena is one of the worst wrestlers in pro wrestling. Cena is going to be the man that kills pro wrestling. I hope he tears an ACL some time soon so that pro wrestling can get good again

Have to agree, but unfortunately, like I stated in the previous Cena post, even if he does get injured, pro wrestling will only get better for a month or two, because "SuperCena" will be back by then, despite how long it's supposed to take to heal.
Going back to your old thread, I think the problem is that you see Cena's approach as burying Wyatt, and I don't agree. He's playing the situation up for laughs a bit, and getting some jokes in at the expense of him. It's shades of Cena's rapper past coming up -- he's dissing his opponent, who in this case, didn't miss a single beat, and came right back at Cena. It was a good promo all around.

A question back to you: If you don't like Cena for his approach, what did you think of The Rock's promo abilities?

The Rock is awesome, but again, I have a problem with burying a gimmick or character man, specially when there's no added value to the feud.

I just think Bray's character is somewhat still "Believable" and it was a cheap risky move to go after his gimmick so soon in his career .

Maybe I would've loved Bray to react to those comments right away? Maybe saying : " See John that's the difference between you and the likes of us, you take so much pride in having your hair cut straigt and having a tigt fit t-shirt on, but all this is artificial what's real John, is that no matter the clothes I wear, you will follow the buzzards"

I don't know, watching the promo again earlier I still think those comments took Bray off guard,

Anyways, I understand your point of view
Cena is one of the best promo guys in the company. That's undeniable. He's charismatic, believable, coherent, and he's able to adapt to just about any opponent. The criticism that "Well... Cena just plays that one character" or "Well... He uses the same basic material over and over again." Everyone does that.

The point of his promos are to get the fans to either rally behind him or the angle that's he's trying to put over. And he does that very well. The only other wrestlers that can do this as well as Cena, that I've seen, are Kane and Bray Wyatt. And Heyman if we're counting managers. And all three of them reuse the same material all the time.

Is Cena the best promo man in the company? Maybe not. Is he is in the top 3 or the elite? Yes, definitely.
go fuck yourself you closed minded pieces of shit.

Oh the irony of the anti-"X" (in this case Cena) fanboy.

If Cena was as terrible as you truly believe himself to be, he'd not be where he is now. That's a fairly well proven fact in wrestling.
I don't care for Cena's character but from an objective viewpoint it's clear that he has good promo skills. Serious, intense Cena is money. Goofy, cornball Cena is awful.

I actually don't think there are that many great talkers around at the moment which I think is due to the rigid scripting of mid-card promos and not letting guys fit promos around their natural voice. Wyatt is excellent and The Shield are good but I'll hold off judgment to see how well they do moving on from their respective gimmicks. Heyman is on another level, far above anybody on the active roster, even Cena.

I wouldn't have Cena in my top 10 mic guys of all time. He's good but IMO he doesn't hold a candle to Savage, Rock, Austin, Foley, DiBiase, Piper, Flair, Heyman, Heenan, Ventura, Michaels, Jericho or even Vince and I don't think he's any better than a JBL, HHH or Guerrero.

Top 5 now? Yeah, definitely, but for me he lacks the range to be included with the guys on the above list.
Oh the irony of the anti-"X" (in this case Cena) fanboy.

If Cena was as terrible as you truly believe himself to be, he'd not be where he is now. That's a fairly well proven fact in wrestling.

You're talking a lot of shit but don't seem to read half of what I write, I'm not your typical Anti-Cena fan as I respect him, I loved some of his work, I think he does things sometimes that are awful and points out his flaws with a hughe flashing red light above them.

To the point that he wouldn't be where he is if he was terrible that's where you're wrong, when someone SELLS no matter how good they are, they could be playing bridge in a swimming pool, if they have a t-shirt that sells, they'll put them there: they will get the time and spotlight.

I just remember the Cena vs Orton match a couple of weeks ago, wow people really were looking forward to this match were they??
You're talking a lot of shit but don't seem to read half of what I write, I'm not your typical Anti-Cena fan as I respect him, I loved some of his work, I think he does things sometimes that are awful and points out his flaws with a hughe flashing red light above them.

How in the world am I talking shit? I'm glad the point of what I said went over your head. "Fuck you, you're close minded" is the key to your irony.

To the point that he wouldn't be where he is if he was terrible that's where you're wrong, when someone SELLS no matter how good they are, they could be playing bridge in a swimming pool, if they have a t-shirt that sells, they'll put them there: they will get the time and spotlight.

...why do you think he sells so well and gets said time and spotlight?

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