The Stupidest Things Said All Year

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I would like to nominate the following comment, made in a thread about why one would pay for XBox Live, as potentially the stupidest thing said all year. If you have any others you'd like to nominate, post them here and we'll get a list going.

The whole "blu-ray" shit is ******ed. I don't care what you believe, Blu-Ray and HD are the same thing. Yes, I have a blu-ray compatible television and a high def television (most people can afford two tvs these days) and to me, they both look the same. The only reason why it's getting so much attention is because some idiot made it seem better when its not.

Furthermore, the RROD deal is actually a smart investment when you think about it. Each set of flashing lights lets you know EXACTLY what's wrong with your 360 and all you have to do from there is find the right equipment to fix it yourself. Whereas PS3, you just get hacked by some morons who take credit card information. Good luck fixing that one yourself :)
It makes it hard to defend being a happy XBox Live user when stupid posts like that show up.
Let's also not forget every single multi-platform game on the PS3 has more issues and bugs for it's Console counterparts. And lets not forget despite having to install a PS3 game onto your hard drive, it crashes and resets more than a uninstalled game on the XBox is simply bothersome.
More importantly: Did motherfucker really imply that everybody should be able to afford two TV's?! Goddamnit, I've been at my job for 8 years and was barely able to afford ONE TV!
I was more or less referring to the nugget of wisdom about BluRay and HD... I mean I suppose if he was stuck in 2005 and people were still arguing about whether BluRay was better than HDDVD, he could have a case. You know, before HD died and BluRay came from nowhere to win the war. But that still doesn't negate the fact that he needed two enabled televisions, which doesn't make ANY sense, to "prove" this point. Who says to themselves, "yeah, these two things (that don't exist) are exactly the same, so I'm going to get BOTH OF THEM!"
[Heel] Green Ranger;3671402 said:
I was more or less referring to the nugget of wisdom about BluRay and HD... I mean I suppose if he was stuck in 2005 and people were still arguing about whether BluRay was better than HDDVD, he could have a case. You know, before HD died and BluRay came from nowhere to win the war. But that still doesn't negate the fact that he needed two enabled televisions, which doesn't make ANY sense, to "prove" this point. Who says to themselves, "yeah, these two things (that don't exist) are exactly the same, so I'm going to get BOTH OF THEM!"

Maybe the guy owns a TV with a built in Blu-ray player and really is numb enough to believe that Blu-ray is a TV standard?

To bring up the long-since moot HDDVD vs. Blu-ray format war seems a little ridiculous, to skew the concepts so wildly, well, that certainly deserves some form of recognition.
Wake up, sheeple! Blu-Ray is a scam. My grandfather never needed anything more than red rays, I sure as heck don't. Down with Sony!
I still don't know what happened! Did they announce his return? Did he actually turn up? Did he groom himself like a cat? What's going on? Where am I? Who are you people?
[Heel] Green Ranger;3671402 said:
I was more or less referring to the nugget of wisdom about BluRay and HD... I mean I suppose if he was stuck in 2005 and people were still arguing about whether BluRay was better than HDDVD, he could have a case. You know, before HD died and BluRay came from nowhere to win the war. But that still doesn't negate the fact that he needed two enabled televisions, which doesn't make ANY sense, to "prove" this point. Who says to themselves, "yeah, these two things (that don't exist) are exactly the same, so I'm going to get BOTH OF THEM!" wasn't clear what he was referring to, so in my blast responding to it, I added the HD-DVD stuff, because he may just be that dumb. People that uniformed about technology should not be allowed to purchase expensive electronics.

I wanted to punch him through my monitor after reading that.

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