The Streak: Should it end?

Should the Streak End Eventually?

  • YES! - the Streak is there to be broken.

  • NO! - HBK is right, it can't be called the Streak with a loss included.

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That's why the time to end it (if it is to end) would be Undertaker's very last match before retirement. After he's gone, the only time the Streak will be mentioned "live" on WWE productions is when an announcer has occasion to refer to it. At that time, he'll say something like: "Remember the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania?" and the recollection will be a nod to an event of the past, which is perfectly acceptable.

The Streak exists.....the Streak ends. That's the beauty of athletic events: there are winners and losers, and in order for someone to win, someone else has to lose. If an achievement that existed comes to an end, it doesn't negate the former existence of the achievement. The only way that happens is if someone starts another Wrestlemania winning streak that eventually exceeds that of the Undertaker.

My preferred scenario would be to see the Streak end at the hands of the #1 performer in the company, John Cena......the implication being that only the top person in the organization would be capable of ending the longest running record.

Problem is, this is something that should be cheered (for the victor) as well as mourned (for the Undertaker). Somehow, WWE is going to have to find the way to turn the Cena-haters around so they'll be able to appreciate his achievement.....and that's gonna be a trick.

I do agree with your first two paragraphs wholeheartedly, even though as a Huge Taker fan, I am one who believes the Streak should remain unbroken forever.

As for Cena breaking it...well I am fond of Cena also, and I do think of the Current Full-Time, he is the only one with a legit chance of breaking it based on his current status. The likes of Bray and Reigns will have to be built first, to actually be considered in the future, as long as Taker can still go in the ring.
John Cena, however, can only go heel, if he beats the Streak. I argued as such late last year in another thread, and based on the reactions since then, that has been strengthened even more on the matter.

Cena beats the Streak, then there is no way to turn the Cena haters around, actually there will be whole lot more, especially when you consider that even today on a Part-Time schedule, the Undertaker still gets huge cheers when he appears, whilst Cena gets closer to a 50-50 in most arenas, ending the Undertaker's Streak and by extension his Career, would most likely move the Cena reactions to 0-100 in most arenas,lMO.

Cena breaking Taker in his last match can work, provided WWE has found their new Major Face going forward, as with a Family Friendly product, there would be no way Cena goes heel and still is marketed as he is now.
Cena beats the Streak, then there is no way to turn the Cena haters around, actually there will be whole lot more....

True....but that's the whole idea. Cena turning bad would be a momentous event and the entire project is dependent on everyone hating Cena; that is, hating his character but flocking to see him and buying his merchandise because of the enormous impact made by a heel Cena.

Really, he'd be the same guy outside the ring and could still do his Make-a-Wish stuff with the kiddies. After all, even when Randy Orton is at his heel-ish worst, we still see him on camera holding a child and smiling, no?

But I can understand your feeling that the streak should never end....and my post should more accurately read: "If anyone can break the streak, it would be a heel Cena"....rather than reflecting that I hope Cena is the one to do it.

If Undertaker took the streak into retirement, it would be just fine with me.
True....but that's the whole idea. Cena turning bad would be a momentous event and the entire project is dependent on everyone hating Cena; that is, hating his character but flocking to see him and buying his merchandise because of the enormous impact made by a heel Cena.

Really, he'd be the same guy outside the ring and could still do his Make-a-Wish stuff with the kiddies. After all, even when Randy Orton is at his heel-ish worst, we still see him on camera holding a child and smiling, no?

But I can understand your feeling that the streak should never end....and my post should more accurately read: "If anyone can break the streak, it would be a heel Cena"....rather than reflecting that I hope Cena is the one to do it.

If Undertaker took the streak into retirement, it would be just fine with me.

I do get what you are saying, and I am glad you aren't trying to argue that somehow Cena is not polarising, and if he beats Taker he would be all out hated in the majority of arenas.

However, do you think with the Family Friendly direction of the WWE, that they would still leave Cena as the "Face of the Company"?? I know a Heel Cena would get great merchandise sales, but the WWE would still market someone as their new Hero character if Cena becomes Top Heel,lMO.
If you look, each year since HBK and HHH, it has gotten a little bit more predictable.

Wrestlemania 25, you had HBK vs. Undertaker and it was actually believable that HBK would end the streak; especially with the Undertakers retirement rumors circling.

Wrestlemania 26, you had HBK vs. Undertaker with HBK's career on the line. That made it a little more convincing that HBK was going to end the streak.

Wrestlemania 27, you had Triple H vs. Undertaker. This one was kind of iffy, but it ended up being a great match that had you seriously doubting the Undertaker; especially near the end.

Wrestlemania 28, this one was IMO, when the streak appeared to be the most at stake. You had the possibility of HBK and HHH teaming up against the Undertaker, then you had the possibility of HBK screwing Undertaker.

Wrestlemania 29, this one was a little believable. CM Punk went in as the heel, which could make it look like he would steal the win and his popularity would make him worthy of winning the streak; afterall, he's got a huge future in the company and ending the streak would do wonders for.

Wrestlemania 30, this one isn't as believable at all. No one with a brain stem believes Lesnar has a chance in this one. He's a part-time wrestler with his better days behind him and he's already received some heat for stealing main events and getting the bigger paychecks than some guys that have been on the road 24/7 trying to reach his level of achievement.

I think they could have picked a much better opponent. I will admit, the Undertakers match every year is usually the best match on the entire card; primarily because so much is at state. The Undertakers match probably draws a percentage of the crowd that doesn't want to see another John Cena vs. The Rock main event and keeps Wrestlemania feeling immortal.

I do think that is time to start considering a worthy opponent to end the streak or reach a number and retire with, but I don't think the Undertaker wants to be remembered as the man that went 22-0 at Wrestlemania. I think the Undertaker wants to be remembered for the phenom that dominated three generations of wrestling. He IS the most dominant competitor in the history of the business and doesn't want his legacy to be overshadowed by his Wrestlemania success. What do you think?
I do think that is time to start considering a worthy opponent to end the streak or reach a number and retire with, but I don't think the Undertaker wants to be remembered as the man that went 22-0 at Wrestlemania. I think the Undertaker wants to be remembered for the phenom that dominated three generations of wrestling. He IS the most dominant competitor in the history of the business and doesn't want his legacy to be overshadowed by his Wrestlemania success. What do you think?

I don't think anyone would legitimately only remember Taker as a guy that went perfect at WM, if they do then they weren't all the big fans of his to begin with. Anyone that is a actual fan of taker will remember him for all the things you said, the streak would just be another great thing to remember him by among many, many others. The streak doesn't nor has it ever defined Taker's success, it's just one part of a legendary package.
I don't think anyone would legitimately only remember Taker as a guy that went perfect at WM, if they do then they weren't all the big fans of his to begin with. Anyone that is a actual fan of taker will remember him for all the things you said, the streak would just be another great thing to remember him by among many, many others. The streak doesn't nor has it ever defined Taker's success, it's just one part of a legendary package.

I'm talking about in future reference. 10-20 years from now when todays children that only remember the Undertaker appearing at Wrestlemania grow up, they're going to remember "the guy no one could beat at Wrestlemania", then there will only be people like us, that watched the WWE before and during the attitude era, that will remember why he was undefeated at Wrestlemania.
I'm talking about in future reference. 10-20 years from now when todays children that only remember the Undertaker appearing at Wrestlemania grow up, they're going to remember "the guy no one could beat at Wrestlemania", then there will only be people like us, that watched the WWE before and during the attitude era, that will remember why he was undefeated at Wrestlemania.

Future kids wouldn't remember Taker for most of his accomplishments anyway since they never seen them when it happened and they'll have brand new stars to care about, having the streak broken isn't going to change anything about that. If anything having the "the guy no one could beat at Wrestlemania" tag on him might get them interested enough to use the network to look up his old stuff, which they're less likely to do if the streak was broken simply because a imperfect streak doesn't sound as impressive on paper, even if it was just the last match.
I'm talking about in future reference. 10-20 years from now when todays children that only remember the Undertaker appearing at Wrestlemania grow up, they're going to remember "the guy no one could beat at Wrestlemania", then there will only be people like us, that watched the WWE before and during the attitude era, that will remember why he was undefeated at Wrestlemania.

I might be misunderstanding your point but I don't see how this is a negative thing.

The Streak living forever gives The Undertaker a legacy that people will talk about for decades and beyond. Without it I think he goes down as just another very very very good performer.
This is not a real sport. The record means nothing except vkm planned for the undertaker to win every match.

Once taker retires the streak won't mean much. The undertaker is a god with or without this streak now. It's a long enough streak that even if broken his legacy is set.

When taker decides to hang up for good the streak should be broken. Then the taker asks for a renatch the next year and beats the person who best him and retires for good.
There are 2 ways I end it..

Taker Vs. Sting --- night before both are put into HOF they have a good match and both are down and the ref starts to count.. He gets to 9 and the lights go out and you hear a gong 10 times and a crow sound, lights come on and in the ring is an urn and baseball bat and neither are seen again.

Taker Vs. Young guy --- same thing as taker is about to lose lights go out, 10 gong and when they come back on young guy is in the ring with the urn sitting beside them, they take a knee and pick it up like the Undertaker and they are the "chosen one" to carry his torch
Should never end. Period.

Let the guy add 2 more guys to the pile (Lesnar and....... Cena? Bryan? Wyatt? Reigns? Whoever) and then we'll have eternal legendary stuff when Taker retires. Taker never won too many championships, but he didn't need them, his legacy will be based on an unique rib, the Streak. An undefeated and never repeated streak at Wrestlemania.
Ok I see this thread was merged with another one, so I guess lets look at the streak, I say if its going to end it has to be with someone who will be legitimately with the company who could pull it off. I honestly want to say it needs to be someone who was like HBK because he looked like the only believable man to beat the streak, I didn't believe even when Taker couldn't walk after fighting Triple H, but I believed it could've happened with HBK, with that being said, Cena may only have 5 years left in the tank so he isn't a viable person if there going to do it I want to see new blood, either a Bryan, Cesaro, Neville, someone who can fly or do big match moves and make you feel like they can win.

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