The Stone Cold & Debra McMichael Era

CM Steel

A REAL American
One of the most underated golden couples in the WWF/E was Stone Cold Steve Austin & miss Debra McMichael, former wife of Steve McMichael. Stone Cold & Debra were married for a short while in real-life. And then during the infamous Stone Cold heel era in 2001, shortly after the WWF bought WCW. Debra McMichael became Stone Cold's full-time manager.

With Stone Cold Steve Austin being 6X, 6X, 6X, 6X, 6X, 6X WWF/E champion. Debra McMichael is a former WWF/E champion. Thus being a golden couple. The "Macho Man" Randy Savage (R.I.P.) & Miss Elizabeth of there era.

But a year later in real-life. Stone Cold & Debra had a fight (well?) at there home in Texas in which Steve Austin got arrested and booked. With Debra having marks and bruise's on her body. Thus them calling there marriage quits. The incident with then wife Debra did nothing to diminish Stone Cold's legacy.

But what would you rate the golden couple of Stone Cold & Debra?
Macho Man and Elizabeth of there era, really? really?
Debra was no Elizabeth. Elizabeth as much as i hate to say it, reallly had no business being in wrestling, she was too sweet/innocent kinda like Princenss Diana atleast she appeared to be and only went downhill when they all went to WCW and she got hooked on drugs.

but saying that Debra was an airhead and she wasn't even good looking, the only comparisons i would see is Stone Cold was a multi time champ and was a loose cannon who did belittle Debra. So yeah for that bit they were the same but hardly a golden couple, there onscreen relationship was pretty short and the only reason the majority even knew they were really married was the courtcase wheras Liz and Randy were married onscreen (which was actually there renewal of wedding vows in reality) after 7 yrs of being around each other either together or on the opposite sides of storylines.

Sable and Marc Mero were the Liz and Macho Man of that era IMO well they could've been, they were a couple when he came in, she was already there leading Triple H to the ring for a short while when he was the Grenich Blue Blood. mera and Sable were also married in reality and atleast initially Sable was the same as Elizabeth just being there for Macho, helping when she could but mostly letting him do all the talking

Mero was obviously being booked as a Macho Man type character (good skills, high flyer and a loose cannon who treated Sable like shit) and Sable was booked as the sweet innocent girl who "happened" to be playboy material and was in love with Marc but Sable stole all the limelight so they dumped Mero, they were married for real and on camera were said to be married. Now she's with Brock Lesnar

or what of Jarret and Debra they were also a couple onscreen well b4 Austin and Debra in the same sorta circumstances and for a much longer period, she managed him to numerous titles and but she was a flaunt which made him jealous and he in turn belittled her then when Jarrett left WWF she hooked up with Austin onscreen.
How in the blue hell were they the Savage & Elizabeth of that era when they were in the same era as Steph and Triple H - arguably the greatest couple of all-time. IMO, a great couple consists of two key aspects: 2 people who would still have value if alone, and memorable onscreen moments that truly put them over as a good couple with a good relationship.

Steve Austin and Debra don't qualify for either aspect, Debra was an ugly Diva who never did anything on her own. Debra was only relevant when she was getting naked against Jeff Jarrett's wishes and then was barely even relevant as Austin's onscreen wife. She didn't have any memorable moments or matches, and she usually was treated terribly by Austin so I don't really any fans respected their relationship. He'd always badmouth her and her cooking and boss her around apathetically while she just did silly things. Steph and Triple H, on the other hand, were both 2 great draws in 1999 before getting together and continued to be great after they divorced onscreen in 2002. They've had plenty of moments and they've had plenty of segments backstage that made the audience respect their relationship. This point was proven with the Kurt Angle angle (no pun intended), which actually turned the WWF's top heel into as a face because Angle was conflicting with the sanctity of their marriage. HHH & Steph may even be more legendary than Savage & Elizabeth, but Debra & Austin aren't even better than Eddie & Chyna or Glamarerlla
Mack, I hate to be a bit of an asshole, but you've posted 2 topics today: one of them compares Alex Riley to Dusty Rhodes, and this one which compares Austin + Debra to Savage + Liz. I don't think you watched the golden years at all, if you are making those comparisons. Either you're trolling, or you're trying desperately to look like a longtime fan.

In either case, your comparisons are completely wrong. Elizabeth had a much more prominent role with Savage, whereas Debra just stood there and complained for a few minutes every couple of shows.
I actually found them to be entertaining, I can't draw the Macho Man/Liz comparison because I was watching WCW more as a kid. Seriously, my first clear memory as a pro wrestling fan is Sting being kicked out of The Horsemen. I loved the one vignette when she caught him eating Stacy Kiebler's cookies and he bitched up.
i would put scsa and debra as a 7.5 especially during the whole cookie deal everyone hated debra's cookies (including austin until he got caught in a lie that was freaking hilarious. Another i really enjoyed was when Austin would "try" to play the guitar. But as far as comparing them 2 savage and Liz? Where do you see the comparison between savage/Liz, Liz never got into the ring where as Debra did. Austin was a brawler where as savage was a high-flyer. DO YOUR HOMEWORK
I don't really see it so much, but like the above poster said - Austin/debra was much, much funnier xD

The best comaprison to Austin/Debra I can think of was Goldust and Booker (yes, it is a joke lol)

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