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The State of the Superstar: 1) John Cena

In your opinion, is John Cena a Success, Failure, or Neutral?

  • Success

  • Failure

  • Neutral

Results are only viewable after voting.
Just difference of opinion dude. You are of the opinion that it doesnt matter who the face of the company is, We are of the opinion that the face of the company is the leader, is the captain , the guy who represents where the company is going.

You missed my point. I didn't say it doesn't matter who the face of the company is, of course it matter. It's not like I think WWE would still be doing well if the Sandman was the face of their company. John Cena is the leader, captain and main representative of the company. You're totally right.

The point I was making is that the face of the company doesn't matter as much as it used to strictly in terms of drawing power. Crowds don't flock to see a single guy like they used to flock to see Hulk Hogan. These days, crowds flock to see a company, event or a great card. People decide they're going to Wrestlemania before any matches are announced.

Also i dont think its just an IWC thing, hell even look at the poll on this forum. 80% of people on this forum think he is a success. Its just some people dont like him, he doesnt have a majority of the audience with him and im of the opinion that someone that is built as the top guy in the company needs a better reaction than mixed.

Luckily, on WrestleZone, we have a higher number of intelligent, well informed posters than on other sites. This place is a bad example of the Cena hate being fuelled by the IWC.

But if you go on any YouTube video that features Cena, you'll see plenty of comments from "smarks" spewing crap about Cena ruining wrestling or whatever.

And as small a minority as the IWC is, the crowds that go to WWE shows are also a minority. They're a sample group. And as any mathematician will tell you, sample groups are inconsistent and unreliable.

Cena still sells more merchandise than anyone, he still has more Twitter followers and Facebook fans than anyone, apart from The Rock. So I would say he does have a majority of the audience with him. It's only the live audience he sometimes doesn't have behind him.

Whats with this idea of people who boo Cena or don't like Cena are trying to be cool? You know, it is possible to not enjoy something and be bored or something and you boo it. There's nothing cool about booing Cena or cheering Ziggler. Its just how some people feel, damn.

Okay, I take it back. It's not always people trying to be cool, sometimes it's people who don't know what they're talking about.

I hear what you're saying but for one, I've got buddies who have never visited a wrestling site in their entire life, watched Cena on raw booed him from home, so I know they'd boo him if they were there just like them marking out for the Rock at home, they would do that there as well. You may not do it, but that's your perspective, your prerogative. Not everyone is like you. Especially if you pay to see a show.

Those buddies being a good example of the above statement.

Every time I go to a show I boo those I don't like and cheer those I do like.

You rebel.

Me booing Cena does not mean he's doing a good job. If he were heel then I guess

Wait, what? You just said you boo those you don't like and cheer those you do like. And now you're saying you would boo Cena if he was doing a good job as a heel? But if he was doing a good job as a heel, you'd be cheering him, no?

Man, I love the IWC.

but not as the face of the company which was what the other guy was saying, and I agree. If you're supposed to be the top good guy you shouldn't be receiving boos.

That's very true. But those that boo him assume it's Cena's and the WWE's problem rather than their own. Complain about the face of the company and the product, then watch anyway.

He's booed more than other top good guy or face of the company. That's what the other guy was trying to say, he wasn't denying Cena's work in terms of championships, or most TV time or main event status, he was presenting a different judgment scale. To some people, success simply mean championships, time at the time, sealing merch etc,. To others, success means how one connects with the crowd and gives them something to well "Connect" with.

So you don't connect with his tangible charisma, his promo skills or his passion and dedication... Well, what about his numerous excellent matches? No?

Well, there's nothing left to connect to. Blind, dumb hate.

In any case, Cena really doesn't give a lot of fans anything to connect with other than to boo him for being so cookie cutter childlike good guy and almost inhuman. He's just not relatable in the real world.

Are you serious right now?

He's a hard working, passionate, likable guy who sends a good message. If you don't find him relatable, you're definitely the problem.

Also, you don't have to be relatable at all to be a successful, top superstar. Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker, Goldberg, JBL, Triple H, Ric Flair... Should I keep going?

Then there are the people that say, well he's for the kids. Well then why he is feuding with guys a lot of us adults like, and being pushed above everyone, obviously we're "supposed" to like or support him.

I don't understand this point. I'm going to try run through it step by step, bear with me.

So you're complaining... Because Cena is popular with kids... And he feuds with wrestlers that adults like... Even though a lot of the wrestlers adults like are heels that kids naturally dislike?

Or are you complaining that you're expected to be entertained by one of the best wrestlers in the company?

if not, then are we supposed to look away even if he's feuding with someone we love, or do we boo him because we need something to do during his matches.?

Nope. You're supposed to appreciate Cena for the great worker he is and what he's done for WWE and the industry. Crazy concept, right?

I prefer to boo because I came to have fun, Cena isn't providing me with that fun so just as I would an unfunny comedian or terrible dancer, I boo them hoping It would lead to a change,

If you get that annoyed at segment featuring unfunny comedy or bad dancing that you know isn't going to last more than 10 minutes, then you either:

1) Have a bad case of ADHD. See your doctor.

2) Take wrestling and yourself far too seriously.

like with Rock and Austin when they both received different reactions they had to go face/ heel and at the time there were no IWC so no one could blame the "wrong" reaction on them. People just blame them now because they don't want to believe that regular casual people can dislike Cena. I don't see how its so hard.

There was no IWC, yeah. But there was still a vocal smark population, because promotions like ECW bred those kinds of fans, and it spread to bigger promotions.

Then the internet came along, and those smarks made themselves at home here, unfortunately for the rest of us.

People just blame them now because they don't want to believe that regular casual people can dislike Cena. I don't see how its so hard.

I'm sure there are casual fans who may not like Cena. But to claim that the overwhelming majority of Cena haters are IWC smarks is ridiculous.

Also, you're trying to say that a lot casual fans, who, by the very definition of casual, don't understand wrestling very well, are Cena haters. That's kinda proving my point that those who hate Cena are those who really understand wrestling. Thanks for that.

Its like Superman and Batman. A lot of people dislike Superman and love Batman. Does that mean only the IWC or Internet comic book fans dislike Superman? No, just means everyone are not the same and we all have different affinities and opinions. There's really no crime in that. Much like the other guys opinion on Cena not being successful as the face of the company based on a crowd "SUPPORT" level, not just a crowd reaction. Again, when I bring up Punk or Ziggler being cheered, people love to say they aren't doing their job as heels, so I apply the same logic to Cena.

Isn't it ironic?

Smarks complain about Cena's vanilla, stale character while continuing to claim that in-ring skills are the most important, ignoring the fact that Cena has plenty of great matches.

Also, as Raven said, if you cheer a heel, you're hindering and disrespecting them. But smarks either don't care so they can be cool, or don't understand cause they're stupid.

I understand your perspective of Cena being successful, you have every right to feel that way and the way you're grading it is obviously different than the other guy.

That's because those who consider him a success are grading him the right way.

That's what you need to understand....or not, its your life and this is just the internet. Furthermore, even if he was the number 1 wrestler in the world and I use that very loosely,

Which word? 1? World? Wrestler?

then this poll wouldn't be in existence, people would not be addressing the hate in every post even before the "haters" roll in and our brains would all be programmed to agree unanimously that Cena is the greatest...well, not everyone thinks like that and if we had a grading scale here then I think some of the "Haters" answers would be different.

That's an interesting argument. Here's a counter-argument.

Not having unanimous approval doesn't mean shit.

Legalising gay marriage is the right thing to do, as any intelligent person will tell you, but there's still a vocal minority of ignorance who argue otherwise. There's people out there who say the Godfather isn't that great a movie, and those people tend not to understand as much as they think about films. Indeed, this analogy crosses over into many facets of our lives and the world.

Before I get too deep, I'm gonna wrap it up. The majority of fans like Cena. He is one of the most popular superstars of all time. He has every quality that a wrestler should have to some degree. He has every accolade worth having that a wrestler could have.

A vocal minority of the stubborn or ignorant ain't gonna change the fact that he's a success.
Um I think for myself and speak for myself. Sorry I dont judge everything on popularity I choose to judge for myself if Cena is considered a success in my eyes. Thats what I consider serious. We just see things different and I respect that. I'm done
I actually like and appreciate your response. Though I dont appreciate your assumption that I am complaining about Cena because I'm not. Just stating my opinion. I dont hate Cena, never have and never will. But at the same time I dont like his character and dont care much for him. Also the point about me booing Cena if he was a heel was simply a point to make to those who say a Good face will have the crowd cheering him while a Good heel will have the crowd booing him. At the end of the day we will have our opinions and I'm sure I cant win you over with mine and I know you cant change my mind so lets agree to disagree
This thread is starting to give me a headache...

Is John Cena a success? Yes, and you'd be a fool not to say so. The man is a the biggest moneymaker the WWE has had since the Rock. For 8 years the guys been THE marque, THE headliner, THE big thing. And that's because no other star of the modern era is more marketable than Cena. Not Punk, not Ziggler, not Sheamus, and not Orton. Who cares if people boo Cena - the only thing that matters is that people pay to come see him. And fans, old and alike, react to Cena like no one else. Every match, every angle, every story line involving the man gets people excited. Case in point when WWE can bill Cena for a huge PPV, and each and every time both the attendance turnout and DVD sales are huge, that's saying something.

There's a reason why Cena is constantly in the main event being "shoved down our throats" because he's good for business. Turning him heel, or changing his character, wouldn't be good for business or else the WWE would have done it already. Their primarily objective is to make money, and Cena makes them more than anyone else, and has been doing so for the better part of 10 years.

John Cena has been a huge success. It's undeniable. Not only that but he's easily among the Top 15 of the biggest draws of all time.

Firstly, Why does anyone give a fuck about how much money Cena has made? I seriously don't get why this argument keeps coming up from FANS. Are you a shareholder? His purpose is to entertain, nothing else.

Secondly, he's the man because Vince CHOSE him to be the man. He could have picked someone else, they might have been bigger, I'm quite certain they wouldn't be so viciously hated by half the crowd.

Thirdly, and this isn't such a direct reply, I keep seeing "Only the IWC hate Cena, they're an irrelevant minority" this confuses me because whenever I watch the WWE, it's certainly not an irrelevant minority making their voices heard.

I'll repeat myself again.

Cena is a face, his job is to get people to like him. I don't, many don't, infact they outright can't stand him to the point where they cheer the bad guys. This makes him a failure.
The only way to see Cena as a success is by looking at him as a moneymaker, and why the fuck would fans care about that.
Firstly, Why does anyone give a fuck about how much money Cena has made?

Because if he didn't, WWE loses money, and the quality of the product would drop.

I seriously don't get why this argument keeps coming up from FANS. Are you a shareholder? His purpose is to entertain, nothing else.

Anyone interested in WWE putting out the best product possible should be invested in the money WWE makes because they're the one's pumping in the money.

Using the term shareholder as an insult is as stupid as using the term mark as an insult. Any fan that invests money into the product and wants to keep enjoying it is a shareholder.

Secondly, he's the man because Vince CHOSE him to be the man.

Wrong. Vince chose him because he's more marketable than everyone else.

He could have picked someone else, they might have been bigger, I'm quite certain they wouldn't be so viciously hated by half the crowd.

Wrong again. It's been proven time and time again though the revenue Cena brings into the company eclipses everyone else. If WWE could find another moneymaker as big as Cena, don't you think they would have been utilizing that person instead of relying on Cena time and time again?

Thirdly, and this isn't such a direct reply, I keep seeing "Only the IWC hate Cena, they're an irrelevant minority" this confuses me because whenever I watch the WWE, it's certainly not an irrelevant minority making their voices heard.

Yep, they'll boo Cena, but yet they'll pay money to be entertained by him. Either those fans are masochists or they're all idiots. I like Cena, I appreciate what he does, and obviously I don't fall into either of those categories so which one are you?

Cena is a face, his job is to get people to like him. I don't, many don't, infact they outright can't stand him to the point where they cheer the bad guys. This makes him a failure.

You're three for three of being wrong. His job is to make his company money, and he does. It doesn't matter if people hate him, they'll still pay money to be entertained by him.

And to counter the argument of "well maybe they're paying money to see someone else and Cenza's in the way" he's worth more as an individual than any other draw on the roster... by allot. If the fans truly hated Cena like they make themselves out to, then his stock would take a noticeable drop. But it doesn't.

The only way to see Cena as a success is by looking at him as a moneymaker, and why the fuck would fans care about that.

See above.
In response to Echelon:

So you're sayng, if we didn't like Cena or are bored with him, but we pay to see CM Punk, Randy Orton, The Shield, The Wyatt Family, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Barrett etc we should stop watching the show, stop going to shows, stop ordering PPVs just because we are tired or bored with ONE performer? Are you serious? Come on man that's bullshit and you know it.

Its obvious the ones that dislike Cena are not buying his merch, but of course paying into his stock as well as the other wrestlers stock as they're paying to see the WHOLE show. We know the Cena fans buy his merch, a lot of the women and children and fathers of the children to make them happy. There's nothing wrong with that but you cant deny the rather loud vocals of those that dislike him, rather it be on the internet, in the arena or on the street while speaking to wrestling fans. It's ok to not like him. It's ok to not think of him as a success by an individuals personal standards, it's ok to voice one's opinion.

You and your arrogant attitude thinking that everything the WWE wants to achieve should be everything that the fans ought to support. Hell if that was the case, Austin wouldn't be a success, if that was the case, Rocky wouldn't be a success, Hell if that was the case, by your own standards Cena wouldn't be a success. People will feel a certain way and they will voice it...Nothing wrong with that

You say WWE will drop in quality if Cena's stock drops?....that is boulderdash. All they're going to do is "FINALLY" build another superstar to outsell and become the new moneymaker (Punk was at it for a while before WWE put him in shit feuds and pushed the fans interest away from him with the stupid Nash/HHH Texting storyline). Eventually if things work the way I'd like Daniel Bryan will become the new crowd favorite, his stock will rise and he'll be the new face of the company. A guy that I, as a fan who thinks for HIMSELF can actually enjoy, considering I pay to see the WHOLE show. And in the process Cena's stock can drop a bit so he'll finalyy be forced to change it up and give everyone, not just the kids and fans like yourself, a reason to watch him
So you're sayng, if we didn't like Cena or are bored with him, but we pay to see CM Punk, Randy Orton, The Shield, The Wyatt Family, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Barrett etc we should stop watching the show, stop going to shows, stop ordering PPVs just because we are tired or bored with ONE performer? Are you serious? Come on man that's bullshit and you know it.

That's not what I said, but way to misinterpret my post. Pay money to see Punk if you like him, but why pay to watch someone you don't like? That seems to be simple logic that escapes people like you. WWE puts Cena in main events? Don't watch them. Don't pay to go to shows where he gets top billing. Don't give him any sort of reaction if you do go. If WWE saw that Cena wasn't making them money, they'd either pull him from the main event or change up his character. They don't because he's profitable.

The man has been king of the mountain for 8 years. You'd think that if the fans were really sick of Cena, if they really wanted him to change, if he really wasn't that big of a success then changes would have been made... they haven't because Cena doesn't need those changes.

Its obvious the ones that dislike Cena are not buying his merch, but of course paying into his stock as well as the other wrestlers stock as they're paying to see the WHOLE show.

Actually this is pretty false. I see videos of people sporting Cena gear, not because they like him, but because they like the way the gear looks.

We know the Cena fans buy his merch, a lot of the women and children and fathers of the children to make them happy. There's nothing wrong with that but you cant deny the rather loud vocals of those that dislike him, rather it be on the internet, in the arena or on the street while speaking to wrestling fans. It's ok to not like him. It's ok to not think of him as a success by an individuals personal standards, it's ok to voice one's opinion.

Personal opinions are subjective, and you aren't being objective... which was the point of this thread. As a whole the fanbase would deem Cena a success. If they didn't he wouldn't have been on top for the past 8 years.

You and your arrogant attitude thinking that everything the WWE wants to achieve should be everything that the fans ought to support. Hell if that was the case, Austin wouldn't be a success, if that was the case, Rocky wouldn't be a success, Hell if that was the case, by your own standards Cena wouldn't be a success. People will feel a certain way and they will voice it...Nothing wrong with that

The only one being arrogant here is you, treating your subjective opinion like it's objective and refusing to acknowledge the fact that to the whole Cena is a success.

You say WWE will drop in quality if Cena's stock drops?....that is boulderdash.

Prove that it wouldn't. It would be pretty hard to considering that WWE has no other top draw on his level or better to replace him with.

All they're going to do is "FINALLY" build another superstar to outsell and become the new moneymaker (Punk was at it for a while before WWE put him in shit feuds and pushed the fans interest away from him with the stupid Nash/HHH Texting storyline).

They've been trying to do this for years. It hasn't worked. Why do you think they constantly keep going back to Cena year after year? Because he's still a better draw than all of the stars WWE tried to build because non of them are as good as Cena.

Eventually if things work the way I'd like Daniel Bryan will become the new crowd favorite, his stock will rise and he'll be the new face of the company.

The odds are against him, just look at the track record... Orton - failed to become a bigger draw than Cena. Punk - failed to become a bigger draw than Cena. Sheamus? Same. Jericho? Same.

A guy that I, as a fan who thinks for HIMSELF can actually enjoy, considering I pay to see the WHOLE show. And in the process Cena's stock can drop a bit so he'll finalyy be forced to change it up and give everyone, not just the kids and fans like yourself, a reason to watch him


Now you're arrogant enough to believe that the minuscule revenue that you supply WWE with is going to be enough to change their outlook on how they book their biggest star. Have fun bitching and moaning about Cena, while remaining ignorant to the fact that Cena's pretty damn good, while WWE bleeds you dry anyway.
DetectiveZelix said:
In response to Echelon:
You can just quote him, too. It's cool.

So you're sayng, if we didn't like Cena or are
bored with him, but we pay to see CM Punk,
Randy Orton, The Shield, The Wyatt Family,
Daniel Bryan, Kane, Barrett etc we should stop
watching the show, stop going to shows, stop
ordering PPVs just because we are tired or bored
with ONE performer? Are you serious? Come on
man that's bullshit and you know it.
Cena isn't performing the entire show. Get up and make some coffee if you are at home or go for your bathroom break at a live show (toilets should be empty). Nobody is forcing you to watch Cena. Ever.

It's ok to not like him. It's ok to not think of
him as a success by an individuals personal
standards, it's ok to voice one's opinion.
And yet somehow it's not OK for the posters who label Cena as a success to voice their own opinion? Instead of trying to convince everybody that the face of the most successful wrestling business is not a clear success, how about respectfully disagreeing and leaving it at that?

You and your arrogant attitude thinking that
everything the WWE wants to achieve should be
everything that the fans ought to support.
A lot of posters have an arrogant attitude, but not Ech.

You say WWE will drop in quality if Cena's stock
drops?....that is boulderdash.
Ahem... balderdash

Eventually if things work the way I'd like Daniel
Bryan will become the new crowd favorite, his
stock will rise and he'll be the new face of the
company. A guy that I, as a fan who thinks for
HIMSELF can actually enjoy, considering I pay to
see the WHOLE show.
You say that now, but you could easily turn on Bryan too. Each top face faces the same complaints as the previous one. In Bryan's case, a lot of potential dangers arise (like being a tad short, not being to take his current gimmick seriously, his beard etc.) that will require just as much burying from the WWE's part to make him look as credible as Cena, if not more. Cena is over, worldwide, sells merch and draws - nothing wrong with that. His status as permanent face and his "winning" booking is not up to him.

tl/dr?: Give it a rest, bro. It's okay not to like Cena, but don't crap on his contribution to the WWE or on people's right to like the biggest name in pro wrestling.
I never once tried to convince anyone that Cena isn't a success. I simply stated that I personally don't find him a success in my own eyes. I keep trying to get that over with you people but you don't seem to get it. You throw ridiculous daggers at me falsely accusing me of things I didn't even do

Not once did I bitch, moan or complain about Cena. I merely gave my honest opinion about him and the things that I feel like doesnt make him a success. But because you people and apparently the "Rest of the wrestling world" doesn't agree with me, you try to perpetrate me as the guy who came here to ruin all of the fun. It appears certain people here think a certain way and I'm more than fine with that. However, I am not fine with Captain Echelon and apparently his Tonto "Bear Hug" shitting on other people who disagree with Cena being a success in their own eyes.

Hell, it was you guys who chose to come against me and attempt to make me believe/admit Cena is a success because you both seem to share the WWE's idea of what a success in the wrestling business is. You are allowed that, and I am allowed not to think that way.

It amazes me how here in the IWC, members like all of you, because you are all members of the same "IWC" that you shit on and make general assumptions about, can be so butthurt over a few people who disagree with you guys, state it and were ready to walk away but you guys call us out on it and demand that we accept what everyone else accepts, we refuse and you go and accuse US of tying to convince YOU GUYS that Cena isn't successful.....wrap your head around that...anyways I've already agreed to disagree and I'm done with this threat. I've stated my opinion (Like it or not) Now I'm out.
Hell, it was you guys who chose to come against me and attempt to make me believe/admit Cena is a success because you both seem to share the WWE's idea of what a success in the wrestling business is. You are allowed that, and I am allowed not to think that way.
Dude you gotta be joking....nobody is talking about what the WWE thinks success is

We are talking about success in general. Cena has done everything he could possibly do in this business. He is number 1 in his profession. A future hall of famer. will most likely have held the WWE title the most time in history at the end of his career.

This thread is dumb...you can measure success any way you want to but that doesnt mean your opinion is biased and stupid. Anybody that is number 1 in there profession is a success. Lebron James, Tom Brady, Albert Pujols...those guys are sucessful and so is Cena

I dont even like Cena...but I hope he comes and slaps you across the face with the millions of dollars he makes while you sit at a computer and call him unsucessful
But is he still a success if the potential of pushing AJ Styles in his place would have doubled WWE's ratings and profits? Just curious.. if you knew that other people would have gotten you more success, is it really a success to waste the top spot on someone who has actually declined viewership and overall revenue since he took over as the top guy 8 years ago?

Cena doesn't wow anyone with a brain when he is in that ring. But Daniel Bryan comes out like a house of fire and JBL can't stop saying how exciting he is and WOW!!! this kid is good! People tune into wrestling for wrestling, believe it or not. And Cena is just a misguided ILLUSSION!!!!!! THAT your ALL ALLOWWINNNGG yourselves to be BLINDDDEEDD BY!

I voted Failure in a heartbeat.

wow this was a stupid post. AJ Styles had the potential of doubling the ratings? How did you come up with that theory? And Cena doesn't wow anyone in the ring? The man has more match of the year candidates than anybody. In fact I can't believe you don't get laughed out of the room for pulling that old argument out of your butt. It's ironic that people call Cena stale but rely on stale arguments that weren't true 10 years ago and aren't true now.
Cena is a Success! No doubt about that!
From what I see, there is no one in the locker room that matches his desire, and intensity.
Which is why he is the face of the company!
Would I love to see someone else step into that role, Yes.
Maybe an inspired Ziggler, or a Newbie like Rollins. But until they can prove they actually have that desire and passion like Cena, it will not happen.

There are guys that match Cena's intensity and desire, guys like CM Punk, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan just to name a few. Sure they may not be as big as Cena but their passion is there, you can tell they care about the fans and love what they do. They have the capacity to be just as over as Cena, but WWE books them in ways that they won't be as over as Cena as Cena is their golden boy. They have always done thi. Back in the 80s it was Hulk Hogan, early 90s it was Macho Man, late 90s Stone Cold, early 2000's HHH, now Cena. Sure there were other guys that were pretty popular in all the Era, especially in the late 90s, The Rock and Austin were on the same level, like most rules there are always exceptions.
I never once tried to convince anyone that Cena isn't a success. I simply stated that I personally don't find him a success in my own eyes. I keep trying to get that over with you people but you don't seem to get it. You throw ridiculous daggers at me falsely accusing me of things I didn't even do

Not once did I bitch, moan or complain about Cena. I merely gave my honest opinion about him and the things that I feel like doesnt make him a success. But because you people and apparently the "Rest of the wrestling world" doesn't agree with me, you try to perpetrate me as the guy who came here to ruin all of the fun. It appears certain people here think a certain way and I'm more than fine with that. However, I am not fine with Captain Echelon and apparently his Tonto "Bear Hug" shitting on other people who disagree with Cena being a success in their own eyes.

Hell, it was you guys who chose to come against me and attempt to make me believe/admit Cena is a success because you both seem to share the WWE's idea of what a success in the wrestling business is. You are allowed that, and I am allowed not to think that way.

It amazes me how here in the IWC, members like all of you, because you are all members of the same "IWC" that you shit on and make general assumptions about, can be so butthurt over a few people who disagree with you guys, state it and were ready to walk away but you guys call us out on it and demand that we accept what everyone else accepts, we refuse and you go and accuse US of tying to convince YOU GUYS that Cena isn't successful.....wrap your head around that...anyways I've already agreed to disagree and I'm done with this threat. I've stated my opinion (Like it or not) Now I'm out.

I dont understand why these people dont get it. This isnt a wikipedia page, this isnt some sort of fact finding mission about how many millions of dollars and how many followers of facebook fans John Cena has. We are talking about how a face of the company is meant to propel the product that WWE makes.

In our eyes we just dont think Cena has done enough to propel the product. Ratings have been sliding down for a while, As the leader in the WWE blame has got to go on the face of the company. Just like if a sports team is doing horribly the blame goes on to the Coach & Captain.

Comparisions to Hogan, Austin & Rock are made because they were so instrumental in propelling the product forward and bringing in a new audience. All im saying is that he is a failure in the sense that he couldnt propel the product forward. He couldnt lead the company into a new direction successfully after the attitude/ruthless agression era. And by successful i mean the quality of the product, which as a wrestling fan is all i care about. I dont care whether people think he sold out Metlife Stadium or not. All i care about is the product we see.

At the end of the day its just a difference of opinion i guess, everyone has a different opinion. Some people think the mixed reaction Cena gets is fabolous and 'ground breaking', i think its a detriment and really hurts the overall product.
Cena can sell himself and others. He has amazing charisma and mic skills so there's no denying his position as golden boy of the WWE has been a good choice. I think his carefree attitude and his ease with words make him one of the most admirable superstars of the past 10 years.

I do hope though that the WWE board will eventually throw him in a heel turn, because Cena's running out of options as a face. He pretty much always has the same storyline with every opponent he faces and it's getting pretty dull along the way. He's great at selling his opponents, but none of them come out on top cause golden boy Cena will always be victorious, either in a match or as a morally sound human being. They have to give him a mean streak to bring out the best in guys like Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler.

I know right now he's the cash cow of the company and that's fine, but they have to start and make up some original storylines or sideline/face turn the guy cause his story is getting too predictable...
Anyone who did not vote success in here is trolling. You have GOT to be kidding me. John Cena is the biggest success in pro wrestling since the attitude era. Take a look at his massive list of accomplishments.

13 time World Champion (11 WWE, 2 World Heavyweight)
3 time United States Champion
4 time Tag Team Champion (with Batista, Michaels, Otunga, Miz)
Money In the Bank 2012
2 time Royal Rumble winner (2008, 2013)

How can anybody look at all of that and not call him a success? He's already on his way to becoming a legend and is a huge success. The haters can hate all they want, but John Cena is one of the biggest successes in pro WWE history whether they want to admit it or not. Claiming he's neutral, let alone a failure, simply for not being as popular as Hogan/Austin/Rock is an unfair standard for comparison. By that standard there would be fewer successes in WWE than what can be counted on one hand. Cena's a success and that is an understatement.
Whether John Cena's state is a success or failure, it's not so much a matter of opinion, but a matter of aspect.

Money-wise, there is no doubt that he's a success. It seems he's one of, if not the top money maker of the company and is a big hit with all the kids. He's at the top because of how much money he's lining the company with.

As a wrestler that people can comment on, he's indeed a miserable failure. Anybody who isn't a kid will attest to the fact that he's awfully stale. And despite shockingly still bringing in the money, there is nothing new about him after all this time.
For the people saying that he is a failure, I would like you to answer one question...

How could you possibly label any other current wrestler in the world a success if the top wrestler in the world is a failure?

By saying Cena is a failure...you are saying everyone on the current roster is a failure because by definition nobody can be more successful than the top guy. If the top guy isnt successful than how the hell would the number 2 guy be successful...YOUR LOGIC DOESNT MAKE SENSE..that's like saying Scottie Pippin was successful but Michael Jordan wasnt.

Believe me, I understand what you guys are trying to say but it really just sounds like more Cena hating. To say the top guy in any profession is not successful sounds really silly
He's not a success in being THE FACE OF A COMPANY. He is a success in being a WWE Superstar. Just like HHH is not a success being THE FACE OF A COMPANY yet Austin & The Rock are. That is all im saying. Cena is a success at being a WWE Superstar and Professional Wrestler but not someone that really changed the business or really added much to it creatively.
John Cena is, in the opinion of this Cena-hater, a bonafide success as a human being.

Cena has had a great deal of success over time. I recognize him as a success, in my eyes, because he never let the criticism get to him. I don't think that he flat out ignored his critics, but I'll admit that fair criticism of his abilities is a rare occurrence. He didn't no-show, he didn't get five DUIs and he didn't launch into an expletive ridden rant when the crowds probably deserved one. John Cena recognized that he was making money, for whatever it was actually worth he was accomplishing the only thing that a pro-wrestler is expected to accomplish.

He had his belts, his wins against top names and still does the Make A Wish thing. Those are all great, but the fact that he draws huge numbers for the WWE stands as what makes him a success. He is the perfect performer for the WWE, he is someone who is loved and hated. Those of us who hate him want Daniel Bryan to win not just for our adoration of Daniel Bryan, but more-so because we want to see Cena lose. There is more money in a match if your hero, heel or face, is taking on John Cena.

I hate the guy, but I can't deny success.

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