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The State of the Superstar: 1) John Cena

In your opinion, is John Cena a Success, Failure, or Neutral?

  • Success

  • Failure

  • Neutral

Results are only viewable after voting.

Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
Hey people. I'm Ryan Thunder and this is my newest series. You may know me from the WWE Series, which I did preliminarily in preparation for this...the State of the Superstar.

These threads are a lot like the WWE Series in that I will post up a thread showing a WWE superstar, and I will ask what his career has been in a poll (success, neutral, failure) after offering my own opinion.

So without further ado, here's the first thread, the pilot if you will; keep in mind that whatever feedback you give me determines how often and how many of these I do.

John Cena

I'm starting with a very obvious one because I'm curious to see how the John Cena hatred affects the results.

Cena has been in the WWE since June 27, 2002. He lost his debut match to Kurt Angle despite countering both his finishers. He is now a 13-time World champion. He went from the gimmick of a white rapper to the gimmick of a marine to the gimmick of a way-too-good-guy. The only title he's never won is the Intercontinental Championship. He's granted over 300 wishes to the Make-A-Wish foundation.

So tell me guys, Success, Failure, or Neutral?

Feedback is much appreciated :)
I get, and like, the point of the series but Cena is a very interesting first choice. There is no-one who can say that John Cena is anything but a success. He his the face of the company; a thirteen time world champion as well as US title, tag-titles and a two Royal Rumbles. He has been an incredible success in the WWE.

Even if someone hates John Cena they cannot suggest that he hasn't had an amazing career filled with outstanding accomplishments.
I get, and like, the point of the series but Cena is a very interesting first choice. There is no-one who can say that John Cena is anything but a success. He his the face of the company; a thirteen time world champion as well as US title, tag-titles and a two Royal Rumbles. He has been an incredible success in the WWE.

Even if someone hates John Cena they cannot suggest that he hasn't had an amazing career filled with outstanding accomplishments.

Yes, I couldn't agree with you more, even if you hate John Cena, you simply cannot deny that he has had an outstanding career and has become the face of the WWE. At 36, I'd say he still has atleast 5 years left in him before he retires. He could even stay in WWE for way longer then my estimation.
He is the epitome of success in the WWE.

In terms of in-ring ability and persona, he's about as old-school as they come in a time where the new-school wrestlers like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are starting to take over. He's just a clean cut babyface, who does just enough to get by in the ring, while still being capable of having great matches.

As much as people dislike him, the fact is, it's wrestlers like him from the 80's and early 90's that got so many of us into wrestling. Those who are the future of WWE are guys who are of a completely different mold. At the moment CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are huge. Ziggler, Ambrose, Rollins, Rhodes, Sandow, Wyatt, Barrett and Axel are becoming the future. Down in developmental, there's guys like Corey Graves, Kassius Ohno, Sami Zayn and Sami Calliham. It's strange to say, but John Cena is part of a sadly dying breed of big, strong, charismatic guys. Of the guys who aren't part-timers or veterans, only Roman Reigns, Big E. Langston and Sheamus fit into that kind of category, and even Reigns and Langston are quite new-school influenced.

John Cena has been wildly successful and done so much for business in terms of making money for WWE and bringing in the next generation of wrestling fans (who smarks mockingly refer to as "kiddies" as if they were born 25.) So for that, Cena is an undoubted success and has earned my eternal respect.
John Cena is an absolute success. Cena has done it all, he's won numerous world titles, main evented PPV after PPV including WM, won the Royal Rumble. There's not too many guys who have done all of that! Also Cena may just be the one who ends a certain man's streak...

Cena is the guy, and he's been the guy for years and years, and I don't see it changing any time soon. He's up there with Hogan, Rock, Austin and Taker, it's that simple.

So John Cena is 100% a success.
Cena has to be classed as a success, he is the only to debut in the 2000's who has REALLY become the face of the WWE and make the business grow.

Before you all yell, Austin/Rock/Trips/Taker and Jericho and even Angle all debuted in the 90's. Eddie, Benoit, Edge, Christian, JBL, Big Show, Hardy, Batista, Rey and all the others didn't carry the company or help it actually grow and guys like Punk and Orton have had success, but it's the success that Cena built that has allowed them the chance rather then them directly increasing it...

Here in though is also the problem with Cena. He has been almost too successful in one role - that of chasing the title, meaning that he is the one guy who gets stale with the belt almost immediately after he wins it and certainly past 4 months.

This is a problem because WWE needs him at the forefront, but he is quickly getting up there in reign numbers and while he is the top merch seller and face, there are other guys who are more popular with the whole audience or who could do good business with the belt like Brock.

For his age, Cena has massively overachieved in 11 years, I'd never say he hasn't worked hard - clearly he has done. But overachievement is still overachievement whoever does it. Taker probably didn't deserve 20-0, 21-0 no way... and now Cena has to hold that title, cos soon you're into him beating Ric Flair and sorry, no way that should ever be the case.

The other factor is his neck - this guy has had the fusion done, but he's already had a few near misses since. Eventually he's going to have to go part time, in which case yes he could go past 40 or he's gotta set a clock on his career... I don't see Cena as the kind of guy who would ever want to go part time or onto the Y2J-plan, I see him more like Edge - if you can't do it 100% all the time, then don't do it at all. He's made enough money already and he will always be on good terms enough to keep making it from WWE. That is success - however stale his character or sick of "Super Cena" we become.

Most likely is that Cena WANT's someone to step up and take it from him - an Ambrose, Wyatt, Barrett anyone who can grab it the way he did (and he did from the first match) and then I think he'd be the first to let them run with it and put them over on the way out... If you see Cena active at 40 I'd be surprised, if he's still doing what he's doing I'd be stunned... but if no one (or rather the E hasn't managed to help someone along enough to do it) then yeah, he may still be there...but the WWE won't be growing from it by then, it'll be in serious trouble.
I'm more than a tad surprised about Cena being the first superstar in this series because, frankly, anyone who says that John Cena isn't a success or hasn't been a success is an absolute fool.

I mean...c'mon...I get that some people don't like the guy. There are plenty who don't like Hulk Hogan, yet the idea of anyone saying that he's not a success based on just a dislike of who he is, whether as a wrestler or a human being, is laughable. It's the exact same thing with John Cena. Since about 2005, John Cena has been THE face of WWE and he's worked his ass off to be THE face of WWE.

Haters are gonna hate just like fish are gonna swim, but hating Cena doesn't bely his success no matter how much they might want it to. John Cena is a 13 time World Champion, a 3 time United States Champion, 4 time Tag Team Champion, 2 time Royal Rumble winner, has represented WWE in any number of public service & charitable endeavors, and is worth somewhere around $35 to $40 million last I heard.

I mean...what else could anyone possibly hope for or ask for in pro wrestling or any other profession?
thing is hes in his mid thirtys and is a 13 time world champ already as criticized cena is its got to be said hes one of the biggest succeses ever and hes still kinda young and as long as he doesnt get injured or something i doubt hes going anywhere soon im not a big fan of cena but he def seems to love what hes doing and by the time hes done hes gonna have one of the most decorated careers in wwe ever.
Cena is a Success! No doubt about that!
From what I see, there is no one in the locker room that matches his desire, and intensity.
Which is why he is the face of the company!
Would I love to see someone else step into that role, Yes.
Maybe an inspired Ziggler, or a Newbie like Rollins. But until they can prove they actually have that desire and passion like Cena, it will not happen.
I'm more than a tad surprised about Cena being the first superstar in this series because, frankly, anyone who says that John Cena isn't a success or hasn't been a success is an absolute fool.

I mean...c'mon...I get that some people don't like the guy. There are plenty who don't like Hulk Hogan, yet the idea of anyone saying that he's not a success based on just a dislike of who he is, whether as a wrestler or a human being, is laughable. It's the exact same thing with John Cena. Since about 2005, John Cena has been THE face of WWE and he's worked his ass off to be THE face of WWE.

Haters are gonna hate just like fish are gonna swim, but hating Cena doesn't bely his success no matter how much they might want it to. John Cena is a 13 time World Champion, a 3 time United States Champion, 4 time Tag Team Champion, 2 time Royal Rumble winner, has represented WWE in any number of public service & charitable endeavors, and is worth somewhere around $35 to $40 million last I heard.

I mean...what else could anyone possibly hope for or ask for in pro wrestling or any other profession?

Why a heel turn of course :lmao:

In all seriousness, the difference between Cena and Hogan seems a gulf apart - Hogan was always out for himself first. Cena has gone out of his way with the Make A Wish stuff and put over a lot of guys he really didn't need to. Now he isn't perfect and the Alex Riley thing in particular isn't gonna go away for him - but where as Hogan built up such bad karma this his recent life has been quite literally a car wreck, Cena has built up enough goodwill with the right people that he's probably gonna be well thought even through the inevitable backlashes/ex wife books etc.
Okay, so I've gotten many a question about "Why John Cena first"?

Well, I'll go ahead and answer.

1) Because an idiot always disrespects Cena.

And the main reason, 2) Cena is marketable.

Think about it. If I'd have used "JTG", for example, would you have read? Think about all the responses you're giving me. And that...that's why John Cena is a success. Love him or hate him, you do respect him.
Cena is a success doesnt matter if people hate him. He's held multiple championships and im suprised he hasnt held all the titles the way he has been treated. He's won royal rumbles and money in the bank. I always hate how ppl say he doesn't put anyone over. Just gwetting attacked by the new guys its a statement. Hell he put over Sheamus. He has been a success. Only someone who has half a brain can say he was a fail. People need to suck it up and deal with it Cena is the guy. He makes people around the world happy and even if you go and buy those cena sucks shirts ur just helping him. Deal with it he is the face he has been a success. Cant say it better then any one who has commented on here. This guy has been a major success for the WWE
What amazes me is though none of the 'haters' even posted here you all mention them which shows they are just as much to thank for Cena's success as the fans. I myself voted nuetral as in my eyes he's neither a success or failure. The greatest thing people will remember him for is the polarizing crowd, not his championships, not his accomplishments, not his excellent wrestling skills (Storytelling/Entertainment value) but more so the reaction he gets and honestly that is all he needs. All of his other accolades pale in comparrison. However though I do not think he's bad at all just boring as hell and because WWE tries to push him on us so hard I almost enjoy his opponents just to see how they react to his corniness and by default makes them cooler. But all in all Cena remains nuetral to me
lol at the 3 people who voted failure yet didn't have the balls to post and explain their vote. I don't blame them though because no reasonable argument could be made to support the notion that Cena is a failure. Cena gets some boos, ok. Cena is also the guy making all the money. He's been the top guy for a decade. Not too many people can say that. And that myth about him not being able to wrestle is so dumb that only the most delusional of fans still make that case. Basically if you think Cena is a failure then everybody else in the industry right now must be a mega colossal super duper failure.
See even though I voted Nuetral why are all of the posters here addressing the haters or people that voted failure? Why cant you people just vote, state your positive reasons why and go on your merry way instead of trying to start bullshit with the 'haters' or those that declined to state their opinion (Though Im sure its because of all you guys would pounce on them like a voracious hyena on a huge dripping T bone sirloin steak)
Well it matters what you classify as success. Record number of championships, titles, merchandise mover. Then yer Cena is a success in that regard. As in successs of being the face of the company, i think is where he and the wwe has failed. The face of a company really needs to have 100% (or somewhere close to it) of the audience to be behind him. Cena never really had that.

He's definitely a great wwe superstar, but he's not in the same league as Hogan who created a revolution in the business, or Austin & The Rock who helped revitalize the business. Since Cena has been the face of the company the ratings/stock value has slowly gone down year by year.

Now before everyone starts hurling their abuse at me, i am judging Cena solely on what his role in the company is, which is the face of the company. As a WWE Superstar, he can produce some great matches (with certain opponents) and is a top merch seller. But is he the success that i think Vince McMahon was envisioning when he decided to make him the face of the company, i dont think so.
I dislike John Cena aside from his work ethic and contribution to promoting the WWE, Make-A-Wish etc.

In the ring he's nothing but stale, and he's extremely limited in every department. Frustrating and boring, bordering on pathetic these days. We've had eight years of the same crap, and the only reason it's still fed to us is because a) it suits the PG era, b) kids still eat it up and c) WWE play off the "one of the most controversial superstars" crap.

Is he a success? A massive one. The guy has sat on top of the company for close to a decade now, pretty much untouched. But is this because of how good he is, the lack of other top talent around him, or the WWE wanting to appeal to the younger demographic? I'd say a mix of the latter two.

The guy is tailor made for the PG Era, and has simply ran with the opportunity given to him. Credit to him for that. But will he be remembered as one of the all time greats? When guys are cutting promos two decades from now will they say "Up there with the greats like Austin, Rock, Hogan, Undertaker, Flair" etc will the mention John Cena? I'm not so sure, despite his serious length of time at the top.

Success. Yes. Even the most Anti-Cena would admit that. Legend? Doesn't belong in the same sentence as the real legends.
John Cena one of the all time greats, the face of the company and and an absolute success! also my favorite *if you don't mind me saying* I think he has really done an awesome job of carrying the company. The star is a 12 time WWE champion and 2 time world champion, I have nothing good stuff to say about him. All I can say is: I hope he has another 5 years on top!
Well it matters what you classify as success. Record number of championships, titles, merchandise mover. Then yer Cena is a success in that regard. As in successs of being the face of the company, i think is where he and the wwe has failed. The face of a company really needs to have 100% (or somewhere close to it) of the audience to be behind him. Cena never really had that.

He's definitely a great wwe superstar, but he's not in the same league as Hogan who created a revolution in the business, or Austin & The Rock who helped revitalize the business. Since Cena has been the face of the company the ratings/stock value has slowly gone down year by year.

Now before everyone starts hurling their abuse at me, i am judging Cena solely on what his role in the company is, which is the face of the company. As a WWE Superstar, he can produce some great matches (with certain opponents) and is a top merch seller. But is he the success that i think Vince McMahon was envisioning when he decided to make him the face of the company, i dont think so.
OMG and the Cena hating has begun....dude come on Cena is a 100% success at everything he has done in the wwe

The rock and Austin were blessed to have been at the top of the WWF when wrestling was really popular....those crowds would have been there regardless because of the direction the business was going. Fans come and go depending on the overall popularity of wrestling. Wrestling is not popular right now and that has almost nothing to do with Cena.

Stop hating on the man...I dont like him either but what you just said was simply dumb
What he said was simply his opinion. We have all got them and no ones better than the other. Thats why the question and poll was presented. If there were only one answer there'd be no need for a discussion. Its great that most of you feel Cena is 100% successful at all he's done but not everyone sees things the same way. Like I said he's definitely got his pros but he's also got cons that counter the pros on some peoples perception of what success is
Ah look at you all with your business heads on, unless you are shareholders you seem to have forgotten his purpose is to entertain you.
Seeing as I don't give a crap about how much money he makes and the belts are props, I'll judge him simply on whether he's entertained me personally and fulfilled his role. In that sense he is the epitome of a failure and the biggest problem in the WWE today.

Despite everything the WWE has done, here is a face who is, at least by a loud section of people, probably the most disliked performer in the business today. When has that ever happened before? Failure

Not only does his time at the top get in the way or more talented performers, just his association is enough to kill another moneymaker (hello Ryder) but he is also The Heel Killer, as you could take the biggest villain in the WWE and he'd still get cheered over Cena. Failure

He's the face of the business and as such, is a large part of why the WWE crowd rebel by chanting things like "Husky Harris". Failure

On a personal level I actively dislike like him. Sitting through his dull as fuck promos has become tortuous, his ring work is extremely overrated to the point where it damages the people he works with and his character is stale.Failure

He has ruined the buisness with his friverlous promos and crap workrate. The past ten years he has made a mockery of wrestling, Orton should be king.
OMG and the Cena hating has begun....dude come on Cena is a 100% success at everything he has done in the wwe

The rock and Austin were blessed to have been at the top of the WWF when wrestling was really popular....those crowds would have been there regardless because of the direction the business was going. Fans come and go depending on the overall popularity of wrestling. Wrestling is not popular right now and that has almost nothing to do with Cena.

Stop hating on the man...I dont like him either but what you just said was simply dumb

How is it dumb?I am judging him based on what his role in the company is. His role is the face of the company. That involves having at least 90% of the WWE Universe behind you. He has had this role for nearly a decade. Did you hear any of the bullshit 50/50 type responses Cena gets for Hogan when he was at his peak? Did you hear for Austin? For Rock? No, you didnt. So as a face of the company he is a failure.

Im sorry but the dumbness comes when you think Rock & Austin could be interchangeable with basically any talent at that time because of the direction they were going in. Hogan, Austin, Rock. These are megastars of the business that made big impacts on Pro Wrestling. I am yet to see Cena's impact besides creating a decline in Pro Wrestling as the face of WWE.
There is no-one who can say that John Cena is anything but a success.

True, and yet at the time of this writing, six people in this poll have said exactly that. If you can agree that Cena has been a failure, I guess it becomes easy to understand the thousands of people booing him every time he shows his face in the arena. They're "bored" with him. He "does the same things every time." He "can't" wrestle. And so on & so on.....

If that's how you feel about Cena.....that's your privilege. It reminds me of something I read about a poll taken in the mid-70's in which people were asked to vote for their most loved.....and most hated.....sportscaster. To everyone's surprise, Howard Cosell won both polls. As it was reported, Cosell loved it because it proved that.....positive or negative....he inspired a reaction in everyone who participated.....and that's the key to success as a celebrity.

Apparently, we can apply that to John Cena, as well. People take the trouble to love him and/or hate him, but you're taking notice of what he does.....and when he stands at ring center, embracing those who boo him, he probably exalts in it the same way Howard Cosell did.

In all, what he's accomplished is beautiful in it's simplicity. Look at all the wrestlers who have gained fame using names other than their own: Hulk Hogan, the Rock, Steve Austin. In addition, all of them have descriptive, heroic names attached: The Hulkster, The Brahma Bull, Stone Cold. All colorful names designed to enhance the appeal of the performer.

Then, consider John Cena. The name we know him by is his real name. He isn't called anything else; no nicknames. His ring persona is his own.....he needs no other. Just as the immortal Bruno Sammartino went only by his own name, so does John Cena, but even Bruno had a few nicknames ("The Strongman from Abruzzi"). Cena doesn't even have that; he doesn't need it.

The state of the superstar? I'd rather watch John Cena talk than see other people wrestle. When he's in the ring with 15 other people, I find my eyes drawn to him. I don't set out to see things that way; it just seems to happen because he's a once-in-a-generation pro wrestler who's the undisputed #1 man in WWE.....whether you love him or hate him.
How is it dumb?I am judging him based on what his role in the company is. His role is the face of the company. That involves having at least 90% of the WWE Universe behind you. He has had this role for nearly a decade. Did you hear any of the bullshit 50/50 type responses Cena gets for Hogan when he was at his peak? Did you hear for Austin? For Rock? No, you didnt. So as a face of the company he is a failure.

Im sorry but the dumbness comes when you think Rock & Austin could be interchangeable with basically any talent at that time because of the direction they were going in. Hogan, Austin, Rock. These are megastars of the business that made big impacts on Pro Wrestling. I am yet to see Cena's impact besides creating a decline in Pro Wrestling as the face of WWE.
No Dumbness is saying Cena isnt successful because he isnt on Rock, Austin or Hogan's level....Rock and Austin was blessed with being a part of the attitude era...look at all the help they had from the rest of the roster...HELL WM17 which was arguably there biggest match on the greatest ppv ever was overshadowed by a TLC match because the roster was so stacked. Austin was put over by a young HBK and Bret Hart, got to fued with a young Undertaker, Mankind, Kane, Rock, when they were at their best...Cena hasnt had nearly as much help carrying the product and the Top guys he did face were in the later parts of their careers...Austn and Rock were surrounded by Hall of Famers in their prime. Cena has nobody to work with..... Yes they had huge reactions but other people had huge impacts on ticket sales....Mid card guys like The New Age Outlaws were getting just as big of pops as Rock and Austin...Dont act like the WWF was suffering and Austin and Rock saved it because that is BS....WCW turning into complete crap also had alot to do with the success of Rock and Austin. Cena has carried the company longer than Austin and Rock. Crowd reactions has nothing to do with Cena's success because if he was gone most of the crowd wouldn't even be there

If Cena isnt sucessful than neither is any other wrestler on this planet...Cena is not only the face of the WWE but he is the face of pro wrestling as a whole

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