The song that got you into...Metallica


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I got the idea to do this at work last night while I was listeningto this very song on my ipod and i figured I would make it a thread series doing a different band every week. Now that that's out of the way lets get down to business.

Wherever I may Roam (I'll usually embed the song but in this case embedding was disabled)

I can remember exactly how old I was, where I was and what I was doing when I heard this song.

I was 8 years old and I was at my grandparents house for the weekend. I slept in the room with the computer in it so I was browsing through Napster at 2 am and after searching for rock music i clicked on this one and I loved it. For an 8 year old who had never really listened to this kind of musc before it was something new and actually opened my eyes to this whole genre and to this day Metallica is one of my favorite bands and this is one of my favorite songs.

I'll be back next Monday with a new band
I had already heard some of Metallica's more famous songs like "Enter Sandman" and some others off the Black Album, but there was one track I heard that made me stop in my tracks as soon as I heard it.

I was chilling in the living room at home, reading a magazine and half listening to Kerrang! TV, when I heard the opening riff for I Disappear , the Metallica song used on Mission Impossible 2. Then the lyric "Hey...Hey...Heyyyy!" I thought it was awesome, an actually managed to get a copy of it on import single from HMV :)

After that, I tried to listen to as much Metallica as possible and while I have discovered better tracks than "I Disappear" by the band, (For Whom The Bell Tolls, Seek And Destroy etc), it is still one of my favourite Metallica songs to this day. In fact, I listened to it over the weekend.

Great idea for a series of threads man
I wasn't much into rock before I heard "Unforgiven II" on the radio, and that sucked me in. Maybe that's why I'm not as hard on the Load and ReLoad albums as other Metallica fans. I do like the albums from "Kill 'Em All" to "Justice For All" the best, but I love almost all of their music. "St Anger" was the only one that didn't do much for me.
St. Anger did it for me, I was checking out stuff on youtube and typed in greatest metal song's ever and St. Anger came up so I checked it out and liked it straightaway so that's the song that got me into Metallica.
First Metallica song I heard? I Disappear.
I must thank Mission Impossible 2 for that. Being 16, there were loads of Metallica songs out there already, but when watching that film, hearing that song, I got right into it.

I found out what the song was called, listened to it completely, gave a few of there other songs a listen and became a fan there & then. Saw them a Sonisphere & they were fucking amazing.
It was actually "Sad But True" for me. I'm ashamed to say this, but back when I was just a little freshy in high school, I had heard that one of my favorite songs, "American Badass," was a cover of a Metallica song. Came across "Sad But True"...and the rest is history.

Well the first song of theirs I heard was probably Enter Sandman (or one one of their other hits One, NEM etc) and while I enjoyed the song I couldn't say it got me hooked, it made me into a casual fan who enjoyed their songs that I heard on radio but never delved deeper into their back catalogue.

Then one day I heard a Metallica song that I had never heard before, Master Of Pupppets. That was the song that really got me into them. After hearing that I finally decided to go to Youtube and look up some of their less well known songs (Creeping Death, Blackened, Battery I could go on for hours) which I absolutely loved, and I have been a huge fan ever since. That song is just an absolute masterpiece of Thrash Metal, everything about it is awesome.

On a somewhat related note, I cant wait for the Big Four Live in Sofia DVD to come out, that is gonna be awesome.
On a somewhat related note, I cant wait for the Big Four Live in Sofia DVD to come out, that is gonna be awesome.

That DVD is gonna be however many hours of total orgasm for me.
I watched the Big Four doing Am I Evil? and it's fucking amazing, if you've not heard it, here;

Metallica made me a fan of the rock genre of music. I had heard and enjoyed Enter Sandman but that was about it for just one song. Until 5 years ago, when my friend made me listen to The Unforgiven and that's when my ears were opened up to a whole new world of music. Now, I've enjoyed a lot of Metallica's work from old like Fade to Black to new like The Day That Never Comes.
Honestly my first song from Metalica was nothing else matters I believe, off of the black album. My cousins were allways big metal heads. One day we were in the car and he had The black album playing and we were jamming out lol. I was just a little kid back then I thought it was awsome.
Well going down the road were comming up to the end and My friend of misery starts playing. I was blown away, lars is actually the reason why I started playing drums along with my cousin jeff. I loved the simplicity of the drums, back then it seemed like he was playing an impossible amount of drums. But now I find my self playing slow deep drumming like this all the time.
To be hones lars is why I drum, not the way I drum though. I like to play like him. Keep it hard and slow lol, but I like to play double bass heavier songs now.

But it isn't my favorite metalica song, my fave is Wiskey in the jar. I fucking love that song when I'm drinking, whenever I'm in the car and it comes on the radio... or I play it lmfao i crank it up as loud as I can. Its a fucking anthem about having fun and thats what I love to do.
Well I always heard Metallica, but I didn't care actually, it didn't hook me. Until I heard "Nothing Else Matters". Not the studio version but the symphonic one. I couldn't believe my ears! It was so impressive, I mean I couldn't understand how this song started so slow, so beatiful and then it became so powerful!!!! I liked so much that version that I just don't listen anymore the studio version. :)
I sure it was off the Black Album, probably "Enter Sandman". I know for a lot of Metallica fans that's like blasphemy or something, whatever awesome album. After that I'm pretty sure I didn't really listen to anything from them until St. Anger came out which I didn't find horrible like other people, just annoying. I started listening to their older stuff after my friend bought "Kill Em' All" which I thought was amazing and that finally leads to the present: Death Magnetic, which imo was awesome.
Mine was "One". I first heard it covered by Korn. So I looked around and found the original by Metallica. Then I heard the rest of the album. It was S&M. And heard the rest. Great stuff that concert.
Master of Puppets, bootleg video, 1989. I was 6 years old. I remember my cousins friend bringing it over and I was hooked, I was running around the living room with a fly swatter pretending it was a guitar. Metallica became my life after that, that is until I heard Cemetery Gates for the first time and discovered Pantera. Those two bands are huge influences on me
I guess the whole Black Album got me into them. A friend with similar tastes said one day 'here, if you like them, check out 'Tallica' and i was hooked from there.

Couldn't bare to sit there and listen to that album now though. I'd skip the majority of it for certain. Just heard it SOOOOOOOO many times, i just don't want to hear it anymore.

Plus i am so fuckin sick of every damn local rock band playing 'Enter Sandman' at bars etc. THEY'VE GOT 12 ALBUMS, WHY DOES EVERYONE COVER THE SAME DAMN SONG? It's like with Pantera. They did have better songs than 'Walk', but apparently if you decide to cover Pantera, it's mandatory to cover 'Walk'.
My first memory of Metallica was back in 1995 when we were at recess at school and a classmate brought out a stereo yelling "Hey, come listen to Metallica!" and a large group of us ran over, he played The Black Album. Although if we are going by specific songs instead of experiences, it was probably "Enter Sandman". One of the first songs I heard of theirs, and then I had an old roommate who is a huge Metallica fanboy who introduced me to their older stuff, Ride the Lightning is my favorite cd of their's.... but it goes back to "Enter Sandman" or I wouldn't like them as much. It was the song that got me into them because I wanted to hear all of their other songs after hearing that the first time.
The first song I ever heard from them was Master of Puppets, and I was instantly hooked. I was about 8, and I was at my Cousin's place. He was really into Metallica, Marilyn Manson, and other artists in the hard rock/heavy metal genre. He was on his computer and went to Metallica's website, and a flash movie popped up with red lightning, and bunch of white crosses, black font, and Master of Puppets playing. I stared at the screen in shock and awe. It was about the coolest thing I've ever seen. Metallica had been my favorite band ever since. I couldn't live without Metallica and Pantera.
Ahhh, Metallica.... my absolute favorite band. I grew in the 80's so hair bands ruled the world and my cassette player. Dont get me wrong, I still love hair bands, but something changed for me the first time I heard Metallica's "One". I was watching Dial MTV (the original version of TRL- is TRL even around anymore?) and became angry when GNR's "Paradise City" was at #2. I continued to watch the #1 video and was complaining about how bad the song was and how ugly these Metallica dudes were. So goes the life of a 10 year old girl who loves Axl Rose.

As much as I complained, "One" was stuck in my head all day. So much so that I talked my mom into buying me the ...And Justice For All album the next day. I gave that thing one listen and my musical taste was changed forever.
I've got to go with Killjoy and RVDgurl. For me it was "One" from the And Justice for All album.

I love Metallica now, but didn't really get them until the summer going into my freshman year of high school.

I remember walking into the weight room at summer workouts for football and the seniors were just blasting "One." It was definitely a cool scene. Like something out of the movie, The Program.

I would give a close 2nd place to "Until it Sleeps." Although "One" got me into Metallica, "Until it Sleeps" kept me going. The Load Album is just plain awesome.
Mine was One back in the late 80's pure METAL \m/
This band was my escape from all the hair cock rock of the 80's. So glad they came around when they did.
My one's a bit different, I actually got into them from "The Call Of Ktulu" off of their Ride The Lightning album.

So when I was just starting to get into guitar, my teacher actually recommended me to look into some Metallica, and he suggested this as one of their best songs, and his favourite song, and he basically got me hooked on them. :D The intro was haunting, and when the distortion guitar came in I was just rocking out, it's a great song, and still one of my favourites today.
The song that caught me was Enter Sandman. I was eight and just grabbing cds of the shelf. This came on, and metalica has been with me since
Wow... so many people started listening to them when the Black album came out. So I guess saying that my first introduction to Metallica was the classic "For Whom The Bell Tolls" (back when Ride The Lightning had just been released.. on vinyl) would probably make me sound old. By the time the Black album had come out, I'd seen the band live three times, met them once (a moment I keep treasured only because I had the chance to very briefly meet the late Cliff Burton) and owned all their albums, EPs and numerous bootlegs.

And then one night where Lars said on live radio that he didn't give a shit about their hardcore fans changed it all.
My best friend is one of the biggest Metallica fans I've ever met. Metallica was his band of choice all throughout middle school and high school. Me on the other hand, not so much, I was never really much of a Metallica fan nor was I much of a rock fan in general back in the day.

Well, all this changes for me on one faithful day back in seventh grade. I had received a mixed cd for my birthday, from a friend of a friend who had tagged along to my birthday party. Now this guy didn't really know anything about my musical taste, and probably just grabbed the first random mixtape he could find on the way out the door.

The cd had all kinds of shit on it, from Tom Green penis songs, to a James Bond Remix; but one song really stood out and quickly became one of my favorites all time songs, the only problem was I didn't know what the song was or who was singing it. Until I had brought it over to my friends house and we listened to it on his playstation, the song came on and he said "I didn't know you liked Metallica" I told him I don't like Metallica. After a pointless back and fourth argument he busts out his Metallica CD puts it in and BAM, it's the same song I've been rocking out to for weeks. Our argument ended with me conceding that I am in fact a Metallica fan, and I have been ever since that day.

The song in question, well here it is.

Unforgiven II, the song that got me into Metallica.

Merry Christmas Milenko.

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