The Shield now has too much to do split


Championship Contender
I was incredibly happy when watching Raw to see that despite the recent signs of tension in the group none were present last nights and lots of feud could be booked with the Shield which gives them a lot of time left. I will run through a few feud/matches I think should happen now

1. CM Punk - The Shield debuted as hired help for CM Punk and this was the first time in a year that they had crossed paths as rivals and when you add Bryan in you have the top 5 current stars in producing consistently high quality matches and I think they need a few more matches before splitting

2. Teaming with The Wyatt's vs Punk, Bryan, Uso's, Cody and Goldust - It was clear to me on Raw that they are setting up a 6 vs 6 SS match at the PPV and I think this will be great to see as the Shield have great chemistry with all 6 opponents I just fear a little that the Wyatts will ruin it but I think it will provide a great match

3. The Wyatt Family - In the first ever meeting of the 2 we got a brawl which means this is gonna go down but with them joining to fight a common enemy I think they have to get the SS match out of the way but I see this going down a TLC and I think WWE has a difficult booking decision on their hands when they decide who wins it. I think it will be a very good feud but I still have lots of questions over whether the Wyatts will be a good 6 man tag team as there is no balance to the team with 3 powerhouses.

4. Orton - I don't know how they would book this but The Shield showed on Raw that they don't care about Orton and I think Orton will want revenge. I am not sure how this goes down but I see a few more matches against Orton this year

I think this can easily take them to Royal Rumble before a split but I still would like to see more of the Shield because they put on so many great matches together that I think WWE TV will be a lot worse without them together on it
By the time The Shield have broken up I will have seen more than enough from them. WWE should do things right and have them go their seperate ways immediately after they've had a triple-threat match at Mania.

But first there are options to be explored with them as a face faction, possibly with Dean Ambrose being at odds with his new good guy persona, where they feud with some of the heels in WWE.
I don't think the Shield can go face. Nothing about any of them says babyface to me. Reigns is a powerhouse who throws people around and talks trash while doing so, WWE proved with Sheamus that they cant do an intense powerhouse as a face. Rollins could go face but he works very well as a heel and his persona fits heel perfectly. Ambrose is just a career heel if he ever turns face I will be surprised as it just doesn't fit his character
I don't think split was ever going to be this soon. The best way to do it would be a gradual process and probably have them go their separate ways after WM. There are still plenty of matches they can have and they are part of the most important storyline in the company - it would be ridiculous to split the three now.

What they do in the upcoming months (and Wrestlemania) is interesting. A triple threat match at WM30 is a possibility and would be a great way to finish of this stable. Even if it was for the US title, it would allow one to stay at a mid-card level and be stable while the other two would get pushes into the main-event as singles stars.

As for them as faces; I think it is too soon to say whether or not they could make the transition. Ambrose is the best on the mic and that would certainly help him; Rollins' moveset is a good start and Reigns is a powerhouse that people are entertained by. They all have some potential to work as a face but I would probably suggest that either Rollins or Reigns turns initially.
I don't think the Shield can go face. Nothing about any of them says babyface to me. Reigns is a powerhouse who throws people around and talks trash while doing so, WWE proved with Sheamus that they cant do an intense powerhouse as a face. Rollins could go face but he works very well as a heel and his persona fits heel perfectly. Ambrose is just a career heel if he ever turns face I will be surprised as it just doesn't fit his character

No, the WWE proved with Sheamus that you can't have a happy go lucky intense powerhouse who smiles at everyone and says "Hey Fella" as his tagline. I think the character template for Reigns is a guy like Kevin Nash, personally.
Nothing about any of them says babyface to me.

Except that last night, who did you find yourself rooting for when Shield faced off against the Wyatts? I found myself focusing on Seth Rollins, hoping he was about to mix it up with the swamp rats, which he did. That nothing was resolved by their brief skirmish shows that WWE isn't about the tip their hand too quickly. The confrontation was more of a sideshow than an indication of new direction, which keeps us guessing.

When folks on this forum say that nothing WWE does is new....that everything is predictable and stale.....I offer last night's events. Sure, there will still be those of you who claim to "know" exactly where it's all heading (hindsight having 20/20 vision), but I'll admit I sure haven't got it figured.

Roman Reigns has shown recent signs of turning good? Well, we didn't see evidence of that last night, did we? Yet, maybe he is, and when Shield surprisingly.....and haltingly....squared off against the Wyatts, they did it as a unit, as they've been all along.

The Shield has too much to do to split? It could be. In some ways, they seem to have not evolved at all; they're still a vigilante group meting out their brand of of justice. In other ways, they've expanded their original function and serve as a group with other goals and directions, not all strictly involving only themselves.

I can't say enough good things about how Shield has been handled by the writers.

3. The Wyatt Family - In the first ever meeting of the 2 we got a brawl which means this is gonna go down but with them joining to fight a common enemy I think they have to get the SS match out of the way but I see this going down a TLC and I think WWE has a difficult booking decision on their hands when they decide who wins it. I think it will be a very good feud but I still have lots of questions over whether the Wyatts will be a good 6 man tag team as there is no balance to the team with 3 powerhouses.

This is an easy decision. If this match happens at TLC, then the Wyatts win. Why? Because despite what happened on Raw last night, The Shield's time as a unit is very limited.

Don't let one episode of Monday Night Raw distract you from the big picture. The WWE has invested far too much in these guys over the past year to rush their breakup without a big payoff. This will be a slow build that I see evolving over Wrestle Mania season. Some weeks, you're going to notice they aren't on the same page. Perhaps a miscommunication leads to a loss - perhaps that's how you'd book a potential match with the Wyatts at TLC. Other weeks, they're going to look like a dominant force. But whatever happens from a week-to-week basis, this faction is coming to an end - likely at Wrestle Mania 30 in the form of a Roman Reigns face turn.

The booking of this is quite simple. Ambrose, the sole champion in the group, tries to take on the leadership role. He bosses Reigns around for a few months. Then, when the trio loses at Wrestle Mania 30 (possibly to the Wyatt's), Ambrose blames Reigns for the defeat. At that point, Reigns has had enough and he takes out Ambrose, turning face in the process.

Despite what some have said about Reigns potential as a main event face, I think it's all but a given that this guy will be successful in that role. He has the look, move-set and intensity that screams main-event fan-favorite superstar. Perhaps I'm going too far with this but - after recent reports that the WWE wants to go back to "big guys" in the main event - I wouldn't be surprised to see Roman Reigns as the WWE Champion in the next 6-8 months.

Comparing him to Sheamus, by the way, is silly. Sheamus lost all his intensity when he turned face and replaced it with failed attempts at humor. Sheamus isn't an ass-kicker, which is a necessary trait for monster faces to get over. So long as Reigns doesn't lose his intensity and continues to be booked as an ass-kicker during his face run, he'll be one of the most over stars on the roster by June.
I really really really hope you're right. All of the matches you listed sound awesome, top-to-bottom: from the way the storylines could progress, to the promos to be had [Ambrose and Wyatt especially could be awesome...], to the actual wrestling. I want to see all of these.

The split of the Shield is also going to be great. But why rush it? Yeah, it's a Wrestlemania-level match, but in my opinion, so is The Shield vs The Wyatts if it's booked correctly. Creative should milk all they can out of this group before splitting them up in awesome, career-skyrocketing fashion. Wrestlemania is still pretty far away, so if it ends up being the appropriate time to split them up, so be it. But I don't want them to split up prematurely just because the match seems like it fits the bill.

And frankly I'm surprised that people want to see the group split up sooner than later. In the current climate where tag teams of random singles-competitors team up to win tag titles for a month, and where storylines progress at such a rapid-fire pace, it's refreshing to see a group last as long and evolve as much as the Shield has.
I think they're on the right path, based on how I want to see them booked.

I wanted them to end up feuding with the Wyatts which, based on last night, looks like it could happen after Survivor Series. You get the six on six match at Survivor Series, have the Wyatts turn on the Shield and leave them for dead and the faces pick up the win. The next night on Raw, Orton and the Authority also turn on the Shield, replacing them with the Wyatts.

That leaves the Shield alone, pissed off and with the crowd behind them. I really want to see that situation. With the Big Show or Bryan or Punk or whoever, the Shield go on the war path, trying to take down the authority and the Wyatts. Sure, the Shield will lose that feud in the long term since they're closer to disbanding than the Wyatts, but it'd still be an exciting angle. Plus, we get to see who can really work as a face.

The Shield are in that great heel position where, while they're feared and disliked, I think they're highly respected by the WWE universe, due to their great matches, impressive win ratio, and the fact that they're not completely cowardly like most heels. So I think if they were turned on by the Authority, you wouldn't have much trouble getting people to cheer for them. As Sally said, you wanted the Shield to beat the hell out of the Wyatts last night. That's a good sign.
What transpired last night was setting us up for a traditional, two 5 man or 6 man team, match at Survivor Series. It'll probably be like the Shield, and The Wyatts against CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and 4 others. I don't think the Shield is splitting up soon, nor are they going face or feuding with the Wyatts. It was just part of the story. They are both ruthless and will fight anyone and then they realized they have common enemies in Punk and Bryan.
In my opinion The Shield have the potential to be as big as DX or the NWO - so if it was me I would keep them together for a long time Actually I'd have them holding all the titles US,IC and hopefully a unified WWE title at sometime - do an NWO thing where one lays down for the other to pass the title around.get some real heat. The Shield have got to that point now where even thou they are heels we love em like the NWO like DX
I don't see The Shield turning face or breaking up time soon, well.. Not until the Royal Rumble at least.
I don't see them feuding with the Wyatt's either as both teams are massive heels so who would you cheer for? Unless your in a different country like England where they are more likely to cheer for the heels and internet darlings.

I still don't know what everyone sees in Roman Reigns? Yes he has the typical WWE look and he's a power house etc etc but that's about it! I haven't seen him speak more than 3 words in all the Shield promos. Until I see him say more than "believe in the shield!!" I'm not sold.

The only face I can see coming out of the Shield is Seth Rollins. The guys move set is all exciting,high-flying stuff that's made for a face. He was a great face in NXT so I know it would go well.

Ideally I'd love to see a triple threat at mania and hopefully for the U.S title. Something as simple as eliminating each other at the Royal Rumble would easily set up the Mania match.
In my small humble opinion, I think it would be a big big loss for the WWE to split up the shield. Because of them, I now watch Raw regularly, I don't want to miss a moment. They have such good chemistry. I think they need to milk this cash cow for a while longer.
With the crowd going absolutely nuts the other night on Raw during the brief standoff between The Wyatt Family & The Shield, it has me thinking that MAYBE a face turn for The Shield is POSSIBLE. I'm not saying that it will happen, but it's now something that I believe is no longer the Hail Mary longshot it would have been a few months back. It also looks as though WWE MIGHT have put plans for them to break up on the backburner for now. Aside from the brief display of tension that was shown a few weeks back, with Ambrose making an off handed comment that earned him disapproving glares from Rollins & Reigns, nothing else has happened.

When you look at the possible developments we saw a hint of on Raw, then there's genuinely some more real possibilities for The Shield as a group. IF, IF, IF WWE decided to ultimately keep Bryan & Punk as a tag team for a while, The Shield would be ideal opponents along with The Wyatt Family. As for The Family itself, they're a trio of backwoods rednecks that genuinely give off a creepy vibe, so I can honestly see The Shield being a group that fans would cheer for if they went against them.

The Shield are a trio of pretty charismatic guys who all offer something genuinely different. Ambrose seems like he's the most overall in tune & charismatic guy on the mic, Rollins also is pretty good on the mic & has a fast paced athletic style and Reign has also done well in the limited time he's had on the mic while having a great physical presence. In all honesty, it's not really all that often a faction comes together in which every member brings something different to the table.
I would really like to see The Shield as a face team one day, but I can't see Ambrose pulling it off at all. Rollins and especially Reigns can pull off being face though. Reigns really reminds me of an improved Batista-type big man. If there was to be a Shield/Wyatt family rivalry, I would use Austin/Rock from around Wrestlemania X7 as the template for building that.
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope The Shield split waits until at LEAST WrestleMania.

WWE has been talking all about this SS being the 1 year anniversary of The Shield and for their split to then come only a year and a couple months after it would be a damn shame because of all that the WWE did to make The Shield look so good in one year. I really don't want to see a COMPLETE Shield collapse even if there is one guy who turns.

In my opinion "The Shield" needs to stay as a faction like "DX" stayed for years or "The Brood" who stayed as "The Brood" but had some changes in personnel.

If The Shield have to break up then I would like to see it at WrestleMania with Seth Rollins turning face (he's the most obvious one to make a good face turn as he was a face since he started in NXT) and Ambrose and Reigns staying heels and with The Shield and then recruiting a new member. There are so many guys who could really use the bump that being part of "The Shield" could give them and plenty of time between now and WM to build a few heels who could join The Shield after WM.
By the time The Shield have broken up I will have seen more than enough from them. WWE should do things right and have them go their seperate ways immediately after they've had a triple-threat match at Mania.

But first there are options to be explored with them as a face faction, possibly with Dean Ambrose being at odds with his new good guy persona, where they feud with some of the heels in WWE.

I'm really split on this one. On one side, I really don't want the group to get really huge exposure and just get boring and stale, which will just ruin their momentum and stuff. This means that they will eventually have to split up, and, being a really big group as it is, the best way to do that is a triple threat match at Wrestlemania.
On the other hand, the group still has a lot of feuds to deal with, as OP mentioned, which I would like to see developing other the next months. Essentially, this means that they will have to drag out their cohesiveness for beyond WM, since there won't be enough time to complete all these feuds. This leaves the question hanging "do we really want the Shield to survive until WM31?". It might get stale until then. The ideal booking would be if it was still July, and we could have 2 months with Orton, 2 months with Punk and Bryan and then a program with either the Wyatts leading up to WM, or a program with the Wyatts, which ends before WM, but instead creates heat between the members of the Shield, leading up to the aforementioned triple thread match AT WM.

I'm really enjoying this faction as it is right now, I don't know at which point I might get tired of watching them, but as of now, I really like them and the booking they receive is good. Eventually they will have to split up, but then I guess we will miss a good part of Raw and PPVs, since they put up great matches and create chaos and excitement. In a way, splitting up the Shield might be like Taker getting his streak broken; we miss out on Raws and PPVs, just like we will lose out on WM.

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