The Shield Face turn needed


Pre-Show Stalwart
WWE seems to still be big on the shield despite all the stuff said on columns about wwe done with the shield, so now it seems like you gotta respect hhh or you get the shield, the shield is a good fit for this. but this cant happen forever. eventally the shield has to brake away, and when they do it very well could be a face, since the shield is such a great team. what happens if they turn on hhh. then hhh becomes powerless and the shield could get really over in the wwe. ive been to wwe events and the shield was getting major pops while they are dominate heels. just imagine the shield as a face/
so whats your thoughts on the shield turning face.
No the Sheild are doing just fine, the Sheild will probably always remain heel only individuals in the group might turn face eg. Dean Ambrose which will result on Rollins and Reigns turning on him. IMO the Sheild as a group will never be faces it just won't work.
Why does everyone clamour for a face turn every time a heel is entertaining.

Tna has approved with constant turns the characters just get confused.

Leave them heel as long as possible. The face turn gets a bigger pop then and makes the story more compelling.

The shield have not been around for long enough to be stale and warranting a turn
if this Corporation thing is an official stable..its basically 7 deep already if u count Steph and Vince..i think one member of the Shield gets cut away sooner than later..then eventually dissolving all together.
For it to work Rollins and Reigns need to lose the tag team belts,
That's key part to selling it..Dean and either Rollins or Reigns would blame the other for dropping the belts and turn on him..leave him lying in ring and later that night that guy would come back to go after the 2 that wronged him.
As I said in another post - I can see an angle that leads to the Shield getting tired of beating up Bryan and turning on HHH and starting an angle of independent guys trying to take on the establishment w/ Punk joining in and finally Heyman leading the wrestling guys vs HHH and the entertainers at Mania
Well, if you produced some link to these columns, it would be nice, but who else is asking? So to the point of the turning the Shield face, it's certainly an interesting idea to instigate where the spotlight has been shifted from them where they were dominating Monday Night Raw with clashes against Titans like the Undertaker and Kane, further away towards the power hierarchy of the McMahon's.

Currently, the timing isn't right to turn them face, due to the fact that HHH needs body guards not with just Wade Barrett by their side. When HHH told Shield 'to deliver justice' on Raw, this really emphasised his trust and this suggests that both entities are working towards the same goal, 'whats best for business'. I'm not saying HHH needs it, but he also isn't a wrestler anymore. He's an arrogant heel playing the selfish executive COO of the company. He doesn't need to get his hands dirty. Thats why the Shield are useful in this way.

Plus, if WWE did want to do this, i'd have them book it this way:
- Shield get fed up of HHH's constant needs and commands
- They decide to have their own independence and create anarchy
- They screw HHH at a PPV
- HHH takes the titles off them with other heels
- Then the Shield will have to fight heel's for control of their respective titles back
- Finally, have them face HHH and two other loyal, at Wrestlemania 30 in a 3v3 elimination tag.
The problem with breaking up The Shield is that right now all 3 look good so how can you break them up and still have all 3 look good. Whether or not they do break it up there's no reason for a face turn until WWE establishes a viable threat to all 3. Seth Rollins could be coerced into joining Wyatt Family, Roman Reigns can be a solid monster heel by himself and Dean Ambrose reminds me of Brian Pullman so much I don't want to see him as a face either. They shouldn't turn face until the END of this Triple H heel run/Corporation angle goes South.

They have so many possibilities being in the larger heel stable and champions, the only thing I think that does need to happen sooner than later is Ambrose losing the US Championship and making The Shield the tag team champions defended by ANY 2 of the 3 or defended by all 3 at once.
I think the Shield need to turn face as well, although my reasoning is different. Right now you have 3MB, The Wyatt Family and The Shield running around the WWE landscape and doing a good job of avoiding one another.
The only stables you have in the WWE are three person heel stables and out of those three The Shield is the only one that could be credible competition for the Wyatts. 3MB is at best a comedy act and I don't believe anyone would take them to be a threat to the Wyatts.
And sooner or later the Wyatts will have to go after gold, and who has the tag team titles? At the moment they are on a collision course and I can't wait to see how the members of both groups work with one another.
As far as Ambrose not being able to work as a face, if he can't work as either a face or a heel at any given time he should leave wrestling now. Personally I believe in his ability to work as either a good guy or a bad guy.
The problem with breaking up The Shield is that right now all 3 look good so how can you break them up and still have all 3 look good. Whether or not they do break it up there's no reason for a face turn until WWE establishes a viable threat to all 3. Seth Rollins could be coerced into joining Wyatt Family, Roman Reigns can be a solid monster heel by himself and Dean Ambrose reminds me of Brian Pullman so much I don't want to see him as a face either. They shouldn't turn face until the END of this Triple H heel run/Corporation angle goes South.

They have so many possibilities being in the larger heel stable and champions, the only thing I think that does need to happen sooner than later is Ambrose losing the US Championship and making The Shield the tag team champions defended by ANY 2 of the 3 or defended by all 3 at once.

i kinda like that idea at the end of what u posted.. Ambrose could lose the title and next night on Raw or whatever HHH can say dont worry kid, youre part of the Shield..the TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS..and for the rest of the angle or a couple months they could do 3 on 2 tag matches where the Shield would have the obvious upper hand each time having 3 wrestlers always competing, and then at the end u could have whatever face group is over most take the titles off the 3 members leading to the downfall.
WWE seems to still be big on the shield despite all the stuff said on columns about wwe done with the shield, so now it seems like you gotta respect hhh or you get the shield, the shield is a good fit for this. but this cant happen forever. eventally the shield has to brake away, and when they do it very well could be a face, since the shield is such a great team. what happens if they turn on hhh. then hhh becomes powerless and the shield could get really over in the wwe. ive been to wwe events and the shield was getting major pops while they are dominate heels. just imagine the shield as a face/
so whats your thoughts on the shield turning face.

Their still are big it's just getting kinda stale only think making them relevant is the Corparation which is still unofficial Hey I wanna turn heel if they turn face
The Shield is doing just fine right where they are. They are needed to provide for Daniel Bryan the biggest mountain he can climb, in order to properly get over and become one of the all-time greats (which is what I think they're trying to do with this angle).

The Shield has always seemed to me like this era's APA, where they're just paid to do anything, "good" or "bad". We don't need anything more than that.
Ambrose is a natural heel. Subtle things such as pulling away from fans touching them during entrance or that fantastic smirk of derision aimed at whoevers ass is going to get kicked. I could not see him helping other wrestlers or showing Cena-style respect. Rollins seems the obvious face turn he has the look. Reigns, eh I am not sure. Maybe a Ziggler type face but I would say he is excelling as the powerhouse of the shield.Probably see him more the cocky heel people love to hate but end up loving like The Rock.
Why does everyone clamour for a face turn every time a heel is entertaining.

Tna has approved with constant turns the characters just get confused.

Leave them heel as long as possible. The face turn gets a bigger pop then and makes the story more compelling.

The shield have not been around for long enough to be stale and warranting a turn


Ya the miz is very successful right now as face.
Del rio did a wonderful job when he was a face couple months ago
I think a face turn would do more harm than good at this time. They are a great heel group. They are young, brash and aggressive. Everything you want in a heel stable, and they mesh perfectly with this new corporate angle. I completely disagree that they have gone stale. Every time their music hits, you know a beat down is coming. People still look around, boo and get on edge. Leave them how they are.
Big C I disagree with you. Every week a beatdown by the shield, usually on the same people got stale. Them winning the tag team gold I believe gave them new life. Then as things started to go stale again, they become the muscle of the new corporation. So every time something starts to get old with the shield, they do something to make them fresh again and that's one of the reasons the shield has been able to last this long. I can see the Shield lasting for awhile longer as heels. I don't think they need to turn face for awhile. The tired of doing HHH's will is not a valid argument. I can only see them dropping a title as a reason to turn on each other (for example rollins getting pinned prompting reigns and ambrose to turn on him). I cant see the group as a whole turning face, maybe one member being kicked out and a new shield member coming in. but the three as individuals I think do a great job as heels. Reigns and Rollins I think can turn face and excel on it. Ambrose would be harder to sell as a face since hes so good at being a heel. Not saying he cant do it, but it would be harder to turn him face then the other two. I say no to turning the shield as a face stable.
I'm happy with The Shield as they are. They suit being heel and that is how they should remain. I'm not sure how working for HHH will work out, it could be detrimental if they become bodyguards. I do think, however, that they could benefit from the rub and it if they were to turn them face it would be an easy way to do so.

Personally, I think The Shield should remain heel until they split. That should happen just after WM30 and then the three will split and become individual stars. Ambrose and Reigns are definite heels and Rollins could be either.
Sometimes the dirtsheets get it right, sometimes they get it wrong. As far as turning them face right now, I don't think it should happen. They're doing far too good of a job as heels, especially now that they're aligned with the McMahons & Triple H as sort of their own "security"/thugs to enforce their will. When you consider how dominant The Shield have been in WWE since their debut late last year, then this current role is a perfect fit for them. After all, they've already taken out most of WWE's big names in various matches or beatdowns. Now that they're the thugs of the power structure, it only makes them all the more formidable and will make their downfall all the more satisfying.

It's possible that they could turn sometime before the year is out or not long after 2014 starts, depending on where they ultimately wanna go with the angle. If they want to try and make the angle as it is, with Trips & the McMahons unified, last until WM then I don't look for The Shield to turn face soon. If the idea is for the power structure to start falling apart before the year is up, with maybe The Shield getting reamed for losing the tag titles or for not helping Orton retain his title or something along those lines, then it could set up some sort of face turn. Maybe one of The Shield members winds up being the scapegoat for something and that member is forced out, thereby becoming a babyface and banning together with some of the other faces to take down the suits.
Sometimes the dirtsheets get it right, sometimes they get it wrong. As far as turning them face right now, I don't think it should happen. They're doing far too good of a job as heels, especially now that they're aligned with the McMahons & Triple H as sort of their own "security"/thugs to enforce their will. When you consider how dominant The Shield have been in WWE since their debut late last year, then this current role is a perfect fit for them. After all, they've already taken out most of WWE's big names in various matches or beatdowns. Now that they're the thugs of the power structure, it only makes them all the more formidable and will make their downfall all the more satisfying.

It's possible that they could turn sometime before the year is out or not long after 2014 starts, depending on where they ultimately wanna go with the angle. If they want to try and make the angle as it is, with Trips & the McMahons unified, last until WM then I don't look for The Shield to turn face soon. If the idea is for the power structure to start falling apart before the year is up, with maybe The Shield getting reamed for losing the tag titles or for not helping Orton retain his title or something along those lines, then it could set up some sort of face turn. Maybe one of The Shield members winds up being the scapegoat for something and that member is forced out, thereby becoming a babyface and banning together with some of the other faces to take down the suits.

thats exactly what i was thinking..i just have a feeling sooner than later because the Coorporation stable already has 7 people.

With that being said, I think Seth Rollins is best off going face. Reigns works perfectly as the heel monster muscle guy. And we all know, Ambrose works great as that sadistic heel type character.

also on a side note, the Raw camera kinda missed it, but did anyone see the way Seth Rollins sold Daniel Bryans knee finisher? i think we should def get more singles matches of Rollins/Ambrose vs Bryan during this fued.
Don't usually do this but had to register to reply to this. For some reason I see a face turn in the works for the entire Shield trio which will come about from HHH being a douch. Possibly picking on Ambrose for dropping the title or what not. Either way, their face turn can tie into their whole story line of fighting for injustice and be the turning tide of the fall of the HHH/McMahon strong hold.
The Shield are one of the best heel stables in years and are perfect in their current roles as Triple H and Co.'s personal security. Since Orton is the only full-time wrestler in Corporatin 2.0, The Shield provide some much needed muscle. There's absolutely no good reason to turn them face right now.

Triple H wouldn't lose power if Shield turned on him. He's the COO and either him or the McMahons could fire The Shield if they wanted to. Also, the reason Shield gets pops has nothing to do with their face potential but rather because cheering the heels has been the "coolest" thing for fans to do for years; other than wishing the bubonic plague upon John Cena, of course.
If the WWE ever turns them face, they should become the police force of the WWE, literally enforcing the idea of "justice". Like when someone is getting beat up/ganged on, whether face or heel, their music hits and they run in and tame the situation. But only obviously in dire/relevant situations, like a WWE SWAT team. They would also be security for contract signings, escorting the GM, etc. The WWE fans and the roster would have a love/hate relationship with them. In my opinion, with the right booking that idea would be solid and something fresh for The Shield.

You can that segue that into an eventual breakup, where one of the members turns rogue, slowly opposing the group's preservation of justice and taking beatings of faces/heels to the extreme, like using chairs/weapons when not necessary. I say make that member Roman Reigns, which leads to him breaking away from the group and attacking Rollins and Ambrose. Ambrose in the end needs to be a heel though. Either that or two members of the group rebel against the other member, leading to a turning, a breakup, a match, etc. etc. I think in the end, Rollins should be the only one who turns face, and a storyline like that would be perfect momentum for him to become an effective one (although I think he is a great heel and would probably be even better as a singles heel than a face).

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