Brad Maddox face turn?

I'll admit, this post is a bit rambly, I've been thinking about a lot to do with this whole maddox/shield/cena/sheamus/ryback/sometimes orton situation quite a bit recently so got a bit carried away when writing this lol. anyway, on to the topic...

I have a funny feeling that ol' Brad Maddox will have a short face turn over the next couple of months, in a way where he'll buddy up with a cena, sheamus or ryback to try and get them to protect him from the shield. I can see him coming for the save for one of the big guys but getting anhiliated and then using the sympathy vote to get him in with the good guys. he'll still play the cocky but weasely heel carachter but to it'll get phased out slowly, making the fans all the more unsuspecting when BAM! turns out he's been under heymans employ all along. I think it could lead to a way of Heyman, maddox, Lesnar and the Shield (and possibly Punk although im not sure how the Lesnar/Punk dynamic would work out) all coming together as a stable.

I honestly think the end game to all this is Shield and the Big name faces angle business is to link Lesnar with the Shield, I dont know if its all a bit too obvious but I've been betting on it since day one, why be linked to Heyman, call yourself the Shield and have Lesnar have a giant sword tattoo on his back AND tshirts without it being a link (The Sword and the Shield anyone?)? I think throwing maddox into the shield aswell could just be a useful way to bulk them out and give the up and comers a chance to be involved in big storylines. For instance, If the HHH v Lesnar II rumours are true then im pretty sure it wouldnt hurt the careers of reigns, ambrose, rollins and maddox (if he joined) to be involved in some angles and fights with HHH, and could help progress that storyline from just being a same old same old rematch formula that everyones expecting from their buildup.

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