The SD/NXT LD on 12/21 Certainly Went Through Some Major TLC!

They could've made it more interesting by having REAL fighters get in on the action instead of the rookies pussy footing around and bitch slapping each other. Let the kids develop some balls and have them fight some of the big boys, like Barrett, or Big Show, Cena, etc, or someone REAL, not just each other or their mentors... how are they going to learn anything just by fighting each other /teachers? gotta switch it up from time to time.
They could've made it more interesting by having REAL fighters get in on the action instead of the rookies pussy footing around and bitch slapping each other. Let the kids develop some balls and have them fight some of the big boys, like Barrett, or Big Show, Cena, etc, or someone REAL, not just each other or their mentors... how are they going to learn anything just by fighting each other /teachers? gotta switch it up from time to time.
yeah no. If Cena wrestled one of these guys, then the match has to last a total of 5 seconds, otherwise Cena looks like shit.

And Bateman is the man. That was hysterical.
So I'm missing something funny? I totally forgot to tune in.

Oh well, I'll catch it on youtube tomorrow instead.

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